

  • fivem指令 在 Jonstyle Youtube 的精選貼文

    2018-11-17 23:47:48

    Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/jonstyle 🎪 馬上訂閱將將的Youtube頻道! ➔ http://goo.gl/SIGvfT

    😺 支持我就看完廣告吧^0^
    😺 歐付寶allpay : https://goo.gl/yRp6yi
    😺 Paypal: https://goo.gl/DivSnP

    ✦ 1.請尊重直播人員 (包括遊玩的夥伴)
    ✦ 2.不要到這邊找人
    ✦ 3.嚴禁劇透 (除非我真的卡太久)
    ✦ 4.嚴禁髒話
    ✦ 5.嚴禁廣告
    ✦ 6.請勿詢問個人隱私問題
    ✦ 7.禁止在聊天室洗頻

    以上若違規將禁言300秒! 就這樣囉~

    🚨Chat Rules
    - No negativity towards anyone
    - Do not come here to troll people
    - Don't ask to become Mod
    - Don't spam or use excessive caps
    - Keep it a family environment
    - Only whitelisted links allowed
    - Roleplaying and/or fictional stories is not allowed
    - Do not advertise your stream
    - No racism
    - Mods reserve the right to enforce additional rules as they see fit

    🎪 聊天室打出以下指令可以互動唷




















    ✦✦✦訂閱頻道 接收最新影片動態✦✦✦

    1. 請先訂閱!
    2. 將訂閱旁邊 "鈴鐺" 打開!
    3. 打勾"我想收到這個頻道的所有通知" 儲存!
    4. 請幫忙分享影片與推廣,謝謝大家!



    ✦ Twitch直播台 ➔ https://go.twitch.tv/jonstyle69
    ✦ IG ➔ https://www.instagram.com/jonstyle69/
    ✦ FB粉絲團 ➔ https://www.facebook.com/ejonstyle/

    ✦ 全部遊戲 ➔ https://goo.gl/DwRpyY

    ✦ GTA5跑車 ➔ https://goo.gl/6ocWXd

    ✦ GTA5機車 ➔ https://goo.gl/nPKcPB

    ✦ GTA5模組 ➔ https://goo.gl/mD1vHj

    ✦ GTA5 中文RP 警察模擬 ➔ https://goo.gl/oMg3vH

    ✦ GTA嬌羞小姐姐系列 ➔ https://goo.gl/PkCnta

    ✦ 神奇寶貝Tretta ➔ https://goo.gl/8iwPaB

    ✦ 傳說對決 ➔ https://goo.gl/fBZyjc

    ✦ 樂高漫威超級英雄2 ➔ https://goo.gl/vJypD9

    ✦ 樂高侏儸紀世界 ➔ https://goo.gl/wxYcWf

    ✦ 樂高超人特攻隊 ➔ https://goo.gl/bZD4tb

    ✦ 腐朽之都2 State of Decay 2 ➔ https://goo.gl/7JrnKF

    ✦ 底特律:變人 Detroit: Become Human ➔ https://goo.gl/eWs5wb

    ✦ 荒野行動 ➔ https://goo.gl/ph9nBF

    ✦ VLOG將 ➔ https://goo.gl/uTb9nb


    ✦ 工商合作: jonstyle69@gmail.com

    #PokemonLetsgo #精靈寶可夢 #伊布 #皮卡丘 #夢幻 #精靈球

  • fivem指令 在 Jonstyle Youtube 的最佳解答

    2018-09-30 18:31:18

    Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/jonstyle 🎪 馬上訂閱將將的Youtube頻道! ➔ http://goo.gl/SIGvfT
    🎪 想玩中文RP的請加入 https://discord.gg/X3WZYFQ

    😺 支持我就看完廣告吧^0^
    😺 歐付寶allpay : https://goo.gl/yRp6yi
    😺 Paypal: https://goo.gl/DivSnP

    ✦ 1.請尊重直播人員 (包括遊玩的夥伴)
    ✦ 2.不要到這邊找人
    ✦ 3.嚴禁劇透 (除非我真的卡太久)
    ✦ 4.嚴禁髒話
    ✦ 5.嚴禁廣告
    ✦ 6.請勿詢問個人隱私問題
    ✦ 7.禁止在聊天室洗頻
    ✦ 8.請勿調戲十櫻小姐姐

    以上若違規將禁言或BAN! 就這樣囉~

    🚨Chat Rules
    - No negativity towards anyone
    - Do not come here to troll people
    - Don't ask to become Mod
    - Don't spam or use excessive caps
    - Keep it a family environment
    - Only whitelisted links allowed
    - Roleplaying and/or fictional stories is not allowed
    - Do not advertise your stream
    - No racism
    - Mods reserve the right to enforce additional rules as they see fit

    🎪 聊天室打出以下指令可以互動唷




















    ✦✦✦訂閱頻道 接收最新影片動態✦✦✦

    1. 請先訂閱!
    2. 將訂閱旁邊 "鈴鐺" 打開!
    3. 打勾"我想收到這個頻道的所有通知" 儲存!
    4. 請幫忙分享影片與推廣,謝謝大家!



