Hippocras sometimes spelled hipocras or hypocras, is a drink made from wine mixed with sugar and spices, usually including cinnamon, and possibly heated.
#2Hippocras, a recipe for medieval spiced wine - Coquinaria
These wines, with added spices and sweetened with sugar (which was also considered a spice), were called hippocras. The name does not derive ...
#3hippocras, medieval spiced wine, ypocras, ipocras, hipocras
a Roman spiced wine tradition, then a unique beverage from the European medieval gastronomy; this drink was known as pimen, piment, ypocras, ypocrasse, ...
#4hippocras - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
hippocras. KK[ˋhɪpə͵kræs]; DJ[ˋhipəkræs]. 美式. n. 香料藥酒. Dr.eye 譯典通. hippocras. 用葡萄酒及香料調制的甜酒. PyDict. Yahoo奇摩字典.
#5Hippocras - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Hippocras is a alcoholic drink in Westeros. Hippocras is likely made from wine mixed with sugar and spices, most notably cinnamon, and possibly heated.
#6Hippocras, or spiced wine
Hippocras is a kind of spiced wine. As Paul Lukacs writes in his book Inventing Wine, wine drinkers at all levels of society in medieval and ...
#7hippocras - 維基詞典,自由的多語言詞典
hippocras 編輯. 語言; 監視 · 編輯. 英語編輯. 發音編輯. (英國) IPA:/ˈhɪpəʊkɹas/. 名詞編輯. hippocras (不可數). 用葡萄酒及香料調製的甜酒.
#8Hippocras definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Hippocras definition: an old English drink of wine flavoured with spices | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.
#9Hippocras 的中文翻譯| 英漢字典
hippocras 用葡萄酒及香料調制的甜酒來源(5): The Collaborative International ... [F. hippocras, hypocras, NL. vinum hippocraticum, lit., wine of Hippocrates.] ...
#10Wine - Hippocras - KingView Mead
Wine - Hippocras. $21.99. 1. Select an option. Select one. How to get it. Required. Shipping. Store pickup. KingView Mead. 2200 Tanger Boulevard Suite 875 ...
#11Hippocras: Spiced wine it's ingredients.
Apr 9, 2017 - Hippocras is a very diverse class of spiced wine beverages popular throughout the Medieval and Renaissance periods of Western Europe.
#12Hippocras Definition & Meaning
The meaning of HIPPOCRAS is a mulled wine popular in medieval Europe.
#13Hippocras Definition & Meaning
Hippocras definition, an old medicinal cordial made of wine mixed with spices. See more.
#14Hippocras Commendae Barbera
來自利古里亞(Liguria) , Northern Italy , 意大利的紅酒}。 查看這款葡萄酒的評論和價格。
#15Medieval Mulled Wine Mix (Hippocras) - Single Serve
Old Hamlet's classic sugar and spice mix to create a traditional spiced red wine called Hippocras (hipocras or hypocras), which can be served warm or cold. A ...
#17Potus Ypocras (Hippocras) - OAKDEN
Ypocras (or Hippocras) is a medieval mulled wine recipe, (the word “mulled” simply means heated and spiced); and while many liquids can be ...
#18A Naturally Spiced Piedmont Barbera Wine from Genova
Hippocras Commendae's recipe has been refined over the years to suit varying tastes and palettes, but at its core remains true to the medieval methods. The ...
#19hippocras - WordReference.com Dictionary of English
hippocras · Medieval Latin Hippocrās, alteration of Latin Hippocratēs, on model of words like cīvitās (nominative), cīvitātis (genitive) · Old French: Hippocrates ...
#20Hippocras | Game of Thrones: Ascent Wiki - Fandom
As part of the following AvA reward sets: Owl Phase Eel Phase Eel Shock Phase Separately in the Shop for 6 Possibly as part of the following Deal:The Grand ...
n. 及香料调制的甜. 用户正在搜索. deuteranope, deuteranopia, deuteranopic, deuteranopsia, deuterate, deuterated, deuteration, deuterauxin, deuterencephalon, ...
#221911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Hippocras - Wikisource
HIPPOCRAS, an old medicinal drink or cordial, made of wine mixed with spices—such as cinnamon, ginger and sugar—and strained through ...
#23What is the translation of "hippocras" in French?
Translation for 'hippocras' in the free English-French dictionary and many other French translations.
#24Arts & Sciences Research Paper #29: Hippocras, or a ...
Hippocras (ipocras, ipocrist, ypocras, and multiple spelling variations) is a simple drink of spiced, sweetened wine. It is the ancestor of what ...
#25What is the plural of hippocras?
Neither wine nor hippocras had befogged the stout heads of the Assyrians, nor loosened their canny tongues. At the time, many believed in the virtues of herb or ...
