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[爆卦]Flâneur meaning是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包
#1FLÂNEUR | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
someone who walks around not doing anything in particular but watching people and society : She wanders around with her camera, a flâneur with a keen eye. Lisbon ...
#2Flâneur - Wikipedia
Flâneur is a French noun referring to a person, literally meaning "stroller", "lounger", "saunterer", or "loafer", but with some nuanced additional ...
#3Flaneur Definition & Meaning
The meaning of FLANEUR is an idle man-about-town.
#4Flâneur Definition & Meaning
a person who lounges or strolls around in a seemingly aimless way ; an idler or loafer: the flâneur, that cool, aloof observer of urban society.
#5English Translation of “flâneur”
English Translation of “flâneur” | The official Collins French-English Dictionary online. Over 100000 English translations of French words and phrases.
#6Flâneur definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
a Chinese festival that is held to celebrate the end of the summer harvest , when the crops have been gathered . SEE FULL DEFINITION · SEE PREVIOUS WORDS.
#7Flâneur Definition & Meaning
Flâneur definition, a person who lounges or strolls around in a seemingly aimless way; an idler or loafer: the flâneur, that cool, aloof observer of urban
... 意思,但沒有哪個完全概括flâner的意思。這個詞讓人聯想到在城市中心漫步,沒有方向,但絶非沒有目的。Flâneur(遊蕩者),看似沒有目的地,但有這樣 ...
Tate glossary definition for flâneur: French term meaning 'stroller' or 'loafer' used by nineteenth-century French poet Charles Baudelaire to identify an ...
#10The Flâneur - Modern Art Terms and Concepts | TheArtStory
Taken from a French word, meaning to "stroll" or "loaf", the concept of the flâneur developed in Paris in the mid nineteenth century and later ...
#11But tell me, what is a Flâneur
Indeed it came to represent a certain class of person in 19th century Paris, often political, traversing the streets and leaving the solitude of ...
#12What is a Flâneur? An Evolving Guide to the Meaning and ...
By definition, a flâneur is someone in possession of a large amount of leisure time, able to take their time to wander without restriction. For ...
#13definition of flaneur by The Free Dictionary
A French word meaning dawdler, used to mean someone who engages in aimless or idle behavior. Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by ...
#14循著漫遊者路徑閱讀台北《Flaneur Magazine》台北特輯 ...
「漫遊者」(Flâneur),光看字面,不過是「不疾不徐散著步、觀察四周的人」,但其實還有更深層的指涉。文化評論家班雅明(Walter Benjamin)從法國 ...
不過,這本書要討論的flâneur(發音近似中文的「芙蘭諾」)並不是德文,而是法文,但也是一個專門描述某種行為與狀態的詞彙。你可能從來都不知道 ...
#16Flaneur Definition & Meaning
Flaneur definition : An aimless idler; a loafer.
#17je suis flâneur
Flâneur. Its approximate meaning denotes someone who strolls or saunters about town as a detached yet engaged observer. I was delighted to ...
#18What does flaneur mean?
Flâneur (French: [flɑnœʁ]) is a French noun referring to a person, literally meaning "stroller", "lounger", "saunterer", or "loafer", but with some nuanced ...
#19flaneur - definition and meaning
flaneur : An idle, gossiping saunterer; one who habitually strolls about idly.
#20flâneur - Definition in English
What is the meaning of "flâneur"? chevron_left. Definition Translator Phrasebook open_in_new. chevron_right. English definitions powered by Oxford Languages ...
#21flaneur | Etymology, origin and meaning of ...
FLANEUR Meaning : "habitual loafer, idle man about town," 1854, from French flâneur, from flâner "to stroll, loaf,… See origin and meaning of flaneur.
#22The Art of Being a Flâneur
It was an unremarkable scene and yet, as I kept looking, it took on a certain significance. Most of us travel with must-see destinations in ...
#23Introduction: The Transnational Flâneur
Flânerie has taken on a larger meaning, initiated a new form of strolling and put to creative use the legacy of the traditional flâneur such ...
#24What does flâneur mean in French?
Need to translate "flâneur" from French? Here are 4 possible meanings.
