[爆卦]Infinitely 中文是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Infinitely 中文鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Infinitely 中文這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 infinitely產品中有147篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, LÒNG TÔN KÍNH PHẬT VÔ BIÊN (Boundless homage to Buddha - English version below) “ … Chúng ta hãy lễ kính Phật với tất cả lòng biết ơn, tôn kính. Nếu...

 同時也有24部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過70萬的網紅てぬキッチン/Tenu Kitchen,也在其Youtube影片中提到,〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓 \新刊!魔法のてぬきおやつの続編が発売になりました♪/ 『材料2つから!オーブン不使用!もっと!魔法のてぬきおやつ』 ↓↓ https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4847070267 電子版も同時発売になりました! ↓↓ h...

  • infinitely 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-27 20:11:48
    有 393 人按讚

    (Boundless homage to Buddha - English version below)

    “ … Chúng ta hãy lễ kính Phật với tất cả lòng biết ơn, tôn kính. Nếu được như vậy thì phước của ta sẽ tăng lên từng ngày, nghiệp xưa mỏng dần và tội lỗi cũng được bớt đi. Ở những kiếp xưa mình có thể đã gây nên nhiều tội, nay mình chuộc lại chỉ bằng lòng tôn kính Phật, bằng sự lễ kính mỗi ngày khiến nghiệp xưa mỗi lúc mỏng dần và phước đức sẽ ngày càng thêm phát triển.

    Và khi phước đã tăng thì đời sống sẽ trở nên dễ chịu, thoải mái, tốt đẹp hơn. Chúng ta nhanh chóng có thêm trí tuệ để biết được lỗi của mình, việc sai biết sai, việc đúng biết đúng. Mình làm việc gì cũng dễ đúng hơn, dung mạo đẹp dần, và uy đức sẽ ngày thêm lớn mạnh. Những lời mình nói sẽ được người quý trọng, phiền não trong tâm cũng dễ được kiểm soát, dù sinh cõi giới nào thì cũng là cõi Phật, dễ gặp Phật Pháp và thực hành theo Phật Pháp. Một khi trong lòng đã đầy ắp lòng tôn kính Phật, ma không dám nhập và quỷ thần cũng không dám tác động vào tâm. Công đức lễ kính Phật vì thế thật lớn lao, giúp ta an ổn một đời tu hành tinh tấn.

    Hãy nhớ rằng: điều rất căn bản trong sự tu hành chính là lòng tôn kính Phật. Chúng ta phải làm sao để hiểu được Phật sâu sắc và yêu kính Người vô hạn.
    Chỉ cần yêu kính Phật thôi, để dù sống hay chết chúng ta cũng không màng điều gì khác nữa.

    Chỉ cần yêu kính Phật thôi, chúng ta sẽ có được hết tất cả, từ tình thương yêu con người cho đến muôn loài, vạn vật …”
    Nam Mô Bổn Sư Thích Ca Mâu Ni Phật!
    (Trích sách “Lòng tôn kính Phật vô biên” Trang 61, 62 - congtyphapquang.com)

    “ … Every day, we should kneel in front of Buddha with our most reverence for Him. If we can do so, we would be able to have more blessings. The more blessings we have, the less bad karma for us would be. We would have committed sins in our past lives, and we could only lessen our bad karma, only when we pay homage to Buddha and kneel in front of Buddha every day.

    And when we are blessed, our life would become more pleasant. We would be more knowledgeable to be aware of our mistakes, errors as well as the wrong and the right. With that intelligence, we would be able to know what is the right thing to do. We would be respected by others. Our advice for others would be appreciated. We could also easily control our mind and emotion. Regardless of what we do, we would also head towards Buddha to practice Dharma. Once we have the unequivocally reverence for Buddha, no evil spirits would be able to influence us. Therefore, our reverence for Buddha would be the most important factor in helping us strengthen our minds and improve our cultivation.

    Please remember that: Having boundless homage for Buddha is the most basic but important obligation in cultivation. We must do everything in our power to understand Buddhism principles and have reverence for Buddha boundlessly and infinitely.

    Only when we achieve that level of understanding about Buddha and having the boundless homage for Him.

    And only when we achieve the above, we would be able to love all beings, love our country unconditionally and infinitely
    Namo Shakyamuni Buddha! …”
    (Quoting from 61st - 62nd page of book “Boundless homage to Buddha” – www.congtyphapquang.com)”

    Nguồn: https://www.facebook.com/255090418336957/posts/682513702261291/?d=n

  • infinitely 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-16 20:42:17
    有 229 人按讚

    How to Get What you Pray For

    “Where do wars and fightings among you come from? Don’t they come from your pleasures that war in your members? You lust, and don’t have. You murder and covet, and can’t obtain. You fight and make war. You don’t have, because you don’t ask. You ask, and don’t receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it for your pleasures. You adulterers and adulteresses, don’t you know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain, “The Spirit who lives in us yearns jealously”? But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”” (James‬ ‭4:1-6‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    “This is the boldness which we have toward him, that, if we ask anything according to his will, he listens to us. And if we know that he listens to us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions which we have asked of him.” (1 John‬ ‭5:14-15‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    “All things, whatever you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.”” (Matthew‬ ‭21:22‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    “Whatever you will ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you will ask anything in my name, I will do it.” (John‬ ‭14:13-14‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    Whatever you ask for in prayer that is according to God’s will, you will receive it if you believe.

    Why do we disbelieve at times? It could be due to unfamiliarity with God’s word. His will is revealed in His written word.

