[爆卦]Crimp connector是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Crimp connector鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Crimp connector這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 crimp產品中有11篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6,519的網紅尋路森寧 Seek Forest,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 前一陣子我妹 @Yin Yu Wang 問我,攀岩受傷正常嗎? 受傷,非常正常。:) #運動傷害 運動總是會伴隨運動傷害,重點是: 1. 有身體感知知道自己受傷了 2. 知道自己怎麼受傷的 3. 適當的休息,同時下次避免同樣的受傷 4. 如果很久沒攀,覺得強度太高沒信心,需要循序漸進 1. #有...

 同時也有13部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅Rasaflix,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Rangup dan rasa masam manis epal, fuhh sedap gila. Lagi sedap kalau makan panas-panas. Senang pulak tu nak buat. Jom cuba buat. Resepi Pai Epal Rapuh...

  • crimp 在 尋路森寧 Seek Forest Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-08-13 13:50:10
    有 84 人按讚

    前一陣子我妹 @Yin Yu Wang 問我,攀岩受傷正常嗎?

    1. 有身體感知知道自己受傷了
    2. 知道自己怎麼受傷的
    3. 適當的休息,同時下次避免同樣的受傷
    4. 如果很久沒攀,覺得強度太高沒信心,需要循序漸進

    1. #有身體感知知道自己受傷了
    - 有些是肌肉深層的拉傷,或扭到有多嚴重,這些眼睛看不到,需要身體感知。
    - 反覆出現或疼痛5天以上,務必去看醫生或物理治療。

    2. #知道怎麼受傷的
    - 有時候是運動姿勢/習慣姿勢不對,那這個就一定要改掉(像我的斜肩)。
    - 有時候是水泡快破了,那同一條路線就不要再試了,去爬爬用腳的平衡板,因為水泡沒破可以爬更多條路線。

    3. #適當的休息
    - 適當的休息不是指完全不能動,可以轉換運動,改去跑步或是游泳,瑜伽拉筋伸展身體,或趁這時候按摩手腳,絕對比完全不動要好,下次啟動身體時還是記得運動的感覺。

    4. #暖身就是練習
    - 先從基礎開始練習當暖身,身體需要一段時間啟動熟悉感覺
    - 從橫渡開始,練習不限手腳點,3分鐘都在牆上不要下來,下來後休息3分鐘,這樣反覆來回三個循環
    - 練習 silence feet
    - 練習抓岩點前滯空停三秒再抓(三秒鐘練習)
    - 練習換腳訓練
    - 練習 drop knee* & back step
    - 練習 inside & outside flag
    - 練習雙手放開微動態抓點 dynamic move


    - 有意識的做動作
    - 感受身體
    - 啟動核心

    **Drop knee 說明
    暖身時的 drop knee 單指腳尖膝蓋轉向,受傷風險低。
    DEEP drop knee 則是膝蓋低過腳尖,像蹲著一樣的姿勢,膝蓋的壓迫較多,受傷風險很高要注意。



    - 初學:Better INSTANTLY - 3 Tips to Last Longer https://youtu.be/577FLFvBt98(2:00 Back Step)
    - 初學:IMPROVE your Technique during your warm up https://youtu.be/FQv9P1zV4_E(1:10 Silence Feet,3:20 Body Position)

    - 5個技巧,包含Heel Cam、Vicegrip、Knee Bar、Quarter Crimp、Dyno(12:45) https://youtu.be/RYevdIxWHPo

    - Dead Point https://youtu.be/g7VOGmADxjQ
    - 我以前以為叫做「甩動核心」,原來是「Dead Point」

    【Foot Work】
    - 初學:Basic Foot Technique https://youtu.be/rhcDSzw-MOk(Switch Feet、Silence Feet、Toe Hook、Heel Hook)
    - 中階:Kate’s Post https://www.facebook.com/kateberry.chen/posts/10214536103391001

    【Dyno & Dynamic move】
    - 訣竅:1. 放鬆 relax 2. 先拉手 pull in 3. 後腳跳 jump up
    - 初學:How to dyno 101 https://youtu.be/3Q6hV7IXfM0(我是看這支影片學會Dyno & Dynamic move的)
    - 中階:Dyno - ToeHook Catch https://youtu.be/66m8HVOBqdo
    - 中階:Deadpoint https://youtu.be/cre_htAhJh4
    - 進階:Multiple Dyno https://youtu.be/IfmhDZR81p0(蹲得越深,跳得越高)

    【Body Position】
    - 訣竅:三秒鐘練習,最快讓我學會找重心的方法
    - 初階:Body Position https://youtu.be/hAo_ismiUEU(4:41 三秒鐘練習)
    - 中階:Improve your crimps INSTANTLY with Body Positioning https://youtu.be/5KbF3t5AyPA

