[爆卦]Fearlessness 中文是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Fearlessness 中文鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Fearlessness 中文這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 fearlessness產品中有59篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5萬的網紅林薇Vivi,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 想跟大家分享一個好消息,​ 我獲得了2021的 #黛安娜人道主義獎 The Diana Award。​ *English version below*​ ​ 獲得這個獎,是興奮,是感動,更是意志堅定的。​ 而它的意義,是肯定,是責任,更代表從今而後,持續無懼,溫柔而無畏。​ /​ ​ 我記得收到獲獎...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過27萬的網紅Lindie Botes,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Is it ever ok to be jealous of someone's language skills? What about when you feel inadequate or feel like you're not as good as anyone else? Is it al...

fearlessness 在 Eric Yang Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-16 05:42:30

Welcome to the YOLO Economy 「你只能活一次」:疫情讓千禧一代擁抱冒險經濟 Something strange is happening to the exhausted, type-A millennial workers of America. After a yea...

  • fearlessness 在 林薇Vivi Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-21 12:15:00
    有 7,328 人按讚

    我獲得了2021的 #黛安娜人道主義獎 The Diana Award。​
    *English version below*​







    我也想藉這個機會,謝謝所有從 小紅帽Little Red Hood 成立至今,曾經或現在仍在關注、分享我們的行動與內容產出的你;謝謝透過各種方式,支持著鼓勵著我們的你;也謝謝曾經提供我們建議、回饋、甚至是挑戰的你;更謝謝,總是與我們並肩,總是做我們最強後盾的前輩、夥伴、讀者、捐款人們,因為有你們,自始與我們一起走在這條崎嶇蜿蜒的道路上,我們才能走得如此無懼、享受、更踏實而無後顧之憂。​





    林薇 2021.07.21​


    I have got some great news I would like to share with you all. ​
    I am both humbled and honoured to be recognised as the Diana Award Recipient 2021 – one of the highest accolades a young person can achieve for social action and humanitarian efforts. ​

    Winning this award was exciting, inspiring, and made me more determined than ever. On the other hand, the acknowledgement also meant the responsibility to continue the journey with fearlessness, gentleness, tenacity, and strength.​

    When I received the email notifying me of winning the award, I instantly dropped my phone onto the table and covered my face with disbelief. My body was shaking. I took a deep breath to gather myself but was too excited to even remember to exhale. My emotions, however, were more than astonishment. There was immense happiness accompanied by tears of joy. I knew, for a youth striving to devote myself to providing humanitarian aid and care to society, this award was an acknowledgement beyond my imagination. The emotions which overwhelmed me was not for myself to win this award, I knew, it was that our (Little Red Hood Team) hard work and beliefs were recognised and supported! I sincerely thank the judging panel and the nominator for their appreciation. ​

    This journey has not been easy. We have experienced frustrating times and moments that almost made up give up. But now, receiving this award meant that we are finally being heard by the world for our belief to strive for not only menstrual equity, but that people should not be mistreated for being who they truly are. ​

    Today marks a precious milestone in the journey ahead, where we can shout with conviction that, “We will never give up! We will continue to work hard! We will work towards the day that the Little Red Hood is no longer needed!” ​ ​

    Personally, menstrual-related issues and advocacy for equality were something that I could not ignore and keeps me up at night if nothing were being done about them. I believe that everyone in the world deserves to be themselves and treated equally. However, I knew, to achieve this goal, more people will have to change with pace and manner comfortable to each their own. I hope to be part of these changes, to see and feel the differences, moreover, I wish that more and more people could join this movement. Therefore, I began my path of advocacy and hereby encourage anyone who sees any worth in the issues I proposed, to be the difference and become a driving force for changes- because you are all equally crucial for the realisation of the future we strive for. ​

    Today will live on as a significant memory full of gratitude, reminder, and responsibility. More importantly, this award gave us a clearer picture of why we work and where we want to work towards. It also prompts us to strive without fear, to be gentle but firm in the faces of challenges, difficulties, failures that are bound to come. This honour reminded us to live every day with gratitude because the friends, partners and beneficiaries around the world chose to believe and fight alongside us. Their supports were not mandatory, nor by chance, and not just luck.​

    We will continue our work to the best of our ability and hopefully, make the differences needed for the future we all wished for. This, I think, is the best way that my team and I could show our appreciation and stay true to our roots. ​

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank those of you who followed Little Red Hood from day one and shared our content or actions; thank you for all the different forms of support you have shown. I want to further thank those who provided us with suggestions, feedback or even challenges; you fought alongside of us as predecessors, partners, readers, and doners. You gave us confidence, joy, and the ability to traverse this rugged path without worry. ​

