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Words From the Chef: Hank Steinbrenner-A Worse Person than Rudy Seanez and Eric


Heads up EWC readers: The Iron Chef, our Taiwan-based MVP and Tai-Da University
med school braniac, has unleashed a cameo venomous diatribe against Yankees
owner Hank Steinbrenner and fans making lame pleas that somehow baseball’s
rules and the NL are to blame for Wang Chien-Ming’s recent injury. Duck and

Note: EWC takes no responsibility whatsoever for anything written in this
article. They are Chef’s words alone. Just making that abundantly clear:


Us Chinese have a proverb: if one cannot tolerate the heat, then one shalt not
order the Kung Po Chicken. This chink here thinks Hank has ordered too much
spice for her ass to handle.

Hank Steinbrenner really should come on the intarwebs more often. I mean, the
princess herself really shouldn’t be locked away in the palace all day. She
needs to hear the voice of the people. The economy is bad, Cano is hitting
.240, a Black person might become president, shouldn’t somebody be held
responsible for this?If Hank was on the internet more often, and listened to
the people, she’d also know this Chinese Proverb:

If you don’t like the show, then change the Foulkeing channel.

If your pitchers get hurt swinging the bat then don’t swing the Foulkeing bat.
If your pitchers get hurt running the bases, then don’t run the Foulkeing

The National League may be bush, but they do have a rule that allows the use of
a pinch runner. Also, there is no minimum speed limit on the basepaths. Nobody
is making anybody run anything. Look at half the Red Sox 2004 World Series team
, Kevin Millar “Runs” the bases? Look at Manny Ramirez jogging to 1st base on
a ground ball. I mean, he’s jogging all the way to the HOF.

“Baserunning is dangerous for a pitcher”. Sure, I guess that’s true, if
you’re running the bases on the 38th parallel. Yet Dae-Sung Koo still manages
to score against the Yankees on a bunt when he was on SECOND BASE. The Yankees
should be thankful that Wang got hurt while running the bases, and not injured
while flying his plane. (Note: me and ACR have made so many Cory Lidle jokes
over the past 2 years, we’re fully expecting defamation lawsuits from Cessna.
Although they really have no reason to sue us, Cessna really isn’t responsible
for pilot error)

Although Ian Kennedy would never get hurt if he pitched even if the Yankees
were a full-time National League team. Because by the time the pitcher’s spot
was due up in the 2nd or 3rd inning, the pitcher coming up to hit for the
Yankees is probably Ohlendorf.

This is what they told us before we became interns:

If you don’t like it, then don’t come, you just can’t graduate.
If you don’t like the National League Hank, either shut up, forfeit, or buy
the Foulkeing National League. Hank, if you really had a pair, you’d ask for
much more than just the adoption of the DH by the NL. Here are the list of
things I think Hank should ask for from the National League:

1) The Yankees DH at every National League park should be allowed to play
defense, to become the 10th rover. This way the Yankees could put Shelley
“Three True Outcomes” Duncan between A-Rod and Jeter.

2) That every single NL stadium be sold to the Steinbrenners, and a mechanical
mobile fence built at every stadium. When the Yankees hit, the fence is moved
in. When the National League home team hits, the fences are moved back and are
raised by 10 extra feet.

3) No National League Team is allowed to field any Dominicans against the
Yankees. Because Dominicans are terrorists.

4) The Yankees get 5 outs per inning while the National League team only gets
2, and the Yankees start every game up 3 runs. I mean, the Yankees are going to
win anyway, so we might as well make this quick and easy.

Lastly, Foulke you morons in Taiwan for agreeing with Hank. Sure, we may take
dumps on National League baseball all the time here, but we mostly take dumps
on Chistovty former Red Sox player, who still manage to suck in the NL. If you
don’t like the National League, then don’t watch it, and don’t take a dump
on it because you’re too stupid to understand a double-switch. Remember, a
double-switch is something Terry Francona can actually EXECUTE in real life,
so if that’s beyond your comprehension, then Foulke you.

If you don’t like the NL, then don’t Foulkeing watch it. If you want to watch
sports filled with specialization, then watch the Foulkeing NFL. You’ve got an
offensive team, a defensive team, and a “Special” team. Of course, Hank could
always ask for the MLB to adopt this policy allowing the Yankees to field 9
players for defense, 9 different players to hit, and 9 other players for
baserunning purposes.