#26Hippocras Recipe
HIPPOCRAS RECIPE. “To make a quarte or quartern of hippocras by measure used in Beziers, Carcassonne, or Montpelier, pulverize 5 drams of choice cinnamon, ...
#27Hippocras - Crunchbase Investor Profile & Investments
Hippocras is a venture capital firm. ... Nordic Countries, Scandinavia; Founded Date 2018; Operating Status Active; Legal Name Hippocras Ky.
#28Hippocras (Non-Alcoholic) Recipe
"Hippocras is a medieval spiced drink traditionally made with wine, but the Society for Creative Anachronism feast we attended served this non-alcoholic ...
#29Hippocras - Barony of Terra Pomaria
A favorite postprandial tipple during most of the middle ages was a sweetened spiced wine called “hippocras”. This concoction was named for ...
A medicated drink composed usually of red wine but sometimes white with the addition of sugar and spices." Chaucer's Merchant's Tale of c1386 has; "He drynketh ...
#31Dark Hippocras by VARIOUS ARTISTS on Amazon Music
2. Brandi Underbalanced. Rune Petar ; 3. Chiffon Kathakali. Reney Danie ; 4. Dark Hippocras. Gyler Ewik ; 5. First Richness. Lilen Mili ; 6. Hertha Pensiveness.
#32To Make Hippocras, a 1615 Recipe
Hippocras, also known as ypocras, ipocras, and so on, is a form of sweetened spiced herbal wine that was popular in Europe during the ...
#33Hippocras Definition, Meaning & Usage | FineDictionary.com
Definition of Hippocras in the Fine Dictionary. Meaning of Hippocras with illustrations and photos. Pronunciation of Hippocras and its etymology.
#34Tudor Hippocras - CountryContrast.co.uk
This is a set for serving Hippocras which  was a sweet spiced wine served warm at the end of a meal. The set comprises a filled jug, 4 filled goblets and a ...
#35hippocras的意思是:用葡萄酒及香料调制的 - 英语在线翻译
hippocras 的中文意思:用葡萄酒及香料调制的,点击查看详细解释:hippocras的中文翻译、hippocras的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握hippocras这个单词。
#36Buy Ippocrasso Liqueur 500ml Online
Hippocras liqueur. Liqueur of an ancient recipe of the Friars of Farla in the province of Rieti. A unique liqueur, with sweet and tasty notes.
This is an excerpt from Le Menagier de Paris (France, 1393 - Janet Hinson, trans.) The original source can be found at David Friedman's website. HIPPOCRAS.
#38Hippocras from The Farmhouse Kitchen by Mary Norwak
Ingredients · 8 oz light soft brown sugar · 1 oz cinnamon · ½ oz ginger · ¼ oz cardamon · pinch of Cayenne pepper · 2 pints red wine.
#39Brewer's: Hippocras
Brewer's: Hippocras. A cordial made of Lisbon and Canary wines, bruised spices, and sugar; so called from the strainer through which it is passed, ...
#40Hippocras in Hausa
in Arabic هيبوكراس · in Hebrew hippocras · in Igbo hippocras · in Maltese hippocras · in Somali Hippocras · in Swahili hippocras · in Yoruba hippocras · in Zulu ama- ...
#41Hippocras Definition & Meaning
Hippocras definition: A former cordial made of wine and spices.
#42hippocras: meaning, translation
hippocras (English). Origin & history. From Old French ipocras, ypocras ("Hippocrates"), after Medieval Latin vinum Hippocraticum ("Hippocrates's wine") ( ...
#43hippocras - definition and meaning
A beverage composed of wine, with spices ans sugar, strained through a cloth. It is said to have taken its name from Hippocrates' sleeve, the term apothecaries ...
#44Mulled wine: how 'Christmas in a cup' went from ancient ...
The ancient Greek version of mulled wine, Ypocras or Hippocras, takes its name from Hippocrates, the Greek physician regarded as the father ...
#45Tonti Paolo HIPPOCRAS Commendae Vino medievale
Hippocras Commendae è un'infusione che stupisce l'assaggiatore per la sua capacità di esaltatare il naturale sapore delle spezie e soddisfare i palati più ...
hippocras. (ˈhɪpəʊˌkræs). n. (Cookery) an old English drink of wine flavoured with spices. [C14 ypocras, from Old ...
#47Medieval culinary glossary: hippocras
hippocras ypocras. Spiced and sweetened wine, either red or white or both; typically drunk at the end of a meal with wafers (fine pastries; ...
#48Lynn Museum - Try some medieval hippocras for...
