[爆卦]Gambetta font是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Gambetta font鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Gambetta font這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 gambetta產品中有7篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3,132的網紅杰希嘉巴黎通訊Paris is Paris is Paris,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【在「申가네(Shingané)」的午餐】 我們今天中午在Gambetta地鐵站附近有名的韓國餐館「申가네(Shingané)」吃了一頓有烤肉、紫菜卷和煎餅的道地韓國料理,皮爺非常滿意他的烤雞肉,也非常喜歡這家館子,對於牆上貼著的韓文字源學很認真的研究,還和老闆娘聊得很開心。...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅石破天欣,也在其Youtube影片中提到,MissTinaB 遊歐洲 Day 10 Part 3 大家有D咩問題或者想知更多行程資料都可以留言問我架 ^U^ 笫十天行程 ^U^ + Pere Lachasise 3 bd. Edgar-Quinet | 14e, Paris, France METRO : Père Lachaise...

  • gambetta 在 杰希嘉巴黎通訊Paris is Paris is Paris Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-05 04:04:38
    有 21 人按讚


  • gambetta 在 杰希嘉巴黎通訊Paris is Paris is Paris Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-04 23:32:09
    有 48 人按讚

    專門做舊貨買賣的友人福島さん通知我今天他會參加在Avenue Gambetta大道上的露天舊貨市集,他才剛從日本回來,運了不少東西回巴黎,若有空不妨來逛逛。當然不能缺席囉,一大早就帶著皮爺和Billy Boy衝過去,這樣才能挑到好東西,去晚了就只剩次級品或瑕疵貨。我們到的時候福島さん還在整理攤位呢,再次鄭重介紹皮爺和福島さん認識,讓他們聊一聊增進一下感情。皮爺向來對我在巴黎結交一堆五湖四海的朋友頗不以為然,我則對他那群索邦學究教授和藝文圈子的藝術家根本看不在眼裏,要不酸腐要不勢利要不無病呻吟打高空,哪有我的朋友接地氣?趁他們就著一堆手抄文件談得開心,我翻箱倒櫃的挑中三件東西:一個全新的有蓋漆器湯碗、一個厚底漆碗,還有一個金襴手瓷碟,估計應該是大正時代(1912-1926)的物件,狀況都非常好。捧著這些東西跟福島さん結帳,他給了我一個幾乎是贈品的價格,還塞給我一大把日本糖果和仙貝,又發音很不標準但很誠懇的說:「Jessica ちゃん 金古锥!」我隨口問了這三件東西的年代,他仔細看了一下表示不能確定是不是明治末期,但肯定是大正時代。我在心中比出勝利手勢✌🏻!大正時代雖然短暫,當時的天皇又很瘋癲,大臣上呈書狀向天皇報告時,天皇竟當場將書狀捲成圓筒當成單眼望遠鏡窺視大臣!但承繼了明治維新之後的繁榮,尤其是「和洋融合」的風格很明顯,像是女學生的水手服、咖哩飯、炸豬排、可樂餅和蛋包飯,還有寶塚歌舞團都是在這個時期開始出現。向福島さん道別繼續去逛別的攤子,皮爺很得意的跟我說,福島さん現在已經變成是他的朋友了!

  • gambetta 在 法國生活日記 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-04-03 12:47:29
    有 785 人按讚

    🌸巴黎櫻花季賞櫻最完整資料彙整 Spring Hanami 2019: Where to Find Cherry Blossoms in Paris?🌸


    🌸 Jardin Anne-Frank(龐畢度中心附近隱密的社區公園)地鐵🚇Rambuteau站
    🌸 Musée des Archives nationales, hôtel de Soubise(法國國家檔案博物館)🚇 Rambuteau

    🌸 ❤️Notre Dame de Paris(巴黎聖母院)地鐵🚇Cité 站
    🌸 Saint-Paul(瑪黑區)地鐵🚇 Saint Paul站
    🌸 Square Marie Trintignant(瑪黑區)地鐵🚇 Pont Marie站

    🌸 ❤️Rue de la Bûcherie(金城武拍攝長榮航空廣告I see you 莎士比亞書局) 🚇Maubert Mutualité
    🌸 Square René Viviani(有巴黎最老樹1602年亨利四世栽種)🚇Maubert Mutualité
    🌸 Jardin Tino-Rossi(塞納河河濱公園)地鐵🚇Jussieu站
    🌸 ❤️Jardin des Plantes(巴黎植物園)🚇Gare d'austerlitz站
    🌸Square Paul Langevin (拉丁區朗之萬公園)🚇Cardnal Lemoine

    🌸 ❤️Square Gabriel Pierné (藝術橋對面,左岸法蘭西學院後的小公園)🚇Mabillon
    🌸 Le Jardin du Luxembourg (左岸最大的盧森堡公園)🚇 Luxembourg

    🌸 Avenue du Général Ferrié (巴黎鐵塔旁、戰神廣場) 🚇Bir-Hakeim

    巴黎第8區 :
    🌸 ❤️Le Petit Palais(小皇宮)地鐵🚇 Champs-Élysées Clemenceau
    🌸 Allée Marcel Proust (香榭大道旁追憶似水年華的普魯斯特小逕)🚇Champs Élysées Clemenceau
    🌸Parc Montceaux (蒙梭公園)
    🌸 Square Hector Berlioz (社區公園)地鐵🚇 Porte de Clichy站

    🌸 Place Franz Liszt (Saint Vincent de Paul教堂前廣場🚇Poissonnière

    🌸 Allée Vivaldi (社區林蔭櫻花道)地鐵🚇 Daumesnil站
    🌸La Coulée Vert(勒內杜蒙René Dumont綠色長廊,4.7公里長的廢棄高架鐵道公園)🚇Ledru Rollin

    🌸 Parc Montsouris (鼠山大型公園)🚇RER Cité Universitaire

    🌸 Place Cambronne (社區小廣場,離UNESCO聯合國教科文組織不遠) 地鐵🚇 Cambronne站
    🌸 Parc Georges-Brassens(蠻漂亮的社區公園)地鐵🚇Convention

    🌸 Parc de Bagatelle (巴黎東邊布隆森林裡的花園)🚇Porte D’Auteuil
    🌸 Jardin des Serres d’Auteuil (王子公園體育場附近)地鐵🚇Porte d’Auteuil
    🌸 Jardin de Ranelagh公園🚇Muette

    🌸 Parc Martin Luther King(社區大型公園,新的司法大廈附近)地鐵🚇 Porte de Clichy站

    🌸 La place Pierre-Mac-Orlan(隱密的社區小櫻花道)地鐵🚇Porte de la Chapelle
    🌸 Cimetière de Montmartre 蒙瑪特公墓🚇 La Fourche
    🌸 Square léon serpollet公園🚇 Lamarck - Caulaincourt

    🌸 Canal Saint-Denis (聖丹尼斯運河畔)🚇Corentin Cariou
    🌸 Parc Buttes Chaumont (肖蒙山丘公園)

    🌸 Cimetière du Père Lachaise(巴黎Lachaise神父墓地) 🚇Gambetta
    🌸 Jardin Saint -Simonian(Ménilmontant社區公園)地鐵🚇 Pelleport站


    🌸❤️Parc de Sceaux 蘇鎮(國璽)公園🚇La Croix de Berny
    🌸 Place de L’Iris La Défense 拉德芳斯區的鳶尾花廣場🚇 La Défense
    🌸Musée Albert Kahn日式庭園博物館 🚇 Boulogne Pont de Saint Cloud

  • gambetta 在 石破天欣 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2016-04-01 22:00:01

    MissTinaB 遊歐洲 Day 10 Part 3

    大家有D咩問題或者想知更多行程資料都可以留言問我架 ^U^

    笫十天行程 ^U^

    + Pere Lachasise
    3 bd. Edgar-Quinet | 14e, Paris, France
    METRO : Père Lachaise or Gambetta
    March 16 - November 5
    Mon - Sat 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
    Sun & Holidays 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM

    + Bois de Boulogne
    Bois de Boulogne, 75016 Paris
    METRO :Ranelagh
    from 28 Aug. 2015 to 11 Oct. 2015
    Tuesday to Friday 10am-1pm and 2pm-6pm
    Saturday and Sunday 1pm-6pm

    Formerly known as the Fête à Neu-Neu, the Fête des Bois de Boulogne is a major event during the early autumn period. For over 30 years, the Bois de Boulogne, a great wooded park situated in the West of Paris, has played host to around 100 rides and attractions for fun-loving people of all ages. The children can have fun at the traditional rides, duck fishing, bouncy castles and so on, while thrill-seekers can hop on the more adventurous rides. See it all from above with a ride in one of the pods of the Big Wheel: you'll have a great view over the rooftops of Paris. And once you've worked up an appetite, there are plenty of food stalls offering delicious treats, and you can enjoy all the traditional fairground delights, such as crepes, candy floss, or a toffee apple.

