[爆卦]Establish synonym是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Establish synonym鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Establish synonym這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 establish產品中有730篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅IELTS Nguyễn Huyền,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, TỪ VỰNG IELTS - CHỦ ĐỀ STRESS PHẦN TỪ VỰNG - to live a stress-free life: sống một cuộc sống không còn căng thẳng - to overcome life’s challenges: vượt...

 同時也有122部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅#ミニマリストライフ,也在其Youtube影片中提到,https://amzn.to/3fMauBB United City Bikes has been closed! ユナイテッド・シティ・バイクスは閉業しました!(Amazonアソシエイトプログラムを利用しています) Dear backer, 親愛なる後援者さま unfortunately,...

establish 在 Lica Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-17 18:30:22

聞你的話交你的心: Smell your text, watch your soul I hope to solicit the following experiments to allow us to create the possibility “of sympathy and connec...

establish 在 goodbyehkhellouk Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-15 16:27:20

送客...學英文 英國上下議院議長今日分別出聲明禁止新任中國駐英國大使進入英國國會。 事緣係咁嘅,可能大家都知英國下議院有好多非官方跨黨關注組織,响中國議題上面,就有屬於相對溫和嘅All-Party Parliamentary Group on China (APPG),同埋有幾個議員被中國制裁...

  • establish 在 IELTS Nguyễn Huyền Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-30 21:30:34
    有 825 人按讚

    - to live a stress-free life: sống một cuộc sống không còn căng thẳng
    - to overcome life’s challenges: vượt qua các thử thách của cuộc sống
    - to stay positive: lạc quan
    - the ongoing pressures of day-to-day life: những áp lực liên tục của cuộc sống hàng ngày
    - to shield sb from sth: bảo vệ ai đó khỏi gì
    - an essential part of life: một phần thiết yếu của cuộc sống
    - to complete important tasks: hoàn thành các nhiệm vụ quan trọng
    - to fail to do sth: thất bại/ không làm được việc gì
    - to dampen your spirits: làm giảm tinh thần của bạn
    - to feel a greater sense of control: cảm thấy mình kiểm soát sự việc tốt hơn
    - to develop a realistic, practical plan: xây dựng một kế hoạch thực tế
    - to fit your own needs: phù hợp với nhu cầu của riêng bạn
    - to lead a more peaceful life: dẫn tới một cuộc sống bình yên hơn
    - life-altering events: những sự kiện thay đổi cuộc đời
    - to care for a loved one during illness: chăm sóc người thân trong thời gian bị bệnh
    - to deal with a painful loss: đối phó với một mất mát đau đớn
    - to live through a difficult divorce: sống qua một cuộc ly hôn đầy khó khăn
    - to feel completely overwhelmed: cảm thấy hoàn toàn choáng ngợp
    - to be key foundations of happiness: là nền tảng chính của hạnh phúc
    - to struggle with debt: đấu tranh với nợ nần
    - a period of economic instability: thời kỳ bất ổn kinh tế
    - to enter a stable job market: tham gia vào một thị trường việc làm ổn định
    - stress resilience: khả năng phục hồi sau một giai đoạn căng thẳng
    - to provoke worry: kích động trạng thái lo lắng
    - to heighten anxiety: làm tăng sự lo âu
    - to make positive changes: tạo ra những thay đổi tích cực
    - to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and high blood pressure: tăng nguy cơ mắc bệnh tim mạch, ung thư và huyết áp cao
    - to be vulnerable to sth: dễ bị tổn thương với cái gì
    - to make good use of sth: sử dụng tốt thứ gì
    - to create a positive outcome: tạo ra một kết quả tích cực
    - to cultivate positive emotions: nuôi dưỡng cảm xúc tích cực
    - to take constructive steps to tackle sth: thực hiện các bước mang tính xây dựng để giải quyết vấn đề gì
    - to make time for sth: dành thời gian cho
    - to recover from a period of pressure: phục hồi sau một thời gian áp lực
    - to establish a good rapport with sb: thiết lập mối quan hệ tốt với ai
    - to do a great deal of harm: gây ra nhiều thiệt hại
    - to instill a sense of confidence: làm thấm nhuần niềm tin
    - to suffer from an anxiety disorder: bị rối loạn lo âu

    PHẦN VÍ DỤ: https://ielts-nguyenhuyen.com/tu-vung-ielts-chu-de-stress/

  • establish 在 AMC 空中美語 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-27 08:00:59
    有 168 人按讚

