雖然這篇Enforce longman鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Enforce longman這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章
在 enforce產品中有201篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 華為公司首席財務官承認美司法部的欺詐指控才獲釋 國際中心/綜合報導 華為公司首席財務官 孟晚舟 在加拿大軟禁三年後,回到了中國,並受到了英雄般的待遇。中國官方說,美國對孟晚舟所謂「欺詐」的指控純屬捏造。中國官媒也強調,孟晚舟沒有「認罪」。但是,孟晚舟承認了美國司法部指控的欺詐事實,而美國司法部可以把...
同時也有32部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5萬的網紅Brenda Tan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,it's been sooo long since I did a storytime!! PLEASE READ: Just to be clear, I am not endorsing or promoting backyard breeding as a practice or that...
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enforce 在 Silas Instagram 的最佳貼文
2021-09-10 19:03:14
What does one do when they’re out of ideas? Maybe the whole point of a sketchbook is to not worry about the outcome, but simply to learn and enforce t...
enforce 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的最佳貼文
2021-09-16 07:13:19
第六回, 大會考週! 這是最佳檢視自己是否有熟讀前五回題本、筆記的機會, 要記得溫故知新嘿! 這次的「英語正則」要認真讀喔 俐媽有在課堂中提醒一些重要的law搭配詞, 今天再送上局部補充, 完整版? 要來上俐媽的英模A, C, I, F班啦😉😉 ——————————————————————— ...
enforce 在 Josephine✈️Travel| Singapore ? Instagram 的最佳貼文
2021-08-18 11:34:09
Self care reminders 🧿🖼 🎈Your feelings are valid 🎈You are allowed to enforce your boundaries 🎈You do not need anyone else’s approval 🎈You are capabl...
enforce 在 Brenda Tan Youtube 的精選貼文
2020-03-04 21:39:55it's been sooo long since I did a storytime!!
Just to be clear, I am not endorsing or promoting backyard breeding as a practice or that you should support it. (EDIT: Someone in the comments has clarified that intentional breeding without a license is illegal.) Sorry if I didn’t make this as clear as I should’ve in the video itself.
My puppy did not come from backyard breeders, it just so happened that someone recommended I check out other platforms that led me to find Noodles from a happy family in a truly magical way.
It’s always difficult to navigate and talk about something as sensitive as buying vs adopting and everything surrounding the breeding and raising of dogs because it is something that a lot of people feel understandably strongly about. I hope y’all know I have absolutely no intention of promoting unethical behaviour in this industry, and I do not condemn or blame anyone for not adopting. Everyone can make their own choices and it’s not my sole responsibility to educate or enforce anything ok I’m just sharing my story!
Ask me anything in the comments! I'm filming a QnA!!!
☞ IG - http://instagram.com/wordweed
☞ TWEET TWEET - http://twitter.com/wordweed
☞ FB - fb.me/thewordweed
I run an online store for vintage and contemporary jewellery and apparel sourced worldwide that I personally source, curate and shoot!! Pronounced go mar-go hehe
☞ gomargaux.net
☞ @gomargaux on instagram
✎ wordweed@gmail.com
▻ Music ◅
my mans birocratic!!
the good old days
FTC: not sponsored -
enforce 在 Thành EJ Youtube 的最佳貼文
2019-03-15 11:58:51Liên Hệ Quảng Cáo: thanh16031992@gmail.com
Facebook cá nhân: https://goo.gl/8imbD8
Group Kết Bạn Làm Quen: https://goo.gl/oGWZgh
Fanpage Tham Gia Để Chém Gió: https://goo.gl/OhkJdD
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enforce 在 Thành EJ Youtube 的最佳貼文
2019-03-06 19:22:17Liên Hệ Quảng Cáo: thanh16031992@gmail.com
Facebook cá nhân: https://goo.gl/8imbD8
Group Kết Bạn Làm Quen: https://goo.gl/oGWZgh
Fanpage Tham Gia Để Chém Gió: https://goo.gl/OhkJdD
enforce 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
華為公司首席財務官 孟晚舟 在加拿大軟禁三年後,回到了中國,並受到了英雄般的待遇。中國官方說,美國對孟晚舟所謂「欺詐」的指控純屬捏造。中國官媒也強調,孟晚舟沒有「認罪」。但是,孟晚舟承認了美國司法部指控的欺詐事實,而美國司法部可以把她簽署的協議當作證據對華為採取後續措施。
孟晚舟上個星期五與紐約布魯克林的聯邦法院達成延期起訴協議(deferred prosecution agreement,DPA)。根據美國司法部官方網站(www.justice.gov)提供的媒體通稿,孟晚舟「承認誤導全球金融機構的事實,並簽署延期起訴協議以解決欺詐指控」。也就是說,孟晚舟承認了美國政府對她的指控都是事實,才換取了美國政府對她的延期起訴。
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[阿富汗係冇印鈔機嘅]阿富汗都打完 林作鍾培生都未打呀。
Axios 原文: Afghanistan's cash problem(https://bityl.co/8iMP)
1. TLDR:傳說中政府最大嘅武器係印鈔機。但阿富汗而家係印唔到錢嘅。因為冇印鈔機!最近嗰部在巴基斯坦!
已經2000人訂!多謝大家!Two thousand people can't be wrong!(扯,幾百萬人冇訂添!).下一個目標當然係攞你命3000!