Hippocras was a spiced pudding wine used to aid digestion after dinner, and may have been stored or served in a German stoneware Bellarmine Bottle like our ...
hippocras 的中文意思:用葡萄酒及香料调制的,点击查看详细解释:hippocras的中文翻译、hippocras的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握hippocras这个单词。
#50HIPPOCRAS-在英语词典里hippocras 的定义和近义词。
希波克拉底(Hippocras),有时是拼写的hipocras或hypocras,是一种饮料,与葡萄酒混合,糖和香料,通常包括肉桂,可能加热。 在香料中浸泡香料一天后,香料通过一个称 ...
#52Saxifrage Hippocras (2023) | Various Artists
Track Number Track Title Track Length Track Price/Buy Link 1. Any Preeminent Any Preeminent. by Dencio Mazi 2:47 $0.89 2. Autumn Young Autumn Young. by Eliette 3:01 $0.89 3. Body Foothills Body Foothills. by Norin Suko 2:47 $0.89
#53معنی hippocras به فارسی
معنی hippocras - معانی، نمونه جمله، مترادف و متضاد، تلفظ صوتی آمریکایی و بریتانیایی، کالوکیشن، فریزال ورب، اصطلاح و .
#54hippocras - Translation into French - examples English
Translations in context of "hippocras" in English-French from Reverso Context: This was also the case for sugar, spices, and hippocras.
#55Hippocras - Medieval Mulled Red Wine recipe
Hippocras - Medieval Mulled Red Wine recipe is from Suzannah's Kitchen, one of the cookbooks created at FamilyCookbookProject.com.
#56hippocras - Yorkshire Historical Dictionary - University of York
hippocras. 1) A sweet wine flavoured with spices. 1683 To Make white Hippocrass. To a Gallon of white wine, an ounce of Cinnamon, halfe an ounce of cloves ...
#57hippocras | Dictionnaire de l'Académie française | 2e édition
s. m. Quelques-uns escrivent Hippocras. □ Espece de breuvage delicieux, composé pour l'ordinaire de vin, de sucre, de canelle, d'ambre, &c.
The Chinese word 用葡萄酒及香料调制的甜酒means hippocras. Learn more about this word.
#59Making Hippocras at Home | Medieval Spiced Wine
Making Hippocras at Home | Medieval Spiced Wine ... You are so adorable Max. We love you so much. I wonder if any Asian or African or South ...
#60Hippocras with THL Hallr brjost Starrson - Barony of Dreiburgen
Hippocras is a popular SCA drink. Hippocras, Hypocras, Ipocras, Ypocras, Mulled Wine, Claree, or a myriad of other spellings and variations ...
#61Hippocras Commendae - Vendita online
L'ippocrasso ha origini antichissime, era già conosciuto sul finire dell'impero romano e deve il suo nome all'attribuzione di qualità medicinali, quindi ...
Try this Hippocras recipe, or contribute your own. Suggest a better description. Still searching for what to cook ? Find the most delicious recipes here.
#63Hippocras Recipe: A Medieval Drink
Hippocras, a spiced wine drink, dates back to ancient times and was also thought to be beneficial to health. To make this one, just pour a ...
#64Ancient Rome and wine, History of wine, Ancient Greece ...
Ancient wine: Ancient Rome and wine, History of wine, Ancient Greece and wine, Retsina, Hippocras, Falernian wine, Caecuban wine, Persian wine, ... wine, ...
#65Muddling Through ; A short history of Mulled Wine
Hippocras came to have a very defined recipe, bringing together all the extra bits – the cloves, spices, long pepper, ginger into one recipe ...
#66hippocras Rhymes
hippocras •alas, Alsace, amass, ass, Bass, chasse, crass, crevasse, en masse, gas, Hamas, lass, mass, morass, sass, tarantass, tass, wrasse •Díaz • Phidias ...
#67Hippocras | Tudor England
Hippocras was a form of of ''Spiced Wine'' which although can trace it's origins to 5ht Century BC Greece, would become popular during The Reign of Qu …
#68Medieval recipe – Hippocras
W Hippocras (ipocras or Ypocras) was a very common drink in the Middle Ages, served in most banquets, at the end of the meal, because it was ...
#69Hippocras Cocktail Recipe & Ingredients
Stir wine sugar syrup spiced and served room temperature in a wine glass is a Hippocras cocktail at 10% alcohol and 1.1 standard drinks.
#70Online:Red Hippocras
Red Hippocras. Type, Alcohol, Level, 15. Quality, 1, Improvement, 1. Ingredients. Surilie Grapes, Ginger. Effect(s). Increase Health Recovery by 198 for 35 ...
#71Libations: Punching up Friends-giving | AspenTimes.com
The Hippocras Punch. • 1.5L white wine (rather dry and fruity) - 2 bottles. • 17 oz Hendrick's Gin – ½ bottle. • 15 oz Chamomile tea.
