

在 insidiously產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, "Wherever the powerful revelation of “no condemnation” goes, resurrection life flows!" Friend, did you know that our Lord Jesus doesn’t want you to g...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過86萬的網紅Joseph Prince,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Unending daily to-do lists. The frantic pace of modern living. The race to stay relevant in the face of disruption. The very real threat of superbugs ...

insidiously 在 Joseph Prince Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-02 12:54:42

"Wherever the powerful revelation of “no condemnation” goes, resurrection life flows!" Friend, did you know that our Lord Jesus doesn’t want you to g...

insidiously 在 Misha Janette ミーシャジャネット Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-06-16 14:23:09

One of the most amazing things I did in 2018: being invited into the sacred space in front of a 1,000-year old Buddha at the Sokusein Temple in Kyoto....

  • insidiously 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-21 18:00:29
    有 8,938 人按讚

    "Wherever the powerful revelation of “no condemnation” goes, resurrection life flows!"

    Friend, did you know that our Lord Jesus doesn’t want you to go through life harboring introspective and self-condemning thoughts and emotions? Condemnation kills (2 Cor. 3:6–9), and these self-accusatory thoughts and emotions often insidiously produce stress, sickness, and other harmful effects in your life.

    Jesus delivered you from such a life of defeat when He died for you at the cross. He took upon Himself all your sin and condemnation so that you could be made the righteousness of God in Christ (2 Cor. 5:21) and live free from sin-consciousness (Heb. 10:22). Romans 8:1 tells us that there is “no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus”!

    Wherever this powerful revelation of “no condemnation” goes, resurrection life flows—eradicating stress, sickness, disease, and other forms of death you may be seeing in your life.

    This week, will you actively receive the gift of “no condemnation” by believing that you are righteous in Christ? Instead of looking to yourself to do better or be better in life, look to Jesus. He is not condemning you or demanding from you. Instead, He is supplying you with all you need. In your struggle with negative emotions or bad habits, He is supplying you with victory and shalom-peace. In your work or career, He is supplying you with the wisdom, abilities, and opportunities you need to succeed. In your marriage or parenting, He is supplying you with the largeness of heart, the favor, and the wisdom you need to see your relationships flourish.

    So this week, every time you feel demanded from or condemned, say this, “Thank You, Lord, for Your grace. Thank You that there is no condemnation in Christ. Because You have made me righteous, I can depend on You to supply all I need!”

    The more you are Christ-conscious instead of sin-conscious, the more you will see the Lord’s abundant resurrection life flowing into every part of your being—spirit, soul, and body—and into every area of your life!

    This is taken from the Own The Word (life application) portion of our weekly sermon notes. Read our official sermon notes from this latest sermon, Christ-Consciousness Brings Life (Jul 18, 2021) here: https://bit.ly/3exjMA0

  • insidiously 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-05-27 11:52:11
    有 1,496 人按讚



    蘋果原創自製的影集 The Morning Show


    而是 #MeToo

    劇本文筆很好,我覺得捕捉到新聞人(news people)講話用字精簡偏難的特點,很值得學進階對話英文



    👇🏻 電影英文課 實用英文單字
    You can’t let it get to you. 不能中招
    We need eyeballs. 眼球代表收視率

    He lit up the room. 讚美
    He made everyone feel like family. 溫馨
    Her comment has lit a fire in the debate nationwide. 生動
    Were there any repercussions? 後續影響
    Bring this one home. 好好完成,不是帶回家
    This stays with us. 講膩 between you and me 可以用
    We’re in this together. 同理心
    Don’t annihilate yourself in the process just for the sake of pushing the buttons you’re not supposed to push. 很兇可是很帥,不要為求大膽而白目引火自焚/自毀前程
    spit out your bones and some grizzle 把你啃噬殆盡
    That ship is sailing as we speak. 木已成舟
    A self-serving pile of shit 自私的人渣
    I’m talking to you about you. 為了你好
    go against the grain 違反常理
    Keep your back to the wall without an opening and watch for sb 慎防小人
    Don’t believe your own press. 不要自我陶醉
    Don’t surround yourself with yes people. 很好的句子
    Look your best 命令別人dress up
    go unchecked 默許
    I know where your skeletons are buried, my friend. 知道你不堪的秘密