    ✦ Twitch直播台 ➔ https://go.twitch.tv/jonstyle69
    ✦ IG ➔ https://www.instagram.com/jonstyle69/
    ✦ FB粉絲團 ➔ https://www.facebook.com/ejonstyle/

    ✦ 全部遊戲 ➔ https://goo.gl/DwRpyY

    ✦ GTA5跑車 ➔ https://goo.gl/6ocWXd

    ✦ GTA5機車 ➔ https://goo.gl/nPKcPB

    ✦ GTA5模組 ➔ https://goo.gl/mD1vHj

    ✦ GTA5 中文RP 警察模擬 ➔ https://goo.gl/oMg3vH

    ✦ GTA嬌羞小姐姐系列 ➔ https://goo.gl/PkCnta

    ✦ 神奇寶貝Tretta ➔ https://goo.gl/8iwPaB

    ✦ 傳說對決 ➔ https://goo.gl/fBZyjc

    ✦ 樂高漫威超級英雄2 ➔ https://goo.gl/vJypD9

    ✦ 樂高侏儸紀世界 ➔ https://goo.gl/wxYcWf

    ✦ 樂高超人特攻隊 ➔ https://goo.gl/bZD4tb

    ✦ 腐朽之都2 State of Decay 2 ➔ https://goo.gl/7JrnKF

    ✦ 底特律:變人 Detroit: Become Human ➔ https://goo.gl/eWs5wb

    ✦ 荒野行動 ➔ https://goo.gl/ph9nBF

    ✦ VLOG將 ➔ https://goo.gl/uTb9nb


    ✦ 工商合作: jonstyle69@gmail.com

  • fivem指令 在 Jonstyle Youtube 的最佳解答

    2018-09-26 00:30:10

    Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/jonstyle 🎪 馬上訂閱將將的Youtube頻道! ➔ http://goo.gl/SIGvfT
    🎪 想玩中文RP的請加入 https://discord.gg/X3WZYFQ

    😺 支持我就看完廣告吧^0^
    😺 歐付寶allpay : https://goo.gl/yRp6yi
    😺 Paypal: https://goo.gl/DivSnP

    ✦ 1.請尊重直播人員 (包括遊玩的夥伴)
    ✦ 2.不要到這邊找人
    ✦ 3.嚴禁劇透 (除非我真的卡太久)
    ✦ 4.嚴禁髒話
    ✦ 5.嚴禁廣告
    ✦ 6.請勿詢問個人隱私問題
    ✦ 7.禁止在聊天室洗頻
    ✦ 8.請勿調戲十櫻小姐姐

    以上若違規將禁言或BAN! 就這樣囉~

    🚨Chat Rules
    - No negativity towards anyone
    - Do not come here to troll people
    - Don't ask to become Mod
    - Don't spam or use excessive caps
    - Keep it a family environment
    - Only whitelisted links allowed
    - Roleplaying and/or fictional stories is not allowed
    - Do not advertise your stream
    - No racism
    - Mods reserve the right to enforce additional rules as they see fit

    🎪 聊天室打出以下指令可以互動唷




















    ✦✦✦訂閱頻道 接收最新影片動態✦✦✦

    1. 請先訂閱!
    2. 將訂閱旁邊 "鈴鐺" 打開!
    3. 打勾"我想收到這個頻道的所有通知" 儲存!
    4. 請幫忙分享影片與推廣,謝謝大家!



    ✦ Twitch直播台 ➔ https://go.twitch.tv/jonstyle69
    ✦ IG ➔ https://www.instagram.com/jonstyle69/
    ✦ FB粉絲團 ➔ https://www.facebook.com/ejonstyle/

    ✦ 全部遊戲 ➔ https://goo.gl/DwRpyY

    ✦ GTA5跑車 ➔ https://goo.gl/6ocWXd

    ✦ GTA5機車 ➔ https://goo.gl/nPKcPB

    ✦ GTA5模組 ➔ https://goo.gl/mD1vHj

    ✦ GTA5 中文RP 警察模擬 ➔ https://goo.gl/oMg3vH

    ✦ GTA嬌羞小姐姐系列 ➔ https://goo.gl/PkCnta

    ✦ 神奇寶貝Tretta ➔ https://goo.gl/8iwPaB

    ✦ 傳說對決 ➔ https://goo.gl/fBZyjc

    ✦ 樂高漫威超級英雄2 ➔ https://goo.gl/vJypD9

    ✦ 樂高侏儸紀世界 ➔ https://goo.gl/wxYcWf

    ✦ 樂高超人特攻隊 ➔ https://goo.gl/bZD4tb

    ✦ 腐朽之都2 State of Decay 2 ➔ https://goo.gl/7JrnKF

    ✦ 底特律:變人 Detroit: Become Human ➔ https://goo.gl/eWs5wb

    ✦ 荒野行動 ➔ https://goo.gl/ph9nBF

    ✦ VLOG將 ➔ https://goo.gl/uTb9nb


    ✦ 工商合作: jonstyle69@gmail.com

