#1What exactly is Erdoganism? - openDemocracy
In this sense, Erdoganism is an autocratic regime which considers that all its political actions in the broadest sense are beyond legal control.
#2Erdoganism [noun] - Foreign Policy
Basically, any court decision, media stance, or liberal critique against the man of the nation has been condemned as a sinister attempt to ...
#3Recep Tayyip Erdogan | Biography & Facts | Britannica
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, (born February 26, 1954, Rize, Turkey), Turkish politician who served as prime minister (2003–14) and president (2014– ) of Turkey.
#4Erdoganism In Turkey - Podcasts - Policy Center
This podcast is performed by Eduard Soler. Erdoganism in Turkey: Erdogan has become the President of the Republic and continues to dominate Turkish politics ...
#5What is Erdoganism? by Ihsan Yilmaz - SSRN Papers
Erdoğanism, the political ideology, developed around the cult of personality of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Erdoğanism is rather ad hoc, ...
#6Turkey faces the damage of Erdoganism - Ahmet İnsel
Erdoganism is a regime of arbitrariness and, above all, unpredictability in both the political and economic spheres. Regulations, even laws, can suddenly change ...
#7History may finally come knocking for Erdogan - Financial Times
Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey's imperious president, behaves more than ever as though there are no limits to his power — and at precisely the ...
#8Erdogan's Political Journey: From Victimised Muslim ...
Erdogan's Political. Journey: From Victimised. Muslim Democrat to. Authoritarian, Islamist. Populist. AUTHOR: Ihsan Yilmaz. ECPS Leader Profile Series #7.
#9From the “Turkish model” to Erdoganism - CAIRN International
From the “Turkish model” to Erdoganism: The Beginning of a New Turkey? Suivre cet auteur Johanna Ollier; In Revue internationale et stratégique Volume 106, ...
#10Erdoganism and Understanding the Turkish Middle East Policy
The paper discusses the Turkish leadership, especially of president Erdogan, perception about the new developments in the Middle East and its influence on ...
#11The AKP after 15 years: emergence of Erdoganism in Turkey
Erdoganism refers to the emerging political regime in Turkey that has four main dimensions: electoral authoritarianism as the electoral system, ...
#12Recep Tayyip Erdoğan - The Telegraph
Kemal Kilicdaroglu, Erdogan's main challenger in the May election, ... President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has his focus firmly on a general election in May, ...
#13Presidency Of The Republic Of Turkey : Home
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan received Secretary General Kubanychbek Omuraliev of the Organization of Turkic States at the Presidential Complex. 2Mar ...
#14Tek Millet, Religious Nationalism under Erdoganism
This article aims at examining forms and characteristics of Turkish nationalism under Erdoganism, a relatively new term which has been devoted to leadership ...
#15Erdogan Sticks with Economic Policy as Turkey's Inflation ...
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses businesspeople during a meeting in Istanbul, Turkey, Jan. 3, 2022.
#16Turkey's Reeling Economy Is an Added Challenge for Erdogan
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, standing in a crowd with his hand on his. The Turkish Enterprise and Business Confederation has put ...
#17Conservatism and Authoritarianism in Turkey - JSTOR
Erdogan's true agenda, given his background in Islamist politics. Rather,. Erdogan has become something more akin to a traditional Middle. Eastern strongman: ...
#18Erdoganism and Understanding the Turkish Middle East ...
Request PDF | Erdoganism and Understanding the Turkish Middle East Policy The paper discusses the Turkish leadership, especially of president Erdogan, ...
#19The AKP after 15 years: emergence of ... - IDEAS/RePEc
We first explain why we think Erdoganism is a better concept to define the emerging political regime in Turkey. We briefly discuss Sultanism, Khomeinism and ...
#20How Erdoganism Is Killing Turkish Democracy
Turkey was undeniably transformed by last July's failed coup. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, having barely survived an attempt on this life ...
#21One-man rule: Can Turkey survive Erdogan? | To the point
President Recep Tayipp Erdogan is doing all he can to repress political opposition and stifle critical media…. But skyrocketing inflation ...
#22Turkey Under Erdoğan: How a Country Turned from ...
Since coming to power in 2002 Recep Tayyip Erdogan has overseen a radical transformation of Turkey. Once a pillar of the Western alliance, ...
#23How Erdoganism Is Killing Turkish Democracy
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, having barely survived an attempt on this life, has become a Turkish Muslim messiah in the eyes of his ...
#24Erdogan's Empire: Turkey and the Politics of the Middle East
Gradually since 2003, Turkey's autocratic leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan has sought to make Turkey a great power -- in the tradition of past Turkish leaders ...
#25Erdoganism (or why Turkey is leaving the West) - ASPI Strategist
It's hard to avoid the common narrative surrounding key individuals in Turkish politics. Recep Tayyip Erdogan is the charismatic strong man ...