Noun Edit. flâneur (plural flâneurs). Alternative form of flaneur. Anagrams Edit · -flurane ... 中文. Wiktionary. This page was last edited on 23 May 2023, at 14: ...
#26When Taleb says he is a 'Flâneur'. What does it mean? ...
When Taleb says he is a "Flâneur". What does it mean? Someone told me a Flâneur is someone who is unemployed. All related (4). Recommended. Profile photo for ...
#27flaneur: meaning, translation
WordSense Dictionary: flaneur - ✓ meaning, ✓ definition, ✓ translations, ✓ origin, ✓ anagrams.
#28Flâneur-a person who walks the city in order to experience it
Flâneur -a person who walks the city in order to experience it ... The term flâneur comes from the French masculine noun flâneur—which has the basic meanings of “ ...
#29The Flâneur
This entry discusses, first, the origins of this type and its significance for nineteenth-century Paris and its literature, including Balzac and ...
#30The Flâneur
This entry discusses, first, the origins of this type and its significance for nineteenth-century Paris and its literature, including Balzac and ...
(cyber, digital, or virtual flâneur) A surfer of the internet, exploring cyberspace in search of virtual pleasures. The anonymity of the flâneur is especially ...
... FlÂneur: Encyclopedia of Modern Europe: Europe 1789 ... One of the first people to write at length about it insisted that the verb flâneur's core meaning ...
#33French Word of the Week: Le Flâneur
“The lover of life makes the whole world his family”, said Baudelaire of the true flâneur, the emblematic Parisian urban observer.
#34In Praise of the Flâneur
... flâneur] was ... As Ian Sansom wrote in the Guardian, “Passage after passage in the novel dwells on the meaning of disassociation and self-exile.
#35Whats the Meaning of FLANEUR Definition, Synonyms and use
FLANEUR meaning in English | Whats the Meaning of FLANEUR Definition, Synonyms and use [ Recommended : https://www.hows.tech/p/books.html ] ...
#36What is a flâneur?
“The term flâneur comes from the French masculine noun un flâneur [ahn flah-NUR]—which has the basic meanings of 'stroller', 'lounger', 'saunterer', 'loafer'— ...
#37flâneur - meaning in Urdu
See Urdu words and phrases for flâneur in Rekhta English to Urdu Dictionary.
... Flâneur (pronounced flɑnœʁ), from the French noun flâneur, means stroller ... Add a definition · User settings. Browse. A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K ...
#39The Flaneur (RLE Social Theory) - Google 圖書結果
... flâneur is essentially about freedom, the meaning of existence (or the lack of a meaning of existence) and being- with-others in the modern urban spaces of ...
#40flaneur翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典
flaneur 中文的意思、翻譯及用法:n. (法)浪蕩子;愛閑蕩的人。英漢詞典提供【flaneur】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#41Flâneur - The Art and Popular Culture Encyclopedia
... flâneur has accumulated significant meaning as a referent for understanding urban phenomena and modernity. The word has no exact equivalent ...
#42Flaneur meaning Poster - artdesign PH
This Flaneur meaning poster is a simple word delivered in a trendy fashion. A cozy and relaxing way to make a room or space more appealing.
#43Flaneur Definition Gifts & Merchandise for Sale
High quality Flaneur Definition-inspired gifts and merchandise. T-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more, designed and sold by independent artists ...
#44Le Flâneur: a Key Symbol of Cultural Appreciation in France
Therefore, a more complete definition of flâneur may be someone who: ... its cultural significance is inextricable from its meaning, which is why ...
#46flaneur meaning in Tamil
flaneur meaning in Tamil. What is flaneur in Tamil? Pronunciation, translation, synonyms, examples, rhymes, definitions of flaneur in Tamil.
#47Flâneur - Galleries
The Flâneur is derived from the French verb flâner, meaning “to stroll”, a flâneur is one who walks without a destination. Refined by French poet Charles ...
#48walter benjamin's myth of the flaneur
ineur as a new type whose existence is defined by externality, by abandoning private space and moving in the streets as well as by extroverting meaning which ...
#49"Flaneur" Definition Greeting Card - Jenni Haikonen Studio
Send a special greeting to brighten someone's day. This card was designed with love and has been left blank on the inside to write your own personal message ...
