

在 health-conscious產品中有139篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過58萬的網紅Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Having worked for many years in the hospitality industry at Genting Highlands which operates 24 hours a day, Andrew had little time to spend with his ...


health-conscious 在 AUNUNN シ Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-16 04:16:23

อยู่บ้านนานรู้สึกขี้เกียจและเนือยไปหมด ต้องการอะไรที่สดชื่นมาช่วยให้ refresh คือ 7UP FREE+Fiber เจ้าตัวนี้ ไม่ได้ health conscious ขนาดนั้นนะ แต่ว่า...

health-conscious 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-15 23:06:16

【家常湯水】豆奶是大家最熟悉的植物奶 ⭐豆奶入饌甜鹹皆宜 ⭐注意飲用過量易胃脹 #星期五湯水 自製火鍋豆奶湯 日式火鍋常見有豆乳湯底供應,日文豆乳即豆漿,又稱豆奶,豆乳湯底味道相對清淡,感覺比較健康,一向受追求健美的人士歡迎。從中醫角度來看,黃豆性平,有健脾養胃、利濕及補益的功效,有助紓緩脾虛水...

  • health-conscious 在 Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-23 13:23:50
    有 1,191 人按讚

    Having worked for many years in the hospitality industry at Genting Highlands which operates 24 hours a day, Andrew had little time to spend with his family and loved ones.

    When he got the news that his wife was pregnant with a baby girl on the way, Andrew knew he had to have a change of lifestyle so he could spend more time with his growing family.

    He knew it was time to explore moving into a new field, and coming from a hospitality background, he felt that the best choice would be to try his hand in F&B.

    He started @lean_n_rush in Nu Sentral mall, offering a range of salads catering to the rising demand for more health-conscious dining options.

    However, when MCO was announced and he started facing reduced traffic, it was a matter of time before he was forced to close down.

    Believing that ‘to survive is to grow,’ he immediately started seeking out other options to sustain his business.

    Lean & Rush was one of the first brands to begin operating at @COOXasia and it has made his business easier to manage, with orders and customers steadily rising day by day.

    Andrew is very grateful to have the opportunity to try something new, and he appreciates that not everyone is so lucky to have that opportunity.

    When we started COOX, it was always our goal to help empower F&B entrepreneurs who were facing tough times, or even those who were interested to try their hand in an F&B business, but the conventional way was just too difficult and costly.

    If you think this is something that will be beneficial for you or know someone who would be interested, we are always welcoming more startups and F&B entrepreneurs to join us.

    Pass us your details and COOX will be in touch:


  • health-conscious 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-03 15:50:03
    有 114 人按讚





    1. 所有材料洗淨,姬松茸用清水浸15分鐘,浸姬松茸水可以直接加入湯中一起煮;洋蔥切粒;紅蘿蔔去皮切片;椰菜切塊備用。
    2. 在深鍋裡加油燒熱,加入洋蔥炒香,加入椰菜及紅蘿蔔,加入姬松茸拌炒一會。
    3. 加入水及豆奶,武火煮至水滾,調文火煮約10分鐘至食材軟腍,最後下鹽調味即可。

    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Homemade soymilk hotpot
    Soymilk is a common soup used in nabe, or Japanese hotpot. Since it has a mild taste, health conscious people enjoy drinking it. From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, soybean is mild in nature. It can strengthen the spleen and stomach, dispel dampness from the body, and has nourishing properties. Hence, it is suitable to strengthen a person’s weak spleen, relieve edema, and improve one’s appetite.

    Soybean contains isoflavones, which is a type of phytoestrogen that has anti-oxidant properties. Soymilk is good for the body, but it is not suitable for everyone. Beans can cause bloating, hence individuals with a weak and cold spleen and stomach, and those who experience bloating and diarrhea regularly should avoid drinking it.

    It is not difficult to make soymilk soup at home. Buy unsweetened soymilk from the store, add in vegetables or meats, and cook them into a pot of soup. You can use the soup for hotpot, and consume it in an appropriate amount.

