[爆卦]Half-and half是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Half-and half鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Half-and half這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 half-and產品中有252篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過75萬的網紅The MeatMen,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Share this with your Nasi Lemak kakis 👉 Beautiful Blue Pea Nasi Lemak Marinate your chicken wings using this delicious homemade rempah (spice paste)...

 同時也有188部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅生かし屋 IKASHIYA CULINARY ART,也在其Youtube影片中提到,ラム酒香るしっとりほろりな栗の渋皮煮入りパウンドケーキ、栗のテリーヌです 【材料】 18cmパウンド型 ・バター 100g ・きび砂糖orグラニュー糖 70g ・はちみつ 15g ・塩 ちょっぴり ・卵黄 2個 ・全卵 1個 ・薄力粉 60g ・アーモンドパウダー 30g ・ベーキングパウダー ...

half-and 在 ??????? ?????-????????? Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-03 15:43:42

Pau Sambal / Burger Malaysia, sourdough version of course! 🍔🇲🇾 Stiff Starter: 120g sourdough starter 120g bread flour 40g water 20g caster sugar Ma...

  • half-and 在 The MeatMen Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-28 16:00:05
    有 183 人按讚

    Share this with your Nasi Lemak kakis 👉 Beautiful Blue Pea Nasi Lemak

    Marinate your chicken wings using this delicious homemade rempah (spice paste) and reducing it into a thick sauce, every bite of your chicken wing will be bursting with flavour.

    This recipe uses luscious pandan and coconut infused basmati rice as a base for crispy chicken wings, sambal lady's finger and not forgetting the classics, sunny side up and fried ikan bilis.

    ⬇️ Ingredients here ⬇️
    2 cups Basmati rice grains
    250ml Water
    2g dried Blue Pea flowers (green stems removed
    250ml Coconut milk
    4 pieces Pandan leaves (tear each leaf into half and tie them into knots)
    3 slices Galangal (lightly smashed)
    1 stalk Lemongrass (white part only, lightly smashed)

    Spices for marinate:
    8 pieces Large chicken wings
    4 pieces Red chilli
    2 pieces Chilli padis
    2 pieces Candles nuts
    1 piece Lemongrass (white part only)
    1 knob Galangal
    1 knob Turmeric
    2 tsp Gula melaka / raw sugar
    ½ tsp Cumin seeds
    ½ tsp Fennel seeds
    300ml Coconut milk
    4 tbsp Tamarind juice (1 tbsp of tamarind pulp to 6 tbsp hot water)
    Salt to taste

    For frying:
    2 tbsp Cornflour
    8 tbsp Potato starch
    Salt to taste
    ½ tsp Baking soda
    ½ tsp Baking powder

    Sambal Spices:
    300g Lady’s fingers (sliced)
    6 Red chillies
    3 Chilli padis
    3 cloves Garlic
    6 Shallots
    20g Dried shrimps
    10g Belachan
    3g Torch ginger bud
    1 tbsp Light soy sauce
    1 tsp Sugar

    Side Condiments:
    8 slices Cucumbers
    150g Fried ikan billis
    100g Fried peanuts
    4 Fried eggs
    4 sheets of banana leaves for serving
    Full recipe here: https://themeatmen.sg/blue-pea-nasi-lemak/

    Explore the ingredients from different countries and support Singapore’s food diversification efforts. #ExploreOurFoodSG #SGFoodSources.

  • half-and 在 Count Down To Travel Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-25 19:02:08
    有 6 人按讚

    The journey in Myanmar came to the last stop. We did not manage to see a sunset full of hot air ballons surroinding the temples. We also failed to sit on a Buddhist temple for the sunrise. Despite that, the whole journey was full of enthusiasm and helpfulness of Theravada Buddhism.
    As we left, we wish the child of our tour guide to go to Buddhist temple for learning as soon as possible; We also promised to visit his bamboo house next time.
    It has been a year and a half, and travel has become past history, wrapped in difficult days, I hope everyone can be peaceful and healthy.

