

在 forty-five產品中有48篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2,026萬的網紅Gucci,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Set against the enchanting backdrop of Parco Pallavicino, forty-five acres of parkland perched on the shore of Italy’s Lake Maggiore, Gucci presented ...

 同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅HANG OUT WITH HARRY ハリ山チャンネル,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hello Hello!! 毎日イギリスに住んでた時聞くあの言葉。 Quid. お金のスラングです。£のことです。 ただ.xx の時は使わない。 £7 seven quid £7.45 seven forty-five 時間かよ!笑 もしくは seven pounds forty fiv...

forty-five 在 摳媽與摳比 育兒生活x美妝美食x親子旅遊 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-07-06 06:56:04

—在家能玩啥?道具準備好 媽咪免煩惱 ⏰What time is it now?⏰ Does everybody”度日如年”now... Hahahaahahahahahahahahahhha 我想這時刻 應該是所有父母腦部開發最猛、腦神經運作最高峰的時刻 摳比10月🈵️4歲 我其實沒什麼教他學...

forty-five 在 Mag Wu Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-04-09 02:36:22

今次就做上身肌肉,唔同角度嘅動作,可以改善posture,仲改善到ROM,對有round shoulder嘅人都有幫助👍🏽 🌟Midback Series 1. Forty Five Degrees 2. Side 3. Circles 🖍Target Muscles Transversu...

  • forty-five 在 Gucci Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-25 06:00:03
    有 2,132 人按讚

    Set against the enchanting backdrop of Parco Pallavicino, forty-five acres of parkland perched on the shore of Italy’s Lake Maggiore, Gucci presented the second Hortus Deliciarum (Latin for ‘Garden of Delights’) High Jewelry collection designed by Alessandro Michele. A resplendent array of pieces, mainly one of a kind, were showcased within the context of the park’s diverse flora and fauna, speaking to the nature-inspired spirit of the collection.

  • forty-five 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-27 20:00:43
    有 153 人按讚

    How Good Do you Think God is?

    “What if there are fifty righteous within the city? Will you consume and not spare the place for the fifty righteous who are in it? Be it far from you to do things like that, to kill the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous should be like the wicked. May that be far from you. Shouldn’t the Judge of all the earth do right?” Yahweh said, “If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare the whole place for their sake.” Abraham answered, “See now, I have taken it on myself to speak to the Lord, although I am dust and ashes. What if there will lack five of the fifty righteous? Will you destroy all the city for lack of five?” He said, “I will not destroy it if I find forty-five there.” He spoke to him yet again, and said, “What if there are forty found there?” He said, “I will not do it for the forty’s sake.” He said, “Oh don’t let the Lord be angry, and I will speak. What if there are thirty found there?” He said, “I will not do it if I find thirty there.” He said, “See now, I have taken it on myself to speak to the Lord. What if there are twenty found there?” He said, “I will not destroy it for the twenty’s sake.” He said, “Oh don’t let the Lord be angry, and I will speak just once more. What if ten are found there?” He said, “I will not destroy it for the ten’s sake.” Yahweh went his way, as soon as he had finished communing with Abraham, and Abraham returned to his place.” (Genesis‬ ‭18:24-33‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    How good do you think God is?

    Abraham was afraid to ask the Lord to spare the whole city for the sake of his nephew Lot.

    He treaded carefully and bargained the number down from 50, to 45, 40, 30, 20, then finally 10 righteous persons. Abraham stopped there and probably thought that 10 should be enough to spare the cities.

    What happened in the end? Sodom and Gomorrah were still burnt to ashes because Abraham did not ask for the cities to be spared even if there was only 1 righteous person.

    Do you have a mindset like this: “A wretched sinner like me should not be too greedy. I will just ask God for a small morsel of blessings and hope that He would be merciful towards me.”

