[爆卦]David Robinson 名人堂是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

為什麼這篇David Robinson 名人堂鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在David Robinson 名人堂這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者ParkerWind (帕克瘋~)看板Spurs標題Fw: [情報] David Robinso...

※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1Hf159KC ]

作者: skymay (隨遇而安) 看板: NBA
標題: [情報] David Robinson 入選FIBA名人堂
時間: Tue May 28 10:07:01 2013



Former Spurs star David Robinson has been selected to the FIBA Hall of Fame,
the organization announced Monday.

Robinson, the first American basketball player to compete at three Olympics,
is one of the most decorated players in U.S. international history, winning
two Olympic gold medals and a bronze. He was also part of the 1986 world
championship team, when the U.S. was still represented by college players.

That changed in 1992 as Robinson joined a host of other NBA stars on the
fabled Dream Team to recapture the Olympic gold medal in Spain. He added a
second gold at the 1996 games, where he was the U.S.’s leading scorer with
12.0 points per game.

Robinson is the U.S. Olympic record-holder for rebounds and blocked shots,
and ranks second in scoring. He was inducted to the Basketball Hall of Fame
in 1992.

Robinson will be enshrined in the FIBA hall alongside legendary Tennessee
coach Pat Summitt and four-time Olympic gold medalist Teresa Edwards in a
ceremony on June 19. Australian Andrew Gaze, who played 19 games for the
Spurs in 1998-99, is also part of the class.


“海軍上將”羅賓遜是第一位代表美國男籃參加了 3屆奧運會的球員,在1996年的奧


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
Airwave :實至名歸阿!! 05/28 10:08
youtoo :大羅魂! 05/28 10:08
ILLwill :猛 05/28 10:11
andyfush :不意外阿 05/28 10:12
marimbagou :讚 05/28 10:15
tonytony0628:大佬!! 05/28 10:15
nekoares :敬禮! 05/28 10:17
auditor :推!! 模範生 05/28 10:18
BaaaSwin :水喔 05/28 10:18
Baggio1125 :五星上將! 05/28 10:18
sam352306 :敬禮~ 05/28 10:18
kk9517 :推 05/28 10:20
poweregg :推! 05/28 10:22
bqww :推 05/28 10:22
sxing6326 :他不是在奧運上被Sabonis打爆 所以才有夢一 05/28 10:23
Scion :場均12分就得分王,得分到底是平均到什麼程度啊 05/28 10:23
tdlions :大羅!!!! 05/28 10:23
iecdalu :原來還有FIBA名人堂啊 05/28 10:25
shiuichi :現在兩個名人堂都加入的球員有誰?只有大羅跟老沙嗎? 05/28 10:25
oswiecim :體能跟身體條件都比LBJ高兩個檔次的神人 強到靠杯 05/28 10:27
benjo :O7 05/28 10:27
Phatmen :當時的夢幻隊每一個都能打啊 05/28 10:32
ParkerWind :借轉海軍上將的老家 05/28 10:33

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: ParkerWind (, 時間: 05/28/2013 10:33:13
ParkerWind:恭喜大羅 應得的! 05/28 10:33
YazawaNico:恭喜! 05/28 10:48
songgo:超猛啦! 05/28 11:03
asword:恭喜大羅~~~ 05/28 11:33
sakaizawa:恭喜! 05/28 11:39
leafinfree:前任老大!!! 05/28 11:39
hsshkisskiss:恭喜上將!!! 05/28 11:45
beerfish:推推推 05/28 12:26
jb49:推大哥大~~~ 05/28 12:31
iris0108:前老大恭喜!!!! 05/28 12:41
ansonwu:恭喜大羅! 05/28 13:03
marcoyao:我是因為大羅上讀者文摘才入坑馬刺的 05/28 13:23
now5978:史上軟手王 名人堂 robison也該進了 05/28 21:34
now5978:一進季後賽就被軟手 還被非洲天王電到脫庫子 05/28 21:34
petand86:5978可以桶了 05/28 21:38
petand86:果然你的帳號就說明一切 05/28 21:38