    Another reason is that we feel unworthy to receive good things from God because of some sin in our life. The shame and condemnation produces unbelief.

    God knows our motives when we pray. If something is going to harm us, He as a good Father will not give it to us until it is safe.

    Just because your two year old child fusses over wanting to play with a knife does not mean that you have to give it to him.

    As an adult and responsible parent, you are wiser than him and know that it is not safe.

    God is infinitely wiser than us. When we pray, we must also accept that sometimes our intentions may not be pure, and it will harm us if we get what we pray for.

    Praise Him. God is good, and He is wise; a generous, gracious, merciful God! He is our beloved Abba Father!

    Become a GEM patron or above on Patreon to support this ministry, receive daily Bible study teachings, and all my eBooks: http://patreon.com/miltongohblog

    Join my free Telegram group to receive my daily posts that are also shared here on FB: https://t.me/miltongohblog

  • infinitely 在 Guerlain Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-25 01:20:11
    有 2,165 人按讚

    Infinitely customisable. Unequivocally Parisian.
    Rouge G Luxurious Velvet. Your perfect matte lipstick. Your style.

  • infinitely 在 てぬキッチン/Tenu Kitchen Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-27 20:07:05










    『てぬキッチンのブログ』⇒ https://www.tenukitchen.com/entry/2021/07/27/210752

    ▽twitterもやっているので、もし『てぬキッチン』のレシピをお試し頂いたら、#てぬキッチン をつけて投稿してもらえると嬉しいです♪
    『てぬキッチンのtwitter』⇒ https://twitter.com/tenu_kitchen


    きゅうり 1本
    キムチ 60g
    砂糖 小さじ1/2
    すりごま 小さじ2
    めんつゆ(4倍濃縮) 小さじ2
    ごま油 小さじ2


    【Cucumber Kimchi】
    Today, I made "Infinite Cucumber Kimchi" which can be completed with just a plastic bag without using a kitchen knife cutting board!
    It's a very simple recipe that you just hit the cucumber in a plastic bag and add the rest of the ingredients, but this seasoning is so delicious that it's a popular recipe that disappears in an instant.
    Of course it goes well with rice and sake! !! This is really delicious to eat infinitely! !! I would be grateful if you could give it a try.

    1 cucumber
    Kimchi 60g
    1/2 teaspoon sugar
    2 teaspoons of ground sesame seeds
    Mentsuyu (4 times concentrated) 2 teaspoons
    2 teaspoons of sesame oil

    ▽Subscribe to my channel♪


    楽曲提供:フリーBGM DOVA-SYNDROME by http://dova-s.jp/
    効果音素材:ポケットサウンド – https://pocket-se.info/

  • infinitely 在 てぬキッチン/Tenu Kitchen Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-08 19:20:35










    『てぬキッチンのブログ』⇒ https://www.tenukitchen.com/entry/2021/06/08/202146

    ▽twitterもやっているので、もし『てぬキッチン』のレシピをお試し頂いたら、#てぬキッチン をつけて投稿してもらえると嬉しいです♪
    『てぬキッチンのtwitter』⇒ https://twitter.com/tenu_kitchen


    きゅうり 1本
    塩昆布 5g
    ゆかり 小さじ1/3〜1/2


    【Fresh infinite cucumber】
    Today, I made a delicious "fresh infinite cucumber" that you can eat infinitely with just two seasonings! This is a recipe I definitely want you to make when it gets hot.
    It is the strongest when combined with the umami of salted kelp, the freshness of the connection, and the cucumber.
    It's very easy to make with a plastic bag, so you can use it as a snack or as a side dish! I hope you can try it! The freshly made product will be crispy and softened in the refrigerator. If you leave it for a long time, water will come out, so please consume it as soon as possible.

    1 cucumber
    Salt kelp 5g
    Yukari 1/3 to 1/2 teaspoon

    ▽Subscribe to my channel♪


    楽曲提供:フリーBGM DOVA-SYNDROME by http://dova-s.jp/
    効果音素材:ポケットサウンド – https://pocket-se.info/

  • infinitely 在 てぬキッチン/Tenu Kitchen Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-01-19 21:44:23












    『てぬキッチンのブログ』⇒ https://www.tenukitchen.com/entry/2021/01/19/224521

    ▽twitterもやっているので、もし『てぬキッチン』のレシピをお試し頂いたら、#てぬキッチン をつけて投稿してもらえると嬉しいです♪
    『てぬキッチンのtwitter』⇒ https://twitter.com/tenu_kitchen

    キムチのピリ辛とクリームチーズ のマイルド感とごま油の風味が相性完璧でめっちゃ美味しいです♪

    餃子の皮 8枚
    キリクリームチーズ  2個
    キムチ 適量
    ごま油 適量


    【Kimkurichi Gyoza】
    Today, I made "Kimkurichi Gyoza" which is recommended to accompany sake!
    It's just a dish of dumplings wrapped in kimchi and cream cheese and fried in sesame oil, but this is the momentum that you can drink infinitely! !!
    It's a little troublesome to wrap, but I don't need to make the contents, so I can do my best! Please give it a try at times.
    The spicy kimchi, the mildness of cream cheese and the flavor of sesame oil go perfectly together and are really delicious ♪

    8 dumpling skins
    2 pieces of kiri cream cheese
    Kimchi appropriate amount
    Appropriate amount of sesame oil

    ▽Subscribe to my channel♪


    楽曲提供:フリーBGM DOVA-SYNDROME by http://dova-s.jp/
    効果音素材:ポケットサウンド – https://pocket-se.info/