    Such thoughts indicate a lack of revelation. God’s immeasurable blessings will abound in your life not based on your obedience and good works, but because Jesus’ blood that was shed at the cross is a massive overpayment for your sin debt. You are now counted so righteous that God can be generous towards you.

    To act as though you have to beg God to bless you a little bit just shows that you don’t believe that God has completely forgiven you. It makes you unable to benefit from Jesus’ finished work at the cross because you don’t believe in the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness. Instead, you are hopping that your works and obedience are enough to merit you some blessings.

    “Stand firm therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and don’t be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. Behold, I, Paul, tell you that if you receive circumcision, Christ will profit you nothing. Yes, I testify again to every man who receives circumcision, that he is a debtor to do the whole law. You are alienated from Christ, you who desire to be justified by the law. You have fallen away from grace.” (Galatians‬ ‭5:1-4‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    How awful it is to be alienated from Christ and be unable to profit from His finished work at the cross. Your trust in law-keeping and works to justify yourself chokes the supply of grace.

    The result? It is like living in a dry desert, seemingly cut off from God’s goodness. You will feel stressed, burnt out, angry, and bitter.

    It is so much better to rely on God’s grace. Believe that He is infinitely good towards you because Jesus has overpaid your sin debt. Expect God’s favor in every situation, and confidently ask for good things to happen for you. When you see people with a need, pray for them, expecting God to help them because your prayers are effective. This is the type of faith that honors Jesus’ sacrifice at the cross!

    Keep studying God’s word and growing in your understanding of His ways. Our Patreon community is currently on a Bible study series called “My Faith Declarations” which looks at the Spirit-inspired utterances of the authors of the Psalms. They wrote about the trials and tribulations they experienced, so the book of Psalms is very relatable.

    By turning their faith declarations into our own, we can learn how to overcome similar circumstances in life through faith in the Lord! Become a “God Every Morning” tier or above patron on Patreon to receive this reward, daily devotionals by email, and also all my eBooks. Thanks for being a blessing to this ministry: http://Patreon.com/miltongohblog

  • forty-five 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-12-27 20:55:34
    有 83 人按讚

    100は「one hundred」もしくは「a hundred」、300は「three hundred」、500は「five hundred」と表すのは問題ないでしょう。では、819は英語でどのように表現するのでしょうか?基本的に
    819 = Eight hundred nineteen
    819 = Eight nineteen
    の2通りの言い方で表現します。「Eight hundred nineteen」がスタンダードな言い方ですが、多くのアメリカ人は hundred を省いて「Eight nineteen」と言う傾向があります。よって610は「six ten」、724は「Seven twenty four」のようになり、この表現の仕方はより口語的な響きがあります。ちなみにイギリス英語では「six hundred and ten」「Seven hundred and twenty four」のように hundred の後に and を入れるそうです。
    それでは金額を表す場合はどうでしょう?基本的にルールは上記と同じです。例えば $399 であれば
    $399 = Three hundred ninety nine dollars
    $399 = Three ninety nine
    のどちらでも構いません。但し2つ目の「Three ninety nice」と略して言う場合は dollars も省略するのが一般的で、「Three ninety nine dollars」と言うのは違和感があるので気を付けましょう。
    ここで注意したいのが、$399 を「Three ninety nine」と表現すると、実は $399 と $3.99 の両方を表すことになります。では、どのように区別をするべきなのか?それは常識の範囲で考えるしかありません。例えば「I bought this iPad for 399.」と言えば、常識的にiPadの値段が $399 だということは容易に想像できますよね?「This hamburger is 399」と言えば、ハンバーガーが $399 ではなく $3.99 だと分かるでしょう。なので、$150のAirpodsを買った場合であれば「I got these Airpods for One fifty」と表現することができます。
    次は1000の単位です。1,000は「One thousand」もしくは「A thousand」、4,000は「four thousand」、8,000は「eight thousand」となるのはご存知かと思います。それでは 2,345 はどのように表現するのでしょうか?基本的に下記2通りの表現の仕方ができます。
    2,345 = Two thousand three hundred forty five
    2,345 = Twenty three forty five
    2つ目の「Twenty three forty five」のようにシンプルな言い方をする場合は、頭の2つの数字と下2桁の数字をそれぞれ区切って1つの数字として扱う(言う)のがルールになります。例えば 5,736 であれば「Fifty seven thirty six」、9,999 であれば「Ninety nine ninety nine」になります。ちなみに下2桁が00の場合は hundred と言うだけでOKなので、
    1,500 = Fifteen hundred
    2,400 = Twenty four hundred