    【Heel Hook】
    - 中階:3 Simple ways https://youtu.be/dOXAwhgqWRc(Heel Cam…etc)

    - Static vs. Dynamic https://youtu.be/r2clCkj5p8k
    - Tall vs. Short https://youtu.be/r2clCkj5p8k
    - Tall vs. Short:V2 - V8 https://youtu.be/ImEAEYYszMg(2:45 Back Step)

    寧寧的戶外紀錄 Blog


    photo credit 黃俊豪
    Film edit Yin Ning
    #暖身 #運動傷害 #攀岩 #Rockclimb #climbing #youtube #bouldering #練習 #心法

  • crimp 在 IEObserve 國際經濟觀察 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-07-31 10:05:43
    有 206 人按讚


    本版之前的Podcast《抵制Facebook有效嗎?社群媒體的本質與演算法戰爭》就在講這件事 https://link.chtbl.com/CfNpZvev

  • crimp 在 物理治療師臨床治療手記 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-11-08 16:23:47
    有 233 人按讚

    113. 攀岩手指錯位與關節囊腫脹

    攀岩技巧在手指的部分有很多(如圖二),對於指關節壓力最大的莫過於crimp系列(如圖三)!其中又以closed crimp對指關節擠壓最嚴重(如圖四)!而其中的苦主就是最長的中指,其次是無名指或食指(依長度)。

  • crimp 在 Rasaflix Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-01-04 17:30:00

    Rangup dan rasa masam manis epal, fuhh sedap gila. Lagi sedap kalau makan panas-panas. Senang pulak tu nak buat. Jom cuba buat.

    Resepi Pai Epal Rapuh Dan Lazat | Menu 'High Tea' Ringkas Wajib Cuba !

    //Bahasa Melayu

    Resepi Pai Epal Rapuh Dan Lazat


    5 biji epal hijau (dipotong dadu)

    2 sb serbuk kayu manis

    1 btg kayu manis

    5 sb gula perang

    3 sb mentega

    2 sk tepung jagung

    2 sk air

    kulit puff pastri

    1 biji telur

    1 sk garam

    Cara memasak

    1. Inti Epal: Kupas kulit epal hijau dan potong menjadi bentuk dadu. Rendamkan ke dalam air dan ketepikan.

    2. Cairkan mentega pada suhu sederhana kemudian masukkan serbuk kayu manis dan epal hijau.

    3. Masak seketika hingga sedikit layu dan masukkan gula perang, garam dan kayu manis.

    4. Kacau sekata dan masukkan campuran air dan tepung jagung.

    5. Kacau sedikit hingga sebati dan sejukkan.

    6. Kemudian, taburkan tepung jagung dan rollkan puff pastri.

    7. Selepas itu, letakkan inti di tengah-tengah dan gamkan keliling puff pastri dengan sedikit air.

    8. Rapatkan dan kelim tepi puff pastri menggunakan garfu.

    9. Kemudian, kelar bahagian atas puff dan oleskan dengan telur.

    10. Bakar pada suhu 180°C selama 15-20 minit.

    11. Pai epal siap untuk dihidangkan.


    Flaky & Tasty Apple Pie Recipe | High Tea Dessert That You Have To Try !

    The crispiness with sweet-sour taste in this apple pie is indeed super tasty and it tastes even better when it's still hot! Plus, it's very easy to make. So, let's try it now!

    Flaky & Tasty Apple Pie Recipe


    5 whole green apples (diced)

    2 tbsp of cinnamon powder

    1 stick of cinnamon stick

    5 tbsp of brown sugar

    3 tbsp of butter

    2 tsp of cornflour

    2 tsp of water

    puff pastry skin

    Cooking methods

    1. Apple Filling: Peel off apple skin and cut into dice. Soaked in the water and set aside.

    2. Melt butter at medium temperature, then add in cinnamon powder and green apples.

    3. Cook until bit wilt and add in brown sugar, salt, and cinnamon stick.

    4. Stir evenly, then pour in water and cornflour mixture.

    5. Stir until mix well and let them cool down.

    6. Then, dust cornflour and roll the puff pastry to thin.

    7. Place the filling at the center and glue around the puff with water.

    8. Close and crimp the puff pastry using a fork.

    9. Then, slice the top of the puff and brush with egg wash.

    10. Bake at 180°C for 15-20 minutes.

    11. Apple pie is ready to be served.

    Nak resepi lagi?
    Sertai Rasaflix di https://rasaflix.net

    #resepi #pai #epal #sedap #rangup #dessert #recipe #pie #apple #crispy #easy #mudah #applepie #paiepal #crispyapplepie #paiepalrangup #paiepalsedap
    #kisahdunia #rasaflix
    #dapoqmanis #mr_lovva #nntaca #kdboom #nrsalnaz

