

在 eagerly產品中有233篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過16萬的網紅中央研究院 Academia Sinica,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 除了記得領五倍券,有件事也要筆記一下👇 今年本院院區開放(Open House)四倍成長,從之前的1⃣天變成4⃣天! 但是,不要跑來人擠人喔,因為今年: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️全!線!上! ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ 因應疫情,首度以全線上方式辦理。以往僅舉辦1天的活動也特別加場,橫跨二個週末,將分別於📍10...

 同時也有51部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2,210的網紅DJ Macky Suson,也在其Youtube影片中提到,This beautiful view is in front of this award-winning, iconic, unforgettable and luxurious resort in Boracay Island, the Philippines. But the only tr...

eagerly 在 Sheila Sim 沈琳宸 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-16 20:59:03

When i was pregnant, i had received comments that i should give away my cats bcos it'll give my baby asthma. although, giving my cats away was never a...

  • eagerly 在 中央研究院 Academia Sinica Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-23 20:16:25
    有 756 人按讚


    今年本院院區開放(Open House)四倍成長,從之前的1⃣天變成4⃣天!

    ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️全!線!上! ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️






    #院區開放 #線上 #中研院

    Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, all Academia Sinica Open House activities will be hosted on the Internet, allowing people to take part from home. In addition, this year’s Open House will last for four days spanning two weekends: October 30-31 and November 6-7. Hundreds of events, including dozens of talks in the fields of mathematical sciences, life sciences, and human and social sciences will allow visitors to interact with researchers online. For our eagerly anticipated Keynote Speeches, six humanities and social sciences researchers from the recently published book Reflections on COVID-19 will provide different perspectives on how the pandemic has impacted human society. Videos of these Keynote Speeches will be made available on our website.

    #OPENHOUSE #Online #AS

  • eagerly 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-14 16:23:18
    有 4,009 人按讚

    When i was pregnant, i had received comments that i should give away my cats bcos it'll give my baby asthma. although, giving my cats away was never an option, a part of me was always worried about our decision. Layla did not interact much with the cats before she turn 4m old, after that, we allowed them to interact as much as they like. And since Layla started crawling, theres really no stopping her.

    The instant friendship that was formed between Pito and Layla was just amazing. Pito, my almost 3 yo that i picked up from Capitol Threatre almost 3 years ago, is always a little gila, she's got such a playful and childlike character. we were worried that bcos of that she'll accidentally hurt Layla. turns out we were both so wrong! she's ever so patient and sweet to Layla, always protecting her when we aren't watching, always enticing Layla to crawl and walk, and always there to wish Layla good morning! Even though she's shitting her pants when Layla screams excitedly and crawls so quickly towards her, she tries her best to stay calm and have so much trust in us that we will manage Layla, she'd lie down so that Layla can pat her or hug her.

    Moments like this just reassures us that our decision to adopt a stray and continue keeping them, is definitely the right thing to do. whenever we bring Layla out, she's always waving eagerly to other animals. i think its bcos of the furry friends she has at home that teaches her empathy towards other animals.

    All of us are so lucky to have somehow find a way to one another. My family of 3+2 ❤

    #adoptdontshop #straycat #pitomonroewoo #sheilalovesherlife #babyWooLaLa #11months4weeks #furryfriend #pet #babyandcat

  • eagerly 在 Johnson Low 刘铨盛 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-03 11:02:23
    有 2 人按讚

    The eagerly awaited great news is finally here! Our team would like to thank everyone for your patience. We’re pleased to announce that OUD will be officially listing on Bitmart on 6 September 2021, 11:00AM GMT.
    #OUDToken #greencrypto #greencryptocurrency #environmentalfriendly #greencrypto2021 #aquilaria #Bitmart

  • eagerly 在 DJ Macky Suson Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-10 15:01:55

    This beautiful view is in front of this award-winning, iconic, unforgettable and luxurious resort in Boracay Island, the Philippines.
    But the only true about what I said is, “unforgettable”.

    After a long walk from station 3 to DiscoveryS hores Boracay, I decided to grab my favorite pasta, aglio olio. There were a few people taking photos of food at the entrance and I was greeted by a guard who happened to be the owner, and the waiter of the resort.

    His greetings was so warm, he asked if I had a QR code, which is required before you get in the island. His tone was so condescending and unfriendly, and so I thought, he was the owner, acting as a guard. I politely answered “yes, and I would not be able to get inside the island itself, if I did not have one.” Hence, my response for his already condescending voice. He answered back with a more condescending voice “I am just asking!” Which was then again, obvious from the first question he asked, because, it sounded with a question mark AND an exclamation point.

    I eagerly asked if they had pasta, and he said he had to go inside first and check. When I was approaching him again, to ask if there serve pasta, he asked “what kind of pasta?”, now the guard became the waiter. I did not know a luxurious hotel hires a guard and a waiter at the same time.

    The resort had a few people. Yes, which means there were plenty of vacant tables inside. He then approached me and ask me to dine it at a location where the table was filthy, the chair was dirty, and secluded from the rest of the guests. I confirmed four times with the manager if it was really their protocol, to let the walk-in guest eat there. Which was then a lie because I saw a few people dining it at the better place, not hotel guests, but walk-ins.