    Tips on ingredient:
    Almond mushroom is mild in nature. Helps to strengthen the brain and kidney, strengthen the body and replenish weakness.

    Almond mushroom and vegetable soup with soymilk
    Effects: Strengthens the spleen and stomach, moisten the intestines and relieve constipation. Helps improve symptoms such as indigestion.
    Ingredients: 30g almond mushroom, 1/2 onion, 1/2 carrot, 1/4 cabbage, 600ml unsweetened soymilk, 400ml water
    1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Soak almond mushrooms in water for 15 minutes. Soaking water can be directly added to the soup and boiled together. Dice the onion. Slice the peeled carrot. Slice the cabbage into pieces.
    2. Heat oil in a deep pot, add onion and sauté until fragrant. Add cabbage and carrot. Add almond mushroom and sauté for a while.
    3. Add water and soymilk and cook on high heat until boiling. Simmer for 10 minutes until ingredients are softened. Add salt to taste.
    Note: Those with weak and cold spleen and stomach should not have this soup.

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #胃脹

  • health-conscious 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-01 09:26:34
    有 19 人按讚

    *NEW* [Mooncake Review: bit.ly/PurpleCaneHealthTeaMooncakes]

    Hello September, and I'm already excited for the Mid-Autumn Festival! 🥳🎉

    Back to my favourite range of Halal Healthy Tea Mooncakes this year, all infused with tea and curated with less sugar, less oil, low fat and no preservatives. Purple Cane Tea Mooncakes are sure to win the hearts of even the most health-conscious!🥮

    There are 12 unique classic tea flavours especially the 2 new flavours that you shouldn't miss:

    ❤ Herbal Tea Egg Puer Tea Mooncake
    (Super rich & aromatic with herbs & nutty flavours😋)
    ❤ Red Bean Paste with Dried Tangerine Peel Puer Tea Mooncake
    (Light, healthy combo with added aroma😍)

    Now available at Purple Cane Online Store, Purple Cane Tea Art Centre nationwide as well as Purple Cane Shopee Mall. 🛒

    🚚 *FREE DELIVERY West Malaysia
    (min spend above RM100)
    *T&C apply

    Purple Cane 紫藤
    #PurpleCaneTeaMooncake #MidAutumn2021 #OnTheFifteenthNight #TeaMooncake #Halal
    #MidAutumnFestival #PurpleCane
    #月十五 #庆中秋 #紫藤

  • health-conscious 在 ロイドごはん Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-23 19:45:01



    Ofuna, Chinese ramen is actually eaten! We visited "RaiRai" Ofuna, Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture. It is a Chinese restaurant located in the area where restaurants are lined up at the east exit of Ofuna station. Among the classics such as ramen, dumplings, and fried rice, the word "garlic" stands out. Ramen with plenty of garlic such as garlic curry ramen and garlic sun mamen are lined up. Health-conscious people may be interested in ramen that makes use of the effects of garlic, such as "beautiful skin," "immunity enhancement," and "blood smoothness." Please take a look at what you are interested in!
    * We take thorough measures against infection.
    * When shooting, we give due consideration to the shop and customers around us.

    いつもありがとうございます!( ´ ▽ ` )

    #ラーメン #ニンニク #大船 #ロイドごはん #大食い

    —————《サブチャンネルもよろしくお願いします! sub channel》—————————————





    —————《ロイドごはんオススメの動画!  ROIDGOHANs’ Recommended video》———————————

    78才おじいちゃん屋台ラーメンの朝『幸っちゃん』夜明けの銀座【飯テロ】Old Style Ramen Stall Yatai Japanese Street Food


    神回【ラーメン二郎の貴重映像】全増しが出来るまで一部始終を大公開!【ラーメン二郎 ひばりヶ丘店】ramen


    ★フラメンコロイド 《フラメンコロイドの神話と伝説》





  • health-conscious 在 The Meatmen Channel Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-07-16 16:00:09


    Zi char level goodness made good at home! This recipe is super simple, yet a fulfilling crowd pleaser that’s bound to make you smile.

