[爆卦]DC 名言是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

為什麼這篇DC 名言鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在DC 名言這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者coolfly (]v[EGADET]-[)看板RockMetal標題[翻譯] AC/DC語錄時...



"Have you got any kids?"
"My wife says I'm the only one"
──Angus Young

"I'm sick to death of people saying we've made 11 albums that sounds exactly
the same, Infact, we've made 12 albums that sound exactly the same"
──Angus Young
P.S. 國際版的《High Voltage》實際上是AC/DC頭兩張專輯(澳洲版)的精選

"I'm not going bald, my head's just getting higher"
──Angus Young

"Do you have any sympathy for punk bands?"
Angus: "None."
Bon: "What's a punk band? Hey, who's got beer?"

"When I'm on stage the savage in me is released. It's like going back to
being a cave man. It takes me six hours to come down after a show"
──Angus Young

"We're a rock group. we're noisy, rowdy, sensational and weird"
──Angus Young

"I'm 33. Before AC/DC i've played with lots of bands in Australia. You're
never to old to rock & roll"
──Bon Scott

"I've seen Bon drink three bottles of Bourbon straight off...even though he
did like to drink and have a crazy time, he was always there when you needed
him to do his job"
──Angus Young

"We saw more of [Bon] than his family did, especially us three. It was always
me, Bon & Malcolm. We hung out together. Go to clubs together, get thrown out
of clubs together..."
──Angus Young

"One second he was there, you could see him in the booth then the next second
he was down! The guys doing the recording kept asking Bon to do the line one
more time, and every time he kept givin' his all, but in between takes you
could hear him drinkin' down whiskey, (if you listen really close you can
hear it on the album!) it was like: With a bullet in his back... Guzzle,
guzzle, guzzle... With a bullet in his back... Guzzle guzzle guzzle. And
finally on the last one (the one we used on the record) he just gave it
everything he had and passed out, we all kinda went around and just seen him
there on the floor"
──Angus Young


"Oh, we've had our share of hotels bein' smashed and all, but that was a long
time ago. You get lousy room service... I mean, there's no use throwin' a TV
set out the window for the sake of throwin' a TV set out the window. But if
you get a lousy picture then you have an excuse"
──Angus Young

Angus: "I have been a reforming influence on Bon. You should have seen the
man when I first met him. He couldn't even speak English. It was all 'fuck,
cunt, piss, shit.' I introduced him to a new side of life. Sent him home with
a dictionary..."
Bon: "He taught me to say 'Please fuck. And 'Thank you' after"

"Bon joined us pretty late in his life, but that guy had more youth in him
than people half his age. That was how he thought, and I learned from him. Go
out there and be a big kid"
──Angus Young

"We could be somewhere where you would never expect anyone to know him and
someone would walk up and say 'Bon Scott!' and always have a beer for him"
「我們會在某個你絕對料不到有人認識他的地方,遇到有人走過來說,『Bon Scott!』
──Angus Young

"I think after Bon [died] I felt horribly grown up in a way, when you're
young you always think you're immortal and that time really spun me around"
──Angus Young

"I've been on the road for fifteen years and I had no intent to stop. We meet
a lot of people, we drink lots of stuff and have lots of fun"
──Bon Scott

"His first words when he got out of the car were, "Im Bon." Then he looked
down and went, 'ah, I've put on my wifes underwear.' And that was his first
introduction with the band."
──Angus Young

"Im more in love with Rock n Roll today than other things. It grows, you
──Bon Scott

"In those days girls were only interested in...well, not us. "
──Angus Young

"Style, I didn't think we had any! I just plug in and hit the thing really
hard. That's my style...or lack of one!"
──Angus Young

"I just go where the guitar takes me."
──Angus Young

"Once you're on stage you can't go back, even when things go wrong people
expect you to stay there and entertain them. When all else fails, you've got
to try tap dancing."
──Angus Young

"I'd always wanted an SG, I think the cutaway horns reminded me a bit of
──Angus Young

"I am the poet with this band"
──Bon Scott

"Malcolm would always tell me: don't tickle it, hit the bugger!"
──Angus Young

"We aren't the prettest things in the world. With AC/DC its not like we're
out to steal your wife and your girlfriend and your daughter. We may borrow
them but..."
──Angus Young

"Most bands have ups and downs. With us things just stay the same."
──Angus Young

"We never thought of ourselves as a 'heavy metal band' we've always regarded
ourselves as a rock band. The big differance we've always thought we had a
lot more feel for rock, we always went out for songs, not riffs or heavy,
heavy sounds. But every now and again it does come on like a sledge hammer."
──Angus Young

"The Headmaster used to call me up every second day or so and say, 'well
Young what have you been up to this time?'
──Angus Young

"People can go out and hear REM if they want deep lyrics; but at the end of
the night, they want to go home and get fucked! That's where AC/DC comes into
──Malcolm Young

"I was annoyed that Bon wasn't given the respect due when he was alive."
──Brian Johnson

"He was a tough sonofabitch! If he went off, shit it was fuckin' scary! Not
sort of hitting people with chairs but fist beating people. He was the best
street fighter I've ever seen, bar none."
──Mark Evans談Bon

"You mean an undrugged album?"
──Angus Young,當被問到AC/DC會不會出不插電(Unplugged)專輯

"We've got the basic things kids want. They want to rock, and that's it."
──Angus Young

