Repost from @tokyodandy
“As Donald Trump demands 5 Billion dollars to build a wall across the US border with Mexico, I can’t help but think of Photogr...
Repost from @tokyodandy
“As Donald Trump demands 5 Billion dollars to build a wall across the US border with Mexico, I can’t help but think of Photographer Tadashi Ono’s work ‘Coastal Motifs’ that documents a more costly yet less publicized wall project here in Japan. 1 trillion yen (approx 8.8 billion dollars) is being (Literally) poured into a 400km long, 10m high wall in the areas effected by the 2011 Tohoku earthquake tsunami. This effectually its the people off from the sea and is happening despite the fact that similar projects, such as the 1.6 billion dollar Kamaishi breakwater (the deepest most expensive breakwater in the world) crumbled under the awesome power of the ocean in 2011.
At a talk event last week Ono told us that only one newspaper in Japan (the Kyoto Shimbun) had featured his work, news and information about the project isn’t something the authorities want the Japanese public to be talking about. But Ono’s haunting images are currently on view as part of Kyotogrpahie’s satellite event Tokyographie now, check their insta and website for details. Such important photography. “
#小野規 #TadashiOno #Kyotographie #Tokyographie #CoastalMotifs
フランスのパリとアルルを拠点に活動する小野規さんが2017年の夏3ヶ月をかけて撮影したシリーズ「COASTAL MOTIFS」は、2011-12年に被災地を撮影したシリーズの続編で、現在TOKYOGRAPHIEの出品作の一つとして飯田橋にあるアンスティチュ・フランセ東京に展示されています。
戦後最大の津波をもたらした自然災害への返答とも言える巨大な防潮堤を前に、「海に囲まれ育まれてきた日本が海を生活空間から遮断し、視界から抹消しようとしていることに衝撃を受けた」と語る小野規さん。復興がもたらす未来の日本の風景とその大きな変革期を捉えた作品「COASTAL MOTIFS」の展示はアンスティチュ・フランセ東京にて12月25日までの開催です。(入場無料)
effectually 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳解答
你知道開放資料、COVID-19、危機傳播和誤導資訊之間有什麼樣的關聯性?在危機來襲之前、危機發生的當下、以及度過危機之後,我們該如何利用有限的資源來協調相關的各方,透過各式各樣的社群平台有效的將最即時且正確的訊息傳達給有需要的閱聽大眾?危機當前我們又該如何有效的面對及處理層出不窮的誤導訊息,並且確保自己不會推波助瀾,在不經意中成為假訊息的推手?AIT發言人孟雨荷日前在銘傳大學 Ming Chuan University傳播學院的一場針對「數位時代下的危機傳播」的演講中,就上述的問題提出她的看法。台灣疾管署周志浩署長以及幾位新聞傳播界的資深教授與專家也在現場,與大家一同討論今年的新冠肺炎疫情如何改變了全球危機傳播的方式,以及它如何重新形塑了風險傳播與溝通的趨勢。
How do Open Data, COVID-19, Crisis Communication, and Disinformation relate to each other? How do you coordinate among different potential partners effectively and use various social media platforms to get up-to-date and accurate messages out to relevant audiences before, during, and after a crisis? How do you address disinformation effectually while also ensuring that you will not inadvertently spread the disinformation? AIT Spokesperson Amanda Mansour gave answers to the questions above during her “Digital Crisis Communications” talk at Ming Chuan University’s School of Communication in mid-June, in which she was also joined by Taiwan Centers for Disease Control Director-General Jih-Haw Chou and other veteran journalism professors and professionals. They had a great discussion about the COVID-19 pandemic and how it has shaped and transformed the approach of risk and crisis communication.