  • half-and 在 Foodie Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-24 06:00:01
    有 3 人按讚

    Quick dinner! In less than half and hour you could be relaxing over a bowl of gnocchi! 🍷

  • half-and 在 生かし屋 IKASHIYA CULINARY ART Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-09-25 13:45:01


    ・バター 100g
    ・きび砂糖orグラニュー糖 70g
    ・はちみつ 15g
    ・塩 ちょっぴり
    ・卵黄 2個
    ・全卵 1個
    ・薄力粉 60g
    ・アーモンドパウダー 30g
    ・ベーキングパウダー 2g
    ・栗の渋皮煮 8個
    ・ラム酒 適量


    1. ボウルに柔らかくしたバター100gをほぐし、泡立て器で砂糖70gをすり混ぜ、はちみつ15g・塩ちょっぴりも混ぜる
    2. 卵黄2個を1個ずつ混ぜ、溶いた卵1個分も少しずつ加えて混ぜ合わせる
    3. 薄力粉60g・アーモンドパウダー30g・ベーキングパウダー2gをふるい入れ、ヘラに持ちかえてさっくり混ぜ合わせる
    4. 粉っぽさがなくなってツヤが出たら半分を敷き紙を敷いたパウンド型に詰め、栗の渋皮煮を並べる
    5. 残りの生地を詰めて表面を均し、170℃に予熱したオーブンで40~45分、竹串をさして生地がついてこなくなれば焼き上がり
    6. 粗熱が取れたら取り出し、お好みの量のラム酒を刷毛で塗り、ラップに包んで馴染ませて出来上がり








    ↓using translation software.

    18 cm pound cake mold
    ・Butter 100 g
    ・Raw cane sugar or granulated sugar 70 g
    ・Honey 15 g
    ・A bit of salt
    ・Two egg yolks
    ・One whole egg
    ・Cake flour 60 g
    ・Almond powder 30 g
    ・Baking powder 2g
    ・Simmered Chestnuts (8)
    ・Rum, to taste

    ・soften butter at room temperature
    ・Cover the pound cake mold with baking paper.
    ・Wipe the syrup on the inner skin of the chestnut with a paper towel.
    ・Sift weak flour, almond powder and baking powder.
    ・Preheat the oven to 170 °C.

    [How to make]
    1. Loosen 100 g of softened butter in a bowl, grind and mix 70 g of sugar with a whisk, and mix 15 g of honey and a bit of salt.
    2. Mix 2 egg yolks one by one. Add 1 beaten egg little by little and mix.
    3. Sift in 60 g of weak flour, 30 g of almond powder and 2 g of baking powder, and lightly mix it together with a spatula.
    4. When the powdery feel is gone and the gloss comes out, cover half and stuff it in a pound cake mold covered with paper. Arrange the chestnuts simmered in their inner skins.
    5. Stuff the rest of the dough and flatten the surface. Poke it with a bamboo skewer and bake it for 40 to 45 minutes in an oven preheated to 170 °C if the dough doesn't stick then it will be complete.
    6. Take it out when it cools down. Brush it with your favorite amount of rum. Wrap it in a plastic wrap and it will be complete.

  • half-and 在 Tasty Japan Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-25 10:00:02




    マンゴー 1個
    砂糖 大さじ1
    牛乳 240ml
    無糖ヨーグルト 245g

    1. マンゴーを縦に切って種を取り除く。グラスの縁で皮を剥く。
    2. マンゴー、砂糖、牛乳、無糖ヨーグルトをミキサーに入れ、滑らかになるまでかくはんする。
    3. グラスに注いだら、完成!


    水 1L
    タイティーの茶葉 25g
    砂糖 400g
    水 360ml
    氷 35g
    牛乳 30ml
    生クリーム 30ml

    1. 鍋に水1Lとタイティーの茶葉を入れ、強火で熱す。沸騰したらすぐに茶こしを通して耐熱容器に注ぐ。常温になるまで冷ます。
    2. シロップを作る。小鍋に砂糖と水360mlを入れて熱し、砂糖が溶けるまで沸騰させる。
    3. 2つのグラスに氷を分け入れる。(1)を240ml、(2)をお好みの分量、牛乳、生クリームを注ぐ。よく混ぜたら、完成!


    練乳 大さじ2
    熱湯 240ml

    1. ベトナムコーヒーフィルターにチコリコーヒーを入れる。上から中蓋を被せる。
    2. 練乳をグラスの底に入れる。
    3. (1)をグラスの上にのせ、フィルターに熱湯を注ぐ。上蓋をのせ、コーヒーが完全に抽出されるまで待つ。
    4. 練乳が溶けるようによく混ぜたら、完成!


    水 480g
    紅茶ティーバッグ 6個
    水 960ml
    ブラックタピオカ (乾燥)50g
    ブラウンシュガー 440g
    熱湯 240ml
    氷 30g
    牛乳 30ml
    生クリーム 30ml

    1. 紅茶を作る。鍋に水480mlとティーバックを入れ、強火で熱す。沸騰したら火から下ろし、冷ます。
    2. タピオカとシロップを作る。鍋に水960mlを入れて沸騰させる。タピオカを入れ、柔らかくなるまで20分程茹でる。
    3. タピオカをざるにあけ、ざるをボウルに入れる。ブラウンシュガーと熱湯240mlを加え、ブラウンシュガーが溶けるまで混ぜる。 30分寝かした後、タピオカとシロップを分けて保存する。
    4. 2つのプラスチック容器にタピオカ50gを分け入れる。氷を入れ、シロップをお好みの分量、(1)を240ml、牛乳、生クリームを注ぐ。
    5. タピオカ用ストローでよく混ぜたら、完成!