    especially in the 18-34 demo(demographic)
    hitting live numbers we haven’t seen in years
    And we’re out. Back in two minutes. 直播現場用語,簡單帥氣
    mic sb. 別麥克風,動詞
    sexual predator 性掠食者
    Put sb’s head on a spike 斬首示眾

    agency 自主權
    insidiously 潛伏地
    Incongruous 不一致/不和諧
    sexual innuendo 性暗示
    honor the rules 守規矩
    culpable 有罪
    complicity 共犯
    corroborate 證實
    fall guy 代罪羔羊
    To lay a guilt trip 道德綁架,罪惡感勒索
    car crash 災難現場,表示很悲劇
    hit by a bus 表示很慘
    quid pro quo 禮尚往來
    oversized ego 自我膨脹
    scintillating 耀眼精彩的
    titillating 引人興奮的

    Look who it is! It’s XXX. 熱絡感
    There she is! Kelly Clarkson’s truth-teller. 引用別人講的話創造連結
    Big, big day. 共襄盛舉
    Nice scrub. I like it. 稱讚鬍子
    I could use a favor. 需要你幫忙
    When in Rome. 直接省略後半句,入境隨俗

    crate training (狗狗的)籠子訓練
    We all speak a little French. 法文借代髒話哈哈
    royal we 皇室用we自居
    Mazel tov! (猶太的)恭喜

    How nice it is to be so comfortable with someone that you can just sit in silence and not have to talk. 真!

    Desperation is not a strong position to make a big move.

    People get their horrible news delivered to the palm of their hand 24/7, and they get it the way that they like it, colored the way that they want it. And news is awful, but humanity is addicted to it, and the whole world is depressed by it.

  • insidiously 在 Apple Daily - English Edition Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-04-26 19:00:36
    有 15 人按讚

    #Opinion by Stephen Vines|"Authoritarian regimes prevail by launching regimes of terror designed both to punish those who step out of line... Not accepting the new normal is something that is learned with considerable bitterness by citizens of these regimes."

    Read more: https://bit.ly/3xqp1Jt
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  • insidiously 在 Joseph Prince Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2017-10-04 10:49:39

    Unending daily to-do lists. The frantic pace of modern living. The race to stay relevant in the face of disruption. The very real threat of superbugs and terror in our everyday lives...It’s not hard to see why so many people today are experiencing stress, worry, and anxiety attacks.

    Unfortunately, these aren’t simply innocent states of emotion—they can insidiously develop into chronic depression, psychosomatic illnesses, and lead to destructive behaviors. But here’s the good news: While stress is depleting and debilitating, it can be defeated and driven from your life.

    In Live the Let-Go Life, Joseph Prince shows you how to beat stress and anxieties that come with the everyday demands and pressures of modern living. Discover how you were not designed by God to live under stress, but called to live the life of rest. You will learn how to let go of stress and see His grace flow unabated in the worry-free areas of your life.

    Find out more: http://www.theletgobook.com

    Find us at:

  • insidiously 在 Joseph Prince Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2017-10-04 10:37:09

    Unending daily to-do lists. The frantic pace of modern living. The race to stay relevant in the face of disruption. The very real threat of superbugs and terror in our everyday lives...It’s not hard to see why so many people today are experiencing stress, worry, and anxiety attacks.

    Unfortunately, these aren’t simply innocent states of emotion—they can insidiously develop into chronic depression, psychosomatic illnesses, and lead to destructive behaviors. But here’s the good news: While stress is depleting and debilitating, it can be defeated and driven from your life.

    In Live the Let-Go Life, Joseph Prince shows you how to beat stress and anxieties that come with the everyday demands and pressures of modern living. Discover how you were not designed by God to live under stress, but called to live the life of rest. You will learn how to let go of stress and see His grace flow unabated in the worry-free areas of your life.

    Find out more: http://www.theletgobook.com

    Find us at:

