

在 gb3產品中有10篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5,816的網紅史丹福狂想曲,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 中國一名男童,吃了放在冰箱冷藏6天後拿出來料理的炒魷魚,突然腹痛、拉肚子,送醫後被確診為溶血尿毒綜合症(haemolytic uraemic syndrome,簡稱HUS)。究竟HUS是甚麼呢? HUS大多在小童中出現,最常由大腸桿菌O157:H7引起。病人病發初期的症狀包括腹痛、痾血、發燒,之後...

 同時也有73部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3,060的網紅えん太のGame in the box,也在其Youtube影片中提到,でもそれが通用するのは、アクションゲームなんよ。 毎週木曜日更新の木曜スペシャル・クイズゲーム枠。今回はゲームボーイソフト「カプコンクイズ ハテナ?の大冒険」を実況プレイしていきます。 1990年にカプコンから発売されたクイズゲーム。カプコンのゲームをモチーフにした6つのステージのクリアを目指...

gb3 在 沃皮斯潮流 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-06-22 11:33:50

🏙『 Nike Air Max 97 』🏙『 軟木塞 』🏙『 植物刺繡 』🏙 再生物料佔 Nike Air Max 97 SE 男子運動鞋的重量至少 20%,帶你踏出清新一步,邁向鞋履的未來。 鞋面以帆布製作,搭配軟木元素點綴。 鞋舌的刺繡圖案與該雙運動鞋所用的植物染料互相呼應。鞋面以帆布製成,將...

  • gb3 在 史丹福狂想曲 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-11-04 21:11:55
    有 38 人按讚

    中國一名男童,吃了放在冰箱冷藏6天後拿出來料理的炒魷魚,突然腹痛、拉肚子,送醫後被確診為溶血尿毒綜合症(haemolytic uraemic syndrome,簡稱HUS)。究竟HUS是甚麼呢?


    HUS的機制是大腸桿菌O157:H7產生志賀毒素(Shiga toxin),這種毒素會與腎臟與血管中的GB3受體結合,並攻擊這些組織。毒素會激活微血管,令血小板在上面形成小血栓。當紅血球穿這這些微血管時,就會被破壞。於是患者會有急性腎衰竭、血小板低及小血管溶血性貧血(microangiopathic hemolytic anemia)。值得留意的是,HUS患者的周邊血液抹片中會有裂紅細胞(schizocytes),這是小血管溶血性貧血的典型特徵。



  • gb3 在 Stanley Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-07-16 17:30:00
    有 1,078 人按讚


    影片Youtube連結 : https://youtu.be/GB3-9l16sTk

    訂閱我的YT頻道 : https://bit.ly/2V9qbWP

  • gb3 在 AppWorks Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-10-23 15:22:50
    有 21 人按讚

    [The Founder's Journey: Applied Serendipity]

    For a founder, the wise words of the Roman philosopher Seneca are a good thing to keep in mind: "Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity."

    In other words, building a startup requires a careful, focused plan, backed by empirical data, so that you can create your own serendipity, which can lead to huge breakthroughs that nobody can predict.

    That's true in the case of David Wexler, a musician who has delivered two music products to market by being focused on how to build the best body-integrated music-making product for the musician market.

    David's recent product is Gripbeats, a wearable device -- kind of like a gladiator's fighting wrap -- that through AI and design enables a person to "wear the music he is making."

    How his focus on being a better musician and building a product that empowered him to get there helped him take advantage of random events:

    *In his younger school days, David tried to learn the drums, and as thrilling as it was, he could only reach a certain level, so he held back on his ambition

    *He went to graduate school in Hong Kong and learned about applied materials and picked up a little info about AI

    *He went back to the UK, realized that by using new materials, he could take his drumming and music to a new level by integrating body, movement and materials together

    *He returned to Hong Kong for a second stint at school and started to develop his prototype in-house very cheaply, at a level he could never attain in the UK

    *A relationship took him to Taiwan

    *There, he found AppWorks, applied, was accepted into AW#18, and soon met very good industrial designers

    These people, "Were better than any designers I could meet in Hong Kong, or in China," he says.

    And little over a year after discovering AppWorks, he has Gripbeats, which you can find at his website and his fan page GB3.

    Our applications for March2020 Accelerator are still open, but the early round will soon close. You can find the application here: http://bit.ly/2p7yLtR

    Doug Crets
    English Communication Master, AppWorks

