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雖然這篇He's a dog meaning鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在He's a dog meaning這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 he's產品中有5796篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Hapa Eikaiwa,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, ================================= 「Going to」と「About to」を適切に使い分けていますか? ================================= 今後の予定を伝える時、「(be) going to」と「(be) about to」のフ...

 同時也有1909部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅AnJet Cat,也在其Youtube影片中提到,hacker ID: o.0- I was stuck in server not responding while trying to get into my PA, then this guys show up and keep hitting me with the hammer, and w...

he's 在 Sheila Sim 沈琳宸 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-24 11:45:55

Today marks the last day of my husband's 2 weeks leave. He's complaining that he didnt get to rest at all in this 2 weeks! I cant disagree. It is ofte...

he's 在 Bobian Bee Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-24 11:31:13

@restaurant.terroir @asianjon_ @caramellene . Jon is like my Jesus, I put my faith in him & let him decide my menu for the whole week. It's fun & e...

  • he's 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-30 11:30:31
    有 69 人按讚

    「Going to」と「About to」を適切に使い分けていますか?
    今後の予定を伝える時、「(be) going to」と「(be) about to」のフレーズがよく使われますが、それぞれのニュアンスの違いについてはご存知ですか?とても簡単な違いなので、適切に使い分け出来るようになりましょう。
    1) Going to _____
    “Going to”は、未来系を示す時に使われる表現で「〜をします」を意味します。但し、漠然とした未来を示し(明確に示さない限り)、聞き手はその出来事をいつするのか分かりません。例えば、「I'm going to do my homework.」は「宿題をします」を意味しますが、今すぐ宿題をするのか、1時間後にするのか、聞き手は判断することはできません。
    ✔「in one hour(1時間後に)」や「tomorrow(明日)」、「next month(来月)」などと合わせて使い、具体的な時期を示すことができます。
    ✔「I was going to _____」のように過去形で使う場合、「〜をしようと思っていた」を表し、何かをする意図はあったが結局しなかった(できなかった)意味合いとして使われることが多いです。
    I'm going to clean my room.
    He's going to give a speech in one hour.
    I was going to call you but I didn't have reception.
    2) About to _____
    “About to”は「今すぐ〜をする」や「まさに〜をしようとするところ」のように、何か出来事をこれからする、若しくはしようとする事を強調したい時に使われるフレーズです。例えば、「I'm about to do my homework.」は「これから宿題をしようと思っています」と「今」宿題を始めるニュアンスが含まれます。
    ✔“About to”は「今すぐ」を強調するので、「in one hour(1時間後に)」や「tomorrow(明日)」を加えると矛盾したことを言うことになるので注意しましょう。
    ✔「今すぐ」をより強調したい場合は“Just”を加え、「just about to(今ちょうど〜をするところ)」と表現します。
    ✔“I was (just) about to”と過去形で表現する場合「今まさに〜をするところでした」を意味します。
    I'm about to clean my room.
    He's about to give a speech.
    I was just about to call you. How's it going Mike?

  • he's 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-30 06:00:36
    有 76 人按讚

