

在 interactively產品中有9篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過25萬的網紅國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 就是今天! 故宮「魔幻山水歷險」正式開展🥳 感謝大家在試營運期間以來的熱情參與,「魔幻山水歷險」從今天起到八月底帶來更完整的沉浸互動體驗: 🦋絢麗的「舞蝶香徑」拍照牆 🐟「幻象古水族」讓你在海底悠游 還有很多互動體驗,等著大家來打卡拍美照,快來展場玩耍吧!! 「魔幻山水歷險」與你不見不散🥰🥰 💁...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過11萬的網紅SMART Mandarin - Katrina Lee,也在其Youtube影片中提到,How to Purchase my eBook ? Here are the steps to purchase our eBook and join SMART Mandarin community! 😉 Step one : Click this PayPal link and comple...

  • interactively 在 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-04-16 09:00:00
    有 505 人按讚

    就是今天! 故宮「魔幻山水歷險」正式開展🥳





    陳列室:北部院區 第二展覽區 圖書文獻大樓一樓特展區
    展覽正式開展 : 2021-04-16~2021-08-31

    Exploring a Wondrous Landscape
    Dates: 2021-04-02~2021-08-31
    Time: Tuesdays-Sundays 09:00am-05:00pm (Closed on Mondays)
    Gallery: (Northern Branch) Exhibition Area II 1F , Library Building Exhibition Area II
    Fare: Free


    The concept of the entrance derives from Emperor Hui-tsung's (1082-1135) calligraphy, Poem, where he describes butterflies dancing along a fragrant footpath. Poetically and interactively, the butterflies are projected onto a path that will lead the audience through all four sections of the exhibition: "Around the World in History", "An Underwater World of Fantasy", "Impressions of Fu-Chun" and "A Planet of Dreams". Enjoy an adventure of a wondrous 21st century landscape, and explore the digitized work in animated artifacts, a digital collection, new media and the Museum of Tomorrow.


    # Exploring_a_Wondrous_Landscape

  • interactively 在 Malaysian Chef Norman Musa Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-03-15 17:25:34
    有 8 人按讚

    The ‘Nyonya Chicken Noodle Dish - (Mee Kari) that I will demo (you can cook-along with me too) on 27 Mar for Travel Cook Eat! Melaka @cnmtravelcookeat .

    This is a virtual travel show and cooking demo and every month we pick a destination. Our first one was Penang we did last month and next week we are going to Melaka. You will receive the recipe and prep instructions a week before the event, so that you are well prepared before joining me online! A fun way of learning to cook interactively.

    Ticket link on my profile! Tag your friend to invite along for this travel, cook and eat! @events_by_chef_norman_musa

  • interactively 在 鍾氏兄弟 The Chung Brothers Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-07-10 13:25:48
    有 34 人按讚

    【名家推薦】感謝潘源良為Roger新碟《Song Book 歌集》的加持!

    【名家推薦 - 鍾一諾 feat Jezrael Lucero《Song Book 歌集》】

    潘源良: 「爵士樂的使命,是讓一首歌有聲甚或無聲的所在,都活起來。鍾一諾和Jezrael Lucero 這趟合作,是一次精彩的示範。如果把舊歌比作過往拍下的難忘片段,兩位配合營造的節奏、音色和演繹,就是上乘的剪接,從本已繁花似錦的旋律,透出芬芳吐艷的新貌,而且彷彿是,本該如此。」

    Calvin Poon: “A mission of Jazz is to let the musical notes and the silent spaces between those notes come alive. This effort by Roger Chung and Jezrael Lucero is an astonishing demonstration of this philosophy. The rhythms, texture, and interpretations the two interactively created together transformed what were already beautiful melodies to something of fresh and new looks; and it is no exaggeration to say that they should have been like that from the get-go!”

  • interactively 在 SMART Mandarin - Katrina Lee Youtube 的最佳解答

    2018-11-21 19:00:07

    How to Purchase my eBook ?
    Here are the steps to purchase our eBook and join SMART Mandarin community! 😉

    Step one :
    Click this PayPal link and complete your payment. It’s 18 USD for this eBook!

    Step two :
    Once you’ve complete your payment, please mail me here (smartmandarinebook@gmail.com)
    with the following information.
    1. Your Name
    2. Your PayPal account name ( to confirm the payment)
    3. Your Facebook name ( to accept you to the community)
    and we’ll send you the eBook within 24 hours.
    If you haven’t received the eBook within 24 hours, please contact us again!!!

    Step three :
    After receiving the eBook, you can join our SMART Mandarin Exclusive Study group.

    Bonus :
    I'll be uploading different audio training, bonus video lessons, and posts to our SMART Mandarin community. So you're not just buying an eBook, you are getting more chances to practice and learn Mandarin Chinese interactively! ;)

    Any questions?
    mail me here
    smartmandarinebook@gmail.com (Katrina Lee)


    Become my parton on Patreon


    - video and audio lessons
    5 USD monthly :)