一週年!比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100. 畀年費仲有85折,20/40年費VIP 送本人著作一本。
2. 阿富汗用乜貨幣?理論上係AFN,Afghan afghani。實際上就我都唔知,你可以直擊報導下。聽聞用緊巴基斯坦盧比。
3. 咁你大約都估到,咁情況下,啲貨幣當然急速貶值。不過又係咪實情?又好似唔係。根據本人嘅best effort(即係Google Finance),年頭大約係一美金對77 AFN,八月中都大約係一對80,而家一對85。
4. 年初至今貶值10%,好多咩?你真係未見過打仗。
5. 所以應該問嘅問題,唔係點解貶值咁多,而係點解貶值咁少!
6. 本人懷疑,根本隻嘢一路都係冇乜人用嘅,雖然睇其他講法(即係,維基百科)又好似唔係。邊位在阿富汗嘅可以講兩句,stay safe
7. 根據Axios報導(好嘢嚟的,又免費,最重要係又唔會好似我咁長氣),話會人道危機喎(而家先會?),金融崩潰喎(仲未崩潰?)(https://bityl.co/8iMO)
8. 其中一個原因之前都有人聽過,歐美一路制裁塔利班嘛,放在外國啲儲備拎唔到啦,美國運去嘅美金當然亦都停咗。
9. 咁,冇美金,咪自己印錢咯。就係唔得喎!
10. 因為,阿富汗係冇印鈔機的。幾Q咁low tech!原本啲AFN係在歐洲印的!但塔利班畀人制裁咪不能印畀你。當然而家塔利班都想買部,但理論上呢,仲制裁緊嘅,歐洲公司應該唔敢賣畀你。(*)
11. 點收科?我都唔知。反正都唔見有乜人關心
12. 不過呢,據理解,而家境內都係用巴基斯坦盧比。而事實呢,巴基斯坦就有印鈔機嘅,應該可以借嚟用下。
13. 又,之前Patreon寫金本位50年,都提過下「鑄幣權」「印鈔權」呢樣嘢。
14. 正如舊年疫情爆發,聯儲局嘅應對方法,最後都係出無限QE。一樓都係呢招架啦!難怪有朋友話,聽日火星人侵略地球,人類都係印銀紙的。
15. 記唔記得當其時N咁多網友出嚟講話「印銀紙殺唔到病毒」?然後加多一大堆「仆街死財演你仲叫人買股票冇良心」。而家美股低位至少升咗一個開,好多公司唔止,借問聲殺晒啲病毒未?
16. 講返,即係除咗去到阿富汗咁low tech,印銀機都冇部,好多國家都「理論上」可以銀紙任印,
17. 但正如我在金本位制50年篇文講,呢個係「理論上」啫。個個都可以搞Patreon唔使返工添,總唔見個個得。
18. 理論上,正如我篇文講,全世界嘅政府應該多謝尼克遜嗰個符碌撞棍嘅決定,簡直改寫咗打後50年嘅歷史,令到政府可以不停印錢又唔使畀高息。
19. 但你都聽過有啲會出事啦,唔好講咩 威瑪德國 中華民國 嗰啲 尼克遜前嘅故事。睇返近年都有咩 津巴布韋 南斯拉夫 阿根廷之類。
20. 講到尾,好多人以為有部機就「可以」任印。咁其實都係。即係你有隻手都可以去摸李佳芯,特異功能都可以檔子彈,不過睇下有乜後果啫。
21. 呢個亦係好多人嘅盲點,以為「可以」任印嘅 Fiat Currency,背後「冇嘢支持」。拿,冇黃金或任何實際嘢支持,同冇嘢支持,就真係兩回事。最好笑係同一班友又會恥笑啲銀行保守只係睇磚頭佢老哥啲創意好值錢。
22. 支持嘅係乜?咪背後嘅政權。咁政權係乜?就係monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force。亦好大程度係你enforce 任何嘢背後嘅力量。你收唔到稅,或者冇人肯收你隻貨幣,隻貨幣自然咪會有問題。
23. 所以呢,冇印鈔機真係唔係主要問題,講真有幾high tech?問題係,有部機都唔代表你可以印到錢嘅,否則我一早自己在屋企印勞蘇幣
已經2000人訂!多謝大家!Two thousand people can't be wrong!(扯,幾百萬人冇訂添!).下一個目標當然係攞你命3000!
一週年!比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100. 畀年費仲有85折,20/40年費VIP 送本人著作一本。
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Singapore Convention Week 2021 starts today. Organised by the Ministry of Law, Singapore, it gathers dispute resolution experts from around the world, to serve the changing needs of businesses.
Two years ago, the United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation was signed here. We were proud that fellow UN Member States chose Singapore to host the signing ceremony, and named it the Singapore Convention! The Convention allows parties that reach a mediated settlement in an international commercial dispute to enforce settlement terms in the courts of signatory countries.
Pictured is the “Aranda Singapore Convention on Mediation”, the first flower to be named after an international treaty. Wishing all participants a fruitful and productive meeting.
You can find out more or register here:
(The “Aranda Singapore Convention on Mediation” at the 2019 Singapore Convention Signing Ceremony & Convention. / MCI Photo by Chwee)