    I would also like to thank Taiwan, the land and home, which nurtured me with everything I needed. As the first Taiwanese recipient of the award, I confidently expressed my wish of adding Taiwan to the country list for the award. Thanks to the award development team, Taiwan was proudly added onto the list. It was the democracy and freedom of our land with the passionate, honest, and hard-working people that led me to truly believe speaking our mind was such a natural thing to do. Love is simple yet powerful. My country nurtured me to who I am today, and I would like to let more people see the beauty and the goodness of Taiwan, even if it were only a small portion. ​

    I want to thank my friends and family, who provided me with advice, support, and encouragement. You allowed me to believe that I, myself, could become a strong person and that I could spread this belief and show everyone that simply being ourselves is good enough.​

    We were all born differently, which is precisely why everybody is unique and important. One day, I really hope, people would no longer be restricted and affected by their inherent traits, identities, and beliefs, and that you and I could become the light in our lives and spread the warmth to others. ​

    Together, we can make the world a better place. ​

    Vivi Lin 21 July 2021


  • fearlessness 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-19 22:30:24
    有 87 人按讚

    立馬錄了銜接課第一堂的part 1給國三升高一的寶貝們,
    明天(5/20 四)晚上邀請大家上線觀賞喔!

    俐媽介紹了電影Click 「命運好好玩」,



    🌟 俐媽英文教室—星座篇part 1:
    ♈️ Aries 牡羊座
    🆗 confidence 自信/ self-awareness 自覺/ strength 力量/ fearlessness 無懼
    🆖 competitiveness 好競爭/ anger 憤怒/ tunnel vision 目光短淺/ obsessiveness 執著/ vanity 虛榮/ self-centeredness 自我中心
    ㊙️ 育兒特色:warrior mama 戰士媽咪

    ♉️ Taurus 金牛座
    🆗 stability 穩定/ good taste 好品味/ common sense 常識;有判斷力/ hard worker 努力工作
    🆖 indulgence 沈溺;縱容/ materialism 實利主義/ mood swings 喜怒無常/ vanity 虛榮
    ㊙️ 育兒特色:mullet mama 烏魚媽咪

    ♊️ Gemini 雙子座
    🆗 versatility 多才多藝/ youthfulness 年輕/ curiosity 好奇心/ open-mindedness 開明/ originality 原創力/ creativity 創意
    🆖 inconsistency 不一致/ lack of boundaries 沒有界限/ tendency to contradict self 自我矛盾/ impatience 沒耐心/ talking or lecturing instead of listening 只說不傾聽
    ㊙️ 育兒特色:a mom of many personalities 多重人格媽咪

    ♋️ Cancer 巨蟹座
    🆗 sensitivity 敏感/ comfort 安逸舒服/ good taste 好品味/ devotion 奉獻/ sentimentality 多愁善感
    🆖 overprotectiveness 過度保護/ mood swings 喜怒無常/ fearfulness 無懼/ jealousy 嫉妒
    ㊙️ 育兒特色:mother superior 上司媽咪

    ♌️ Leo 獅子座
    🆗 playfulness 放鬆玩笑/ leadership 領導特質/ creativity 創造力/ confidence 自信
    🆖 self-centeredness 自我中心/ drama 戲劇化/ too much energy 活力滿滿/ Pollyanna tendencies 盲目樂觀
    ㊙️ 育兒特色:hands-on mother 事必躬親媽咪

    ♍️ Virgo 處女座
    🆗 organization and structure 有組織有系統/ common sense 常識;有判斷力/ healthy habits 養成健康好習慣/ intellect 聰明
    🆖 judgmental 批判的/ worry and neuroses 愛操煩/ self-righteousness 自以爲/ tendency to overanalyze 喜分析
    ㊙️ 育兒特色:upright/free-spirited mommy 正直又自由的媽咪


  • fearlessness 在 Lindie Botes - YouTuber Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-02-26 20:51:20
    有 124 人按讚

    Why fearlessness is important for learning a new language - some thoughts ❤️

    When you’re learning a new language, you start out like a baby. Time to learn colors, fruits, days of the week all over again! You might feel like you’re unable to express yourself naturally because you’re lacking vocabulary and grammar.

    It's natural for us to feel scared to speak. We focus on what we don't know instead of what we do know. We're shy to mix languages when we don't know all the words. But these struggles are all part of the learning process!

    The best thing you can do at this stage is to take some courage. Having fearlessness here is helpful — it pushes you out of your comfort zone to learn from your mistakes and use the language as much as possible.

    What do you think? ✨

