

在 impactful產品中有282篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Proud to be an investor in sustainability companies Mosa Meat and Aleph Farms. Transforming our food system is one of the most impactful ways to comba...

 同時也有22部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5,140的網紅Ghost Island Media 鬼島之音,也在其Youtube影片中提到,PTT is one of the most open social media platforms in the Chinese language. Though it’s not more populous than Facebook, it’s arguably more impactful ...

  • impactful 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-23 00:53:19
    有 15,424 人按讚

    Proud to be an investor in sustainability companies Mosa Meat and Aleph Farms. Transforming our food system is one of the most impactful ways to combat the climate crisis.

  • impactful 在 abdulrashade Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-14 14:16:16
    有 56 人按讚

    Everyone needs a little encouragement in life, you won’t realise how impactful your words can be!

    This Malaysia Day, I have collaborated with KFC Malaysia to design a Bucket Semangat Rakyat where we will be revealing the final outcome next week! Stay tuned and keep checking in on this space for more information!

    Director/Editor: @ameer__syafiq
    Director of photography: @addinalias

    #BucketSemangatRakyat #abdulrashade #kfcmalaysia #kfc #harimalaysia #malaysia #malaysiagraffiti

  • impactful 在 eCloudvalley Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-27 19:00:39
    有 5 人按讚

    The benefit from Data AI/ML solutions for the company can result in a lot of time and cost savings and analysis and research after data collection.

    With industry deregulation and the emergence of technologies such as 5G, PureTech Global is increasingly looking for ways to monetize products and services. As a result, the company launched its first AI project, embedding AI into their native workflows in order to leverage consumer data and provide more personalised and impactful apps that increase revenue for the company and its telco clients.

    eCloudvalley and PureTech collaborated on this project to understanding users' habits while finding the best time to send billing renewals, building a time-series forecasting model in six weeks, and even taking this extended inquiry to explore more potential business opportunities.

    Learn more PureTech Global, please clink in follow 👉 https://www.ecloudvalley.com/puretech-global/

  • impactful 在 Ghost Island Media 鬼島之音 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-21 23:01:52

    PTT is one of the most open social media platforms in the Chinese language. Though it’s not more populous than Facebook, it’s arguably more impactful than Facebook here in Taiwan. It’s a reflection of Taiwan's spirited democracy, and it’s used heavily as a source for local journalists.

    We speak with two INDSR researchers on a year-long project, “A Pilot Study on PTT in the Context of Influence Operations” (批踢踢影響力作戰前導研究)which attempts to identify CCP state actors on the platfor. The researchers are Oddis J.F. Tsai (Policy Analyst at the Division of Defense Strategy and Resources) and Dr. Jui-Ming Hung (Assistant Research Fellow at the Division of Defense Strategy and Resources).

    The paper lays out mechanics and - through quantitative analysis - identifies types of suspect behavior on the world’s largest non-commercial, forum-based, open-source online bulletin board system in the Chinese language. This interview was recorded in January 2021 after the paper was published by INDSR.

    Today’s host is J.R. Wu - a non-resident advisor at INDSR (Institute for National Defense and Security Research) in Taiwan. Wu is a former journalist with nearly two decades of media experience in the US and Asia. She has led news bureaus for Reuters and Dow Jones.

    Support us on Patreon: http://patreon.com/taiwan
    Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ghostislandme


    JR Wu (Host)
    Emily Y. Wu (Producer, Editing): https://twitter.com/emilyywu
    Alice Yeh (Researcher)
    Music: MB01I2MT5YPZMMW

    A Ghost Island Media production

  • impactful 在 Najib Asaddok Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-20 11:09:18

    Dalam dunia ni ada dua benda je, sama ada kita dapat impak atau kesan sampingan (side effect).

    Perkara paling penting untuk mereka yang nak berlaku impactful dalam hidup ni ada beberapa point utama...

    Ikuti kisah seorang raja yang memerintah sesebuah negara dan raja ni semakin lama semakin tua, dia sedang mencari pengganti.


    Anda nak ke nak saya dan Team Momentum bantu? Jom sertai Bimbingan 30 Hari dan Roket Pemasaran Momentum (RPM) Copywriting Ayat Power dengan tawaran serendah RM30 sahaja. Dapatkan segera di https://naktarikpelanggan.com

  • impactful 在 電扶梯走左邊 Jacky Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-04-12 16:38:13

    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDoDoMen
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/thedodomen

    - 最大的風險就是不去冒險 | Biggest risk is to not take risk
    - 不要被標籤綁住自己,你就是你!| Don't let labels change your identity
    - 不要空想,計劃和目標都是改變的勇氣 | Plan, goals and courage
    - 跳出舒適圈時容易焦慮和放棄,請謹記,莫忘初衷 | Don't forget why you started
    - 當你不願意為了「想要」犧牲,那你可能沒那麼想要 | How bad do you really want it?

    我們每集都會辦抽書活動,記得 follow 我們 🤩
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/leftsideescalator.jacky/
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/LeftSideEscalator.Jacky/


    (00:01:34) 對人生最大影響的書 | Most impactful books
    (00:05:10) 很喜歡的座右銘 | Favorite mottos
    (00:06:54) 慢慢學習如何自省、認識自己 | How to self reflect and understand yourself
    (00:08:38) Eric 的人生低潮 | Eric's tough times in life
    (00:11:19) Ian 的人生低潮 | Ian's tough times in life
    (00:15:35) DoDoMen的FB海豚洋社團 | Building communities
    (00:16:57) Eric 對成功的定義 | Eric's definition of success
    (00:17:51) Eric 的理財建議到財富自由 | Eric's financial advice for financial freedom
    (00:19:24) Ian 對成功的定義 | Ian's definition of success
    (00:21:01) 主持人對成功的定義 | Jacky's definition of success
    (00:22:49) 如何克服身分轉變的衝擊 | How to conquer identity change
    (00:24:39) 為什麼不喜歡被稱為YouTuber | Reason not like being called YouTubers
    (00:25:10) 對快樂的定義 | Definition of happiness
    (00:26:06) 目標和快樂的平衡 | Balancing ambition and happiness
    (00:29:06) 對愛的定義 | Definition of Love
    (00:31:10) DoDoMen 理想的感情對象 | Ideal romantic relationships
    (00:35:29) 最喜歡的旅行 | Favorite trip
    (00:39:32) 旅行最印象深刻的時刻 | Most memorable moments
    (00:41:10) Jacky 在埃及的驚險經歷 | Jacky's Egypt adventure
    (00:47:44) 比跳傘還刺激的離開舒適圈活動 | Most exciting leaving comfort zone activity
    (00:49:10) 做過最隨機的事 | Most spontaneous activity
    (00:50:07) 喜歡一個人旅行嗎 | Traveling alone
    (00:51:44) 說走就走 在機場當場買機票 | Buying plane tickets at the airport
    (00:53:06) 給在舒適圈裡的朋友一些話 | Advice for leaving comfort zone