    Discovery Shores Boracay Island, where the guard and manager discriminate people.
    Discovery Shores Boracay Island, where they market their resort as luxurious but their service is rated as one star. No, let’s make it unrateable.
    Discovery Shores Boracay Island, a place where people with Sony A7C and professional cameras are discriminated. Vloggers are not welcomed.
    Discovery Shores where the guard is the owner, and the waiter. Where the operations manger is incapable.

    Discovery Shores Boracay Island the Philippines, overrated and does not need the support of the people. Only people who discriminates supports a business that discriminates.

    P.S, this is my personal experience, and with videos to support my claim. Some people around the area that this is owned by a congressman, where in the Philippines, you get killed if you speak against their businesses. So if something happens to me, you know who to find.

  • eagerly 在 DJ Macky Suson Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-05-10 15:01:35

    This beautiful view is in front of this award-winning, iconic, unforgettable and luxurious resort in Boracay Island, the Philippines.
    But the only true about what I said is, “unforgettable”.

    After a long walk from station 3 to DiscoveryS hores Boracay, I decided to grab my favorite pasta, aglio olio. There were a few people taking photos of food at the entrance and I was greeted by a guard who happened to be the owner, and the waiter of the resort.

    His greetings was so warm, he asked if I had a QR code, which is required before you get in the island. His tone was so condescending and unfriendly, and so I thought, he was the owner, acting as a guard. I politely answered “yes, and I would not be able to get inside the island itself, if I did not have one.” Hence, my response for his already condescending voice. He answered back with a more condescending voice “I am just asking!” Which was then again, obvious from the first question he asked, because, it sounded with a question mark AND an exclamation point.

    I eagerly asked if they had pasta, and he said he had to go inside first and check. When I was approaching him again, to ask if there serve pasta, he asked “what kind of pasta?”, now the guard became the waiter. I did not know a luxurious hotel hires a guard and a waiter at the same time.

    The resort had a few people. Yes, which means there were plenty of vacant tables inside. He then approached me and ask me to dine it at a location where the table was filthy, the chair was dirty, and secluded from the rest of the guests. I confirmed four times with the manager if it was really their protocol, to let the walk-in guest eat there. Which was then a lie because I saw a few people dining it at the better place, not hotel guests, but walk-ins.

    Discovery Shores Boracay Island, where the guard and manager discriminate people.
    Discovery Shores Boracay Island, where they market their resort as luxurious but their service is rated as one star. No, let’s make it unrateable.
    Discovery Shores Boracay Island, a place where people with Sony A7C and professional cameras are discriminated. Vloggers are not welcomed.
    Discovery Shores where the guard is the owner, and the waiter. Where the operations manger is incapable.

    Discovery Shores Boracay Island the Philippines, overrated and does not need the support of the people. Only people who discriminates supports a business that discriminates.

    P.S, this is my personal experience, and with videos to support my claim. Some people around the area that this is owned by a congressman, where in the Philippines, you get killed if you speak against their businesses. So if something happens to me, you know who to find.

  • eagerly 在 DJ Macky Suson Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-05-10 15:01:15

    This beautiful view is in front of this award-winning, iconic, unforgettable and luxurious resort in Boracay Island, the Philippines.
    But the only true about what I said is, “unforgettable”.

    After a long walk from station 3 to DiscoveryS hores Boracay, I decided to grab my favorite pasta, aglio olio. There were a few people taking photos of food at the entrance and I was greeted by a guard who happened to be the owner, and the waiter of the resort.

    His greetings was so warm, he asked if I had a QR code, which is required before you get in the island. His tone was so condescending and unfriendly, and so I thought, he was the owner, acting as a guard. I politely answered “yes, and I would not be able to get inside the island itself, if I did not have one.” Hence, my response for his already condescending voice. He answered back with a more condescending voice “I am just asking!” Which was then again, obvious from the first question he asked, because, it sounded with a question mark AND an exclamation point.

    I eagerly asked if they had pasta, and he said he had to go inside first and check. When I was approaching him again, to ask if there serve pasta, he asked “what kind of pasta?”, now the guard became the waiter. I did not know a luxurious hotel hires a guard and a waiter at the same time.

    The resort had a few people. Yes, which means there were plenty of vacant tables inside. He then approached me and ask me to dine it at a location where the table was filthy, the chair was dirty, and secluded from the rest of the guests. I confirmed four times with the manager if it was really their protocol, to let the walk-in guest eat there. Which was then a lie because I saw a few people dining it at the better place, not hotel guests, but walk-ins.

    Discovery Shores Boracay Island, where the guard and manager discriminate people.
    Discovery Shores Boracay Island, where they market their resort as luxurious but their service is rated as one star. No, let’s make it unrateable.
    Discovery Shores Boracay Island, a place where people with Sony A7C and professional cameras are discriminated. Vloggers are not welcomed.
    Discovery Shores where the guard is the owner, and the waiter. Where the operations manger is incapable.

    Discovery Shores Boracay Island the Philippines, overrated and does not need the support of the people. Only people who discriminates supports a business that discriminates.

    P.S, this is my personal experience, and with videos to support my claim. Some people around the area that this is owned by a congressman, where in the Philippines, you get killed if you speak against their businesses. So if something happens to me, you know who to find.