Btw, this is what would happen if a decent Taiwanese player ever made the NFL:
“Dude, Ching-Chong Gook is so fast, why is he only playing safety? Why is he
not also the wide receiver? Are you stupid white man manager with large nose?”
Of course, if the team ever got really shorthanded one day and the player
actually had to play wide receiver and got hurt, that cracker is Foulkeed.

In Conclusion, the American Government should pay slave reparations for the
Asians that built the railroads, and award Wang a purple heart.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
Belladonaa:哈哈 頭推 07/18 18:45
star01:(@_@) 07/18 18:47
birdy590:跟 MLB 版看過的東西一樣冷, 自己寫自己爽而已 07/18 18:48
birdy590:只能保證 Anti-Yankees 一定看的很高興 07/18 18:48
redsnipertd:XDDD 07/18 18:54
leddy:我到建議這個寄給Peter Abraham應該不錯 07/18 18:58
ht874211:有看有推 07/18 18:58
Kinra:Kung Po Chicken咧XD 07/18 19:06
ShouHayasi:說什麼不喜歡NL不要看 那自己討厭洋基 幹麻一天到晚來 07/18 19:37
eric2003002:因為這裡有很多他的粉絲 07/18 19:46
Jackal24:原PO不愧是鐵廚的打手之一 你排第幾號打手?? 07/18 20:28
scal:嗯 其實他這個人本人不錯啦 待人也不差 07/18 20:31
abc12812:轉個文也可以被說成是打手,這裡的版風不錯喔^^ 07/18 20:32
promessa:一個人的推文就直接引申成板風也太跳躍了 07/18 20:40
philluke:針跳蠻大的~ 07/18 20:41
abc12812:不好意思,我只針對Jackal24 07/18 20:42
Evonn:抱著特定心態來的人可能會比較敏感吧~ 07/18 20:42
meanother:推"一個人的推文就直接引申成板風也太跳躍了"跳到火星了 07/18 20:58
siliver:那麻煩以後的HOFer之類的也針對滾浪就好吧. 07/18 21:02
tupacshkur:請問這整篇都是鐵廚寫的嗎? 英文真強!!! 07/18 21:12
eelce:HOFer聽到快膩死了 麻煩想個新梗 07/18 21:15
birdy590:愛用爛梗的人一大堆, 有空多逛逛別隊版不難看到 07/18 21:16
birdy590:另外英文常用自然就會熟, 讀多了自然就會寫, 這篇不難 07/18 21:18
DoMoe:好難啊,至少我覺得自己再怎樣也寫不出這種文 梗尤其難找啊 07/18 21:28
birdy590:還是有些小錯但不重要... 至於梗, 中文版的還不夠多啊 @@ 07/18 21:29
birdy590:樓上可能忘了鐵廚的專長就是酸文, 有不錯的也有很難笑的 07/18 21:30
kimifort:看了兩段就不想看了 還滿無聊的 @@ 07/18 21:31
tsaimatt:在紐約吃過的宮保雞丁都不辣 07/18 21:48
IronChef:也是 在紐約吃的韓國泡菜比較辣 07/18 21:50
TsukimiyaAyu:直升機這體位多看一點 大家都會做直升機了! 07/18 22:07
siliver:針多玩一點,就會跳了. 07/18 22:11
kkjjkkjj:爽 07/18 22:38
Zoomyoyo:這啥洨 ? 07/18 22:41
ByKiss:紅字是在吹噓嗎 07/18 23:45
DoMoe:那是在標註作者吧,個人認為自卑的才會覺得在吹噓 07/19 00:13
xyzzz:老實說...我還是第一次看到用 Tai-Da University 稱呼台大的 07/19 00:15
xyzzz:快笑死~ 07/19 00:16
greengreen42:End 07/19 01:24
chien533:還好不是 Tai-Ker-Da University 07/19 03:26
fetoyeh: ^^^^^^^^^^ 要寫成Tiger Duck! 07/19 08:24
decorum:英文真強??? 文法錯誤一籮筐,用語也粗俗可鄙,特別愛拿 07/20 22:31
decorum:Lidle 意外的事情開玩笑,更是無聊低下極了。這種人也配用 07/20 22:32
decorum:decent 這個字? 07/20 22:33

