在 disparities產品中有21篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過112萬的網紅文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 0603紐約時報 *【以色列反對派同意組建執政聯盟,納坦雅胡將下臺】 以色列各反對黨宣佈,他們已達成聯合協議,組建新一屆政府,這將使得該國歷史上任期最長的總理納坦雅胡下臺。從左翼到極右翼的八個截然不同的政黨正在合作。一些分析人士稱讚這個聯盟的多樣性,但也有人指出,其成員分歧過大、難以相容。 htt...
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disparities 在 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News Facebook 的最讚貼文
#據熟悉政府計劃的人士透露,英國-瑞典公司AstraZeneca正在與聯邦政府談判,將其冠狀病毒疫苗的生產從巴爾的摩附近一家陷入困境的工廠轉移到製藥公司 Catalent 旗下的一家工廠。
#世界各國領導人在日本政府和疫苗聯盟 Gavi 共同主辦的虛擬峰會上會面時,對低收入國家的 Covid-19 疫苗接種工作提出了24 億美元經費支持。這些資金由較富裕的國家、基金會和私營公司提供擔保。五個國家:比利時、丹麥、日本、西班牙和瑞典也宣布了新計劃,與有需要的國家分享其國內供應的總計 5400 萬劑疫苗。
#加拿大的免疫諮詢機構建議一些加拿大人在接種阿斯特捷利康的第二劑疫苗後使用不同的疫苗。國家免疫諮詢委員會周二表示,接受第一劑阿斯特捷利康疫苗的人可以接種Pfizer-BioNTech 或 Moderna 疫苗作為第二劑。它還宣布輝瑞和 Moderna 疫苗可以互換使用
#拜登總統面臨7月4日設定的截止日期,要求 70% 的美國成年人至少部分接種冠狀病毒疫苗,再度推出鼓勵措施,宣佈為父母和看護人提供免費托兒服務。
#當美國達到疫苗接種目標時,Anheuser-Busch 將贈送免費啤酒。
#哥倫比亞,過去三週每天有近 500 人死于冠狀病毒,這是該國迄今為止最嚴重的單日死亡率。阿根廷總統表示,正在經歷“自大流行開始以來最糟糕的時刻”。巴拉圭和烏拉圭每天都有數十人死亡,這兩個國家現在報告的人均死亡率是世界上最高的。
#仍在努力控制毀滅性的第二波冠狀病毒的印度政府,取消了 12 年級學生的全國考試,影響了超過 100 萬學生的命運。週三政府報告了 132,788 例新病例和3,207例死亡病例。
#法國總統馬克洪宣布,6月中旬開始,所有12至17歲的人都有資格接種疫苗。馬克洪指出,一半的法國成年人已經至少接種了一次 Covid-19 疫苗,但他要求該國保持“極其謹慎和警惕”,表示將在未來幾周和幾個月內逐步取消全國範圍內對戴口罩的要求。
太多媒體守門人長期拒絕認真對待實驗室洩漏理論。時報專欄作者Bret Stephens寫道,這也提醒我們,有時科學最具破壞性的敵人可能是那些聲稱以科學的名義說話的人。
Stepan Latypov他曾表示,調查人員威脅稱,如果他不認罪,就會起訴他的家人。據該國衛生部的一份聲明,他正在一家醫院接受治療,情況穩定。當前,盧卡申科對異見人士的鎮壓行動正日益加強,上個月,他曾為逮捕流亡記者截停國際航班。
disparities 在 Roger Chung 鍾一諾 Facebook 的最讚貼文
今早為Asian Medical Students Association Hong Kong (AMSAHK)的新一屆執行委員會就職典禮作致詞分享嘉賓,題目為「疫情中的健康不公平」。
It's been my honor to be invited to give the closing remarks for the Inauguration Ceremony for the incoming executive committee of the Asian Medical Students' Association Hong Kong (AMSAHK) this morning. A video has been taken for the remarks I made regarding health inequalities during the COVID-19 pandemic (big thanks to the student who withstood the soreness of her arm for holding the camera up for 15 minutes straight), and here's the transcript of the main body of the speech that goes with this video:
//The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, continues to be rampant around the world since early 2020, resulting in more than 55 million cases and 1.3 million deaths worldwide as of today. (So no! It’s not a hoax for those conspiracy theorists out there!) A higher rate of incidence and deaths, as well as worse health-related quality of life have been widely observed in the socially disadvantaged groups, including people of lower socioeconomic position, older persons, migrants, ethnic minority and communities of color, etc. While epidemiologists and scientists around the world are dedicated in gathering scientific evidence on the specific causes and determinants of the health inequalities observed in different countries and regions, we can apply the Social Determinants of Health Conceptual Framework developed by the World Health Organization team led by the eminent Prof Sir Michael Marmot, world’s leading social epidemiologist, to understand and delineate these social determinants of health inequalities related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
According to this framework, social determinants of health can be largely categorized into two types – 1) the lower stream, intermediary determinants, and 2) the upper stream, structural and macro-environmental determinants. For the COVID-19 pandemic, we realized that the lower stream factors may include material circumstances, such as people’s living and working conditions. For instance, the nature of the occupations of these people of lower socioeconomic position tends to require them to travel outside to work, i.e., they cannot work from home, which is a luxury for people who can afford to do it. This lack of choice in the location of occupation may expose them to greater risk of infection through more transportation and interactions with strangers. We have also seen infection clusters among crowded places like elderly homes, public housing estates, and boarding houses for foreign domestic helpers. Moreover, these socially disadvantaged people tend to have lower financial and social capital – it can be observed that they were more likely to be deprived of personal protective equipment like face masks and hand sanitizers, especially during the earlier days of the pandemic. On the other hand, the upper stream, structural determinants of health may include policies related to public health, education, macroeconomics, social protection and welfare, as well as our governance… and last, but not least, our culture and values. If the socioeconomic and political contexts are not favorable to the socially disadvantaged, their health and well-being will be disproportionately affected by the pandemic. Therefore, if we, as a society, espouse to address and reduce the problem of health inequalities, social determinants of health cannot be overlooked in devising and designing any public health-related strategies, measures and policies.