#26What Is Erdoğanism? (Chapter 7) - Creating the Desired Citizen
Erdoğanism is both the regime and the ideology in Turkey and it has four main dimensions: electoral authoritarianism as the electoral system, neopatrimonialism ...
#27Recep Tayyip Erdogan - TIME
Read the latest stories about Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Time.
#28Turkey's Erdogan Is Down But Not Out | The National Interest
Erdogan has ruled the country since 2003 and these elections are equally consequential for him. In the event he loses power, there is a decent ...
#29Turkey Under Erdogan - Yale University Press
Turkey Under Erdogan. How a Country Turned from Democracy and the West. by Dimitar Bechev. 280 Pages, 6.12 x 9.25 in.
#30Tek Millet, Religious Nationalism under Erdoganism
Erdoganism itself has various distinct approaches towards the narrative and development of Turkish nationalism. This research used a qualitative approach with ...
#31Erdoganism hi-res stock photography and images - Alamy
Erdoganism Stock Photos and Images · Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of Turkey since 2014, Prime Minister (2003 - 2014 · 06. · 07.12.
#32The Rise of President Erdogan and the end of Kemalist Turkey
By closely examining sources such as the 1924. Turkish Constitution, the revised Constitution's proposed amendments, and Erdogan's past political history, this ...
#33Recep Tayyip Erdoğan - Wikidata
President of the Republic of Turkey since 2014. Tayyip Erdoğan; Erdoğan; Recep Tayyip Erdogan; Tayyip Erdogan; Erdogan; Rejep Tayyip Erdoghan; R. T. Erdogan.
#34Becoming an Empire Again is not Easy: Turkey in the Erdogan ...
Cagaptay's main argument is that while Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's predecessors sought to strengthen Turkey through the West, Erdogan sought to ...
#35Authoritarianism in Turkey: From “Kemalism to Erdoganism ...
Erdoganism ” via Democratic Reforms and Economic. Development. George Koukoudakis*. Abstract: During the 1990s, Turkish society experienced political.
#36Erdoğan Rediscovers Kemalism
The post-Kemalist epoch in Turkey was thus well underway, bolstered by the political prowess of then-prime minister, now president, Recep Tayyip ...
#37Erdoganism and the Conversion of the Hagia Sophia
President Erdogan was seen joining worshippers as they lined up to enter for Friday prayers. The latest decision sparked outrage in the Orthodox ...
#38How Erdogan Made Turkey Authoritarian Again - The Atlantic
Yet only a few years after that triumphant moment, Recep Tayyip Erdogan—who was prime minister for 11 years before becoming president in 2014— ...
#39Erdogan Sees $32 Billion Energy Subsidies in 2023 Election ...
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's 2023 draft budget provides for a dramatic increase in energy subsidies, which would enable him to ...
#40Recep Tayyip Erdogan is destroying democracy from within
Perhaps Mr Erdogan sensed that the country, briefly so united after the coup attempt that even the political opposition turned out for his rallies, is now ...
#41Erdoğanism; Populism as a "Political Strategy
Erdoğanism ; Populism as a "Political Strategy ... such as Guardian, Bloomberg, New York Times and Foreign Policy, called Erdogan and his party "populist".
#42Erdogan The Nationalist Vs Erdogan The Islamist
One of Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan's pet projects is the promotion of “imam-hatip” schools within the Turkish education system with the ...
#43Erdogan's party suffers blow after Istanbul re-run poll defeat
On Twitter, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan wrote: "I congratulate Ekrem Imamoglu who has won the election based on preliminary results.".
#44Erdogan's Ideology Seems Ironclad, but There's One Thing ...
Turkish President Erdogan and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, Jeddah, April 2022.Credit: Saudi Press Agency/Handout via REUTERS.
#45Erdoganism Illustrations & Vectors - Dreamstime.com
Download 15 Erdoganism Stock Illustrations, Vectors & Clipart for FREE or amazingly low rates! New users enjoy 60% OFF. 204171478 stock photos online.
#46Foreign Policy - Understanding Erdogan's new Turkish state...
Great again … is now the established political popular trope zeitgeist of the time fueling under-girding inspiring Trump-ism Br-exit and Erdogan-ism ! 7 yrs ...
#47The AKP after 15 years: emergence of Erdoganism in Turkey
Erdoganism has four main dimensions: electoral authoritarianism as the electoral system, neopatrimonialism as the economic system, populism as ...
#48Is Islam the default explanation for the Erdoğan regime?
The pathologies which Erdogan's regime have set in motion may well outlast him. The massive scale of repression shows the decay of state ...
#49Post-Erdoganism? Turkish Politics After the Istanbul Face-Off
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is grappling with the fallout of the ruling party's big defeat in the Istanbul mayoral election, ...
