

在 earnestness產品中有8篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3,024的網紅Serena C,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Maybe I shouldn't have repeated so many times "momma don't have money" everytime we walk past something shiny 🤣 . Her earnestness did make me take a s...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅渡辺レベッカ ☆ Rebecca Butler Watanabe,也在其Youtube影片中提到,今日はミスチルの「しるし」を英語で歌ってみました♪ 今回は英語にするのがちょっと難しかったです! 色々考えて作った英語バージョンを気に入っていただけると嬉しいですヾ(≧∇≦*)ノ 作詞作曲した桜井さんによると、歌詞は恋愛真っ只中の二人の物語、又は別れた二人の物語のどちらにも取れるように書いたそうで...

earnestness 在 Serena C |mama |optimist Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-03-30 17:10:46

Maybe I shouldn't have repeated so many times "momma don't have money" everytime we walk past something shiny 🤣 . Her earnestness did make me take a s...

  • earnestness 在 Serena C Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-03-23 08:57:58
    有 5 人按讚

    Maybe I shouldn't have repeated so many times "momma don't have money" everytime we walk past something shiny 🤣
    Her earnestness did make me take a step back tho
    Just earlier in the day the hubs and I were discussing about her seeming unwillingness to share, give to her friends... and how we should approach this matter
    And in 6 hours, this selfless, more than whole-hearted act outta nowhere!
    My child, my innocent accummulation of 6 + years on this earth. No longer just a lump of meat (I used to call her that)... juggling everyday feelings far more complex than right/wrong = empathy/ compassion/ loyalty/ fairness/ respect/ consideration...
    Momma may seem hard on you sometimes, know that I am simply trying to shine a little light on the many possible paths you will eventually choose yourself
    I will celebrate these moments where you show GRACE, KINDNESS, AWESOMENESS, and when it comes to the rest...
    Stubborn/ DETERMINED*
    bossy/ LEADER*
    Rebellious (gung gung's words)/ BELIEVER in own values*
    Let me help you find those values and always nurture the * in you, so that you can be the BEST you
    In this world that can be so awesome but so cruel at the same time, may you always be YOU

  • earnestness 在 Melissa Th'ng Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-01-16 16:24:38
    有 104 人按讚

    Do you think MCO will be until CNY? 🥺
    Hehehe I'm wearing Timberland's CNY Collection! So pretty kan? 😍 It's the Year of the Ox, and it's about honesty, earnestness, humility and hardwork; and it's so in line with Timberland's mission to create a greener future for us all! It's such a scary time right now, just shows how important it is for us to come together as a team. ❤️ #timberlandmy #natureneedsheroes #teamnewyear

  • earnestness 在 stu sis Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-01-15 23:59:13
    有 152 人按讚

    [133341] 2141. 殺手歐陽盆栽The Killer Who Never Kills (2011)★4.9/10 - ‎175 票__尹志文, 李豐博
    [133342] 2142. 獵人:天空 × 比武 × 武者修行"Hunter x Hunter" Sky x Fighting x Cultivation of a Samurai (2000)★★★ⓡ
    [133343] 2143. 獵人:燃 × 念 × 練?"Hunter x Hunter" Burn x Idea x Nen? (2000)★★★ⓡ
    [133344] 2144. 獵人:招術 × 登記 × 戰鬥開始"Hunter x Hunter" Convene Skill x Register x Fight Begins (2000)★★★ⓡ
    [133345] 2145. 獵人:兩個月 × 休息 × 以念制念"Hunter x Hunter" Two Months x Rest x Restrict Nen with Nen (2000)★★★ⓡ
    [133346] 2146. 獵人:繃帶 × 打擊 × 一次決勝負"Hunter x Hunter" Bandage x Blow x Last for Winning (2000)★★★ⓡ
    [133347] 2147. 獵人:西索的愛 × 決鬥 × 小傑的認真"Hunter x Hunter" Hisoka's Love x Duel x Gon's Earnestness (2000)★★★ⓡ
    [133348] 2148. 獵人:才能 × 苦惱 × 殺人本能"Hunter x Hunter" Ability x Annoyance x Instinct of Slaughter (2000)★★ⓡ
    [133349] 2149. 獵人:雜碎 × 解決 × 試驗結束!?"Hunter x Hunter" Slice x Slove x The Exam Ends!? (2000)★★★ⓡ
    [133350] 2150. 獵人:制約 × 誓約 × 懲戒的鎖鍊"Hunter x Hunter" Restrict x Vow x Punishing Chains (2000)★★★ⓡ

  • earnestness 在 渡辺レベッカ ☆ Rebecca Butler Watanabe Youtube 的精選貼文

    2016-06-26 22:08:11




    Cover of "Shirushi" by Japanese band Mr.Children.
    The title means "symbol" or "proof." According to the band, the lyrics can reflect either a couple in love or a couple who has broken up.

    曲情報 / SONG INFO

    Mr.Children / Shirushi
    Theme Song for TV Drama "14-sai no Haha" (14-Year-Old Mother)
    Album: HOME (2007); Single released 2006
    Music/Lyrics: Kazutoshi Sakurai
    English Lyrics: Rebecca Butler Watanabe

    リンク / LINKS

    ■HP⇒ http://BlueEyedUtaUtai.jimdo.com
    ■Facebook⇒ http://facebook.com/blueeyedutautai
    ■Twitter⇒ @BlueEyedUtaUtai

    歌詞 / LYRICS

    I think I knew it was meant to turn out this way
    Since I first felt you drawing near
    The way our hearts beat out of time
    A tempo just the two of us could hear

    No matter what pretty words I may try to say
    They all come out sounding like lies
    So I will crumple up the letter
    To my left brain that I’ve been trying to write

    I let my heart’s voice speak
    Seeking out your ears, but will it reach?
    As it rides along on a silent song…

    Darling, darling
    There are so many sides of you I’ve come to see
    All of them are beautiful and special
    Helping me see what true love really means
    And now, darling, you’re trying to show me
    With such a subtle nuance:
    "Uncertainty is only a defense against a broken heart"

    Somebody laughed at a photo of us and said,
    “Your faces look exactly the same”
    I wonder, were we always alike?
    Or did we grow alike along the way?

    Now that I see how much earnestness I put in
    It almost seems crazy to me
    Enough to feel a little bit jealous
    Of the old, thoughtless me I used to be

    I let my heart’s voice speak
    Though not a soul will ever hear a peep
    But that is okay, it’s better that way

    Darling, darling
    The you I know has so many faces to show
    No matter what I’m doing, I think of you
    And feel an ache I never used to know
    More than all of the anniversaries
    Marked on my calendar page
    It’s that part of you filling my mind
    One memory at a time, clear as day

    Sometimes we laugh, sometimes we cry
    And sometimes we’re just overwhelmed
    But all that is proof of us two and our love

    Darling, darling
    There are so many sides of you I’ve come to see
    And even if one day we can’t be together
    I think I’d still love you forever
    Darling, darling… oh, my darling
    You fill up my mind with memories
    So clear that they make me go crazy

    Darling, darling

