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在 devote產品中有243篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅IELTS Nguyễn Huyền,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, TỪ VỰNG CHỦ ĐỀ WORK [Kèm bài mẫu] 🎗PHẦN TỪ VỰNG CHUNG - work productivity: năng suất làm việc - a nine-to-five job: công việc giờ hành chính - poor wo...

 同時也有381部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過24萬的網紅I'm Jonas,也在其Youtube影片中提到,看起來很浪漫,其實是個悲劇! | It may look peaceful, but actually... 今天是最後一天買這個! 巴薩米克醋/Balsamic vinegar + 橄欖油/Olive oil: https://bigordr.com/shop/www.strita.com.tw...

devote 在 17.5英文寫作教室 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-10 21:53:54

📝Day 240 0907​ #17來提升作文力​ ​ ✔️ endeavor 努力、盡力 (n.)​ 📍 long-term / desperate / unremitting endeavor 長期 / 孤注一擲 / 堅持不懈的努力​ E.g. It takes a long-term ende...

  • devote 在 IELTS Nguyễn Huyền Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-13 21:30:57
    有 1,121 人按讚

    TỪ VỰNG CHỦ ĐỀ WORK [Kèm bài mẫu]
    - work productivity: năng suất làm việc
    - a nine-to-five job: công việc giờ hành chính
    - poor work performance: hiệu suất làm việc kém
    - sick leave: nghỉ phép vì bệnh
    - professional work environment: môi trường làm việc chuyên nghiệp
    - to get a well-paid job: có được 1 công việc được trả lương tốt
    - to earn a high salary: có được mức lương cao
    - job satisfaction: sự hài lòng khi làm việc
    - to work long hours: làm việc nhiều giờ
    - to limit work hours: giới hạn giờ làm việc
    - to suffer from various health issues: mắc các vấn đề về sức khỏe
    - low productivity: năng suất thấp
    - a case in point: 1 ví dụ điển hình
    - to frequently feel exhausted: thường xuyên cảm thấy kiệt sức
    - to make more errors at work: sai sót nhiều hơn tại sở làm
    - to have serious consequences for …: gây ra hậu quả nặng nề cho…
    - busy work schedules: lịch trình công việc bận rộn
    - to be self-employed: tự làm chủ
    - to pursue a career: theo đuổi sự nghiệp
    - to learn various skills and experience: học được những kỹ năng và kinh nghiệm

    - to provide us with flexibility and convenience: cung cấp cho chúng ta sự linh hoạt và tiện lợi
    - do not need to go to the office on a daily basis: không cần tới công sở hàng ngày
    - to save a large amount of time commuting back and forth to work: tiết kiệm 1 lượng lớn thời gian đi lại
    - to have the freedom to choose where and when they want to work: có sự tự do lựa chọn nơi đâu và khi nào họ muốn làm việc
    - to require high levels of discipline and commitment: đòi hỏi mức độ kỷ luật và cam kết cao
    - to have no supervision and restrictions: không có sự giám sát hay hạn chế nào
    - might experience feelings of loneliness and isolation sometimes: thỉnh thoảng có thể trải qua cảm giác cô đơn và đơn độc
    - to easily get distracted by things like movies/ online games/…: dễ dàng bị sao nhãng bởi các thứ như phim, games online
    - cannot concentrate entirely on their work: không thể hoàn toàn tập trung vào công việc
    - to negatively affect their work performance and productivity: ảnh hưởng tiêu cực tới hiệu suất làm việc
    - to be difficult to develop social skills (communication, teamwork skills,…): khó phát triển các kỹ năng xã hội (kỹ năng giao tiếp, làm việc đội nhóm,…)
    - to have less chance to interact and communicate directly with their colleagues and clients: có ít cơ hội tương tác và giao tiếp trực tiếp với đồng nghiệp và khách hàng

    People tend to work longer hours nowadays. Working long hours has a negative effect on themselves their families and the society so working hours should be restricted. Do you agree or disagree?

    Working longer hours is getting more common in today’s society. I personally believe that this trend not only has a severe impact on the workers themselves, but also on their families and the community as a whole. Therefore, I totally agree with the idea of limiting working hours.

    A few decades ago, a person normally worked an average of eight hours per day. Average daily working hours in recent years, however, have significantly increased to ten or even fourteen. This, in my opinion, adversely affects employees’ health and productivity. For example, people who spend longer at work are more likely to suffer from various health issues, ranging from fatigue to more serious problems like anxiety disorders or even stroke . Failing health leads to more sick leave , poor work performance and low productivity. My cousin is a case in point. Working nearly twelve hours on a daily basis, he frequently feels exhausted and makes more errors at work than he used to.

    I also think that extended hours of work has serious consequences for families and communities . At the family level, busy work schedules prevent people from taking frequent family trips or even just having meals together. Relationships among members are greatly weakened if they cannot make time for each other. In terms of community life, overworked people do not devote time to voluntary activity that brings benefits for their society. My uncle, for example, hardly has time for local community service projects such as conservation work or working with a charity because he works more than sixty hours per week.

    In conclusion, I would argue that working time should be reduced since the frequency of long working hours exerts an adverse effect on employees, their family bonds and their community.
    (293 words, written by Nguyen Huyen)

    #ieltsnguyenhuyen #ieltsvocabulary #ieltswriting

  • devote 在 黃心健 Hsin-Chien Huang Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-12 12:30:43
    有 479 人按讚

    ⭐️#颱風天就是要島嶼壯遊啊 😎🌀

    先進入👉🏻台北/福爾摩沙花園:島嶼壯遊( http://garden2021.metarealitylab.com/ )暢遊吧!

