[爆卦]Immobilization soil是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Immobilization soil鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Immobilization soil這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 immobilization產品中有9篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 有朋友問我,為什麼日本的醫院都不是有病癥的人就要檢查檢測,不是醫者父母心,抗疫為先的嗎? 你看看這單新聞,再看看桃園這個醫生覺得自己被割韭菜,再想想如果你是他,你會如何處理……這就變成一個人性的選擇。 當然,若「社交距離」以及「即時隔離」(rapid immobilization) 是抗疫的有效...

 同時也有9部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過361萬的網紅Dan Lok,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Discover Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do's Five Ways of Attack: Attack By Combination (ABC) that you may not know. ★☆★BONUS FOR A LIMITED TIME★☆★ You can dow...

immobilization 在 物理治療實證醫學 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-07-11 09:55:14

. 相信大家都有聽過myofascial chains,今天找來一篇systematics review來看看myofascial intervention能否對遠端關節的ROM產生Remote effect。  在看結果以前,有幾點我們必須知道 1️⃣ 本篇所收錄的研究都是在探討淺背線(sup...

  • immobilization 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-09 10:18:49
    有 64 人按讚



    當然,若「社交距離」以及「即時隔離」(rapid immobilization) 是抗疫的有效處理方法,你就沒什麼可以抗辯了,穿什麼防護衣最後都需要隔離,都是徒然。一切都是抗疫為先!大家加油囉。


  • immobilization 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-05-25 10:16:01
    有 126 人按讚

    有一點矛盾:當全世界都在討厭中國的時候,卻又用中式方式(限制人身自由/ rapid immobilization 等)的方式去對抗疫情,但你不用這個方法,就會換來歐美地區等的死亡數字。

    一方面我們花很大的力氣去爭取自由,另一方面因為對死亡的恐懼又會endorse 民主政權/極權去禁制自由。



  • immobilization 在 超核心健身教育學院 Hypercore Academy Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-11-13 20:00:38
    有 4 人按讚

