為什麼這篇Dry run 是 什麼鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在Dry run 是 什麼這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者meiya (要讓自己美麗~)看板intltrade標題Re: Dry run date? 是...
※ 引述《betie (砂之器)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《betie (砂之器)》之銘言:
: : 請問大家 覺得 dry run date 是什麼意思阿?
: : 我猜了半天不知道這是什麼意思
: : 我們是賣聖誕飾品的, 在walmart 網站上抓到的銷售報告有這一項
: : 不知道是什麼意思ㄝ?
: : 各位可以幫我想想有可能是什麼意思嗎?
: 沒有前後文ㄝ 就是抓出一張銷售報表 上面很多欄位 其中一欄是這個
: 我不知道是什麼意思 下面資料就一堆日期
網站說 dry run出自救火員出出動救災
Significant Decline In SJFD Dry Runs
For the SJFD, we considered a dispatch to be a "dry run" when the
fire unit was canceled before it arrived or if it arrived at the scene
and found that no medical emergency existed. Based upon our sample,
we observed a significant decline in the SJFD dry run rate from 20
percent in 1990 to only 12 percent in 1992. In our opinion, the reduction
in the percentage of dry runs from 1990 to 1992 was due in large part
to the skill of the City's 9-1-1 call-takers and the time they took to
obtain accurate information up front before initiating an EMS dispatch.
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