

在 incomprehension產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅柯基犬肥油 X 吃喝拉撒日誌,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, You need a little light In this age of confusion and incomprehension 你們需要一點光 在這混亂、不被諒解的年代 🌻 希望在香港的澎油 一切平安 看著一則又一則的新聞消息 心裡實在非常難過 但卻無法幫上什迷 🌈 Mokaの手作毛織...


  • incomprehension 在 柯基犬肥油 X 吃喝拉撒日誌 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-08-12 17:35:00
    有 338 人按讚

    You need a little light
    In this age of confusion and incomprehension
    你們需要一點光 在這混亂、不被諒解的年代 🌻

    希望在香港的澎油 一切平安
    心裡實在非常難過 但卻無法幫上什迷 🌈

    Mokaの手作毛織物 羊毛氈項圈

  • incomprehension 在 柯基犬肥油 X 吃喝拉撒日誌 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-08-12 08:00:00
    有 339 人按讚

    You need a little light
    In this age of confusion and incomprehension
    你們需要一點光 在這混亂、不被諒解的年代 🌻

    希望在香港的澎油 一切平安
    心裡實在非常難過 但卻無法幫上什迷 🌈

    Mokaの手作毛織物 羊毛氈項圈

  • incomprehension 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2016-01-03 23:55:41
    有 129 人按讚

    【玳瑚師父茶會課室】 2016年一月一日
    《以茶會友- 第七場:元旦開運餐會》
    1 January 2016 - New Year Fortune Dinner With Master Dai Hu 7th Recap
    (English version below)






    一、 爲何每個人,無論茹素或茹葷,都應該在飯前唸往生咒?功德利益在哪裏?

    二、 妳你八字沒有的,師父如何給妳你?他可以教妳你如何種那個因的種子,但無法直接給妳你。

    三、 千萬別輕信騙子說給他五千元,就能幫妳你改命!

    四、 每個人都需為自己的生命負責。如果妳你想要更好的生活,妳你自己要懂得能夠累積功德的方法。

    五、 爲何妳你的孩子不聽話?

    六、 爲何妳你交到的男女朋友一直跟妳你吵架?

    七、 聽話的孩子會有怎樣的耳朵和髮質?

    八、 家族有錢的孩子,會有怎樣的耳朵?

    九、 從面相,如何能知一個人會有很多房產,或做房地產生意能有所成就?

    十、 從面相,如何能找一個不容易放棄婚姻和照顧家庭的伴侶?

    十一、 就算吃快熟麺,也要吃對品牌。每一個品牌都有自己的五行。

    十二、 爲何玳瑚師父能知道老媽媽的先生已過世多年?

    十三、 事業要好,從面相哪裏着手?

    十四、 玳瑚師父特別推薦為孩子補腦的食物,來增加考試運!

    十五、 一對夫妻能恩愛多久,不看愛情,看八字!

    十六、 吝嗇的人爲何生不起財富?

    十七、 每個人後面都有靈。這些靈到底是誰?

    十八、 未婚先孕,後來墮胎,男人也要負上因果!

    十九、 要致富,學習有錢人的居家哪兩點?

    二十、 肺能吸進多少氣,就能有多少錢。 有錢人的肺爲何比較好?





    如果妳你們有去看過大海,妳你會看到大海和天是沒有分隔過。海是連著天,天是連著海的,這就是海天成一色。妳你遠遠看海跟天,就形成一個「一」。這「一」就 是學佛者很重要的一個口訣。我們只要能夠達到一,就能夠成佛做祖。

    餐會當天大家雖然是頭一次見面,但其實我們從來沒有分隔過,雖説我們暫且分手一段日子, 不再見面。事實上,我們的緣份沒有停止過。因爲海跟天,一直都是連著在一起。海浪再怎麽澎湃,它拍上海岸,它退潮後,依然回歸大海。人與人之間的分分離離,只是一種暫時不明白, 一種脫離,但始終有一種緣份。在道家,在佛家,一個人能夠得到一,她他就能得到一切。








    On 1st of January, 2016, Master Dai Hu hosted the first ever New Year Fortune Dinner at Pan Pacific Hotel's Hai Tien Lo. It was well supported, with the youngest participant at just a tender age of 12, and the most senior of them at a matronly age of 65.

    Based on the birth chart of every participant, Master Dai Hu specially selected a sumptuous and delectable dish for each of them.

    As soon as each mouth-watering delicacy was served, the participants promptly took out their mobile phones and snapped pictures of their individual luck-enhancing dish.

    Master Dai Hu gently reminded everyone that they can prepare their own fortune meal in their own kitchen. When dining out, they should also make it a point to order a similar dish. We are expending our fortune everyday, and consuming the right food is one great way to charge our fortune battery, so that it will never run flat.