#50In Focus: the flâneur
The flâneur, who has his origins in 19th century France, is an individual, male in this context (more recently, a female equivalent has been defined as a ...
#51Flaneur: urban wanderer - Art, Design and Architecture
A Flaneur is an urban dweller, a wanderer and an observer of the flux in street life. A Flaneur walk the city in order to experience it. Benjamin wrote, “The ...
#53forget the flâneur
We can say that the flâneur is defined by his activity, flânerie, the art of strolling and looking, commonly associated with the shopping arcades of late ...
使用Reverso Context: He was called a "flaneur," one who wanders the arcades.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"flaneur"
#55FLÂNEUR | Official Online Boutique
Discover the FLÂNEUR Official Webshop. Browse the latest collections, explore the campaigns and discover our online assortment of clothing and accessories.
#56FLÂNEUR meaning in Arabic - French Dictionary - Dragoma
Meanings of "flâneur" in Arabic-French Dictionary. Category, French, Arabic. conjunction, flâneur, المتجول. conjunction, flâneur, المضيع وقته سدى ...
#57A tribute to female flâneurs: the women who reclaimed our ...
We can even expand the definition of the flâneuse to include the reporter. Flânerie, the great war reporter Martha Gellhorn told Victoria ...
#59Baudelaire, Benjamin and the Birth of the Flâneur
Indeed, Christopher Butler suggests the flâneur is trying to achieve a form of transcendence: the city's modernity is most particularly defined ...
#62Flaneur (No.2) | 誠品線上
商品描述, Flaneur (No.2):Flaneur是一個遊歷式的獨立雜誌,每期報導一條街。本刊報導了一條街的複雜性、它的層次感和獨特性,用文學的方法記錄每一個細節。
#63die flaneure] meaning in English » DictZo…
flaneur [des flaneurs; die flan… meaning in English » DictZone German-English dictionary.
How about postmodern author as flaneur? Baudelaire's views. of modernity and the painter of modern life: "By modernite I mean the ephemeral, the fugitive ...
#65flaneur翻译_用法- 英语词典
flaneur 是什么意思?flaneur怎么读?新东方在线字典为用户提供单词flaneur的释义、flaneur的音标和发音、flaneur的用法、例句、词组、词汇搭配、近反义词等内容, ...
#66The Flâneur - LifeStyle Journal 優雅生活
大家都知道,Flaneur的意思是漫無目的在街上遊蕩的人,關鍵是漫無目的,通常我們都是在漫無目的逛着街時,才會發現一些以前從未留意到的新事物。所以 ...
#67Flaneur Academy: Home
The meaning of Flaneur ... “Flaneur” is a French word that could be translated as “walker” or “stroller”, but it doesn't have an exact translation ...
#68FLÂNEUR - Spanish open dictionary - English
Here you will find the different meanings of flâneur, definitions and much more extra content. Cheer up! Come in, check them out and participate.
#69Flaneur Definition
Check out our flaneur definition selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our digital prints shops.
#70flaneur - Translation and Meaning in All English Arabic ...
Meaning of flaneur, Definition of Word flaneur in Almaany Online Dictionary, searched domain is All category, in the dictionary of English Arabic.
#71Flâneur is a French noun meaning “stroller”, “lounger”, “ ...
A new book, “The Art of Wandering the Streets of Paris” by Federico Castigliano trails my own Paris wanderings in the 1980's as a student at ...
#72What is a Flâneur?
The term flâneur comes from the French masculine noun flâneur—which has the basic meanings of "stroller", "lounger", "saunterer" or "loafer.
#74Issue 09: Boulevard Périphérique, Paris - Flaneur Magazine
... meaning of the word boulevard beyond its bourgeois glamour: a frontier, a device of control and fortification. Given the huge impact Parisian city planning ...
This French term is in turn derived from the 19th century French verb flâner, meaning to stroll. The traditional flâneur is characterized by ...
#76The Flâneur
Just as an idler attaches a philosophical meaning to the art of loafing about, so a flâneur creates an air of mystery and intrigue during a ...
A Flâneur is French meaning a man who saunters or loafs about watching the world go by. In collaboration with the online magazine Semaine and the young...
