[爆卦]Infrequent synonym是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Infrequent synonym鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Infrequent synonym這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 infrequent產品中有17篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, It’s been awhile since I last posted a picture of me. Without Layla, without Deon, not in home clothes, not without makeup. Just me, post motherhood, ...

 同時也有7部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過19萬的網紅OmegaGamesWiki™,也在其Youtube影片中提到,アサシンクリード エツィオ コレクション・アサシンクリード2(Assassin's Creed Ezio Collection)のプレイ動画です、Part 12。 Part 12: ・Sequence 8 必要は発明の母/Necessity, Mother of Invention ・Memo...

infrequent 在 Sheila Sim 沈琳宸 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-03 17:25:13

It’s been awhile since I last posted a picture of me. Without Layla, without Deon, not in home clothes, not without makeup. Just me, post motherhood, ...

  • infrequent 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-30 11:58:47
    有 285 人按讚

    It’s been awhile since I last posted a picture of me. Without Layla, without Deon, not in home clothes, not without makeup. Just me, post motherhood, looking stylish, glamorous and unfriendly. Haha!
    While I must admit that it is nice to have chio photos to showcase on social media, however as I age, more and more so I relish being in the present. And that means, when I am with my daughter I spend quality time with her instead of trying to capture the perfect moment, and be spending quality time with my phone instead. Likewise, when I’m with my friends, at work, with my family, with Deon, having a nice meal, all dressed up for an event or an editorial shoot, when I’m cooking, reading a book, taking my daughter out to park, cycling, working out, etc. I am in that moment with them and myself. It is such a beautiful feeling to be able to be completely engaged in something I am doing, such a privilege to be spending quality time with myself especially after being a mom.
    It is unfortunate that in this time and age, people often do things for the sake of presenting it to the rest of the world. There’s this weird mentality of, 'if I don’t show then it doesn’t count because people wouldn’t know that I have done it.'
    I’m proud to say, those days where I needed external validation is over.
    When I first started Instagram, it was because I wanted to document my life’s journey. I posted my first picture on 10 June 2011, it’s been a decade (OMG)! It’s been through so many stages of my life with me. The good times and the bad, many relationships, heartbreaks, marriage, vacations, wonderful meals, hairstyles, fashion, deaths, births. I am delighted that 10 years later, ive stayed authentic and shared only things that matters to me at that point in my life. it’s like a little journal that I keep. I may not put in much effort with showing ‘Instagram-worthy’ pictures, but I sure do with writing my thoughts.
    So thank you guys, for being here with me all these years. For accepting my less than perfect photos, my bad grammar, my infrequent posts, my long-windedness, my non-existent replies and comments.

    But here I am, what you see is what you get.

    Happy blessed Monday!

  • infrequent 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-23 12:52:50
    有 34 人按讚

    【東奧64真相:Tokyo Olympiad (東京オリンピック)】

    今晚東京時間八時(香港七時)舉行東京奧運揭幕禮,與之前歐國盃一樣,在這個像被疫情停頓了般的世界時空,名義上仍稱2020年東奧,世人卻身處2021年,與其自欺說是new normal,實是有種身不由己,失去自由的感覺。至今晚還有半天,介紹大家趁這幾小時上網觀看這部當年東奧特別找名導演市川崑拍攝的官方紀錄片,get in the mood 吧!


    結果,紀錄片得到一致讚賞,甚至被後世列為「1001部一生必看電影」[1] 中少數紀錄片之一,不過,多年來亦曾被剪輯為多個不同版本,有些cut了幾乎一半,當中最方便大家今天找來看的,可以在奧委網站的原裝超過2小時45分鐘的原日文版,或在YouTube官方奧運頻道上的英文2小時版本。我推介日文版,原汁原味但數碼修復,有多國語言字幕,而英文版除了cut短,旁述似乎亦被簡化,略去不少。


    市川大導從片中第一個shot,已經有他的話兒要說。好一個白色太陽在一個紅色背景上,似是代表日本「日出之國」,但顏色卻把日本國旗反轉了,鏡頭一轉,變成一個黑色大鐵球wrecking ball,把一棟一棟的舊建築物破壞、擊毀、拆除,片中最先出現的人,不是奧委會主席,不是日皇,不是運動員,是一個表情茫然的建築工人。當鏡頭一直破壞,旁白卻「正經」而且抽離地,逐一讀出每屆奧運會主辦城市的名字。

    這短短一幕,令我不禁想起之前為大家介紹過的柳美里作品 《JR上野駅公園口》(Yu Miri: "Tokyo Ueno Station") [2] ,這本呼應1964和2020東京奧運會,描寫弱勢社群的小說。

    鏡頭再轉,全球聖火傳遞由希臘雅典開始,片段包括途經香港,而當聖火在飛機上飛向日本第一站的廣島,首個影像就是廣島原爆圓頂樓(廣島原爆ドーム,Genbaku Dōmu),也許是表達和平、反戰,和重生?




    奧運是運動會,紀錄片當然花最多的時間和片段介紹各項比賽,而佔最多篇幅的,不意外是田徑部分。男子100米美國選手以十秒正完成,平了世界紀錄;英國美少女選手Ann Packer意外地在最後段後來居上勝出800米跑,過終點後直衝向她的未婚夫兼隊長擁抱親吻(兩人今天已八十歲)....日文版的確比較原汁,片段較完整,包括多些選手受傷和落敗者的片段,應該也是導演原意。十月天時,有些項目要在雨中比賽,只得攝氏十多度,而導演在鏈球雨中比賽用上黑白菲林拍攝,捕捉獨特氣氛。導演後段在拳擊部分亦用上黑白菲林,像後來馬田史高西斯的經典拳擊電影《狂牛》,也許是英雄所見略同吧!