    完整文章 👉 https://hypercore.com.tw/blogs/475
    生活中總是會突然發生許多意想不到的事情導致我們停止訓練,像是出差 💼、出國旅遊 ✈️、受傷 🩹,甚至像美國因為疫情的關係,造成許多健身房關閉。而對於許多練家子來說,不能訓練就像是不能見到心愛的人一樣焦慮 💔,開始擔心肌肉量會掉、肌力會下降等問題。
    ⚠️ 不過,肌肉量跟肌力真的那麼容易在一個禮拜就流失嗎?
    ⚠️ 我們又有什麼方式可以讓這種「負面效應」降到最低呢?
    📄 今年一篇最新的研究,探討了如果在沒辦法訓練的時候,維持高蛋白飲食 🍗,是否能夠減緩肌肉量與肌力的流失。至於為什麼會是用高蛋白飲食呢?因為在健身界,總是流傳著一個都市傳說,就是「高蛋白飲食能夠讓你在沒有訓練的情況下,維持住肌肉」,所以這個研究就要來探討到底是真是假!
    實驗 [註一] 總共找來了 33 名年輕男性,並先讓他們吃五天的高蛋白飲食,然後再隨機分配至三組:
    1️⃣ 高蛋白組(每天攝取每公斤體重 1.6 克蛋白質)
    2️⃣ 低蛋白組(每天攝取每公斤體重 0.5 克蛋白質)
    3️⃣ 超低蛋白組(每天攝取每公斤體重 0.15 克蛋白質)
    而且在為期三天的實驗中,為了模擬不能訓練的情境,其中一隻腳膝蓋是不能動的 🦵,並藉此觀測蛋白質攝取的量,是否會影響肌肉蛋白合成、肌力與肌肉量的流失。
    💡 結果不能動的那隻腳,不管是肌肉蛋白合成、股四頭肌肌肉量、膝伸展等長收縮肌力相較於可以動的腳都大幅減少(達統計上顯著差異),而且蛋白質量攝取的多寡也幾乎不影響流失的多寡,也就是說,不管吃多一點蛋白質還是少一點蛋白質,肌力與肌肉量下降的幅度都是差不多的。
    🧐 不過這其實並不符合大多數人停止訓練的情況,因為大多數人就算停止訓練,除非是受傷,也不會完全不動。過去也有其他研究證明 [註三],適當地進行「減量訓練」或是真的完全不訓練(但還是維持日常活動),並在後續恢復訓練,肌肉量與肌力幾乎都不會有太多的流失、甚至能夠維持住 💪
    ❓ 那到底該怎麼做才能降低在不能訓練的情況下,肌肉量的流失呢?
    過去有研究證明 [註二] 當睡眠減少時,肌肉蛋白合成就會下降,但這時候只要再恢復訓練,肌肉蛋白合成又會上升。再加上一開始提到的研究,我們可以推論,能夠讓我們維持肌肉量與肌力最重要的還是訓練刺激。
    💡 所以下次你如果要出差、旅遊導致一週不能練的話,請不用為你身上的肌肉過度擔心,只要你維持一樣的飲食,並再收假後恢復訓練,基本上你是不會有肌肉量與肌力流失的問題。
    而對於真的受傷完全無法動的人,除了好好休息外,攝取大量的白胺酸(每天 15~19 克)或許能減緩肌肉流失的情況 [註五] 😌
    👉 https://lihi1.com/RKqL9/fb粉絲團
    🙋‍♂️ 馬上預約體驗頂級場館 https://hypercore.com.tw/free-trial
    #肌肉 #蛋白質 #蛋白粉 #健康飲食 #肌肉流失 #重訓 #健身 #增肌 #減脂 #增肌減脂 #超核心健身教育學院 #HYPERCOREACADEMY #訓練 #教學 #一對一 #一對一教學 #超核心無痛訓練 #無痛 #無痛訓練 #教練 #健身教練 #私人教練 #一對一私人教練 
    [註一] Dietary protein intake does not modulate daily myofibrillar protein synthesis rates or loss of muscle mass and function during short-term immobilization in young men: a randomized controlled trial
    [註二] The effect of sleep restriction, with or without high-intensity interval exercise, on myofibrillar protein synthesis in healthy young men
    [註三] Comparison of muscle hypertrophy following 6-month of continuous and periodic strength training
    [註四] Effects of in-season strength maintenance training frequency in professional soccer players
    [註五] Leucine partially protects muscle mass and function during bed rest in middle-aged adults
    Essential amino acid and carbohydrate supplementation ameliorates muscle protein loss in humans during 28 days bedrest

  • immobilization 在 Dan Lok Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2017-12-17 15:20:49

    Discover Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do's Five Ways of Attack: Attack By Combination (ABC) that you may not know.
    You can download Dan Lok's best-selling book F.U. Money for FREE:


    Check out these Top Trending Playlist:
    1.) How to Sell High Ticket Products & Services: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEmTTOfet46PlgDZSSo-gxM8ahZ9RtNQE

    2.) The Art of High Ticket Sales - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEmTTOfet46NufVkPfYhpUJAD1OBoQEEd

    3.) Millionaire Mindset - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEmTTOfet46O591glMGzRMoHaIJB-bQiq

    Dan Lok, a.k.a. The King of High-Ticket Sales is one of the highest-paid and most respected consultants in the luxury and “high-ticket” space.

    Dan is the creator of High-Ticket Millions Methodology™, the world's most advanced system for getting high-end clients and commanding high fees with no resistance.

    Dan works exclusively with coaches, consultants, thought leaders and other service professionals who want a more sustainable, leveraged lifestyle and business through High-Ticket programs and Equity Income.

    Dan is one of the rare keynote speakers and business consultants that actually owns a portfolio of highly profitable business ventures.

    Not only he is a two times TEDx opening speaker, he's also an international best-selling author of over 12 books and the host of Shoulders of Titans show.

