

在 howled產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過26萬的網紅香港作家王迪詩,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 很多人説香港警察像日本皇軍,怎可能?日本皇軍殘害的是其他民族,香港警察殘害的是香港人。 【3.8 將軍澳尚德回顧|警員截查完整過程】 昨天( 3月8日)大批市民於尚德十字路口聚集悼念周梓樂逝世四個月,期後警員於尚禮樓一帶設封鎖線,更將部份市民帶入停車場內,在記者視線不可及的情況下進行搜...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過59的網紅Vito Hou,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Bull Mashroom official page: https://www.facebook.com/bullmashroom Vocal & Rhythm guitar - Vito Shang Lead Guitar - Blue Chen Lyrics: The night was ...

howled 在 ??????? ????? ????? ?? Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-17 18:55:09

A YEAR & HALF AGO. I had just got out of being bedridden and wheelchair bound for a solid 3-5 months. I remember crying to my friends and alone thin...

howled 在 ? Sherlyn Mama ? Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-09 03:49:03

Many people ask me why VEGAN? Here's my answer : For the animals ♥️ ive seen how the farming industry is as horrfic as puppy mill. How the female an...

  • howled 在 香港作家王迪詩 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-03-10 11:51:16
    有 574 人按讚


    【3.8 將軍澳尚德回顧|警員截查完整過程】

    昨天( 3月8日)大批市民於尚德十字路口聚集悼念周梓樂逝世四個月,期後警員於尚禮樓一帶設封鎖線,更將部份市民帶入停車場內,在記者視線不可及的情況下進行搜身,而當中多為女性及年輕市民,期間有未成年少女因警方威嚇聲淚俱下。




    【3.8 Sheung Tak Incident Review|Full Video of Police Search】

    Yesterday (8th of March), crowds of citizens gathered at a crossroad in Sheung Tak, Tseung Kwan O, to commemorate the 4th month after Alex Chow passed away. Police has set up a cordon line near Sheung Tak Estate and has taken part of the crowds into the car park to conduct searches while hidden from the press. Many who were taken away were ladies or underages, some of which could be seen shaken to tears by screaming officers.

    In the video, the police could be seen taking a 7-officer-to-1 approach in their search. The searched person would be pushed against the wall, surrounded by officers in a half-circle formation. The officers could be seen intimidating the searched person by verbal insults and bodily contact. Even when the person complies with all commands, the police could be heard screaming venting remarks like "You're f***ing cocky" or "You got a f***ing problem?". Although irrelevant to the search, much vulgarities could be heard as well, such as "I don't f***ing care where you're going", "you f***ing know what you did", "F***ing idiot, when you cross the road we have the right to search you". Most shockingly, a man was coerced into apologizing to the 7 officers repeatedly, until they were all pleased.

    Afterwards, the police had discovered reporters filming the scene and howled at them, asking them to stop filming and surrender all footage. The police challenged the reporters' identity and claimed that their filming is an act of 'picking a fight with the police'. The reporters were then forcefully taken to search as well.

    The verbal assaults from the police brings to question the law and order in Hong Kong. There have been ever more doubts in the legal grounds in police search protocols, if there even are any protocols at all. Once again the police has attracted the public's attention to the long-standing issues of discipline on duty, by dragging civilians into dark corners for search, surrounding unarmed citizens, and verbally assaulting them in fluent vulgarities, all with a clear intention to terrorize innocent people so that they would not ever dare to take part in peaceful protests again.

    Video, Edit 撰: Billy Choy, DJPeace, Huen Tang, Long Tse

    #flashmediahongkong #fmhk #flashmediahk #hkmedia #2020 #將軍澳 #尚德

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  • howled 在 Banana egg 雞蛋香蕉 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2018-08-04 02:56:03
    有 82 人按讚

    Well, my husband says Jayda should win an oscer for her performance today! She hurt her arm today, I don't even know what happened but by the way she was acting I thought something was really wrong, I waited with her at the hospital for nearly 3 hours, then had to go for an x-ray across town, it wasn't broken or dislocated, just a little swelling, but she howled when I got her dressed tonight. So I was still concerned. A new friend who is a nurse offered to have a look, so we all headed to their house. I couldn't believe her, all of a sudden she was jumping around and playing like nothing had ever happened...Jayda you sure had me fooled.

  • howled 在 Von Facebook 的最佳解答

    2016-01-13 00:31:36
    有 5 人按讚

    “Dear The Callous owner of this dog. Today we noticed a couple of emails from people that had noticed your dog that had been abandoned. After looking at date, your dog had been sitting there since Saturday morning at least. It was 3:00 pm today when we finally noticed the messages because we have been so busy. We decided to drive over and see if we could help. Sure enough there he was. He waited for you. He hadn't left the place you made him stay. He was being a good dog. He stayed close to the last place he saw his favourite person in the world. He thought you were coming back. He was watching every car that would come down the road hoping it was you coming back for him. Your dog has been freezing, hungry, and scared for days because you are a heartless piece of crap.He was so hungry that he was eating sticks. Nice people had stopped to drop off food but he was still so hungry and confused. But even with food sitting in front of him he knew he had to wait for you to come back. He isn't a bad dog. He is a very good dog. You were a bad friend. You abandoned someone that would give his life for you. He won't be waiting for you anymore. After he was seen for day curled up in a ball on the road you left him, we came back for him. Your dog ate from our hand after hours of throwing him wet food. Your dog finally came closer to us as we laid in the cold dirt telling him "everything is going to be ok and this is the last time anyone will hurt you". Your dog finally let me pet the top of his head. Then behind his ears. Finally he didn't run when I scooted over and sat next to him. He finally laid down and allowed me to give him belly rubs. He let me put a leash on him and didn't try to run. He didn't panic until it was time to leave. He wanted to wait for you. He refused to walk to the van. I carried your huge dog to our van; your big, gentle, scared, and loyal dog. I carried your dog away from the last place he saw you. He howled the whole car ride to our shelter. He howled the most painful howl I have ever heard. It was the sound of his heart breaking. He desperately tried to get back to the spot that you left him. He frantically checked every window then watched out the back window as we drove away. His howls lasted until he came to the driver seat and howled at me. As I reached over to pet his head he looked at me so confused and laid his head on my lap and whined as we pulled up to the shelter.You don't deserve this amazing puppy. You don't deserve any dog at all. My dog will forget about you. He will find a good home and will get the love he deserves. He will know what it's like to have a real home.” (Credit: Kings SPCA-Rescue) #Today9

  • howled 在 Vito Hou Youtube 的最佳解答

    2014-02-02 23:30:29

    Bull Mashroom official page: https://www.facebook.com/bullmashroom

    Vocal & Rhythm guitar - Vito Shang
    Lead Guitar - Blue Chen

    The night was such sentimental
    You set foot in the dark, waiting till the dawn
    Then you crash on the way back, searching for some help
    You howled

    I don't wanna know
    I don't need to go
    The way I choose to go, the way I choose to know
    Now it's all sinking down my soul.

    You've been trapped on the road, catching the wind-blow.
    Smoke out your life and dreams, separated with your love.
    Try to get on this lonely open road, but you can't even find your toe.


    You've been grabbed and sold.
    How long does it take till you get to know?
    How long?


