

在 giddiness產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1,206的網紅100% GDworld Life 小資夫婦流浪記,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 飛高高。 . 昨天假日情人要我帶著她姪女到遊樂園去玩耍。 . 幾樣遊樂設施玩下來,忽然感受到歲月的真實。 . 一樣的雲霄飛車、大怒神、海盜船、高空鞦韆這樣體驗刺激,對於從高空俯衝向下的體感衝擊,我已經感受不到新奇。 . 只是在遊戲後的暈眩噁心感卻隨著刺激感的提升也與之提升,怎麼可以暈成這樣⋯ . 下...


  • giddiness 在 100% GDworld Life 小資夫婦流浪記 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-08-19 09:29:09
    有 13 人按讚

    My holiday’s lover asked me to bring her niece to PNE play land yesterday, I was glad with that at first, but after I experienced, I regretted.
    After I tried some of the extremely rides as roller coaster, zero gravity...etc, the giddiness made me feel slightly vomiting and very uncomfortable, I stared to realize the age has been put some effects on my body, I’m not still young, sigh 😔
    If there is a next time would be after the time of my child comes to this world. 😆
    Life is not tough, just follow your mind and keep smile forward to the future:)
    #vancouverite #dailyhivevancouver #vancouver #explorevancouver #pne #playland #yvr #背包客棧

  • giddiness 在 QiuQiu Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2018-01-03 09:23:54
    有 73 人按讚

    Meredith went for her first eye check @unitedeyecare and I must say the staff there really left me impressed! 😍 They were so pro (esp with handling little kids like Meredith) that Meredith thought it was a session to play. @UnitedEyecare provides standard eye tests to specialized and preventative eye care. The Optometrists @arionwong_, @eyeryn_, @russi4nr0ulette, and Shu Ting use the latest equipments to determine the prescription of my glasses and contact lenses, and check my eye health. I was prescribed with the most suitable contact lenses and glasses after a comprehensive exam of the health and condition of my eyes.

    Are you ready for an optical shop horror story that caused me phobia from before? I ever sat in an optical shop before for 2 hours, while the shop staff tried to put contact lenses in for me, until both my eyes turned red nevermind, after we finally got it in, the degree was sooooooo wrong it gave me nauseousness and headache and giddy feeling.🤯

    In the end I spent another 1 hour at home trying to take it out. Later i went to other shops and realise they gave me the wrong degree. This js why i have power 25, 50 now and i refuse to wear glasses, phobia okay 🧐 Morale of the story is that our eyes come in different sizes and types (dry eyes, sensitive eyes etc) and ONE CONTACT LENS SIZE DOESN’T FIT ALL EYES. So it is important to have an examination of the eye health and curvatures before getting contact lenses 😌

    At @unitedeyecare, each pair of glasses is TAILOR-MADE to suit your lifestyle and needs for maximum comfort, therefore reducing eye strain, headache, giddiness or discomfort 🤓 Josh and i both had our glasses done @unitedeyecare and since we’re both on the computer and phone a lot for work, United Eyecare got us lenses with blue-light filter, which will protect our eyesight 😍

    I enjoyed the visit especially cox Optometrist @russi4nr0ulette made the eye exam very child-friendly for @meregoround to test her vision, eye focusing skill, 3D vision, colour vision, squint, and hand-eye coordination. It’s never too early to test your child’s eyes, and it can easily be too late! Call @unitedeyecare for appt for a comprehensive eye exam! 😎

  • giddiness 在 Kuah Jenhan Facebook 的最佳解答

    2014-09-02 12:47:49
    有 1 人按讚

    #badboi is coming to Johor this Saturday (6th Sept) for the JB Arts Festival. Get your tickets! You may experience giddiness in the head, a racing heart, and weak knees but don't worry, I brought a doctor. Jason Leong Say Keong!

  • giddiness 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-10-01 13:19:08

  • giddiness 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-10-01 13:10:45

  • giddiness 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-10-01 13:09:56

