[爆卦]Desperation 中文是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Desperation 中文鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Desperation 中文這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 desperation產品中有164篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過12萬的網紅浩爾譯世界,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 這波疫情宅在家 我像是讓自己放了假 剛才早安新聞還跟小路說感覺好像在過年 因為通常我只有春節假期會通宵追劇 來推薦好劇學英文啦,筆記大整理📒 蘋果原創自製的影集 The Morning Show 卡司超強,大咖飆戲就是好看 美國演員公會獎SAG最佳女主角 艾美獎最佳男配 因為自己週一到週五都在...

 同時也有32部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅AKaMiKz,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Myth: Gods of Asgard [Android/iOS] beta test Size: 596 MB =================================== https://www.taptap.io/app/218020 (Beta test) ===========...

desperation 在 瘋查某尬英文 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-24 13:38:55

🎉留言A、B挑女模特兒學英文🎉 #Drake來了 #特地選了METGALA的照片給下週名人 Drake 的歌迷們最近應該很開心新專輯終於發布了吧?首先查某先表示莫名很喜歡這一次的專輯名稱「Certified Lover Boy」整個感覺很對😂 此次專輯的 21 首歌裡,有很多歌手來客串喔!其中包...

desperation 在 Miyuu Yamamoto Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-17 16:23:00

🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️ #Repost @praxedes09 with @make_repost ・・・ With the help of social media (all of you), @unicef , and the brave individuals in countless c...

  • desperation 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-27 11:52:11
    有 1,496 人按讚



    蘋果原創自製的影集 The Morning Show


    而是 #MeToo

    劇本文筆很好,我覺得捕捉到新聞人(news people)講話用字精簡偏難的特點,很值得學進階對話英文



    👇🏻 電影英文課 實用英文單字
    You can’t let it get to you. 不能中招
    We need eyeballs. 眼球代表收視率

    He lit up the room. 讚美
    He made everyone feel like family. 溫馨
    Her comment has lit a fire in the debate nationwide. 生動
    Were there any repercussions? 後續影響
    Bring this one home. 好好完成,不是帶回家
    This stays with us. 講膩 between you and me 可以用
    We’re in this together. 同理心
    Don’t annihilate yourself in the process just for the sake of pushing the buttons you’re not supposed to push. 很兇可是很帥,不要為求大膽而白目引火自焚/自毀前程
    spit out your bones and some grizzle 把你啃噬殆盡
    That ship is sailing as we speak. 木已成舟
    A self-serving pile of shit 自私的人渣
    I’m talking to you about you. 為了你好
    go against the grain 違反常理
    Keep your back to the wall without an opening and watch for sb 慎防小人
    Don’t believe your own press. 不要自我陶醉
    Don’t surround yourself with yes people. 很好的句子
    Look your best 命令別人dress up
    go unchecked 默許
    I know where your skeletons are buried, my friend. 知道你不堪的秘密

    especially in the 18-34 demo(demographic)
    hitting live numbers we haven’t seen in years
    And we’re out. Back in two minutes. 直播現場用語,簡單帥氣
    mic sb. 別麥克風,動詞
    sexual predator 性掠食者
    Put sb’s head on a spike 斬首示眾

    agency 自主權
    insidiously 潛伏地
    Incongruous 不一致/不和諧
    sexual innuendo 性暗示
    honor the rules 守規矩
    culpable 有罪
    complicity 共犯
    corroborate 證實
    fall guy 代罪羔羊
    To lay a guilt trip 道德綁架,罪惡感勒索
    car crash 災難現場,表示很悲劇
    hit by a bus 表示很慘
    quid pro quo 禮尚往來
    oversized ego 自我膨脹
    scintillating 耀眼精彩的
    titillating 引人興奮的

    Look who it is! It’s XXX. 熱絡感
    There she is! Kelly Clarkson’s truth-teller. 引用別人講的話創造連結
    Big, big day. 共襄盛舉
    Nice scrub. I like it. 稱讚鬍子
    I could use a favor. 需要你幫忙
    When in Rome. 直接省略後半句,入境隨俗

    crate training (狗狗的)籠子訓練
    We all speak a little French. 法文借代髒話哈哈
    royal we 皇室用we自居
    Mazel tov! (猶太的)恭喜

    How nice it is to be so comfortable with someone that you can just sit in silence and not have to talk. 真!

