

在 jeering產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Apple Daily - English Edition,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #Opinion by Leung Kai Chi 梁啟智|"Originally, there was not a consensus among the populace how to response to the revised electoral system. The various s...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5萬的網紅黃偉民易經講堂,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Wong Wai Man 國歌法在香港進行得如火如荼,但市民對《義勇軍進行曲》噓之如故,怎麼辦? 北京政權的愚蠢,在於,對外用金錢買尊重,對內用惡法凶百姓,然後洋洋自得。 那個政權不希望得到民眾的尊重和支持? 這是千古政治領袖,寢食難安的問題: 如何可使民眾,對你又忠又敬,互相勸勉,積極地在社會生...

jeering 在 Kenneth’s Team ✎ Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-10 17:02:11

/ June 26, 2018 Onlookers Arrested for Urging Suicide Attempter On . Summary: “Just jump already” and “You won’t die” were some of the last words a 19...

  • jeering 在 Apple Daily - English Edition Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-04-23 01:30:38
    有 6 人按讚

    #Opinion by Leung Kai Chi 梁啟智|"Originally, there was not a consensus among the populace how to response to the revised electoral system. The various solutions I have heard about so far include enduring all the disgrace and insults just in order to run for office, and putting election under a boycott as proposed by a lot of people. The difference between the two is whether you cast a blank or invalid vote, or abstain from voting. Some advocate running in election in a jeering manner by making “the Coriander Party” and ‘the Siu Mai(Cantonese steamed dumping with shrimp) Concern Group” bricks-and-mortar political groups that send candidates to stand in election to see what reasons the vetting committee will be able to come up with to disqualify them from taking part. However, it was not anticipated that the government adopted a high profile to dress down anyone who calls on others to cast a blank vote, which, to everyone’s surprise, unified what the populace thought in a short while. Everyone is now convinced that casting a blank vote is a solution worth considering. As far as incitement to casting blank vote made a criminal offence is concerned, I am afraid that the government is the first one culpable for it."

    Read more: https://bit.ly/3dFwQDx

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  • jeering 在 Howtindog's Channel Facebook 的最佳解答

    2015-10-16 20:19:01
    有 11 人按讚

    我一向都很欣賞Dale Allison的坦誠, 佢會更正自己之前寫過的嘢, 亦會對自己本來信奉的嘢提出疑問. 最近喺佢一篇文入面, 見到呢段文字, 是很真實的情況:

    Imagine with me a young graduate student in a department of religion. She becomes convinced, let us say, that Albert Schweitzer’s reconstruction of Jesus was close to the truth—or, as the case may be, not close to the truth—because a revered professor, whose arguments she has not the means to rebut, persuades her of this. Once her paradigm about Jesus is in place, a cognitive bias will also be in place. We all see what we expect to see and want to see—like highly prejudicial football fans who always spot more infractions committed by the team they are jeering against than by the team they are cheering for. If we hold a belief, we will notice confirming evidence, especially if we are aware that not everyone agrees with us. Disconfirming evidence, to the contrary, makes us uncomfortable, and so we are more likely to miss, neglect, or critically evaluate it. We do not see things as they are but as we construe them to be. After a period of time, then, one might anticipate that our graduate student will have collected her own evidence for her professor’s belief and become all the more persuaded of its correctness. As soon, moreover, as she communicates her views in public fashion, say by tutoring undergraduates or publishing a paper, she may be set for life—especially as one’s self-perception as an expert, the psychologists tell us, typically enlarges self-confidence. The prospect of embarrassment from publicly admitting error can make it hard to admit error to oneself, to undertake the difficult cognitive task of rearranging data into a new pattern after one has long been looking at an old pattern.


    In my own case, my picture of Jesus was developed long before I much worried about the details of method, and long before I went on record as espousing this or that view of the criteria of authenticity. Moreover, and as one would cynically expect, the method that I developed later led straight to a Jesus congenial to the judgments of my youth. This I find disturbing, and my history cannot be atypical. Surely no one started with method. The implication seems to be that developing and deploying our criteria serve less to help us make truly new discoveries than to help us to confirm inclinations already held in advance.

    ~Dale C. Allison, Jr., "How to Marginalize the Traditional Criteria of Authenticity," in Handbook for the Study of the Historical Jesus (eds. T. Holmen and S.E. Porter; Leiden: Brill, 2011) 3-30.

  • jeering 在 盧斯達 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2015-09-11 01:10:14
    有 10 人按讚

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  • jeering 在 黃偉民易經講堂 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2017-11-14 19:26:24

    Wong Wai Man





    2017年11月14日 星期二下午5pm