Although a higher rate of incidence and deaths have been widely observed in the socially disadvantaged groups, especially in countries with severe COVID-19 outbreaks, this phenomenon seems to be less discussed and less covered by media in Hong Kong, where the disease incidence is relatively low when compared with other countries around the world. Before the resurgence of local cases in early July, local spread of COVID-19 was sporadic and most cases were imported. In the earlier days of the pandemic, most cases were primarily imported by travelers and return-students studying overseas, leading to a minor surge between mid-March and mid-April of 874 new cases. Most of these cases during Spring were people who could afford to travel and study abroad, and thus tended to be more well-off. Therefore, some would say the expected social gradient in health impact did not seem to exist in Hong Kong, but may I remind you that, it is only the case when we focus on COVID-19-specific incidence and mortality alone. But can we really deduce from this that COVID-19-related health inequality does not exist in Hong Kong? According to the Social Determinants of Health Framework mentioned earlier, the obvious answer is “No, of course not.” And here’s why…
In addition to the direct disease burden, the COVID-19 outbreak and its associated containment measures (such as economic lockdown, mandatory social distancing, and change of work arrangements) could have unequal wider socioeconomic impacts on the general population, especially in regions with pervasive existing social inequalities. Given the limited resources and capacity of the socioeconomically disadvantaged to respond to emergency and adverse events, their general health and well-being are likely to be unduly and inordinately affected by the abrupt changes in their daily economic and social conditions, like job loss and insecurity, brought about by the COVID-19 outbreak and the corresponding containment and mitigation measures of which the main purpose was supposedly disease prevention and health protection at the first place. As such, focusing only on COVID-19 incidence or mortality as the outcomes of concern to address health inequalities may leave out important aspects of life that contributes significantly to people’s health. Recently, my research team and I collaborated with Sir Michael Marmot in a Hong Kong study, and found that the poor people in Hong Kong fared worse in every aspects of life than their richer counterparts in terms of economic activity, personal protective equipment, personal hygiene practice, as well as well-being and health after the COVID-19 outbreak. We also found that part of the observed health inequality can be attributed to the pandemic and its related containment measures via people’s concerns over their own and their families’ livelihood and economic activity. In other words, health inequalities were contributed by the pandemic even in a city where incidence is relatively low through other social determinants of health that directly concerned the livelihood and economic activity of the people. So in this study, we confirmed that focusing only on the incident and death cases as the outcomes of concern to address health inequalities is like a story half-told, and would severely truncate and distort the reality.
Truth be told, health inequality does not only appear after the pandemic outbreak of COVID-19, it is a pre-existing condition in countries and regions around the world, including Hong Kong. My research over the years have consistently shown that people in lower socioeconomic position tend to have worse physical and mental health status. Nevertheless, precisely because health inequality is nothing new, there are always voices in our society trying to dismiss the problem, arguing that it is only natural to have wealth inequality in any capitalistic society. However, in reckoning with health inequalities, we need to go beyond just figuring out the disparities or differences in health status between the poor and the rich, and we need to raise an ethically relevant question: are these inequalities, disparities and differences remediable? Can they be fixed? Can we do something about them? If they are remediable, and we can do something about them but we haven’t, then we’d say these inequalities are ultimately unjust and unfair. In other words, a society that prides itself in pursuing justice must, and I say must, strive to address and reduce these unfair health inequalities. Borrowing the words from famed sociologist Judith Butler, “the virus alone does not discriminate,” but “social and economic inequality will make sure that it does.” With COVID-19, we learn that it is not only the individuals who are sick, but our society. And it’s time we do something about it.
Thank you very much!//
Please join me in congratulating the incoming executive committee of AMSAHK and giving them the best wishes for their future endeavor!
Roger Chung, PhD
Assistant Professor, CUHK JC School of Public Health and Primary Care, @CUHK Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 - CUHK
Associate Director, CUHK Institute of Health Equity
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