    Desperation is not a strong position to make a big move.

    People get their horrible news delivered to the palm of their hand 24/7, and they get it the way that they like it, colored the way that they want it. And news is awful, but humanity is addicted to it, and the whole world is depressed by it.

  • desperation 在 Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-16 23:41:51
    有 1,055 人按讚

    The War Criminals in Israel want to silence us on Social Media.

    The more they try, the more we should fight back.

    The Criminals attempt to silence us signals great desperation & paranoia.

    Don't stop until everyone knows the truth.


  • desperation 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-05-15 07:52:50
    有 497 人按讚

    It's finally a wrap! Such mixed feelings. Always. Especially for this project.

    Filming《大大的梦想》is by far the hardest production of my life. Not because of the script or filming process, but because i started filming when Layla was just 4.5m old. In this 3months of filming, I went thru 3 rounds of growth spurt, transitting her to sleeping alone, teething, her learning how to sit and crawl, and starting solids. Well, that basically equates to NO SLEEP for Mama! On top of that, there's still scripts to memorize every night. I could have slept in and let my helper do the nightshifts. But i felt terrible that she'll have to do both the day and night! Also, that means Layla will not have me to take care of her at all! So, i chose to wake up when she wakes up at night.

    The beginning was the hardest. Both Layla and i had to get use to a new rhythm and routine. She was crying so much bcos i wasn't there for her to latch. She was totally not familiar with drinking from bottles then. So in the day she didnt drink much, neither did she sleep much. It was a horrible time for me at work. I was zombie from lack of sleep, and worrying abt how people was handling her at home. My heart and my body was nv in the same place.

    On days I'm not working, i will bring her out and prepare purees so when I'm not able to feed her, other people will have frozen cubes ready for her. In short, i never rested. 😭

    Oh, dont get me started on pumping. I lugged a huge bag with pumping equipments everywhere i went. and pray that my cooler bag dont melt under the hot sun! I pumped in the car whenever we move from one location to another. Which means i had to drive everywhere instead of taking company transport(again, no rest). Sometimes, in desperation, i even had to resort to pumping in the toilet. Yikes, hate that the most! So unhygienic!

    Fast forward 3 months later, what i need to deal with now is my dwindling milk supply, bcos i just couldn't pump as often when i was at work. I def dont have enough to meet her demand now. 😭 And even if i do, she doesnt wanna latch anymore after realizing the convenience of drinking from a bottle. So looks like it's gonna be (cont below)

  • desperation 在 AKaMiKz Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-06-19 13:48:44

    Myth: Gods of Asgard [Android/iOS] beta test
    Size: 596 MB
    https://www.taptap.io/app/218020 (Beta test)
    Welcome to fight with The Norse Gods, facing the desperation of Ragnarök, becoming the hero to save the seven kingdoms.

    With characteristic comic style and hundreds of magical powers and artifacts, Roguelike gameplay with rich strategies, shows you the epic plot of Ragnarök. Come and show your wisdom and courage in this brand new super cool combat RPG.

    RPG with many characters: Become Thor, Valkyrie, Siegfried and many other characters. Different characters have different fighting styles and gameplay experiences by using different weapon skills and magical powers.

    Roguelike gameplay: Creating different combination by choosing different powers to shape the strongest gods and experience different battles.

    Rich game content: not only Roguelike gameplay, but also secret territory adventure, PvP battle and challenge gameplay. Let your character fight in a variety of environments and rules to get rich rewards.

    Free Development: able to freely choose talents, collect suits, search for artifacts, gain the blessings of the gods, enhance your character, and achieve victories in all kinds of gameplay.

    Grab your weapons and fight!

  • desperation 在 Miền Tây Vlogs Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-04-29 20:34:49

    Broussard reacts to Anthony Davis saying the Lakers have to start playing with sense of desperation

  • desperation 在 Fun hunting Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-03-11 21:46:27

    Nick reacts to the Bears desperation to land Deshaun Watson or Russell Wilson