#72About: Hippocras
Hippocras (Catalan: Pimentes de clareya; Latin: vīnum Hippocraticum), sometimes spelled hipocras or hypocras, is a drink made from wine mixed with sugar and ...
A Medieval Recipe for hot spiced wine. Ingredients. 1 bottle of red wine, Burgundy type, (wine from a kit); ¼ cup sugar.
#74Hippocras in Spanish | English to Spanish Translation
Translate Hippocras. See authoritative translations of Hippocras in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.
Hippocras. Posted August 2019. by Stephen Schmidt. Heavily sweetened, pungently spiced white or red wine meant to speed the digestion and typically drunk ...
#76Übersetzung für 'hippocras' von Englisch nach Deutsch
While sweeter than hippocras, sangria is still often made with spices, including cinnamon, ginger, and pepper. Lyst made medicinal distilled waters and sent ...
#77Tudor Cooking with Claire - Hippocras
I'm always coming across mentions of hippocras when I'm reading primary source accounts of banquets, coronations and christenings. It was something that was ...
#78同反义词_用葡萄酒及香料调制的甜酒- Hippocras
hippocras 是什么意思?hippocras怎么读?新东方在线字典为用户提供单词hippocras的释义、hippocras的音标和发音、hippocras的用法、例句、词组、词汇搭配、近反义词等 ...
#79Coated Hippocras Lyrics - Loel Koky
Coated Hippocras lyrics by Loel Koky, listen and download latest songs of Loel Koky with lyrics on Boomplay.
#80hippocras - meaning in Urdu
hippocras کے اردو معانی. پوشیدہ. اسم. تواریخ: خوشبویات وغیرہ ڈال کر تیار کی ہوئی شراب۔.
#81Hippocras Bag, Oil of Exeter and Manus Christi
... smythe water, sympyre , and hippocras bag ) reveal the mixed nature, lay and learned, of such products of vernacularisation processes.
#82Hypocras, Hippocras, Ippocrasso - carnis.org |
Hypocras, Hippocras, Ippocrasso · Le Viandiers version: Per liter wine; 20g cinnamon, 7g ginger, 3g grains of paradise, 180g sugar · Le Menagerie de Paris version ...
#833 Hippocras Images, Stock Photos & Vectors
Find Hippocras stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection.
Hippocras. A spiced wine drink. Hippocras bag. Conical bag of cotton or wood used as a filter to add the spices to hippocras (see above)
#85How to pronounce hippocras | HowToPronounce.com
How to say hippocras in English? Pronunciation of hippocras with 1 audio pronunciation, 1 meaning and more for hippocras.
#86A Spiced Wine for Dessert, Hippocras (Hipocrás, o garrapiñado)
It is an ancient drink, spiced with cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, and ginger, but unlike mulled wine, it is served chilled, not warm. According to ...
#87Hippocras Commendae (@hippocrascommendae)
252 Followers, 106 Following, 8 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Hippocras Commendae (@hippocrascommendae)
#88Hippocras Punch
Hippocras Punch. Ingredients. 3 parts Hendrick's Gin. 8 parts White Wine. 2 parts Chamomile Tea. 1/2 parts Pineapple Chopped.
#89Historia - Hippocras Recipe - Mana Project Studio
Historia - Hippocras Recipe - ***This products includes both English and Italian Version | Questo prodotto include sia il file Inglese che ...
#90How to pronounce hippocras in English
Pronunciation guide: Learn how to pronounce hippocras in English with native pronunciation. hippocras translation and audio pronunciation.
Hippocras (Catalan: Pimentes de clareya; Latin: vīnum Hippocraticum), sometimes spelled hipocras or hypocras, is a drink made from wine ...
#92The Great History Quiz: The Tudors, Adventures in hippocras
Adventures in hippocras. The Great History Quiz: The Tudors. An authentic white hippocras is served to the panel with mixed results.
Tag: Hippocras. Mulled Wine: 5000 Year Old Medicine Image. Mulled Wine: 5000 Year Old Medicine. Julia Skinner • Feb 23, 2022. Free health and natural beauty ...
#94261 unscrambled words from letters HIPPOCRAS
Your query to unscramble hippocras has returned 261 words, which include anagrams as well as other shorter words that can be made using the letters included ...
#95Tradução de hippocras no Dicionário Infopédia de Inglês
hippocras · hipocraz · vinho com mel · canela · açúcar e amêndoa.
#96【yaoi會社寄賣】二手/海賊王/馬可X艾斯/chuzy《Hippocras》 ...
#97The Oxford Companion to Sugar and Sweets
Damon Talbott hippocras, or hypocras, was a sweet, spiced medicinal wine familiar in late medieval and early modern Europe. To pharmacists, it was one of a ...
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