    全台三級警戒的時候,你也WFH(work from home 💻)、SFH(study from home 📚)了嗎?除了大家追求的「儀式感」,在家上班上課其實也有許多小撇步,可以提升你的效率和專注力✨!
    ✅ Establish a routine 建立常規
    ✅ Have a dedicated work/study area 擁有一個專用的工作/學習區域
    更多的小撇步都在English Digest十月號🤩!
    📢限量瘋搶空中美語雜誌📢 12期雜誌原價$2,640,現在只要$1,680‼ http://q.english4u.net/shopprod_ed
    📢 12期雜誌原價$2,640,現在只要$1,680‼ http://q.english4u.net/shopprod_ed
    #跟定AMC搞定ABC #空中美語 #美語教學 #英文學習

  • establish 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-25 11:00:23
    有 1,622 人按讚


    近年來肺癌及上呼吸道癌症病率不斷上升,為美國和台灣癌症死亡率最高的癌症。2019年美台簽署了肺癌及上呼吸道癌症研究的合作協定,由 #美國國家衛生研究院、#台北榮民總醫院 和 #國立陽明交通大學共同參與此項研究計畫,並在台灣建立了#史蒂芬索拉茲國際研究實驗室。



    The number of people diagnosed with thoracic cancer has been increasing in recent years and its mortality rate is the highest in the United States and in Taiwan. In 2019, the United States and Taiwan signed an agreement to collaborate on thoracic cancer research and establish the Stephen J. Solarz International Research Laboratory in Taiwan. This international standard laboratory will conduct research to characterize distinct features that cause thoracic cancers in Asian versus Caucasian patients and accelerate the development of novel methods to diagnose, treat, and prevent thoracic malignancies that collectively account for two million deaths a year worldwide. Clinical trials will begin simultaneously at the U.S. National Institute of Health Clinical Center, the largest hospital in the world dedicated solely to medical research, and Taipei Veterans General Hospital (TVGH), one of the largest and most prestigious hospitals in Asia, in the near future. On Friday, AIT Economic Officer Neevy Laningham participated virtually in a ceremony to launch the Stephen J. Solarz International Research Laboratory, located in TVGH. This U.S.-Taiwan collaboration will not only benefit patients but will also provide training to future researchers in thoracic oncology and translational cancer.

  • establish 在 #ミニマリストライフ Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-09-22 06:00:12

    United City Bikes has been closed! ユナイテッド・シティ・バイクスは閉業しました!(Amazonアソシエイトプログラムを利用しています)

    Dear backer,

    unfortunately, we have to inform you, that this wonderful project had to be terminated and United Concepts AG will be liquidated.
    遺憾ながら、お伝えしなければいけないことがあります。我々は素晴らしい計画を終了することになりました。また、ユナイテッド・シティ・バイクス AG 社は清算予定です。

    The adversities in the production process and other imponderables make it impossible for us to continue the original idea - to establish the lightest folding bike in the world on the market.

    Despite most intensive efforts, we had to acknowledge, that this inevitable measure could not be prevented.

    We regret this very much, because United City Bikes and every supporter are very close to our hearts.

    We thank you all for this great support and for the wonderful time we had.

    We wish you good health and all the best for your future,Your United City Bikes Team

    P.S Please contact our manufacturer directly for support requests
    追伸 サポートが必要な場合は直接私たちの製造者にご連絡下さい。

    広告代理店による動画 Johannes Kaczmarczyk Director: Axel Lerner

    United Concept AG

    Dirk Kochhan ダーク・コハーン
    Patrick Reischel https://www.patrick-reischel.net/ https://www.instagram.com/patrickreischelart/
    Maike Grellmann
    Kristial Strehlau
    Annette Potempa
    Andreas Bergmann



    Jaunty Bikes
    Song Of Youth

    Changzhou Golden Ages Vehicle Co., Ltd.


    “Lanxi Jieke Sports”Simano シマノ "NUTT" "Lanxie Jieke Sports"

    United Concepts AG

    Founder ユナイテッド・シティ・バイクス ダーク・コハーン




    Q The Oneと同一の形状の自転車が安く販売されていますが、どういう関連があるのでしょうか? また、The Oneの設計は United City Bikesが独自に行った物でしょうか?
    A : United City Bikes CEOのダークは自転車産業で20年ほどマーケティングの専門家としての経験を持ちます。弊社が中国のスタートアップと知り合ったのは2年前ほどになります。当時はTHE ONEのプロトタイプの開発段階にあり、いくつかの試作品を開発しておりました。そんな中、インターナショナル基準に合わせて彼ら(中国のスタートアップ)とともに開発に取り組んでまいりました。
    今回のクラウドファンディングは、弊社が生産ラインを確立するための資金調達として行われました。今では大成功に終わったクラウドファンディングも、始まる前は先の見えない冒険であったため、私たちは中国のスタートアップにTHE ONEを中国国内市場で自分達のブランド「Song of Youth」としての販売権を認めました。その事を今では、間違った判断だったと思っています。

    NUTT YK-34
    MTB スラム(SRAM) エイヴィッド(AVID) Elixir シリーズ LEVEL/TL/T 用 ディスクブレーキパッド レジンパッド
    適応代表機種: AVID Elixir1 Elixir3 Elixir5 Elixir7 Elixir9 ElixirCR ElixirR




    誰も考えない切り口でシンプルな生き方を提案します。物を軽く少なくする「ミニマリスト」「シンプルライフ」の知恵を応用した動画を公開中。 �

    "￰￱￲￳￴￵￶￷￸ �"
    This movie has Japanese caption for learn Japanese.

