

在 educated產品中有667篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過733的網紅Panda Loh,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Yo guys! I have some things to share from @garniermalaysia with their commitments to achieve cleaner & greener beauty 😍 🍃 More recycled and recyclabl...

 同時也有47部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過68萬的網紅蔡佩軒 Ariel Tsai,也在其Youtube影片中提到,BILINGUAL: 中文 CHINESE 00:00|英文 ENGLISH 28:50 Podcast每週四10點一集 ​👉https://arieltsai.lnk.to/ArielsWhisper_CH YouTube每週日11點一集👉https://bit.ly/3ucWNiG 上集Sha...

educated 在 Panda Loh 瑩婷 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-24 09:38:22

Yo guys! I have some things to share from @garniermalaysia with their commitments to achieve cleaner & greener beauty 😍 🍃 More recycled and recyclabl...

  • educated 在 Panda Loh Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-22 18:07:13
    有 16 人按讚

    Yo guys! I have some things to share from @garniermalaysia with their commitments to achieve cleaner & greener beauty 😍

    🍃 More recycled and recyclable packaging
    🍃 More solidarity sourcing
    🍃 Greener Sciences & formulas
    🍃 More Renewable Energy
    🍃 More actions to fight plastic pollution

    I have the Garnier Green Beauty PR Kit with me and I love the message behind it! It is our responsibility to stay educated and aware of the impacts beauty products have on our planet earth! I am proud user of Garnier as they are taking a stronger approach in solidarity sourcing as well as more actions to fight plastic pollution. 🌱

    As you can see in the photo, all Garnier products are certified Vegan, Halal & Cruelty Free. ✨

    Furthermore, Garnier is using sustainable packaging helps reduce the effects of recent environmental issues! ♻ It is heart-warming to know that Garnier creates products that are made with the health of our bodies and the environment in mind.

    Garnier as a brand has been committed to sustainability for years; producing more natural formulas, using sustainable and fair-trade ingredients, even being the first to bring certified organic products to the mass skincare market.

    Garnier’s effort to not only care for us but as well as taking extra step to be more environmentally friendly. 🌍

    Get yours now from the nearest Watsons stores or Watsons Online! 🛒🛒🛒

    Sayangi Bumi, Go Green Beauty. Don’t forget to prepare a minimum of 3 recyclable items (size 500ml or less). Go to selected Watsons Malaysia outlets with Green Beauty Dropbox and GET rewarded when you recycle 🎁. Available until 27 Oct 2021 only, check it out from my stories now!

    #GarnierMalaysia #garniergreenbeauty #watsonsmalaysia #OneGreenStep

  • educated 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-14 10:01:18
    有 6 人按讚

    終於有時間寫寫閱讀筆記 ⋯

    已經一早在 Netflix 看過電影 The Breadwinner,小說和電影所呈現的觀感頗不同,雖然故事脈絡大致一樣,但故事細節和側重點則有很多相異之處,其中電影側重拯救爸爸出獄這條主線,小說更善於述寫內心感受,尤其媽媽的難過、主角 Parvana 和 Shauzia 的友誼。

    第一集的 The Breadwinner,關於塔利班統治下的阿富汗已經夠慘的話,例如知識份子無原因的被抓被鎖;女性失去學習、工作機會之餘,還被禁止沒有男性陪伴下外出,外出也要穿 Burqa 把全身全面密封包好;生活艱苦、鄰居告密、宵禁、監控、戰爭等等的情況讓你很難過;然而下集的 Parvana’s Journey 更加慘不忍睹,幾位孩子因為戰爭因為極權統治而與家人分離、流離失所,他們的處境可憐得不得了:失去父母照顧的嬰兒沒有食物、營養不良、穿著骯髒的衣物和尿布奄奄一息;男孩因為誤踏地雷失去一條腿;女孩在垃圾堆中過活兼還要照顧失去人生希望、失去生活動力、終日躺在地蓆上的祖母;孩子衛生情況惡劣,身體發臭、傷口有蟲;有的父母已經離世,有的父母不知所終,故事的幾個孩子一同踏上走難的旅途,希望找到父母的下落,或者只是一個可以安全睡覺的地方。Parvana’s Journey 延續了主角 Parvana’s 的故事,但所呈現的阿富汗更悲哀。