    紀錄片中段有一段關於非洲小國乍得(Chad)選手的特寫,是日本版才有,在英文版被剪走的部分。喜歡電影的,欣賞本片時會留意導演拍攝手法的流暢、取鏡角度的多元、配樂的細緻、氣氛的掌握,他應該在have fun,我們觀眾也enjoy!



    And the fire returns to the sun
    For humans dream thus only once
    Is it then enough for us
    This infrequent, created peace?" (英文有點怪)

    "The sacred flame returns
    Humans share a dream every four year
    Is it enough for this peace
    To be merely a dream?"




    #TokyoOlympiad #東京オリンピック #市川崑
    #東奧1964 #東奧2020
    #光影評 #影評 #電影 #電影介紹

    [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1001_Movies_You_Must_See_Before_You_Die
    [2] https://www.facebook.com/CharlesMokOffice/posts/348050616677454

  • infrequent 在 Apple Daily - English Edition Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-01-24 23:30:55
    有 21 人按讚

    The 10 Hong Kong pro-democracy activists jailed in mainland China might soon be visited by their families after being held incommunicado for over six months, although a human rights lawyer said the visits would likely be infrequent.

    Read more: https://bit.ly/39aEUd0

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  • infrequent 在 OmegaGamesWiki™ Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2017-06-16 08:59:51

    アサシンクリード エツィオ コレクション・アサシンクリード2(Assassin's Creed Ezio Collection)のプレイ動画です、Part 12。

    Part 12:
    ・Sequence 8 必要は発明の母/Necessity, Mother of Invention
    ・Memory 1~5
    ・100% Sync
    ・No Damage

    動画でクリアしたメモリー/Completed memories in this video:
    1) 同じ穴のムジナ/Birds of a Feather 0:00
    2) 失敗は成功の母/If at First You Don't Succeed... 10:24
    3) 挑戦なくして収穫なし/Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained 18:06
    4) 何事も最初が肝心/Well Begun Is Half Done 19:52
    5) 空を行くもの/Infrequent Flier 24:39

    Assassin's Creed 2 Ezio Collection 100% Sync プレイ動画プレイリスト:


    - ゲームタイトル: アサシンクリード エツィオ コレクション/アサシンクリード2(Assassin's Creed 2/Ezio Collection)(PS4版)
    - 発売日: 2017年2月3日 (日本)
    - 価格: PS4パッケージ版:5800円(税別)
    - ジャンル : Action
    - ESRB : Cero Z
    - 開発: UBISOFT




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  • infrequent 在 Daily Health Wellness Center Youtube 的最佳解答

    2016-12-05 09:13:59

    More Info Connect with Me in Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/drshsbd/

    PROBLEM: Skipping breakfast is strongly correlated with weight gain. "Start your day off right," right? Still, young people eat nearly half of their daily calories between 4 p.m. and midnight. So, eat breakfast, but what's best?

    MEDICAL RESEARCH: An experiment out of the University of Missouri involved overweight or obese females, aged 18 to 20, who identified as infrequent breakfast eaters. Each morning for a week, the researchers had the participants eat either 350 calories of cereal (13 grams of protein), 350 calories of eggs and beef (35 grams of protein), or skip breakfast entirely.

    RESULT: Eating any breakfast was associated with increased feelings of fullness, a reduced desire to eat, and lower levels of ghrelin (a hunger-stimulating hormone) throughout the morning. But meaty, eggy breakfast was associated with these benefits over the course of the entire day. Participants who had a lot of protein in the morning also had reductions in their "cravings-related" brain activity, and increased levels of a hormone associated with satiety. They snacked less on fatty foods in the evening, as compared to those who ate cereal or nothing.

    CONCLUSION: This makes a pretty good MEDICAL PROOF that we should take a high-protein breakfast

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    ** Connect With Me : http://dailyhealthsolution.com/info


  • infrequent 在 Jonstyle Youtube 的最佳解答

    2016-05-06 08:54:09

    大家好我是將將,大部分的時間都享受在遊戲中,遊戲包括 COC, 全境封鎖 and GTA5 還有更多遊戲。 如果喜歡我的頻道請訂閱,如果覺得可以改善的也請讓我知道,再次謝謝收看的,你們的支持是我努力的空間。

    Jonstyle is a YouTube gaming channel dedicated to covering all games, with a strong focus on COC, The Division and GTA5...etc. SUBSCRIBE for DAILY gaming videos! We have gameplay, let's plays, tutorial, live streams and guides. Like and Follow us here:

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    ✦ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jonstyle68
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    ✦ Website網站: http://www.jonstyle.com/

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    email me: jonstyle69@gmail.com

    Clash of Clans is an addictive multi-player game which consists of fast paced action combat. Build and lead your personalised armies through enemy bases taking gold, elixir and trophy's to master the game and become a legend. Up-rise through the realms and join a clan to reign supreme above all others.

    Category: Games
    Updated: 10 June 2014
    Version: 6.108.5
    Size: 53.3 MB
    Languages: English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese
    Developer: Supercell Oy
    © 2012 Supercell
    Rated 9+ for the following:
    Infrequent/Mild Cartoon or Fantasy Violence
    Compatibility: Requires iOS 4.3 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.

    All music used is by NCS | NoCopyRightSounds

