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在 dermal產品中有271篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過107萬的網紅more,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【13,000mg膠原蛋白】開架品牌、專櫃品牌大比拼 Swisse美肌飲成分來自意大利血橙! 詳情:https://www.sundaymore.com/911405/ 女生就算再忙都好,都要識得愛惜自己,特別係過咗25歲後,膠原蛋白明顯流失得快咗,皮膚彈性少咗,仲出現細紋~想要逆轉肌齡、重拾嫩...

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dermal 在 ᴠᴇʀᴏɴɪᴄᴀ’s ᴅɪᴀʀʏ Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-24 09:21:57

茯柃長期都被濕疹困擾 天氣一翻風落雨就係咁「R」 幫唔到佢真係好心痛🥲 朋友就推薦我試下Dermal Therapy Little Bodies燕麥潤膚系列😊 Little Bodies系列所有產品都蘊含天然燕麥成分🌾不含香料、防腐劑及類固醇 經測試證實能快速有效改善皮膚乾燥及痕癢💦產品由澳洲製造...

  • dermal 在 more Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-27 17:00:22
    有 138 人按讚

    【13,000mg膠原蛋白】開架品牌、專櫃品牌大比拼 Swisse美肌飲成分來自意大利血橙!


    #美肌飲 #膠原蛋白飲 #膠原蛋白 #開架品牌 #專櫃品牌 #大比拼 #Swisse #血橙

    *根據以下數據資料, 臨床實証連續服用Collagen Peptides VERISOL® 4星期為肌底提彈、撫紋嫩膚帶來正面效果。
    1. “Oral Supplementation of Specific Collagen Peptides Has Beneficial Effects on Human Skin Physiology: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study”, Skin Pharmacol Physiology, Aug 2013
    2. “Oral Intake of Specific Bioactive Collagen Peptides Reduces Skin Wrinkles and Increases Dermal Matrix Synthesis”, Skin Pharmacol Physiology, Dec 2013

  • dermal 在 茯柃•媽媽•大小日常 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-24 00:23:39
    有 42 人按讚

    朋友就推薦我試下Dermal Therapy Little Bodies燕麥潤膚系列😊

    Little Bodies系列所有產品都蘊含天然燕麥成分🌾不含香料、防腐劑及類固醇

    🧴Little Bodies 全效洗髮沐浴露

    🧴Little Bodies 舒緩保濕潤膚露
    蘊含2%燕麥成份,經臨床證實能提升皮膚水份,仲可以 24 小時鎖著水份

    🧴Little Bodies 急救止痕護膚
    蘊含5%燕麥成份,1小時快速止痕,功效仲等同 1% 類固醇添

    Little Bodies適用於乾燥敏感、濕疹肌膚
    🛒HKTVMALL 有售

    Dermal Therapy
    #Dermaltherapy #DermaltherapyHK #LittleBodies #天然燕麥成份 #呵護BB幼嫩肌 #見字補水 #臨床實證快速見效 #乾燥皮膚 #燕麥護理三部曲 #不含類固醇 #燕麥護膚 #澳洲bb皮膚

  • dermal 在 Team Juicy Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-21 14:05:14
    有 9 人按讚

    I woke up like this 💯💫 Since my last post, people have been asking me why I got fillers. Swipe to see the before and after photos and you'll see what I mean by having a "runner face" (sorry runners 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♀️)  I'm in my 30s so there comes a point in life you have to make a choice, pile on a few kg and you may not have a figure to show off in biking shorts, but you also won't have a face like a prune. A bit of fat on the face helps to pad it out a bit and keep lines and wrinkles at bay. My cheeks have been looking hollow recently and the effect made me sad when I took photos 😔 I've had full and chubby cheeks for the longest time so I miss them...

    Everyone's skin loses volume and elasticity as you grow older but people like us who work out a lot pull and stretch our skin more so eventually, it's going to take its toll.

    Giving up my daily workout isn't an option so I signed up for @sinclairpharma_apac Ellanse, a new derma filler which is made from a bio-absorbable collagen stimulator. This means it provides both instant and gradual results. I saw increased volume immediately (almost 2 weeks after treatment) but the volumisation and improved skin quality continue to develop over a 3 month period.

    The other bonus is that Ellansé can be placed at different depth levels within the sub-dermal layers of the skin which makes it very versatile. It can be used for facial line improvement, to fill and correct wrinkles and folds, as well as volumising, contouring and sculpting the face.

    All this may sound too good to be true, except that I am sitting here now, gazing at the results and they really are good. @dr.isaac.wong has put the chub back into my cheeks again! It’s subtle – but I look healthier, younger – and more cheerful. And I feel it, too.