[Diary of a crowdfunder]
We have 16 days to go...
And I want to share my deep appreciation for every person who has contributed to the book.
But what ...
[Diary of a crowdfunder]
We have 16 days to go...
And I want to share my deep appreciation for every person who has contributed to the book.
But what you may not hear about crowdfunding and I would like to share is how this half a month has felt like for me.
It has been so beautiful to share this part of my life with more people, to look at the earlier part of my life as a completion and a moving on to more, no coincidence, in alignment to the constellations also.
Since Phil and myself are doing this crowdfunding personally, we meet up weekly and communicate throughout this time, deepening the connection between us, with the project and with art.
I’ve opened up connections with so many more people, I think of you guys the moment I open my eyes, everyone that I feel to connect with. And it dawns on me how much we hold back or forget connecting when daily life overtakes us.
But this project has made me realise, that this behavior doesn’t cut it for me anymore. I feel now that connecting with friends and family so need to be just normal, it is not a special event, it feels very awkward to just connect when something so called “out of the ordinary” happens.
I really appreciate this awareness.
What I am of course also aware is the timeline that life gives us, the deadlines that we manage life with, it is a part of life and very ordinary. But what I want to highlight is, how we lose the connection with ourselves when we are overwhelmed by these deadlines. So of course we want this backing to happen, but I was very aware not to be overtaken by the pressure to “succeed”, because once it is the goal I’m after and not connection, it would lose the purpose of this book.
There are moments when I’m fed thoughts of disappointment, in that there is not enough time to back this project to its completion in 30 days, but that is not true. Because no matter how I felt, throughout this half month, I’ve been observing my own connection with myself and deepening it, without attachments but continually observing.
I’ve been judged that this is being not aggressive enough ☺️ but when has aggression forged a deeper connection? #truthbetold
(Kickstarter link in bio)
crowdfunder 在 Apple Daily - English Edition Facebook 的精選貼文
Hong Kong crowdfunder arrested after raising HK5 million to pay parents’ medical costs
Read more: https://bit.ly/3py7kDX
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crowdfunder 在 天地人學堂 Facebook 的最佳貼文
◼ Crowdfunder:股權型群眾募資平台
◼ iFunding:房地產募資平台
◼ Gust:私人投資募資平台
◼ CircleUp:股權型群眾募資平台
◼ Teespring:設計T-shirt的募資平台
◼ Rockethub:綜合型募資平台
◼ Patreon:內容訂閱募資平台
◼ GoFundMe:最大社會募資平台
◼ Indiegogo:回饋型群眾募資平台
◼ Kickstarter:回饋型群募平台的龍頭
(10大募資平台資料來源:technavio blog)
群眾募資,是近年興起的募資形式。可應用於「早期資金籌措」、「市場可行性」、「產品量產可行性」等面向。在快速變化與競爭的市場中更顯價值。面對未來的不確定,我們須不斷的轉型與突破。天地人邀請各產業總經理、執行長、總監、律師與會計師等業師,親授限額實體課程,從入門到進階解析商場實戰。🔺用知識學習投資自己,想瞭解更多>>> https://tiandiren.tw/
crowdfunder 在 綠黨 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Green Party of England and Wales, Congratulations on the best ever local election results!
在上週的英國地方選舉中,開出了46年以來的亮眼成績;地方議會席次增加了 194 名席次、總額來到 362 名議員!
台灣綠黨共同召集人劉崇顯 科技思維x在地青年表示:台灣綠黨,雖然目前只有 3 名地方議會的席次,但是撐出理想的空間,堅守 #六大核心價值、是我們會持續各國的綠人夥伴持續努力的方向!
曾經代表本黨出訪英國的中執委 易俊宏也指出,好政治需要跟民眾一起努力,才有機會擴大影響力,在制度層面帶來更深遠的改變。
Today has seen the best ever local election results in the 46 year history of the Green Party.
I am so proud of our campaigners who worked tirelessly on the doorstep to inspire so many new communities to put their trust in the Green Party.
In total we saw a net gain of 194 council seats and we now have a record number of 362 councillors on a record 122 councils.
These results are absolutely stunning. We have won in all demographics in all of the English regions, and have built on what were strong results last time these seats were contested in 2015.
Our three biggest council winners were Brighton, who now have 19 seats, Solihull who've moved up to 14 councillors (including an 84% Green vote in one ward) and Mid Suffolk where we doubled our representation to 12.
But the particular excitement of today's results is that many of our wins have been in new territory for the Green Party in places like Darlington, North Devon, Carlisle and Colchester. We have representation on over 50 new councils. That's 50 more towns, cities and districts that have a Green in the room changing the debate and changing the focus of their councils. And where Greens get a foot in the door with one council seat, we keep on growing in the future.
Our wins have not been a fluke. Almost all of our gains are where not only did our members work hard, but where the Green Party invested resource to train and support our campaign teams through Conference training, Campaign School and via our Field staff who support our local parties across the country.
After a well-deserved rest this evening, Greens will be back working on our European Elections campaign. We’ll update you more next week but if you have a moment to share or donate to our crowdfunder in the meantime it would be greatly appreciated so we can go on to achieve even more success in 3 weeks' time.
Thank you,
Chris Williams
Head of Elections and Field Operations, Green Party