    故事提及到主角的朋友都紛紛走難到巴基斯坦或其他不同的國家,她的好朋友 Shauzia,第一集和她一起裝扮成男孩去找幹活養家,後來跟著游牧民族離開阿富汗,希望有天可以到法國看看紫色的薰衣草田,第二集的 Parvana 不斷寫信給 Shauzia,告訴她自己艱苦的尋母旅程,沿途所見所聞的悲傷故事,同時流露羨慕朋友移居外地之情,又不忘不時提醒大家 20 年後到巴黎鐵搭的約定,這部分讓我感到特別心酸。其實主角的父母都為此而爭吵過,然而主角曾在英國留學而遭塔利班迫害的爸爸卻選擇留下,他說:We are Afghans. This is our home. If all the educated people leave, who will rebuild the country? 只是未及重建國家,甚至未及見到失散的妻兒一面,在監獄受了很多身心折磨後,他在路途上病重身亡。

    2021 年的今天,塔利班再次控制阿富汗,如果 Parvana 的爸爸仍然在世的話,重建國家這工作依舊遙遙無期。

    (閱讀期間,一直想起 Khaled Hosseini 的The Kite Runner、The Thousand Splendid Suns,幾年前讀過,太悲慘,哭到豬頭般。孩子未能看懂這兩本大作,或者先看電影版也好。我沒有看過改編電影,因為聽聞小說較電影好看太多了。)


  • educated 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-11 13:59:16
    有 197 人按讚

    We are now in the phase of dipping our toes into the new norm, trying to strike a balance between staying alive physically and economically. Other than sleeping early which I kinda fail to achieve, I have been maintaining balanced diet paired with ample amounts of workouts and truth is, I didn’t fall sick (excluding post vaccination side effects) for a single time in the past pandemic years. Hey it sounded like BC years.

    Ok back to what I am excited to share about — besides getting vaccinated, I believe we agree that keeping our immunity in its tip top condition is the only way to arm ourselves up. In vulnerable times like this, leaving home means exposing ourselves to danger, hence we need more than vitamin C and healthy lifestyle to boost our immunity.

    I recently was being educated about Yeast beta-glucan (YBG) , that shows strong evidence and ability to enhance immune system by activating immune cells to destroy germs. Introducing you the New Provital Immuna Plus that is scientifically formulated with YBG, selenium and vitamin C. 2 glasses a day, provides us a Triple Immunity Protection from YBG, selenium and vitamin C. Strong armour we are talking about here.

    Not only myself but I am also making sure my mom is taking 2 glasses a day as well as she is more susceptible to the virus due to her age. Hence it is more crucial for her to make sure her immune system is strong to combat any sickness. Let’s share this important message so that we can all protect our loved ones together!

    Activate your immunity, activate your life.

    You can now get your own Provital at 10% off no Min Spend at Shopee Provital store. You just need to use the Code: PROJOJO10
    *Valid from 13/9/21 to 30/9/21

    Follow @Provital Malaysia Facebook or log on to their website www.provital.com.my to learn more.


  • educated 在 蔡佩軒 Ariel Tsai Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-09-26 22:00:10

    BILINGUAL: 中文 CHINESE 00:00|英文 ENGLISH 28:50
    Podcast每週四10點一集 ​👉https://arieltsai.lnk.to/ArielsWhisper_CH

    節目的最後,送上這首心跳,我們一起stay healthy, stay safe. 希望世界早日回歸正常,大家可以自由旅行!


    “Don’t tell me how educated you are, tell me how much you have traveled”. Travelling itself is such a therapeutic process in teaching us how to lose and find ourselves back again. I may not travel 45 countries before 30 like Sharon did, but I am determined to travel and explore more of this world with every opportunity I have.

    Continuing the rest of my conversation with Sharon from the previous episode (EP17). So if you haven’t checked it out, don’t miss it and go back to have a listen!

