[爆卦]Jalisco 中文是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Jalisco 中文鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Jalisco 中文這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 jalisco產品中有27篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過136萬的網紅關鍵時刻,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #我愛一條柴:他們跟我們都一樣 ! 都很暖心阿~~ QQ 【精選】 自閉童上課痛哭...唐氏同學暖抱拍背卸心防 影片來源:Jalisco oculto #自閉 #唐氏症 #暖心 #安撫...

 同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過22萬的網紅Anna Iriyama,也在其Youtube影片中提到,...

jalisco 在 女生攝影日常? Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-03 10:08:38

【@snapit.hk】被大自然包圍的小皇宮~🧡墨西哥異國風情度假酒店 · Cuixmala位於墨西哥太平洋岸哈利斯科州 (Jalisco) 的海岸線上,背靠著哈利斯科州的懸崖。🇲🇽由建築師Robert Courtier在1980年代設計和建造,原本是James Goldmsith爵士的私人度假别墅...

jalisco 在 國際內世鏡|Insight Into Issues Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-04-04 17:33:23

墨西哥再傳幫派攻擊事件,昨(26)日首都墨西哥市警察局長賈西亞(Omar Garcia Harfuch)座車遭槍手掃射,警察局長中彈受傷,而兩名隨扈人員及一名路人則不幸身亡。 - 事發時間約為凌晨6時30分,地點位於高級社區洛馬斯查波特培克(Lomas de Chapultepec),該社區有多國大...

  • jalisco 在 關鍵時刻 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-02-12 20:45:00
    有 93,740 人按讚

    #我愛一條柴:他們跟我們都一樣 ! 都很暖心阿~~ QQ
    【精選】 自閉童上課痛哭...唐氏同學暖抱拍背卸心防

    影片來源:Jalisco oculto
    #自閉 #唐氏症 #暖心 #安撫

  • jalisco 在 stu sis Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-11-28 16:20:47
    有 6 人按讚

    [184231] 51031. 和法蘭克叔叔上路Uncle Frank (2020)★★6.8/10 · ‎1,022 票__Alan Ball
    [184232] 51032. 阿比阿弟尋歌大冒險Bill & Ted Face the Music (2020)★★6.1/10 · ‎24,069 票__Dean Parisot
    [184233] 51033. 追殺胖老爹Fatman (2020)★★6/10 · ‎3,606 票__Eshom Nelms, Ian Nelms
    [184234] 51034. Wale & Gunna - Flawed (2020)★★
    [184235] 51035. Von Pea - Come Around (2020)★★
    [184236] 51036. JbSoWavy - Beep (2020)★★
    [184237] 51037. JbSoWavy - Out of Touch (2020)★★
    [184238] 51038. JbSoWavy - Gulag (2020)★★
    [184239] 51039. JbSoWavy - 123 (2019)★★
    [184240] 51040. JbSoWavy & 049 Gus - Brothers (2018)★★

    [184241] 51041. Fousheé - Deep End / Expectations (2020)★★
    [184242] 51042. Fousheé - single af (2020)★★
    [184243] 51043. Fousheé - Stay Home / Suburbia (2019)★★
    [184244] 51044. Fousheé - Make It Known / Oxygen X Late Night (2019)★★
    [184245] 51045. Fousheé - By One (2018)★★
    [184246] 51046. 049 Gus - Free Big Meech (2020)★★
    [184247] 51047. 049 Gus & JbSoWavy - Poverty (2020)★★
    [184248] 51048. 049 Gus - SKRRT / Cold Nights (2019)★★
    [184249] 51049. 049 Gus & JbSoWavy - When I Go (2019)★★
    [184250] 51050. 049 Gus - Western Union (2018)★★

    [184251] 51051. Babeheaven - Cassette Beat (2020)★★__Margot Bowman
    [184252] 51052. Babeheaven - Craziest Things (2020)★★__Sacha Beeley
    [184253] 51053. Babeheaven - Human Nature (2020)★★
    [184254] 51054. Babeheaven - Seabird (2019)★★
    [184255] 51055. Babeheaven - November (2019)★★
    [184256] 51056. Babeheaven - Jalisco (2019)★★__Saorla Houston
    [184257] 51057. Babeheaven - Circles (2018)★★__Gilbert Bannerman
    [184258] 51058. Babeheaven - It's Not Easy (2017)★★
    [184259] 51059. Babeheaven - Heaven (2016)★★
    [184260] 51060. Babeheaven - Friday Sky (2015)★★

  • jalisco 在 Ken's Portable Classroom Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-09-28 19:30:00
    有 227 人按讚

    📘【Ken的高頻單字筆記 I】

    📰 今天我們來讀讀【華爾街日報】
    🖐🏽 五分鐘來關心國際時事 — 墨西哥治安 🇲🇽

    📰 Mexico Reports Slight Decline in 2019 Homicides
    Nation’s murder rate remained at highest level in decades despite fall in number of killings

    MEXICO CITY—Mexico registered 209 fewer homicides in 2019 than a year earlier, the first decline in five years, though the murder rate remained at its highest level in decades, the National Statistics Institute said Wednesday.

