[爆卦]Each other是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

為什麼這篇Each other鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在Each other這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者noobie (Jogging)看板TeachEnglish標題Re: [國中] 請教each ...

each other 和 one another在使用上是沒有差別的,
但在規範性的傳統下,each other有時候傾向二個指稱體,
而one another則是代表三個以上,惟此種區別在實際使用上幾乎沒有實證基礎。
然而,在兩者間存在文體上的差異,在非正式的文體中較常使用each other,
one another則比較常出現在正式的情境中。

上面那段是我翻譯<<A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language>>裡
There is no difference in the use of the two pronouns each other and one
another. Although in prescrpitive tradition, each other is somtimes preferred
for referencen to two and one another to more than two, this distinction seems
to have little foundation in usage. There is, however, a stylistic difference
between the two reciprocals in that each other is more common in informal
style and one another in more formal contexts.


※ 引述《stukpe (風)》之銘言:
: 因為上課舉例有提到each other(彼此)這個課外補充,
: 印象中以前學習到的是兩者用each other
: 三者以上用one another
: 但當我查詢google英文字典找例子時,卻發現它的英文解釋是
: used as the object of a verb or preposition to show that each member of a group
: does something to or for the other members
: 這讓我困惑了一下,如果是指兩者應該寫to or for the other member吧?
: 於是我又查了longman的字典,它的英文解釋是
: used to show that each of two or more people does something
: to the other or others
: 可見我是不是以前學錯了呢?
: 但像這種題目高中也會出現,而答案好像都不外乎是我一開始提到的規則。
: 後來又在longman的字典,在one another的例句中看到
: Liz and I have known one another for years.
: ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^
: 兩者 卻用三者以上的規則
: 請問各位,你們都怎麼教這兩個字?
: 也許國中不會教one another,但怎麼講解each other?

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
xiuzhen:@@哇...謝謝 11/02 20:41
stukpe:推最後一句 11/02 22:30
memorabilia:我想說的是, 這種分法已經在某些考試中看得到了 11/09 02:58