    1) It doesn't hurt to _____
    →「〜しても損はない / 〜してみたら」
    例えば、アニメを見て日本語を勉強しようか迷っている外国人の友達に対し、「It doesn’t hurt to watch anime. Actually I think it’s a great way to study Japanese.(アニメを見ても損はないよ。実際、とても良い勉強法だと思うし。)」という具合に使うことができます。
    ✔「It doesn’t hurt to ask」や「It never hurts to ask」で「聞くだけ聞いてみたら」を意味する。
    ✔「It won’t hurt」や「It can’t hurt」と表現してもOK。
    I know you like your English teacher but it doesn't hurt to take lessons from other teachers.
    I know that he's really busy with work but it never hurts to ask. He might help you out.
    It won't hurt to try. That's the only way you'll find out.
    2) Hurt someone's feelings
    嘘をついたり、ひどいことを言ったり、裏切ったりして相手の気持ちを傷つけることを「Hurt someone’s feelings」と言います。Hurtは身体的、そして精神的な痛みの両方に対して使うことができ、一般的に人を悲しませる意味合いが込められています。
    ✔「私は〜に傷ついた」は「I was hurt by _____.」と表現する。
    Why did you lie to her? You really hurt her feelings.
    I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I didn't mean it.
    I can't believe you made fun of me in front of everyone. I was hurt by that.
    3) Hurt one's chance to/of _____
    この表現を直訳すると「チャンスにダメージを与える」ですが、一般的に「チャンスをダメにする」や「好機を妨げる」などの意味としてよく使います。例えば、プロ野球のドラフトに選ばれるくらい才能がある高校球児がスキャンダルに巻き込まれた際、「That incident is going to hurt his chances of getting drafted.(あの事件のせいで、彼のドラフト選抜のチャンスはダメになるだろう)」という具合に使われます。
    ✔「イメージダウン・イメージを悪くする」は「Hurt one’s image」、「評判を傷つける」は「Hurt one’s reputation」と表現する。
    You failed one of your classes? That's going to hurt your chances to study abroad.
    Barry Bonds is a great baseball player but his use of steroids hurts his chances of getting into the Hall of Fame.
    That actor was caught drinking and driving. That's going to hurt his reputation.
    4) (That) hurts
    →「(それは)応える / きつい / 辛い」
    精神的なダメージを受けて心が痛んだり、何か問題が発生して困難な状況に置かれた状況などの“辛い”気持ちを表現する際にもよくHurtを用います。例えば、人材不足に悩まされて困っているうえに、有能な部下が退職届を出してきたと嘆いている友人に対して、「That hurts(それは辛いね。)」と言うことができます。
    The fine for the speeding ticket hurts. I'm all out of money.
    The truth hurts doesn't it?
    You totaled your car? That's got to hurt. How are you going to get to work?

  • he's 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-29 18:31:54
    有 114 人按讚

    Look who's cooking lunch for us? Hee Muhammad's been eager to explain everything he learns, I'm most impressed with the words he's picking up. Major improvements and he's always asking for more English classes with Novakid. We've enrolled his sister too because she keeps asking to join him.
    The lessons are interactive and just like talking to your friends, so they pick up faster. Don't forget to try out Novakid for your child!


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    @novakid_my #novakid_review #novakidmoms #novakidmalaysia #dianadaniellexnovakid #buahpikiranxnovakid

  • he's 在 AnJet Cat Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-09-28 21:09:44

    hacker ID:
    I was stuck in server not responding while trying to get into my PA, then this guys show up and keep hitting me with the hammer, and with unbelievable attack speed.
    So, after I finally get into my PA, I bashed him to see what he's up to, and yup, he did all that.
    He deserve a permanent ban, right? Bethesda?

  • he's 在 Square Enix Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-25 03:15:52

    Dive into the combat of Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy and learn about the unique roles and abilities of Star-Lord and his team.
    Watch the Exploration gameplay video: https://youtu.be/rI8sXdyggRo

    Rocket is the explosive specialist, great at taking out multiple enemies at the same time. Groot is the protector of the group, he can immobilize enemies and bring back fallen Guardians. Drax is literally a wrecking ball, he's the best at inflicting stagger damage and stunning enemies. Gamora fights with finesse and fury, and dishes out massive health damage. Finally, Star-Lord is the leader with a versatile combat style: he can fight melee or at range with his blasters, which have different elemental powers. He's very agile both on the ground and in the air with his jet-boots, and can assess the situation while hovering.

    00:00 - Intro
    00:21 - Rocket
    00:29 - Groot
    00:40 - Drax
    00:50 - Gamora
    00:57 - Star-Lord

    Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy is coming October 26, 2021 to PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PC and streaming via GeForce NOW. Pre-order now to obtain an early unlock of the Throwback Guardians Outfit Pack: http://www.gotggame.com/buy
    Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: Cloud Version for Nintendo Switch also coming October 26.

    Follow us on:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GOTGTheGame
    Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/GOTGTheGame
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/GOTGTheGame

  • he's 在 志祺七七 X 圖文不符 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-09-22 16:30:09

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    【 本集參考資料 】

    → TVBS新聞網|67年沒洗澡!8旬翁吃爛肉、喝髒水過活 背後原因藏洋蔥:https://bit.ly/38WgWkY
    → DNA India | Meet world's dirtiest man Amou Haji, who has not bathed in over 65 years:https://bit.ly/3tw4oub
    → Irish Mirror Online|World's dirtiest man hasn't had bath in 60 years - but now he's looking for love:https://bit.ly/38V4jqh