#50Turkish President's agenda, and post-Oglu challenges
This phase can be called the Neo-Erdoganism, as an abridged political term that depicts the political landscape currently surrounding the AKP.
#51Turkey faces a crucial election this summer | The Economist
For almost 20 years Mr Erdogan, who first became prime minister in March 2003, and then president in August 2014, has been the country's all- ...
#52From reformer to 'New Sultan': Erdoğan's populist evolution
“Erdoğan is the inventor of 21st century populism,” argues Soner Cagaptay, author of The New Sultan: Erdoğan and the Crisis of Modern Turkey. “ ...
#53Expert: Turkey Fast Becoming 'Elected Autocracy' Under ...
Erdogan has changed Turkish politics for the foreseeable future. “There is something likely to be called Erdogan-ism without Erdogan. You won't ...
#54How Erdogan lost the liberals | Media - Al Jazeera
Turkish President Erdogan addresses media before departing New York ... by Recep Tayyip Erdogan and commonly dubbed as “moderate Islamists”.
#55A wide array of challenges face Erdogan in wake of victory
By Farid Mirbagheri Recep Tayyip Erdogan won last month's Turkish presidential elections whereby he secured his place at the helm in his ...
#56Ahmet Insel on Twitter: ""Turkey faces the damage of ...
"Turkey faces the damage of erdoganism" https://observatoireturquie.fr/turkey-faces-the-damage-of-erdoganism-ahmet-insel/…
#57Does Erdogan want his own Islamic state? - Al-Monitor
Erdogan is willing to not abolish Turkey's constitutional secularism, as some fear, but rather to use religion in the most effective way.
#58Turkey marks fifth anniversary of failed coup that prompted ...
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan leaves the presidential complex and walks towards the July 15 Monument, in Ankara, to lay a wrest of ...
#59The illusion of anti-Erdoganism | NenaNews
Despite the high hopes of the opposition, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is likely to survive the Soma disaster without any significant political ...
#60After Erdogan? Turkish Politics at the Crossroads
As Erdogan ramps up repression at home and tensions abroad ahead of next year's elections, Alexander Clarkson argues that the EU and its allies ...
#61Post-Erdoganism? Turkish Politics After the Istanbul Face-Off
Transcript. Post-Erdoganism? Turkish Politics After the Istanbul Face-Off. A Conversation with Aykan Erdemir, Alan Makovsky, Giran Ozcan, and ...
#62All your questions about the Turkey coup, answered - Quartz
Responding to a call by Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, huge groups of ... a new split emerged: pro-Erdoganism and anti-Erdoganism.
#63Reading the Transformation of Erdoğan's Turkey Through the ...
[14] Ihsan Yilmaz and Galib Bashirov, “The AKP after 15 years: emergence of Erdoganism in Turkey”, Third World Quarterly, vol. 39, no.
#64Atatürk Versus Erdogan: Turkey's Long Struggle
Elliot Ackerman on the tensions in Turkey that have led to a coup attempt against Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
#65We Care Very Much About Keeping Traditional Sports Alive.
World Ethnosport Confederation (WEC) President Bilal Erdogan and vice president and president of the Federation of traditional sports branches of Turkey ...
#66It's Time for Turkey to Talk Succession - AEI
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan gestures during an interview with Reuters Editor-in-Chief Steve Adler and Reuters Chief Correspondent ...
#67AKP's Radicalization of Turkish Islam Among Minorities at ...
The ideology and discourse of Erdoganism have already penetrated into the Turkish Sunni community members in the West, which is dangerous ...
#68Turkey under Erdogan: Caught between democracy ... - WION
Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the current president of Turkey came to power in 2003, when he was the prime minister. Erdogan wanted to become the Caliph ...
#69Erdogan's Caliphate: The Re-Emergence of Turkish Political ...
Erdogan's Caliphate: The Re-Emergence of Turkish Political Islam ... Where Kemalism espoused revolutionism, Erdoganism, despite the ...
#70Democracy, diversity and the protracted populism of Turkey
flag of Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan -- campaign rally in Istanbul, June 2018. Photo credit: Chris McGrath/Getty Images ...
#71Islamic Populism and Creating Desirable Citizens in ...
Yilmaz: Islamic Populism . . . in Erdogan's New Turkey 53 ... Erdoganistus,” which emanates from Erdoganism, the political ideology of.
#72Turkey's economic crisis is threatening Erdogan's political grip
In November, President Erdogan declared that the weakness of the Turkish lira was desirable because of the advantages it created for exports. At ...
#73Erdogan's Empire: Turkey and the Politics of the Middle East
The series has now gathered a cult-like following by Erdogan's fans, ... Erdoganism has set Turkish democracy on a path to selfnarcosis and there seems to ...
#74Suspension of Turkish soaps is a blow to Erdogan and his neo ...