    Delicious Asian Drinks

    〈Mango Lassi〉
    for 1 serving

    1 mango
    1 tablespoon sugar
    1 cup milk(240 mL)
    1 cup plain yogurt(245 g)

    1. Cut the mango in half lengthwise, around the pit.
    2. Press the mango halves down along the edge of glass to separate the flesh from the skin.
    3. Add the mango to a blender, along with the sugar, milk, and yogurt. Blend until smooth.
    4. Pour the mango lassi into a glass.
    5. Enjoy!

    〈Thai Iced Tea〉
    for 2 servings

    4 cups water(1 L)
    1 cup thai tea leaves(25 g)
    2 cups sugar(400 g)
    1 ½ cups water(360 mL)
    ½ cup ice(35 g)
    simple syrup, to taste
    1 cup thai tea(240 mL)
    ¼ cup half & half(60 mL)

    1. In a large pot over high heat, combine the water and Thai tea leaves. Bring the tea to a boil, then immediately pour the tea through a strainer into a heat-proof vessel to remove the tea leaves. Let the tea cool to room temperature.
    2. Make the simple syrup: in a small pot over high heat, combine the sugar and water. Bring to a boil and cook, stirring occasionally, until the sugar has dissolved and the syrup is clear.
    3. Assemble the tea: divide the ice between 2 glasses, then add simple syrup, tea, and half-and-half.
    4. Stir before serving.
    5. Enjoy!

    〈Vietnamese Coffee〉
    for 1 serving

    1 tablespoon ground chicory coffee
    2 tablespoons sweetened condensed milk
    1 cup hot water(240 mL)

    1. Pour the ground coffee into a Vietnamese phin filter base. Place the phin filter strainer on top of the coffee.
    2. Pour the sweetened condensed milk into a glass.
    Place the phin assembly on top of the glass. Pour hot water into the phin filter. Place the phin filter lid on top and let the coffee drip through the filter into the glass.
    3. Stir well before serving.
    4. Enjoy!

    〈Taiwanese Bubble Tea〉
    for 2 servings

    2 cups water(480 g)
    6 black tea bags
    ½ cup medium black tapioca pearls(50 g)
    2 cups brown sugar(440 g)
    1 cup hot water(240 mL)
    ½ cup tapioca pearls(50 g), cooked
    ½ cup ice(30 g)
    brown sugar syrup, to taste
    1 cup black tea(240 mL), chilled
    ¼ cup half & half(60 mL)
    2 wide-opening straws

    1. In a medium pot over high heat, combine the water and tea bags. Bring to a boil, then remove the pan from the heat and let the tea cool to room temperature.
    2. Bring a medium pot of water to boil over high heat. Once the water is boiling, add the tapioca pearls and boil until softened, about 20 minutes.
    3. Drain the pearls through a strainer.
    4. Set the strainer with the pearls over a medium bowl. Add the brown sugar to the strainer and pour the hot water over.
    5. Stir to dissolve the brown sugar. Soak the pearls in brown sugar syrup for 30 minutes, then store the bubbles and syrup separately until ready to serve.
    6. Assemble the tea: Divide the pearls and ice between 2 glasses, then add the brown sugar syrup, tea, and half and half.
    7. Stir with a wide-opening straw, then serve.
    8. Enjoy!



    Licensed via Audio Network

  • half-and 在 MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-06 19:00:19

    1.食品保存袋にニンニク ひとかけをすりおろすか、みじん切りにして入れる。
    2.ごま油 30g、酢 15g、塩 5gを入れ もみもみして混ぜ合わせておく。(動画には塩を入れてもむシーンがない。編集ミス。。。)

    It's hot, so cucumbers are good. I made pickled cucumbers, which are easy to make and can be eaten with one hand while watching the Olympics. You can also serve it on top of rice.
    1.Grate or mince a clove of garlic into a food storage bag.
    2.Add 30g of sesame oil, 15g of vinegar and 5g of salt, and knead and mix.(There is no scene in the video where salt is added and kneaded. )
    3.Remove the stems from the cucumbers and rub them with about 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Wash off the salt with water.
    4.Cut the cucumber in half and insert disposable chopsticks.
    5.Put in (2) and refrigerate.
    6.It is ready to eat.
    It's good to drink with this as a snack.

    #キュウリ #ニンニク #漬物 #Cucumber #Garlic #pickles