    📌 這篇文章討論墨西哥 (Mexico) 的殺人罪 (homicide) 數字的微小下降(slight decline)。nation是國家的意思,在這裡是指墨西哥,這是常用修辭方法之一。作者也用同義詞提高文章的可讀性: homicide vs murder vs killing。

    The country registered 36,476 homicides last year, down from 36,685 in 2018, according to preliminary data based on death certificates. The homicide rate was unchanged from 2018 at 29 per 100,000 inhabitants, the highest level on records stretching back 30 years.

    📌 這段交代有關數據,register (登記)、down from (從...下降)、according to preliminary data (根據初步資料) 和 unchanged (不變的)是常見用語。

    “The important thing is that the government doesn’t rest on its laurels by saying we’ve slowed the rise in homicides,” said Cassius Wilkinson, a security analyst at political-risk consultancy Empra. “A plateau at historic highs still isn’t good for Mexico’s public security.”

    📌 這段引述一位保安分析員 (security analyst) 的意見。rest on one’s laurels (不求進步) 是道地用語。plateau的原意是高原,在這裡引申指有關數字維持於高位不降。

    Monthly police reports for 2020 show that homicides were up 1.5% in the first eight months of this year from a year earlier, although the numbers have been overshadowed by more than 74,000 deaths of people infected with the coronavirus.

    The drop in the preliminary number of homicides for 2019 will likely become a small increase when final data are released at the end of October, said security analyst Alejandro Hope. “The good news is that it’s not growing, the bad news is that it’s not falling,” he added.

    📌 這兩段繼續分析有關數字的走勢。overshadowed by (因為...失色的) 是生動的用語。preliminary 跟 final 是異義詞,the good news is that…the bad news is that… 是平行結構,也是很好的修辭方式。

    Lowering the level of violence, much of it by organized-crime groups, is among the main concerns of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador whose strategy has been to reduce direct confrontation between security forces and heavily armed criminal gangs.

    Since taking office at the end of 2018, Mr. López Obrador has disbanded the Federal Police and replaced it with a National Guard drawn mostly from the ranks of army and naval police. The National Guard has close to 100,000 members, and is expected to increase to 140,000.

    📌 這兩段介紹墨西哥總統其中一項主要關注 (main concern) 就是降低暴力的水平 (lower the level of violence)。他的策略 (strategy) 是減少保安部隊 (security forces) 和犯罪集團 (criminal gang) 之間的直接對抗 (direct confrontation)。

    Homicide rates last year fell in 15 of the country’s 32 states, including Baja California Sur and Quintana Roo—home to tourism hubs Los Cabos and Cancún—and Mexico City.

    Among the most violent states was Guanajuato in central Mexico, which has been the site of fighting between the Jalisco New Generation Cartel and a gang of fuel thieves called the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel. Authorities arrested José Antonio Yépez, the alleged head of the fuel theft gang, in early August.

    While violence increased in Guanajuato, the homicide rate fell last year in neighboring Jalisco state. The number of murders could be masked by an increase in forced disappearances in the state as the Jalisco cartel consolidates its control of the area, said Mr. Wilkinson.

    “A lot of the states that lead the rankings are leading for different reasons,” he added, noting increased killings in northern states such as Sonora and Chihuahua. “I wouldn’t be surprised if the 2020 numbers are much higher.”

    📌 這四段詳細分析墨西哥不同州的殺人罪率 (homicide rate)去年的情況。the rankings的意思就是排名。在旅游樞紐 (tourism hub)的州殺人罪率下降,個別州份因爲幫派的打鬥變得最暴力的。

    📰 全文請至
    📰 作者
    Anthony Harrup
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    2021-02-04 11:15:10

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    2020-08-03 00:30:10



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  • jalisco 在 Dd tai Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-03-14 08:00:00

    墨西哥街頭樂隊 (西班牙語:Mariachi) 是一種墨西哥式的樂隊,通常由至少3個小提琴手、2個小號手、1個墨西哥吉他手、1個vihuela琴手與1個guitarrón琴手組成,但在一些餐廳的走唱團體可能只有三到四人;樂隊成員通常身著華麗的墨西哥服飾「Charro」,頭戴寬邊的墨西哥帽。樂隊通常在婚禮、節慶等正式場合上表演。
    Mariachi指的是「墨西哥街頭樂隊」或有人稱「流浪樂手」是一種墨西哥式的樂隊,。有關Mariachi的起源是眾說紛紜,有理論認為,Mariachi是來自法語「婚禮」-mariage一詞,因為在婚禮中常出現各類型的音樂,但問題是在1864年法國人到達墨西哥之前Mariachi就已經存在。但也有人認為Mariachi這個名字來自一種歌頌聖母瑪麗亞(mah-ree-ah AH-chay)的節慶與音樂表演。但一般相信Mariachi應該是19世紀起源於墨西哥南部的哈利斯科州(Estado Jalisco)。
    他們的歌唱內容包羅萬象,包括大男子主義,愛情,背叛,死亡,政治,革命英雄,甚至動物(特別是一首著名歌曲是「La Cucaracha」,意為「蟑螂」)等等。有人認為Mariachi是墨西哥除了龍舌蘭酒以外最顯著的象徵。