  • crimp 在 Tasty Japan Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-12-22 10:00:01



    薄力粉 250g + 作業台用に少々
    シナモン 小さじ2
    塩 小さじ1
    ショートニング 170g(2cm角に切っておく)
    氷水 大さじ6
    砂糖 200g+大さじ2
    シナモン 大さじ1+1つまみ
    生姜パウダー 小さじ1/2
    クローブ(粉末)  小さじ 1/2
    塩 小さじ3/4
    卵 大3個
    かぼちゃピューレ 425g
    無糖練乳 270ml

    1. パイ生地を作る。大きめのボウルに薄力粉、シナモン、塩を入れて混ぜ合わせる。ショートニングを加え、ペイストリーブレンダーかナイフ二本を使って切るように混ぜ合わせる。ショートニングがグリンピース位の大きさになるまで続ける。

    2. 氷水を大さじ1ずつ加え、優しく混ぜる。生地がまとまるまで繰り返す。

    3. 作業台の上にラップを広げ、(2)をのせる。丸くなるように形を整えてラップで包む。冷蔵庫で30分冷やす。

    4. オーブンを220 ̊Cに予熱しておく。

    5. フィリングを作る。小さめのボウルに砂糖、シナモン、生姜、クローブ、塩を加えて混ぜ合わせる。

    6. 大きめのボウルに卵を割り入れて混ぜる。かぼちゃピューレと(5)を加えて混ぜる。無糖練乳を注ぎ入れてさらに混ぜる。

    7. 薄力粉を振りかけた作業台に(3)を出し、麺棒で6mmの厚さの円形に伸ばす。麺棒と作業台に薄力粉をまぶし続けながらベタつかないようにする。直径24cmのパイプレートに移し、はみ出でいる部分を下に折り込む。端を指で成形して波型にする。(生地はできるだけ冷たくしておきたいため、手で触りすぎないよう、気を付ける。)

    8. (6)を(7)に入れる。

    9. オーブンで15分焼き、温度を180 ̊Cに下げてさらに40分ほど焼く。パイプレートを動かすと中心部が少し揺れるくらいになったら、取り出す。

    10. ワイヤーラックの上に置いて、2時間ほど冷ます。

    11. カットしてホイップクリームかアイスクリームを添えたら、完成!

    パンプキンパイ シェイク

    生クリーム 120ml
    粉砂糖 大さじ1
    パンプキンパイ スパイス 小さじ1/2 + 盛り付け用に少々
    メープルシロップ 大さじ1 + 小さじ1
    パンプキンパイ 1切れ
    バニラアイス 225g

    1. ボウルに生クリーム、粉砂糖、パンプキンパイ・スパイス、メープルシロップ小さじ1を入れる。ツノが立つまで泡立て器で混ぜる。

    2. ブレンダーにパンプキンパイ、バニラアイス、メープルシロップ大さじ1を入れ、滑らかになるまでブレンドする。

    3. グラスに(2)を注いて(1)をトッピングする。パンプキンパイ・スパイスをかけたら、完成!

    Here is what you'll need!


    Old-Fashioned Pumpkin Pie
    for 8 servings

    2 cups all-purpose flour(250 g), plus more for dusting
    2 teaspoons cinnamon
    1 teaspoon kosher salt
    ¾ cup shortening(170 g), cubed
    6 tablespoons ice water
    1 cup sugar(200 g), plus 2 tablespoons
    1 tablespoon ground cinnamon, plus a pinch
    1 ½ teaspoons ground ginger
    ½ teaspoon ground cloves
    ¾ teaspoon kosher salt
    3 large eggs
    15 oz canned pumpkin puree(425 g)
    1 cup evaporated milk(240 mL), plus 2 tablespoons
    whipped cream, or ice cream for serving

    1.Make the pie dough: In a large bowl, whisk together flour, cinnamon, and salt. Using a pastry blender or two knives, cut shortening into the flour until the shortening breaks down into pea-sized pieces.

    2.Add the ice water, 1 tablespoon at a time, and stir gentle until the dough starts to come together.

    3.Dump the dough onto a work surface lined with 2 large pieces of plastic wrap. Shape dough into a disc and wrap tightly with the plastic wrap. Chill the dough in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.

    4.Preheat the oven to 425˚F (220˚C)

    5.Make the filling: In a small bowl, mix together the sugar, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and salt.

    6.In a large bowl, whisk the eggs. Add the pumpkin and sugar-spice mix and whisk to combine. Slowly whisk in the evaporated milk until incorporated.