    Key Highlights:

    1. Why should everyone chant the Rebirth to Pure Land mantra before every meal, regardless you are a vegetarian or not? What are the merits?

    2. If you do not have what it takes in your birth chart, Master Dai Hu can teach you how to plant the seed for it, but he cannot hand it to you on a silver platter.

    3. Please do not be deceived easily by someone who promise to change your destiny, just by paying him $5000!

    4. We are responsible for our own lives. If you want to have a better life, you must know the proven ways to accumulate merits.

    5. Why are your children disobedient?

    6. Why does your boyfriend or girlfriend always quarrel with you?

    7. What kind of ear shape and hair quality does an obedient child have?

    8. What kind of ear shape tells you that this child is from a well-to-do family?

    9. How can you tell, from the facial features, that a person will own many properties and/or will do well in the real estate business?

    10. How can you tell, from the facial features, if a person is a partner who takes good care of his/her family and will not give up on marriage easily?

    11. Every brand of food item has their respective elements. Even if you eat instant noodles, the brand matters.

    12. How could Master Dai Hu tell that the eldest female participant is a widow for many years?

    13. If you want a successful career, which facial feature should you enhance and take good care of it?

    14. Master Dai Hu's special recommendation on a nourishing dish for children, to boost their brain capability and exam luck!

    15. The longevity of a marriage depends not on romance and love, but on the birth charts of the couple.

    16. Why is a stingy person unable to grow wealth?

    17. There are many spirits behind every person. Who exactly are these spirits?

    18. For abortion due to pre-marital pregnancy, the man must bear this negative karma too!

    19. What are the 2 important factors of a rich man's home you can learn from in order to be wealthy?

    20. Your lung capacity is co-related to your wealth. How much oxygen you can absorb will determine how much wealth you can enjoy. Why do the rich people have better lungs?

    21. How do you increase your lung capacity for greater intake of air?

    22. Food is the basic necessity of all human beings. The food we consume gets absorbed into our bloodstream and nourishes our cells, which in turn controls our bodily functions and mind in more ways than you realise. This is a very direct secret to enhancing your fortune.

    23. Your ability to hold a pair of chopsticks is a tell-tale sign of your fertility. How can you know?

    24. How was Master Dai Hu able to tell that a female participant is not a local, from the way she held her chopsticks?

    And more.

    This was the first ever New Year Fortune Dinner. Why did Master Dai Hu select the restaurant Hai Tien Lo (海天樓) at Pan Pacific Hotel?

    If you have seen the horizon, you would have realized that the sea and the sky are actually not apart. Both are seamlessly joined together, blended into one colour. As you look far ahead towards the horizon, the sky and the sea become one, forming the Chinese character, 一. This union of the sea and the sky is an important essence in learning the Dharma. If we can achieve this point of oneness, we can achieve Buddhahood.

    We may be meeting for the first time during the meal session. The reality is that we were never separated. It may seemed that we have not seen one another for a period of time, but the fact is our affinity has never ceased. Just like the sky and the sea who can never be separated. No matter how ferocious the waves may be, they will retreat back to the ocean as soon as they hit the shores. The farewells and partings between humans are caused by temporal moments of incomprehension, and temporal drifting apart but the affinity still binds us. In Buddhism and Taoism, if the practitioner is able to achieve oneness, he or she will achieve abundance.

    That is why Master Dai Hu chose Hai Tien Lo. To convey the message to everyone that you must possess a singular focus in whatever you do. Be it towards your romantic partner, friends, your learning, your spiritual practice, if you can have a singular focus, you will achieve excellence and from excellence, splendid achievements will follow.

    At the ending moments of the meal session, Master Dai Hu specially ordered the golden custard buns from Hai Tian Lou for every participant. He explained in detail why consuming the golden custard bun can bring forth blessings for a good start to the year.

    Thank you to Mr Samuel Goh for his New Year bouquet of fresh orchids.

    Thank you to Ms. Ashleigh Lim for her gift to every participant - a card printed with the Short Mantra of Rebirth to Pure Land.

    Last but not least, Master Dai Hu's sincere thank you to each and every participant.

    Master Dai Hu took time out to give free Buddhism and Chinese Metaphysics teachings and only had one wish. That you may all lead better lives.

    Put into practice what you have learnt and not shelf this great knowledge away. Be a action-taker and work towards a kinder and better you. Don't be satisfied with old mindsets and practices and refuse to move a step forward. We are what we repeatedly do. The next time we meet, Master Dai Hu hopes to see an improved you.

    Your life is controlled by what you focus on. The secret of changing your destiny is none other than focusing your energy on building a better you. May you be able to gather your thoughts into a singular focus, and Master Dai Hu looks forward to your achievement of splendid success in 2016, a greater you and a more spectacular life!


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