    **Song at the end “心跳” (Heartbeat): https://youtu.be/a7WeuPbgp-0



    Ariel 蔡佩軒的 3 步驟夢想實踐清單
    ■ STEP1 談夢想:沒有夢想很正常。不確定自己的夢想,更正常
    ■ STEP2 寫日記:最糟的都撐過去了。現在,不是最糟的時候
    ■ STEP3 列清單:堅持不是一個長跑,它是很多一個接一個的短跑
    ............................................... ​

    📔博客來 (獨家限量親簽版 + 限量夢想記事本)👉https://reurl.cc/AgQQyY
    📔誠品 (獨家封面版 + 限量夢想記事本)👉🏻https://reurl.cc/9ZMzxx
    📔誠品 (獨家封面版)👉🏻https://reurl.cc/E2kKyn
    📔MOMO (獨家限量海報版 + 限量夢想記事本)👉🏻https://reurl.cc/9Zjj1O
    📔金石堂 (贈限量夢想記事本)👉🏻https://reurl.cc/Gd7kDD
    📔墊腳石 (贈限量夢想記事本)👉🏻6/3網路及門市開賣
    📔博客來電子書(首賣二週) ─ 新書上線7折、境好電子書展單書再88折、二書85折👉🏻https://reurl.cc/2bX4Va
    📔其他:博客來 (海外運送)👉🏻https://tinyurl.com/yegltbc5
    📔PChome 全球購物 (103個國家)👉🏻https://global.pchome.com.tw/


    🔔 SUBSCRIBE訂閱: http://bit.ly/ariel_youtube
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    #Ariel悄悄對你說 #ArielsWhisper #Ariel蔡佩軒

  • educated 在 The Thirsty Sisters Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-24 16:13:48

    This week, The Thirsty Sisters are back with their thoughts on the recent Population Census 2020 survey, where it was reported for women to be more educated than their male counterparts! Why are people on Facebook angry about this increase? Are women really smarter than men? ? We got Sylvia and Nina to react to all these—tune in to hear all about it!

    Link to The Straits Times article: https://str.sg/34Sk
    Link to the Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/129011692114/posts/10157967528802115/?d=n

    00:00 Intro
    01:39 Topic of the day
    03:18 Key statistics from the article
    04:23 'Its a women problem'
    06:27 Why we are having less children
    11:00 How women balance work and family
    13:30 Coping with your own and your child's issues
    15:19 Are we ready to have children?
    18:32 The new vs old mindset on single parenthood
    21:34 Supporting women regardless of their decisions
    22:50 Women are getting harder to get along with?!
    26:42 Men have to pay on dates?
    29:58 Not taking these comments at face value
    32:46 Conclusion

    Sylvia and Nina are not your typical influencers; they give it to you raw and real! Join them as they quench their never-ending thirst for wisdom, trends, success and men.

    They explore hot and pressing issues you never thought you needed to know in this extremely in-depth podcast. Sisters, brothers and everyone in between or beyond; jump in and be thirsty!

    The legal age for sex in Singapore is 18. While being comfortable with your bodies is a must, please protect yourselves by using protection ?

    Our views in this podcast include only our own experiences as heterosexual women in Singapore, we respect everyone’s views regardless of genders, gender identities and sexual orientations.

    Follow The Thirsty Sisters on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Instagram!

    Sylvia - https://www.instagram.com/sylsylnoc
    Nina - https://www.instagram.com/ninatsf

    Brand collaborations/features:

    The Thirsty Sisters TEAM
    Co-Founders: Sylvia Chan | Nina Tan
    Executive Producer: Sylvia Chan
    Crew/Editors: Jade Liew | Winston Tay
    Motion Graphics Designers: Bryan Seah | Kher Chyn
    Sound Engineers: Nah Yu En | Mabel Leong
    Digital Strategist: Winston Tay

  • educated 在 SPY Channel Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-03-11 19:02:50


    ติดต่อ E-mail Spykungchannel@gmail.com
    Facebook - #SPYchannel​
    Thanks - today.line.me