    The recipe makes use of Fortune Tau Kwa cut into bite sized cubes, mixed well with panko breadcrumbs and a double hitting cereal mixture, for that extra crisp goodness to go with the firm soft tau kwa!

    Fortune offers a range of Tau Kwa to cater to different consumer needs.
    For the health conscious consumers, we have Fortune Tau Kwa and Fortune Tau Kwa with Omega which carries the Healthier Choice symbol and contains lesser sodium.
    For the food gourmets seeking traditional taste, Pasar Tau Kwa with a more flavorful palette will be your best choice.

    Lastly, thanks to our generous partner Fortune Food Manufacturing, stand a chance to win $25 worth of Fortune products – All you need to do is to like Fortune Food Manufacturing’s Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/fortunefoodmfgsg) and comment below on “Your favourite dish you’d like to make with Fortune Tau Kwa”.

    3 lucky winners will be selected by 23rd of July! – happy commenting!

    Recipe at: http://www.themeatmen.sg/butter-cereal-crispy-taukwa

    #themeatmensg #simple #delicious

    P.S. Say, if you like our recipe videos, don't forget to follow our page and share them with your friends. We have many new videos coming up, so stay tuned!

  • health-conscious 在 ロイドごはん Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-04-08 17:30:41


    We went by car to "Origin Bento Shonan Enoshima store" where we tried to compare the expensive and the cheap takeout lunch! Origin Bento is the same affiliated restaurant as Chinese restaurant Toshu, and opened its first takeaway lunch store in Kawasaki in 1994. Committed to in-store cooking, we always have 40 types of prepared dishes and over 30 types of bento. The “weight sale” style, which weighs as much as you want, such as freshly prepared foods, has gained explosive popularity and now has 560 stores nationwide! Others are also sold at other stores, but they are also more affordable, healthy and health conscious, and the taste and finish of prepared foods are good, so it can be said to be the strongest takeaway lunch! As demand increases in this situation, this is the first visit to us, but please take a look at the frank impressions and how they ate!
    * At the time of shooting, it was on sale at a discount of 50 yen from 17:00 to 24:00 (end on 4/5).
    What we ordered this time.
    ・Tartar-nori lunch (tax included: 320 yen) First, cospa is good! Two white fish fries, Chikuwa Isobe fried, nectar burdock, seaweed and plenty of rice and other rice! The crispness of the fry is pretty good, and the tartar sauce should be plenty of my favorite amount! Chikuwa's fried Isobe is half, but one is large, so it is quite large. If you eat soy sauce while dripping little by little, soy sauce soaks into rice and it is delicious again! Nori is laid tightly and plenty of squid! There was considerable satisfaction. 320 yen is quite cheap!
    ・ Meat assorted ribulose lunch (tax included: 1080 yen) Ribrous meat twice as much as usual. There is plenty of sweet sauce, and meat is on top of the sprouts. The rice is hardened, and there is also a hokuhokaku. The meat is quite thick, so there is a lot of food! For those who want to eat plenty of side dishes, this W serving was pretty good. With this content, 1080 yen was a great deal.


    いつもありがとうございます!( ´ ▽ ` )

    #テイクアウト #お持ち帰り #オリジン弁当 #ロイドごはん #フラメンコロイド #飯テロ

    —————《ロイド のサブチャンネル》—————————————

    【フラメンコロイド のサブチャンネルもよろしくお願いします!】




    『オリジン弁当 湘南江ノ島店』





    ★フラメンコロイド 《フラメンコロイドの神話と伝説》



    神回【ラーメン二郎の貴重映像】全増しが出来るまで一部始終を大公開!【ラーメン二郎 ひばりヶ丘店】ramen



    屋台でラーメンが出来上がるまでの職人技をお見せします【ボギー亭 虎ちゃん】味噌ニンニクラーメン【飯テロ】

    神技!いつもびっくりするよ!【がんちゃん】お好み焼きの名店に感動!【飯テロ】× フラメンコロイド 広島県
