

在 housewife產品中有394篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2,097的網紅當錞霖在一起·Phoenix媽媽的育兒記事簿,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 🇬🇧大冒險記事 Chapter 10 【主婦生活無限loop】 朋友們都在問移居後的生活怎麼樣??Phoenix媽媽的回答是「busy housewife life」❣️ 星期一至五也是這樣過的: 7:30-9:00 預備早餐+送返學 ☀️暫時只有粒霖在上學,還好她10分鐘內便會醒來,然後玩i...

 同時也有293部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過57萬的網紅JEBBEY FAMILY,也在其Youtube影片中提到,JianHao takes over Debbie's role as a stay-home mom, CEO of StarryCo and housewife. How will he do as he tries to complete the tasks given to him? #Ma...

housewife 在 Moni Sou Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-24 10:05:25

【家居安全又可靠嘅清潔小貼士,一噴仲可以長效抗菌6個月】 其實我都係鐘意密密清潔嘅人嚟㗎,特別係隨身嘅物品,但係用得多 #酒精、 #濕紙巾 對皮膚都唔係咁好,而且要成日清潔先有效。 最近聽朋友介紹用咗 Prime-Living 嘅 #PrimeShield™ 長效抗菌保護膜,簡單一噴,就會喺物件...

  • housewife 在 當錞霖在一起·Phoenix媽媽的育兒記事簿 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-29 19:53:34
    有 136 人按讚

    🇬🇧大冒險記事 Chapter 10

    朋友們都在問移居後的生活怎麼樣??Phoenix媽媽的回答是「busy housewife life」❣️


    7:30-9:00 預備早餐+送返學

    9:30-12:00 吃早餐+家務+少少me time

    12:00-1:00 午餐時間

    1:00-3:00 到商店去

    3:30-5:30 錞霖時間

    6:00-8:00 晚餐時間

    8:30-10:00 洗白白,乖乖睡





  • housewife 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-28 15:49:18
    有 4,833 人按讚

    I'm the perfect housewife. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • housewife 在 IELTS Thanh Loan Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-28 10:00:44
    有 43 人按讚

    ➡️ Sách Từ vựng & Ý tuởng cho IELTS Writing: https://ielts-thanhloan.com/san-pham/ebook-luyen-ielts-vocabulary
    ➡️ Sách Từ vựng & Ý tưởng cho IELTS Speaking: https://ielts-thanhloan.com/san-pham/ebook-ielts-vocabulary-speaking
    - the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree: a child usually has similar qualities to their parents.
    Eg: “It’s not unusual that you have the same interests as your mother. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

    - to follow in someone’s footsteps: to try to achieve the same things that someone else (usually a family member) has already done.
    Eg: I decided to go into law instead of medicine. I thought about following in my father’s footsteps and becoming a surgeon, but I don’t think I’d make a great doctor.

    - like father, like son: sons tend to be similar to their fathers. We normally use this idiom to talk about personality, interests, and character
    Eg: Jimmy is tall just like his father, and they have the same smile. Like father, like son.

    - to run in the family: many members of the family have that quality, skill, interest, problem, disease, etc.
    Eg: Heart disease runs in my family. I try to have a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise.

    - the apple of one’s eye: Someone’s favorite or most cherished person is the apple of their eye. We often use this idiom to talk about a parent and their child.
    Eg: Our grandson is the apple of our eye. We absolutely adore him.

    - get along with (or get on with): If two people get along with (or get on with) each other, it means that they like each other and have a friendly relationship. (Get along with is American English, and get on with is British English.)
    Eg: If you have a large family, there will likely be some people who don’t get along with each other.

    - (just) one big happy family: If a group of people is (just) one big happy family, it means that a group of people (often a family) get along and work well together. We sometimes use this idiom sarcastically.
    Eg: Our firm has been successful because of our close-knit relationship. We’re one big happy family.