#78The Flaneur - Mr Murray
Literally meaning 'stroller', 'lounger', 'saunterer', or 'loafer', but with some nuanced additional meanings. Baudelaire characterised the flâneur as a ...
#79The Flaneur in Nineteenth-Century British Literary Culture
Today, the flaneur figure has transcended its original meaning to become a relevant literary-critical concept for urban representation, individuality and ...
flaneur [flɑnœ:r,ø:z]. a.,n. 闲逛的(人),游荡的(人),闲荡的(人);游手好闲的(人). f. 藤躺椅. 相关文章. 应用推荐. $firstVoiceSent. - 来自原声例句. 关于有道 ...
#81(PDF) Key figure of mobility: the flâneur
... flâneur, despite this figure's popularity. 'the precise meaning and significance of flânerie remains more than a little elusive'. (1994: 1). Indeed, for some ...
#82Rediscovering the Art of the Flâneur
The typically Parisian art of the flâneur, celebrated by Charles Baudelaire, is making a comeback during the pandemic ... Meaning to stroll or to ...
#83Death to the Flâneur
This mythic figure is having a moment. But to adopt his point of view is to look for meaning around all the wrong corners.
#84Nor Faridah's Wanderings as Female Flâneur in The Art of ...
This generates evaluable meaning, which has affected the flâneur's thinking and behaviour as shown in her poems. Poetry writing and space combine to provide ...
#85Le Flaneur (Short 2018)
... Flâneur; a French term meaning 'stroller' or 'loafer' used by nineteenth-century French poet Charles Baudelaire to identify an observer of modern urban life ...
A flâneur is, quite simply, a leisurely wanderer, a worldly explorer, a ... significance. It is, as Charles Baudelaire wrote so eloquently, a life of ...
#87The Flaneur | jackb182 - WordPress.com
The term flâneur comes from the French masculine noun flâneur—which has the basic meanings of “stroller”, “lounger”, “saunterer”, “loafer”—which itself ...
#88Discovering the culture-led regenerative transformation of a ...
... meaning of the flâneur for the concept of the eco-flâneur. In the fourth section the pedagogical value of the (eco-)flâneur is explained ...
#89Modern Flaneurs
The term flâneur comes from the French masculine noun flâneur—which has the basic meanings of “stroller”, “lounger”, “saunterer”, ...
#90Untranslatable Words #20: flâneur - the aesthetic ...
flâneur derives from the Old Norse verb flana, 'to wander with no purpose'; referring to a person, literally meaning 'stroller', 'lounger', ' ...
#91'Flaneur Meaning' Poster by Satvik Gupta
Beautiful 'Flaneur Meaning' Poster Print by Satvik Gupta ✓ Printed on Metal ✓ Easy Magnet Mounting ✓ Worldwide Shipping. Buy online at DISPLATE.
#92The Flaneur and the Flaneuse: the culture of women who ...
The Flaneur and the Flaneuse: the culture of women who wander cities ... The name originates from the verb passeggiare, meaning 'to walk.' La ...
#93Grandiloquent Word of the Day: Flâneur (flah•NUR) Noun
-An idler or lounger. -A habitual loafer, idle man about town. ***A more accurate definition however is: -A gentleman who saunters about ...
#94Charles Baudelaire and the Convalescent Flâneur
The human figures that epitomise modernity are defined by experiences such as childhood or convalescence, a freshness of perception that ...
#95'Flâneuse' honours women in history for claiming city streets
Flâneur is, pretty much by definition, always a man. So what happens when a woman takes to the street — particularly in a city like Paris where ...
#96The Methodological Possibilities and Applications of Flânerie ...
It is no coincidence then, that flâneur derives from a French verb meaning to ... Sociologist Chris Jenks (1995) has defined the flâneur as: …the ...
#97Key figure of mobility: the flâneur
despite this figure's popularity 'the precise meaning and significance of flânerie ... As much as urban ethnographers dealing with the flux of contemporary ...
#98Modern Flaneur - Ebesui
The concept of the flaneur has been around for over a century and it refers to a particular type of person who wanders through the city with no particular ...
#99The Flâneur and the Aesthetic
What was the meaning of modernity in relation- ship to antiquity and classical culture? Was contemporary life capable of producing heroic actions and epic art?