    Dan's availability is extremely limited. As such, he's very selective and he is expensive (although it will be FAR less expensive than staying where you are).

    Many of his clients are seeing a positive return on their investments in days, not months.

    But if you think your business might benefit from one-on-one interaction with Dan, visit http://danlok.com

    Or consider becoming a member of his high-level mastermind for experts: http://www.danlokinnercircle.com

    ★☆★ WANT TO OWN DAN'S BOOKS? ★☆★

    ★☆★ NEED SOLID ADVICE? ★☆★

    Request a call with Dan:


    Apply here:

    Dan hangs out there quite a bit.


    Blog: http://www.danlok.com/blog/
    Podcast: http://www.shouldersoftitans.com/
    FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/highticketconsulting/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/danthemanlok
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danlok/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/vanentrepreneurgroup
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danlok
    Meetup: http://www.meetup.com/Vancouver-Entrepreneurs-Group-Business-Network/
    Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Dan-Lok/e/B002BLXW1K

    This video is about Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do's Five Ways of Attack: Attack By Combination (ABC)

  • immobilization 在 Dan Lok Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2017-08-27 12:31:42

    You can download Dan Lok's best-selling book F.U. Money for FREE: http://trappingdrilljkd.danlok.link

    In Wing Chung, there is a term "Loi Lao Hoi Sung, Lat Sao Jik Chung (also spelled as Loi Lau Hoi Sung, Lat Sau Jik Chung). Dan Lok explains it means is when a hand attack comes you want it to come and stay and then you want to hit. When they disengage you want to hit.
    Subscribe to Dan's Channel to learn more Wing Chun or Jeet Kune Do Secrets: http://bit.ly/DanLokSubscribe

    Watch the Previous Video that demonstrates the Lap Sao Techniques: https://youtu.be/ad17nEj_TBg
    Wing Chung and Jeet Kune Do incorporate Trapping Techniques. One, in particular, is the Huen Sao.
    WATCH VIDEO LINK HERE: https://youtu.be/k83_0d3cHjs

    One of Dan Lok’s passions in life is martial arts. Like many young kids, after watching a Bruce Lee movie, it changed his life forever. At 17 years old, Dan started training in martial arts seriously because he was being bullied in school. It wasn’t long for Dan to learn the techniques he needed, and gain the confidence necessary to defend himself.

    Dan has studied with legendary martial artist such as Bruce Lee’s original student Ted Wong (http://tedwongjkd.net) and Joe Lewis “The Worlds Greatest Fighter” (http://joelewisassociation.com), making him a second generation student of Bruce Lee - in Bruce Lee's authentic art of Jeet Kune Do (JKD). He's also a third generation student of Ip Man (Wing Chun Kung Fu).

    Dan has also trained with other great instructors like Sifu Adam Chan (https://www.pragmaticmartialarts.com), Canadian lightweight boxing champion Tony "Fire Kid" Pep (https://www.facebook.com/pepboxing), and Octavio Quintero (https://www.theartofjkd.com)

    For Dan, martial arts training permeates every area of life. It’s not a hobby, it’s a way of life, and it influences how he does business.

    Martial arts gave him the confidence, focus, and patience to push through these obstacles and to keep fighting when he felt like giving up.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Dan is NOT a full-time martial artist and he doesn't even claim to be that good of a fighter.

    He's simply a successful businessman who enjoys the art and philosophy of Bruce Lee, just like you.

    He doesn't have any online martial art videos, seminars or expensive "private training" to sell you. Quite frankly, he doesn't need the money.

    He simply wants to share his passion for the art of JKD (his own version of Jeet Kune Do) through his YouTube channel.