    + The Catacombs
    1 avenue du Colonel Henri Rol-Tanguy, 75014 Paris, France
    METRO : Denfert Rochereau (Exit : 6 Rue Remy Dumonce)
    Open Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 20:00. Closed Mondays

    我的Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/misstinab/
    我的Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/shekty1015/

    Background music :「Kevin MacLeod」創作的「Jaunty Gumption」獲得「Creative Commons Attribution」的授權使用 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

  • gambetta 在 石破天欣 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2016-03-25 22:30:01

    MissTinaB 遊歐洲 Day 10 Part 2

    大家有D咩問題或者想知更多行程資料都可以留言問我架 ^U^

    笫十天行程 ^U^

    + Cimetiere du Pere Lachaise
    3 bd. Edgar-Quinet | 14e, Paris, France
    METRO : Père Lachaise or Gambetta
    March 16 - November 5
    Mon - Sat 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
    Sun & Holidays 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM

    + Bois de Boulogne
    Bois de Boulogne, 75016 Paris
    METRO :Ranelagh
    from 28 Aug. 2015 to 11 Oct. 2015
    Tuesday to Friday 10am-1pm and 2pm-6pm
    Saturday and Sunday 1pm-6pm

    Formerly known as the Fête à Neu-Neu, the Fête des Bois de Boulogne is a major event during the early autumn period. For over 30 years, the Bois de Boulogne, a great wooded park situated in the West of Paris, has played host to around 100 rides and attractions for fun-loving people of all ages. The children can have fun at the traditional rides, duck fishing, bouncy castles and so on, while thrill-seekers can hop on the more adventurous rides. See it all from above with a ride in one of the pods of the Big Wheel: you'll have a great view over the rooftops of Paris. And once you've worked up an appetite, there are plenty of food stalls offering delicious treats, and you can enjoy all the traditional fairground delights, such as crepes, candy floss, or a toffee apple.

    + The Catacombs
    1 avenue du Colonel Henri Rol-Tanguy, 75014 Paris, France
    METRO : Denfert Rochereau (Exit : 6 Rue Remy Dumonce)
    Open Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 20:00. Closed Mondays

    我的Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/misstinab/
    我的Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/shekty1015/

  • gambetta 在 石破天欣 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2016-03-18 22:58:05

    大家有D咩問題或者想知更多行程資料都可以留言問我架 ^U^

    笫十天行程 ^U^

    + Pere Lachasise
    3 bd. Edgar-Quinet | 14e, Paris, France
    METRO : Père Lachaise or Gambetta
    March 16 - November 5
    Mon - Sat 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
    Sun & Holidays 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM

    + Bois de Boulogne
    Bois de Boulogne, 75016 Paris
    METRO :Ranelagh
    from 28 Aug. 2015 to 11 Oct. 2015
    Tuesday to Friday 10am-1pm and 2pm-6pm
    Saturday and Sunday 1pm-6pm

    Formerly known as the Fête à Neu-Neu, the Fête des Bois de Boulogne is a major event during the early autumn period. For over 30 years, the Bois de Boulogne, a great wooded park situated in the West of Paris, has played host to around 100 rides and attractions for fun-loving people of all ages. The children can have fun at the traditional rides, duck fishing, bouncy castles and so on, while thrill-seekers can hop on the more adventurous rides. See it all from above with a ride in one of the pods of the Big Wheel: you'll have a great view over the rooftops of Paris. And once you've worked up an appetite, there are plenty of food stalls offering delicious treats, and you can enjoy all the traditional fairground delights, such as crepes, candy floss, or a toffee apple.

    + The Catacombs
    1 avenue du Colonel Henri Rol-Tanguy, 75014 Paris, France
    METRO : Denfert Rochereau (Exit : 6 Rue Remy Dumonce)
    Open Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 20:00. Closed Mondays

    我的Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/misstinab/
    我的Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/shekty1015/

