[爆卦]Incisor teeth是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Incisor teeth鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Incisor teeth這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 incisor產品中有11篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅Dr. Kayla Teh,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, It’s been a week since I last updated my IG! 🦷 Back with a case and let’s talk about it.🤩 To achieve this result: Smile Design • In-Office Whitening ...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5萬的網紅林榆芩牙醫師,也在其Youtube影片中提到,打骨釘會痛嗎?矯正骨釘:戴牙套終結嘴凸的最大功臣|林榆芩 骨釘是牙齒矯正中, 最有革命性貢獻的裝置之一。 骨釘Temporary Anchorage Device (TADs) or mini-screw, mini-implant 在亞洲很多上、下雙顎前凸(Bimaxillary protru...

incisor 在 Dr. Kayla Teh Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-03-07 11:00:59

It’s been a week since I last updated my IG! 🦷 Back with a case and let’s talk about it.🤩 To achieve this result: Smile Design • In-Office Whitening ...

incisor 在 Dr. Kayla Teh Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-01-14 06:23:29

Seeing art in what you do, is an art itself. ✨ Whenever I look at a set of teeth, I see not just a smile, but what it represents: the personality, th...

  • incisor 在 Dr. Kayla Teh Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-03-06 21:07:07
    有 24 人按讚

    It’s been a week since I last updated my IG! 🦷 Back with a case and let’s talk about it.🤩

    To achieve this result:
    Smile Design • In-Office Whitening • No-Prep Composite Veneers

    First off, I really love the shape of this patient’s teeth and wanted to retain its beauty. Patient wanted to improve the appearance of the central incisor which has an old filling done years ago, as well as getting a fuller smile especially from the side view.

    After checking the vitality and making sure she doesn’t have any other dental diseases, we proceeded with Digital Smile Design, in-office dental whitening and 6-units composite veneer placement.

    Something worthy to mention is the old filling. We removed the old filling, did a bit of bevelling, built up the 11 with the body shade ( Z350 XT A2 body by @3moralcaremalaysia ) to give the tooth a more opaque dentine layer. Takes a bit more effort but it is quite important if you want that natural & aesthetic blend of shade, as the opacity of GC’s injectable composite can be quite low. Estimating how thick your dentine layer should be and making sure it’s a smooth consistent layer can be tricky. @dental2u ‘s contour2u set really help a lot in such buildup.

    To mimic the color and translucency of natural dentition is an art form that I really enjoy challenging myself with. 🤩

    Hope you guys enjoyed this little sharing. Have a great weekend ahead!🤗🦷

    #SmileMakeover #Whitening #CompositeVeneers #resin #bonding
    #CompositeRestoration #AestheticDentistry #Dentistry #Compositefilling #DirectRestoration #ConservativeDentistry #RestorativeDentistry #Composite #Veneers #InjectableComposite #CompositeInjection #Aesthetic #Dentistry #AestheticDentistry #Smile #Dental #CeramicVeneers #Veneer #Dentist #BiomimeticDentistry #DentalPhotography @ Subang Dental Specialist Clinic

  • incisor 在 Dr. Kayla Teh Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-12-17 20:46:11
    有 56 人按讚

    Seeing art in what you do, is an art itself. ✨

    Whenever I look at a set of teeth, I see not just a smile, but what it represents: the personality, the life story...and so much more.

    The most common question I ask my patients is, “when was the last time you laughed with your teeth shown?”
    Their answer often teach me how can I help them transform their smile! 😁

    To achieve this result:
    Smile Design • In-Office Dental Whitening • No-Prep Composite Veneers

    This patient (who is also a very talented photographer/ friend of mine😆) wanted a fuller smile. Having ortho (braces treatment) done twice and having it out of consideration, we’ve decided to level up his smile with no-prep composite veneers.

    After in-office dental whitening was done by his dentist (thanks @shin_hailey !)in his hometown, we then proceed with 6-units composite veneers with injection molding technique with @GC G-aenial Universal Injectable Composite (Shade A1), Zhermack clear silicone template from @acme.onlinemall , and minor touch ups with @dental2u composite instruments.

    I made a mistake of NOT taking out the denture replacing the missing 14 pre-op , hence the “sudden” gap in the post-op pic. 😆 Gotta be more cautious next time!
    The right lateral incisor is tad bit short on the distal compared to the left side, as I had to shorten it after checking the canine guidance. Occlusion plays an important role in veneer cases as such!🦷

    The last picture says a lot. It really gives me a great sense of satisfaction after a case, as I often felt like I’ve completed an art piece!✨

    Special thanks to my mentor dr @hakienoon for encouraging me in my smile makeover journey! L

    #SmileMakeover #Composite #Veneers #CompositeVeneers #InjectableComposite #CompositeInjection #Aesthetic #Dentistry #AestheticDentistry #Smile #Dental #CeramicVeneers #Veneer #Dentist @ Subang Dental Specialist Clinic

  • incisor 在 Dr. Kayla Teh Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-10-01 18:54:55
    有 37 人按讚

    Don’t let social media cases fool you! 🦷
    Patients often want quick, single-visit smile makeovers. It can be done for certain cases, but most of the time a good few visits is required for proper case completion. ✨

    To achieve this result:
    Smile Design • Composite Veneer Removal • In-Office Dental Whitening • No-Prep Composite Veneers

    This patient came in with 4 existing composite veneers from 12-22 done by another dentist a few years ago. The veneers are quite well done in my opinion, considering that her gingival health is in good condition and only minimal staining was noted. However, she requested for a nicer smile, and it’s always exciting to see cases like this where I get to brainstorm how to play with line angles and tooth proportion to bring about a nicer smile.

    After discussion, we have decided to remove her existing composite veneers (Enamel bonding is always good for composite) and carry out a round of in-office whitening. We then proceed with 8-units composite veneers with injection molding technique with GC Malaysia G-aenial Universal Injectable Composite, Acme Online Mall Zhermack elite glass silicone, and @dental2u composite instruments.

    The left lateral incisor is tad bit short compared to the right side, as I had to shorten it after checking the anterior guidance. Occlusion plays an important role in veneer cases as such!🦷

    So back to the topic, the cases we see on social media are most often the result of a long-term treatment plan. So be patient, it will all be worth it in the end, just like the plate of Maggie goreng you ordered at the mamak which took too long to cook.😂

    Special thanks to my mentor dr @hakienoon for encouraging me in my smile makeover journey!

    #SmileMakeover #Composite #Veneers #CompositeVeneers #InjectableComposite #CompositeInjection #Aesthetic #Dentistry #AestheticDentistry #Smile #Dental #CeramicVeneers #Veneer #Dentist @ Subang Dental Specialist Clinic