    本次展出的「行動啟程 」展區(Action Tour )邀請台灣優秀團隊#台北大數據中心、MINIWIZ 小智研發、Peppercorns 黑川互動媒體藝術 以及Roboenter 樂飛特 ,實踐以設計力與數位資訊的方式,進而改變社會的行動計畫,當中更首度以數位跨界的合作方式,創作出新的行動藝術計畫!此外,「行動啟程 」展區(Action Tour )也受邀登上奧地利林茲電子藝術節官方線上節目Home Delivery,由奧地利電子藝術節總監Chritl Baur親自介紹唷!
    片段重點已經幫大家準備好,一鍵播放觀看起來 ⏯ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YVC0mF5vAE&t=177s

    2021 ARS ELECTRONICA FESTIVAL Garden Taipei/ Formosa
    2021 奧地利林茲電子藝術節台灣展區「台北/福爾摩沙花園:島嶼壯遊」
    展區 ✨ 【行動啟程 】(Action Tour )

    To cope with the impact of Covid-19, a scientific and efficient action in the digital world must be taken. The Taipei Urban Intelligence Center has developed a digital system that can quickly respond to the risk landscape, people flow, and medial resources across different parts of Taipei by integrating live streaming and data instantly. It also informs the policies of the government. The digitized action on the ground helps us build a more secured environment.
    In the face of the rapid development of the digital world, people immersed in the VR environment seem to ignore the depletion of resources in our reality. As a result, we need to take real actions and devote ourselves to reuse the discarded resources to make an environment of circularity and sustainability through digital technology. MINIWIZ, a start-up company from Taiwan, committed to developing technology for recycling that turns industrial and household wastes into materials with purposes and aesthetics.
    During the tour, a new performance art project is inspired by the digital cross-field cooperation for the first time. The Taipei Urban Intelligence Center will join hands with new media artist Chin-Hsiang Hu and the founder of Roboenter Ghung-I Hung, to create a new media artwork “The Weight of Data” by integrating both virtual and physical materials from different domains and sharing data resources.
    Finally, it is in fact not the end for “Taiwan Grand Tour.” Instead, the “Action Tour” program unveils the journey to come, constantly connecting the digital world with our society. A link for a time-limited viewing of the details of action plans for this program as well as the joint art project will be available.

    為了抵禦疫情的衝擊,我們需要在數位世界中採取科學且有效率的行動,台北大數據中心(Taipei Urban Intelligence Center)即研發了一套數位系統,透過即時的串流連結與數據整合,可以快速的反應台北各個地區的疫情風險趨勢、人流狀況與醫療資源的狀態,也可提供政府作為政策的判斷依據,數位化的實質行動,讓我們可以得到更安全的防護。
    而在此展區中,也首度以數位跨界的合作方式,刺激出新的行動藝術計畫,臺北市大數據中心將與新媒體藝術家胡縉祥)、樂飛特公司創辦人洪仲儀合作,進行跨域的虛實整合及數據資源共享,一同創作新媒體藝術作品《The Weight of Data》。
    最終,觀者在此並不是「島嶼壯遊」的不是真正的終點,而藉由行動之旅(Action Tour)的展區開啟下一段旅程,數位世界與我們的社會持續串聯。

    💬線上展覽時間為2021年9月8日至12日!更多精彩內容直接進入官方網站🤩 http://garden2021.metarealitylab.com/


    ✔️【食壤計畫】 https://youtu.be/nl80hcdI_jY



    ✔️【新媒體之旅 】https://youtu.be/movZlI2pPQQ



    ​#arselectronica21 #gardentaipeiformosa

  • devote 在 黃心健 Hsin-Chien Huang Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-09 23:15:05
    有 62 人按讚

    2021 ARS ELECTRONICA FESTIVAL Garden Taipei/ Formosa
    2021 奧地利林茲電子藝術節台灣展區「台北/福爾摩沙花園:島嶼壯遊」
    展區 ✨ 【動畫之旅 】(Animated Tour )

    預告片來囉 ✨ https://youtu.be/6SSXdiKl2oM

    Imagination is a superpower. When imaging ourselves in the world of animation, every one of us has become a superhero. In the Animated Tour, viewers can devote themselves to the characters via different programs, abstract or figurative in terms of visual style, to experience anxiety and frustration all the way to happiness and growth. Getting rid of this disappointing reality, viewers shall continue the “Taiwan Grand Tour” through their imagination. This program consists of four animations: "Go Go Giwas: Sowing Dream Seeds"(Directed by Vick Wang, Yi-Feng Kao), "My grandmother is an Egg"(Directed by Wu-Ching Chang),"Inside"(Directed by Yu-Ting Hsueh), and "The Wayward Kite"(Directed by Yu-Ting Hsueh). A time-limited experience and viewing of this program will be available, while giving viewers a chance to interact with the characters in the exhibitions via the AR interface.

    想像力就是一種超能力,當我們能夠在想像自己置身於動畫世界之中,我們每個人就都成為了超人。而在「動畫之旅」 (Animated Tour)的展區中,觀眾在不同的類型作品中,無論是抽象或者具象的視覺風格,都能投入到角色中所感受到其中的不安與受挫,進而幸福與成長,擺脫現實世界的困頓,以想像力來持續「島嶼壯遊」 的旅程。這個展區將有四件台灣製作的動畫作品《吉娃斯愛科學特別篇:夢想的種子》:王世偉/高逸峰、《我的阿婆是一顆蛋》:張吾青、《蘊・孕》:連俊傑/李柏翰、《風箏》:薛佑廷。 本展區將提供限時體驗與觀看,並有機會在AR的介面中與各個劇中的角色互動。


    👉🏻台北/福爾摩沙花園:島嶼壯遊 專區 http://garden2021.metarealitylab.com/


    ✔️【食壤計畫】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nl80hcdI_jY



    ​#arselectronica21 #gardentaipeiformosa