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan gestures as he delivers a speech during a rally in Mersin, in March. (AP).
#75Erdogan tells Turks in Germany to vote against Merkel - Reuters
Germany has voiced concern that Erdogan is using the coup as a pretext to quash dissent. Erdogan, an authoritarian leader whose roots are in ...
#76Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has many ... - Scroll.in
As Recep Tayyip Erdogan returned as president of Turkey on Monday, armed with sweeping executive powers, he found cheerleaders in the ...
#77Are the final credits rolling on Erdogan's film? | In Translation
Today, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and Erdoganism as a whole, stands before a difficult test as it tries to get out of the expansionist quagmire into ...
#78Tanıl Bora: Erdoganism is on the rise - Cumhuriyet Gazetesi
Tanıl Bora discusses a form of governance and ideology that is created around a single man and cult of the person under the heading 'Erdoganism' in his ...
#79Turkey: Erdoğan's Onslaught on Rights and Democracy
The government of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is dismantling human rights protections and democratic norms in Turkey on a scale ...
#80Erdoganism and the big mistakes of Erdogan - Rappler
Since 2002, Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been in power in Turkey. He was prime minister for 11 years till 2013 and then in 2014 became president ...
#81Emotional Motives of Erdoğanism in the Turkish Diaspora
Emotional Motives of Erdoğanism in the Turkish Diaspora ... For almost twenty years now, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the leader of AKP, the former prime minister and ...
#82Turkish Vote Shatters Erdogan's Putinesque Dream - Forbes
Turkish Vote Shatters Erdogan's Putinesque Dream: Death Of Erdoganism And Kemalism In Turkey? Doug Bandow. Contributor.
#83Contesting the Theological Foundations of Islamism and ...
Similar to Kemalism before it, Erdoganism has an “authoritarian logic of a top-down imposition of power, using the Althusserian ideological apparatuses of ...
#84Erdogan's Control Over Turkey is Ending – What Comes Next?
Is this the beginning of Erdogan's demise? ... run out of steam but Erdoganism dramatically changed Turkey, diminishing its democracy.
#85Erdogan's Trojan Horse in FYROM | eKathimerini.com
Turkey's president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan makes no secret of his ambition to spread his neo-Ottoman wings all over the Balkans.
#86Erdoganism: The Republican Sultan - Awareness News
Erdogan was first elected for a political office in 1994, as mayor of Istanbul. He was elected then prime-minister in 2003 and later, in 2014, ...
#87Turkey: Writing “Erdo” Stories | Council on Foreign Relations
There is indeed too much focus on President Recep Tayyip Erdogan the person, ... it is so easy and rewarding to give in to 'Erdoganism'.
#88Albania Must Choose Between the EU and Turkey
Turkey's President Erdogan loves acting out the role of “Sultan” of an illusionary Ottoman Empire. That is why he has been targeting the ...
#89Islamism, Crisis and Democratization: Implications of the ...
As Ozgun Topak (2017) notes, Erdogan now “had the ability to freely act outside the ... In the process, “Erdoganism” has come to dominate the public space.
#90Is Erdogan losing his grip on Turkey? - Revista de Prensa
A banner supporting President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara, Turkey. The Turkish leader faces stiff opposition for presidential and ...
#91The Influence of AKP Party on Turkey's State Identity during ...
Erdogan dianggap memanfaatkan demokrasi sebagai batu loncatan untuk membentuk negara Islam. Kata kunci: Adelete Ve Kalkinma Partisi, identitas ...
#92De la neo-otaminism la erdoganism. Doctrina si practica ...
Cumpara De la neo-otaminism la erdoganism. Doctrina si practica politicii externa a Turciei - Darko Tanaskovic de la eMAG! Ai libertatea sa platesti in rate ...
#93The Erdogan effect: How one man shaped Turkey - CNN
For 16 years, Recep Tayyip Erdogan has dominated Turkish politics with his Justice and Development party -- the AKP. So just how has he done ...
#94What do you think of Erdogan of Turkey? - Quora
I find many similarities between modi and Erdogan. First of all these people use religion to get votes. Second these guys don't know how economy works.
#95Darko Tanasković ‒ From Neo-Ottomanism to Erdoganism: A ...
Review: Darko Tanasković ‒ From Neo-Ottomanism to Erdoganism: A Doctrine and Foreign Policy of Turkey. Author(s): Boris Havel Subject(s): Politics / Political ...
#96Israeli Diplomat: Erdogan Is Light Islamist - Son Dakika Haber
Liel said; People ask me “Who is Erdogan?” I answer, “Light Islam. ... Liel named “Erdoganism” as a kind of “Democratized Kemalism.
#97O. Erdogan - Google Scholar
Professor of Finance, Piri Reis University - Cited by 374 - finance - capital markets - maritime economics
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