    Check out the other Jeet Kune Do (JKD) Fighting Tactics and Training Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEmTTOfet46Ocn3bqnUIaAB-cTUzsAXOG

    More Bruce Lee Trapping Techniques in this Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEmTTOfet46PuW-CM4gmmMnebKMq3WFMp

    This Video: Wing Chung LOI LAO HOI SUNG LAT SAO JIK CHUNG Drill

  • immobilization 在 Dan Lok Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2017-08-20 07:22:56

    You can download Dan Lok's best-selling book F.U. Money for FREE: http://huensao.danlok.link

    Dan Lok Demonstrates a Huen Sao Drill originally from Wing Chung. Huen Sao, sometimes called Huen Sau or circling hand features regularly in the Wing Chun forms. It is used to move safely to the inside or outside of an opponents guard particularity in Chi Sau
    Subscribe to Dan's Channel to learn more Wing Chun or Jeet Kune Do Secrets: http://bit.ly/DanLokSubscribe

    Watch the Previous Video that demonstrates the Lap Sao Techniques: https://youtu.be/ad17nEj_TBg
    Wing Chung and Jeet Kune Do incorporate Trapping Techniques. One, in particular, is the Huen Sao.
    WATCH VIDEO LINK HERE: https://youtu.be/k83_0d3cHjs

    Great Demonstration here of how to use it correctly and also BONUS Tip at the end of the Video.

    If you Do Martial Arts have you ever made use of techniques like this.

    Huen Sao is ideally used to change position whilst still controlling your attacker's arm. For example, if you have received a punch and covered on the inside (where you would be vulnerable to more attacks), you can use Huen Sau to move to the outside away from your attacker's other arm without losing contact with the original arm

    Trapping is not exclusive to JKD, but it certainly isn’t very common in most martial arts.

    In case you aren’t familiar with what I’m talking about, trapping is the art of using your arms to nullify one of your opponent’s limbs so that he can’t use it to hit or to block. This allows you to then strike into that open line (that’s a general definition). It’s also called Hand Immobilization Attack (although you can also immobilize other parts of the body, too, using the same concept).

    In short, trapping basically means “grabbing to hit”.

    One of Dan Lok’s passions in life is martial arts. Like many young kids, after watching a Bruce Lee movie, it changed his life forever. At 17 years old, Dan started training in martial arts seriously because he was being bullied in school. It wasn’t long for Dan to learn the techniques he needed, and gain the confidence necessary to defend himself.

    Dan has studied with legendary martial artist such as Bruce Lee’s original student Ted Wong (http://tedwongjkd.net) and Joe Lewis “The Worlds Greatest Fighter” (http://joelewisassociation.com), making him a second generation student of Bruce Lee - in Bruce Lee's authentic art of Jeet Kune Do (JKD). He's also a third generation student of Ip Man (Wing Chun Kung Fu).

    Dan has also trained with other great instructors like Sifu Adam Chan (https://www.pragmaticmartialarts.com), Canadian lightweight boxing champion Tony "Fire Kid" Pep (https://www.facebook.com/pepboxing), and Octavio Quintero (https://www.theartofjkd.com)

    For Dan, martial arts training permeates every area of life. It’s not a hobby, it’s a way of life, and it influences how he does business.

    Martial arts gave him the confidence, focus, and patience to push through these obstacles and to keep fighting when he felt like giving up.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Dan is NOT a full-time martial artist and he doesn't even claim to be that good of a fighter.

    He's simply a successful businessman who enjoys the art and philosophy of Bruce Lee, just like you.

    He doesn't have any online martial art videos, seminars or expensive "private training" to sell you. Quite frankly, he doesn't need the money.

    He simply wants to share his passion for the art of JKD (his own version of Jeet Kune Do) through his YouTube channel.

    Check out the other Jeet Kune Do (JKD) Fighting Tactics and Training Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEmTTOfet46Ocn3bqnUIaAB-cTUzsAXOG

    More Bruce Lee Trapping Techniques in this Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEmTTOfet46PuW-CM4gmmMnebKMq3WFMp

    This Video: Bruce Lee Jeet Kune Do Trapping Techniques - Wing Chung Huen Sao Drill