    - bad blood: there is anger or hate between people people due to something that happened in the past.
    Eg: Are you sure you want to invite all of your cousins to your party? Isn’t there bad blood between two of them?

    - Bring home the bacon: kiếm tiền nuôi gia đình
    Eg: My mom – as a housewife, she does all the household chores, while my dad – as an officer, works outside and brings home the bacon.

    - Black sheep of the family: khác biệt
    Being the black sheep of the family, I’m the only one who works as artist, while my parents are both teachers.

    - Men make houses, women make homes: đàn ông xây nhà, đàn bà xây tổ ấm
    Folks rumoured that men make houses, women make homes. So, in Viet Nam, men often work outside to earn money, while women takes care for home.

    - Extended family (noun phrase): gia đình trực hệ
    ENG: people who are very closely related to you, such as your parents, children, brothers, and sisters

    - nuclear family (noun phrase): gia đình hạt nhân
    ENG: a family group consisting of two parents and their children (one or more)

    - only child (noun phrase): con một
    ENG: a child who has no sisters or brothers

    - extended family (noun phrase): đại gia đình, họ
    ENG: a family that extends beyond the nuclear family, including grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other relatives, who all live nearby or in one household.

    - offspring – a person's child or children: con cái
    Eg: My two sisters are coming over later with their offspring so the house is going to be very noisy.

    - family man – a man who enjoys being at home with his wife and children: người đàn ông của gia đình
    Eg: Deepak used to love partying but now that he has kids he’s become a real family man.

    - single parent – a person bringing up a child or children without a partner: cha/mẹ đơn thân
    Eg: My sister is a single parent now that her husband has left her.

    - stay at home parent / stay at home father/mother – a parent who stays at home to take care of their children rather than going out to work: cha/mẹ không đi làm mà ở nhà chăm con
    Eg: These days, it’s far more usual for men to be a stay-at-home parent than when I was young when it was always the mother who looked after the kids.

    Download PDF tại đây: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uc9mqGmbJIDV-prrFXp27I5WQQWuUfAn/view?usp=sharing

  • housewife 在 JEBBEY FAMILY Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-06-18 19:01:13

    JianHao takes over Debbie's role as a stay-home mom, CEO of StarryCo and housewife. How will he do as he tries to complete the tasks given to him? #MakeTheNorm
    Follow us on IG: http://www.instagram.com/thejianhaotan
    Debbie: http://www.instagram.com/debbwie
    Starley: http://www.instagram.com/starleytan_

    Get your merch NOW: https://teamtitanstore.com

    Business: hao@titandigitalmedia.com

  • housewife 在 Stephie 蔚絲 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-06-09 21:43:38

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    ?Music provided by BGM President
    ?Track : Some Vintage Mood 5 - https://youtu.be/e0X1quVKQmI

  • housewife 在 Stephie 蔚絲 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-19 19:00:09

    chicken katsudon是我中学时期的回忆。跟妈妈一起下厨,吃到了自己回忆的味道好幸福?

    我们买的是Rinnai Flexi Hob。这款煤气炉拥有灵活开洞尺寸,可以装入大范围的厨房台面尺寸范围,无需对厨房台面做任何修改。买炉灶细节上有几个重点需要注意。是铸铁锅支架,坚固且永不变形,可确保炒锅和锅的稳定性。钢化玻璃,耐用且易于清洁。多段火力控制设置,可控且均匀加热。安全装置,火焰熄灭时切断气体供应。密封燃烧器,防止溢出的液体溢出到燃气灶的内部隔室中。

    更多关于Rinnai Flexi Hob的详情,可以浏览官网: https://bit.ly/flexi-hob-series

    #RinnaiMalaysia #RinnaiFlexiHob #Rinnai100Years

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    【chicken katsudon and clams miso soup recipe】
    【unboxing Rinnai gas stove】

    ?Music provided by BGM President
    ?Track : A Summer Night's Dream - https://youtu.be/hC29Vt9u6T0

