

在 fenbendazole產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1,415的網紅Lily的澳洲獸醫日誌,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, FASAVA 筆記分享 part2 講師是UC Davis的教授,是我這次整個congress聽到覺得最棒的講者。當初給這位教授的教室很小,很多醫生最後都站著聽講 主題: the latest on infectious GI disease 🔺Giardia 1. most common s...


  • fenbendazole 在 Lily的澳洲獸醫日誌 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-10-30 13:53:37
    有 50 人按讚

    FASAVA 筆記分享 part2

    講師是UC Davis的教授,是我這次整個congress聽到覺得最棒的講者。當初給這位教授的教室很小,很多醫生最後都站著聽講

    主題: the latest on infectious GI disease

    1. most common sign is “asymptomatic”
    2. associated with small intestinal diarrhea
    3. most strains are non-zoonotic
    4. diarrhea is often self-limiting

    If test positive -> ignore or treat with single dose only, if recur don’t treat again

    ELISA (snap) test for giardia: only to be used for initial dx, NEVER use it to check efficacy of tx (coz it can remain positive for up to 4 wks after elimination)

    metronidazole, Fenbendazole(highest efficacy), Ronidazole, Frontal plus, Secnidazole

    🔺Campylobacter can be non-pathogenic commensial
    🔺Raw diet animal : 60-70% +ve on Salmonella, healthy animal but zoonotic risk

    ‼️Take home message:
    -Isolation of bacterial ,viral or parasitic enteropathogen doesn’t denote a cause-and effect phenomenon
    -bacterial, viral and parasitic enteropathogens are commonly isolated from healthy asymptomatic dogs and cats

    🔺Granulomatous colitis (boxer and French Bulldog)
    Cause: Adherent and invasive E. coli
    Tx: fluoroquinolones 6-8 wks, up to 17% resistance
    DO NOT use steroid, as will make worse

    🔺AHDS Acute Hemorrhagic Diarrhea Syndrome (to replace previously known HGE)
    -acute onset of vomiting and hemorrhagic diarrhea
    -frequently associated with hemoconcetration
    -can be associated with infectious and non-infectious causes

    🔺If see hemoconcentration with normal protein-> think about Clostridium perfringens

    🔺Antimicrobial therapy is controversial for management of C. Perfringens
    Study shows same outcome between AB and placebo groups

    🔺Need to assess the patient 2-4 times/day, if see increased temp, WBC (toxic left shift), and systemic signs: then give ABs

    Rational use of ABs in diarrhea patient
    1. Hemorrhagic diarrhea with signs of sepsis
    2. Prevention of bacterial translocation
    3. Severely immunocompromised patient
    4. Management of AB responsive diarrhea
    5. Management of a specific bacterial enteropathogen eg E. Coli in Boxers with granulomatous colitis


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