    このように2桁に区切って表す言い方は、年号を表現するときの基本ルールでもあります。例えば、今年(2020年)であれば「Two thousand twenty」の代わりに「twenty twenty」と表現します。「私は1984年生まれです」と言いたいのであれば「I was born in Nineteen eighty four」となります。ここでは「I was born in one thousand nine hundred eighty four」とは言わないので気を付けましょう。
    しかし、2000年〜2009年だけは例外になります。例えば 2003年は「twenty three」ではなく「two thousand three」、2008年は「twenty eight」ではなく「two thousand eight」と表現しなければなりません。
    金額を表す場合は、先ほど紹介したhundredのルールと似ています。例えば $3,300 であれば
    $3,300 = three thousand three hundred dollars
    $3,300 = thirty three hundred dollars
    のどちらでもOKです。ここも $3,300 のように下2桁が00の場合は hundred だけで表現することができます。また、日常会話では dollars を省いて「thirty three hundred」と言うことも一般的です。
    そして、ここでも常識の範囲で考える必要があります。例えば私が「I got this flat screen TV for twelve ninety nine.」 と言ったとしましょう。この場合、薄型テレビ(flat screen)を $12.99 で購入したと言っているのではなく $1,299 で購入したと言っていると解釈する必要があります。
    Ten thousand +(1万以上の単位)
    75,000 = seventy five thousand
    300,000 = three hundred thousand
    535,000 = five hundred thirty five thousand
    ように「カンマの左の数+thousand」で読み上げます。カンマの右側が 000 ではなく適当な数の場合は、
    25,240 = twenty-five thousand two hundred fort
    410,687 = four hundred ten thousand six hundred eight-seven
    999,025 = nine hundred ninety-nine thousand twenty-five
    のように「カンマの左の数 + thousand + カンマの右の数」の順で表現します。基本的に万単位以上の数字になると略ざすに全て1つ1つ読み上げる必要があります。
    大きな数字を表す時によく使われる砕けた言い方をいくつかご紹介します。まず、英語では「千」を K もしくは Gs を使って表現することがあります。特にお金の話をしている時によく使われる表現で
    5,000(5千)= 5K/5Gs
    20,000(2万)= 20K or 20Gs
    350,000(35万)= 350K or 350Gs
    のように表現します。K は「キロ」の略、G は「grand」の略です。ちなみに grand は1000ドルを意味します。例えば「3000ドルです」と言いたいのであれば「It’s 3K.」か「It’s 3Gs.」、もしくは「It’s 3 grand」と言うことができます。ここでは「It’s 3 kilo」とは言わないので注意しましょう。また grand の略である g を使う場合は「7 grand / 7 gs」や「30 grand / 30gs」のように s をつけて表現するのが一般的です。
    このように K や G を使った表現は下3ケタが 000 の時だけ用いられる表現で、基本的に 20,500 を「20K500」や「20Gs500」などと表現することはできません。但し、小数点を使って「20.5K」や「20.5Gs」と表現することは可能です。
    例えば「この中古車を$5,500で購入しました」という場合であれば「I got this used car for 5.5 K/Gs/grand.」のように言うことができます。ですが、アメリカ人の日常会話では数字が大きくなればなるほど、アバウトな感じで表現する傾向があるので「I got this used car for about 5K/5Gs/5grand」と言う方が一般的と言えるでしょう。