    ・iPhone SEのアウターカメラで撮影しています

    グラスジャパン福 買いました

    United City Bikes has been closed! ユナイテッド・シティ・バイクスは閉業しました! #The_One #ミニマリストライフ https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=UURwqTcUh7jMWqFjSYH3JHow&v=vWEj3aJuXrQ

  • establish 在 樂筆 x 日光實驗室 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-09-10 07:00:12







    Welcome to Sunlight!
    My friend, single for 27 years, is always yelling that he wants to get married. Why he never gets a girlfriend although he wants to get married? Finally I ask him to share how he keeps himself, prepares himself and knows himself these years~(Wish him meets the actual age)
    What do you think about singledom? Are you a little afraid of or anxious? Sometimes you feel free but sometimes feel worthless? Being single doesn’t mean you’re not good enough, instead, meaning that it’s not quite ready yet. No matter you’re single or not, you’re always worthy of love! Get your to-do list down ASAP when you’re single, and “debug” your life! Hope you guys become mature first and then take off the single, bless others and found families.
    Lastly, I’m sorry! Because we’re so familiar that we talk trash too much. I’m trying hard to delete so there are only 30 minutes left in the episode. 😂😂😂
    Note: If you’re Christians, you may find that Ethan is wrong for saying “Sarah bore Isaac when she was 99 years old.” Isaac was born when Sarah was 90 years old and Abraham was 100 years old. It’s a slip of the tongue. Hope his group members, friends, fans(?) and the wife in the future believe his professionalism(Well, I’m forced to add it.)
    Genesis 17:19 King James Bible
    And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him.

    Apple Podcast、KKBOX、Spotify 🔍歡迎光臨

    - - -


    - - -

    主持人兼編輯 Host/Editor/:樂筆
    剪接師 Sound Editor:Papa.H
    翻譯 Translator:Youli

  • establish 在 果籽 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-04-29 09:30:00

    After getting its Michelin star back in January, The Chairman claimed the top spot for Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants 2021 – a first for a Hong Kong restaurant – just two months later. Tucked away in a small side road at the back of the bustling Central district, the modern classic Cantonese eatery is owned by Danny Yip, a low-key veteran restaurateur who has managed to stay out of the limelight until recent years. “Food is always our centre of attention. Because whenever we struggle to take care of everything else, we always consider: how much time can we actually spend in the kitchen during the year? We want to put all our energy on our food, especially during the first few years,” Yip says.

    Little Meg, a top food influencer with over 159,000 followers on Instagram and one of the Tokyo guides featured in Netflix’s foodie docuseries “Ugly Delicious”, is one of the most frequent regulars of The Chairman. She has dined at the small restaurant at least 37 times within nine months since June last year. “Chinese cuisine used to lack certain finesse, but The Chairman has successfully filled the gaps over the past decade. For instance, Chinese dishes were often cooked with stock or a lot of sauces, but The Chairman decided not to go down the same route. They establish their own flavors with their own techniques,” Little Meg says.


    【我是南丫島人】23歲仔獲cafe免費借位擺一人咖啡檔 $6,000租住350呎村屋:愛這裏互助關係 (果籽 Apple Daily) (https://youtu.be/XSugNPyaXFQ)
    【香港蠔 足本版】流浮山白蠔收成要等三年半 天然生曬肥美金蠔日產僅50斤 即撈即食中環名人坊蜜餞金蠔 西貢六福酥炸生蠔 (果籽 Apple Daily) (https://youtu.be/Fw653R1aQ6s)
    【這夜給惡人基一封信】大佬茅躉華日夜思念 回憶從8歲開始:兄弟有今生沒來世 (壹週刊 Next) (https://youtu.be/t06qjQbRIpY)
    【太子餃子店】新移民唔怕蝕底自薦包餃子 粗重功夫一腳踢 老闆刮目相看邀開店:呢個女人唔係女人(飲食男女 Apple Daily) https://youtu.be/7CUTg7LXQ4M)
    【娛樂人物】情願市民留家唔好出街聚餐 鄧一君兩麵舖執笠蝕200萬 (蘋果日報 Apple Daily) (https://youtu.be/e3agbTOdfoY)

    果籽 :http://as.appledaily.com
    健康蘋台: http://applehealth.com.hk
    動物蘋台: http://applepetform.com

    #果籽 #StayHome #WithMe #跟我一樣 #宅在家

