在 defection產品中有7篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過14萬的網紅Focus Taiwan,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, An arrest warrant for a former National Security Bureau (NSB) officer was issued on April 23 on charges of defection and espionage, more than two deca...
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過41萬的網紅Rinozawa,也在其Youtube影片中提到,2012年3月11日/0歳4ヶ月 This is a day before the day when Yuuma does rolling over for the first time. The dad took a video almost every day these days to tak...
defection 在 Rao Zi Jie 饒梓杰 Instagram 的精選貼文
2021-07-06 05:58:43
Second highest song requested during my song dedication session. Decided to do both of them because the votes were really close and this song is reall...
defection 在 マリナ Instagram 的精選貼文
2020-07-03 23:32:27
Defection to night 🌙 #サロモ #サロンモデル #撮影 #撮影モデル #ヘアー #巻き髪 #ハイライト #moussy #gyda #関西 #関西サロモ #兵庫 #神戸 #大阪 #難波 #ミナミ #心斎橋 #北新地 #まつ毛 #...
defection 在 Rinozawa Youtube 的精選貼文
2012-05-02 23:57:262012年3月11日/0歳4ヶ月 This is a day before the day when Yuuma does rolling over for the first time.
The dad took a video almost every day these days to take the moment.
However, he does not do a defection on that day, and a mom will catch the moment on the next day after all.
【Rino&Yuuma 2nd Channel】
defection 在 Focus Taiwan Facebook 的最讚貼文
An arrest warrant for a former National Security Bureau (NSB) officer was issued on April 23 on charges of defection and espionage, more than two decades after the man fled overseas in the wake of media reports accusing him of embezzling government funds, the NSB said Thursday.
defection 在 新‧二七部隊 軍事雜談 Facebook 的最佳解答
1976年日本北海道函館市上空出現一架Mig-25P戰機,引發日本高度緊張,駕駛戰機的飛行員是前蘇聯國土防空軍,空軍上尉維克多·伊萬諾維奇·別連科(Виктор Иванович Беленко)
Rare photographs of the (in)famous defection of Soviet pilot Viktor Belenko, on his final approach to Hakodate airport in Japan, Spetember 6th 1976. This event was a historic point in military aviation for the Americans. The incident helped the Americans get a deep idea into the Soviet Union's most safely kept secret (until then), the MiG-25 'Foxbat'.
defection 在 方志恒 Brian Fong Facebook 的最佳解答
【#從世界思考香港前途】馬哈蒂爾領導反對派「希望聯盟」在大選中勝出,實現國家獨立後首次政黨輪替,意味馬來西亞擺脫數十年來的宿命,由混合政權(Hybrid regime)大步走向全面民主(Full democracy)。
今次個案,再度引證比較民主化理論(Comparative Democratisation theories )的一個觀點,即帶動民主轉型的其中一個因素,是當權派精英的叛變(Elite defection)── 政治學者Brownlee在他的經典著作《Authoritarianism in an Age of Democratization》中分析,當權派如能有效團結各派系精英,將能有效抵抗反對派挑戰;反之精英叛變將啟動民主轉型,令當權派兵敗如山倒。諷刺地,Brownlee在這本2007年出版的著作中,正是以馬哈蒂爾領導的國民陣線為例子,說明團結當權派精英,對混合政權長期執政的重要性。
概念上,香港也可歸類為兼具民主和專制色彩的混合政權;但香港不是主權國家,而是一種地方性混合政權(Sub-national hybrid regime),北京作為宗主國牢牢掌控香港當權派,令馬哈蒂爾式的精英叛變不易發生 ── 2017年特首選舉,北京面對香港資本家和民主派合流的ABC策略挑戰,迅速變陣撤換梁振英,並改派林鄭月娥上陣,就成功分解了精英叛變危機。
我們可以失望,但不可以絕望 ── 淺談新加坡、馬來西亞和香港的民主運動/方志恒
In-between liberal authoritarianism and electoral authoritarianism: Hong Kong’s democratization under Chinese sovereignty, 1997–2016/Brian C. H. Fong
#馬哈蒂爾 #馬來西亞選舉 #希望聯盟 #國民陣線 #民主轉型 #民主化 #混合政權
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