"We'd been drinking in the airport bar for about ten minutes when I says,
'don't you think it's time we caught our plane?' and she says, 'What do you
mean our plane? Im staying here.' I runs back and the fuckin' planes gone.
Anway she takes me to this black bar and she's Mexican-and I starts drinkin'
and playin' pool. I had a goodnight, beatin' every bastard. After about two
hours playin' this big titted black chick and beatin' her too, I happen to
look and the bar is goin', 'Grrr.' I think, 'Uh oh Bon,' I gives her another
game and lose nine to one. 'Anyone else want to beat me?' I says. So I
escapes with me life, only barely-and I made it to the gig in Austin."
──Bon Scott

"We're not black magic satanists. I don't drink blood. I may wear black
underpants now and again, but that's it."
──Angus Young

"When we started, we didn't care about gettin on the radio and we didn't care
what people said about us...We just went out and played rock music"
──Angus Young

"We just go out and don't give a fuck about critics. We play what we play and
that's that."
──Brian Johnson

"I'm an out and out basic man and AC/DC are one of the best rock'n'roll bands
in the world, doing things just to the basics, you know."
──Brian Johnson

"For me, you just canna whack rock'n'roll, cos it justna tell any lies,
──Brian Johnson

"The only image we've ever had is what we really are. We never cover up
──Angus Young

"I don't think any bastard knows who I am anyway, so I never have any trouble
getting mobbed off stage. And look at Brian, do you know what some hotel
cleaner said to him the other day? She asked him if he was Neil Diamond or
his twin brother"
知道前幾天某個旅館清潔工對他說什麼嗎?她問說他是不是Neil Diamond(美國的情歌天
──Malcolm Young

"That was the final bleedin' insult! Kevin Keegan I wouldn't have minded, but
bloody Neil Diamond..."
「這真是天大的污辱!被誤認為Kevin Keegan(英國足球員)我還不會在意,但天殺的
Neil Diamond……Orz」
──Brian Johnson

"We can't sit on our arses and say the world owes us a living because we've
paid our dues. Me; I think if I fluff a note I'm robbing the kids. You're
gonna pour it all on until you drop, so even if they hate you they can still
say' At least they tried'."
──Angus Young

"We were a scandal in Australia. They love scandal there. Mums tugging their
kids away from us on the street. "Ooh, look them!"
──Malcolm Young

"All the songs we do are basically about one of three things: booze, sex or
rock n roll."
──Bon Scott

"I've never had a message for anyone in my entire life. Except maybe to give
out my room number."
──Bon Scott

"It keeps you fit - the alcohol, nasty women, sweat on stage, bad food - it's
all very good for you."
──Bon Scott

(高仕艷 譯)

  …and sitting in a class with religious people who say,
  "Brother, can I have a pencil?" wasn't for me. I said to
  them "Fuck you, get your own pencil!" They didn't dig that.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
birdpanyes:謝翻譯!!!這些話真是太正點了 05/04 23:47
hisb:玩搖滾樂永遠不嫌晚。 這句實在很棒 05/04 23:48
You're never to old to rock & roll~
kalmia46:好多句子好棒!!!! 05/04 23:54
J8282135:推推~~~!!!!! 05/04 23:54
HouseOfSleep:推倒酷飛>////< 05/05 00:05
megadave:讚! 05/05 00:09
threeplay:把電視丟出去那個跟PINK FLOYD有關係嗎 05/05 00:18
csin9942:推~~搖滾樂的最佳典範! 05/05 00:22
maskki:好棒阿!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 05/05 00:25
randyrhoads:好多經典名句XD 05/05 00:25
Slash1987:這好棒! 妙語如珠XD 05/05 00:27
metal308:推!!! 05/05 00:37
nicegrenade:undrugged XDDDDDDDD 05/05 00:53
WeickChen:好讚!! 05/05 01:17
moonhuang:大推 05/05 03:36
gundam0079:AC/DC做了40年一模一樣的專輯,不過爽 05/05 04:33
反正都是要回來,我們幹嘛要離開呢?」--Malcolm Young
bluebo:推 太妙了 XD 05/05 08:36
stevemaxma:推阿推阿推阿!!!!!! 05/05 08:56
jacky66666:XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 05/05 09:13
skas521:推推 感謝酷飛~~ 05/05 10:03
john07:XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 05/05 11:24
psyclone:偷偷抄來用XDD 05/05 13:30
top068:推!! 05/05 13:53
HeadNotFound:袂修幹謀? 05/05 16:41
paradyse:太幽默了這兩個人! 酷飛好厲害~! 05/05 17:50
尤其一起接受訪談時 一撘一唱有夠順的XDD
qaz0830:推~~超讚的 喝酒 做愛 搖滾樂 05/05 18:06
JERK7215:推 05/05 18:51
metalhead:猛團阿 05/05 19:48
※ 編輯: coolfly 來自: (05/05 22:05)
adolfo:讚! 05/06 03:06
mxnzaaaa:太棒了啊!!!! 05/06 17:32
hankower:推 05/06 20:10
inzuk:太好笑了!! 05/07 12:46
darknesstime:太讚了 ACDC最高 05/14 14:10
sneak: 偷偷抄來用XDD https://muxiv.com 08/15 10:29