    7.Once the dough has chilled, lightly flour a clean surface. Roll out the dough to a ¼-inch (6 mm)-thick round. Keep the surface and rolling pin floured as needed so the dough doesn’t stick. Transfer the dough to a 9½-inch pie pan (24 cm). Tuck the edges under and crimp. Note: The key to flaky pie crust is to handle it as little and as gently as possible. Handle it only as much as is absolutely necessary to mix, shape, and roll out.

    8.Pour the filling into the pie shell.

    9.Bake the pie for 15 minutes, then reduce the oven temperature to 350˚F (180˚C) and bake for another 40 minutes, or until the center jiggles slightly.

    10.Cool the pie on a wire rack for 2 hours.

    11.Slice and serve with whipped cream or ice cream.


    Pumpkin Pie Milkshake
    for 1 serving

    ½ cup heavy cream(120 mL)
    1 tablespoon powdered sugar
    ½ teaspoon pumpkin pie spice, plus more for garnish
    1 tablespoon maple syrup, plus 1 teaspoon, divided
    1 slice Tasty's pumpkin pie
    1 ½ cups vanilla ice cream(225 g)

    1.In a medium bowl, combine the heavy cream, powdered sugar, pumpkin pie spice, and 1 teaspoon maple syrup. Whip with an electric hand mixer until medium peaks form.

    2.In a blender, combine the pumpkin pie, remaining tablespoon of maple syrup, and the ice cream. Blend until smooth.

    3.Pour the milkshake into a glass and top with a dollop of whipped cream and a sprinkle of pumpkin pie spice.




    Licensed via Audio Network

  • crimp 在 Jessica Vu Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-05-24 08:09:09

    Here's another easy hair curling routine for my lazy beginner gals ?? I love these effortless, natural, girl-next-door/mermaid loose waves and this has been highly requested so I hope this is helpful!

    ✧ IG: http://www.instagram.com/jessyluxe
    ✧ SNAPCHAT: https://www.snapchat.com/add/luxejessy
    ✧ SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/jessyluxe
    ✧ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/luxejessy


    Hello hello!! How are you? ?
    I just landed in Florida ✈️ I'm here for my little sister's high school graduation and to visit family!
    Have you heard of lovebug season? It's happening right now and I'm...disgusted, I've been terrified of the creatures ever since pre-K. It's this season where there's just schools of these bugs flying in and they attach themselves to everything. Cars are covered in their guts and EW why am I explaining this ? alskdga; I guess aside from lovebugs, I'm also thriving in the humidity! My skin feels ah-mazing ack I wish I could move back home ?‍♂️

    But yes! I finally filmed the wavy hair tutorial you guys have been asking about (for like a year now haha), sorry it took so long! It's all in the wand I use (not sponsored), which makes this tutorial perfect for beginners. I know I used to struggle a lot with using curling irons and wands because it takes a while to get used to the way to wrap your hair around it (like, how do you position your elbows in such a way so that you can twist your hands while also minimizing the soreness in your arms?), so using a tool like this where you just clamp the hair together is a lot easier! Plus, the effortless, natural girl-next-door waves are super cute ??‍??

    I hope this tutorial was helpful! I should go to sleep now so I can get used to the new time zone haha ??

    'til next time!
    ♡ xo

    P R O D U C T S

    HAIR ⁺
    ˖ Bed Head A Wave We Go Adjustable Deep Waver http://bit.ly/2PDJzZz
    ˖ IGK Crybaby Anti-Frizz Smoothing Serum http://bit.ly/2QpGE7v
    ˖ Faux Pearl Hair Clips http://bit.ly/2WhKULz
    ˖ Butterfly Hair Clip (Type 5 Light Blue) http://bit.ly/2JyzHjK
    ˖ Butterfly Hair Clip with Chain (Light Blue) http://bit.ly/2M64OW1

    ETC ⁺
    ˖ O-Lens Russian Velvet Gray Contact Lenses http://bit.ly/2VXpGDb
    ˖ Velour Lashes Sunshine & Whispie Luxe Faux Mink False Lashes http://bit.ly/2DUqT3D
    ˖ Eye Glitter Gems (11) http://bit.ly/2M5obyv

    NAILS ⁺
    Jelly Gumdrop Gel Extensions by @nailjob ??
    ˖ https://www.instagram.com/nailjob
    ˖ https://www.youtube.com/nailjob

    W E A R I N G

    ˖ Dolls Kill Smocked Ruffle Tie Waist Dream In Lavendar Mini Dress (Small) https://bit.ly/2EsWCsq
    ˖ Dolls Kill Mini Heart Golden Love Line Locket Necklace http://bit.ly/2QjcaUi

    T E C H

    ˖ CAMERA
    Canon EOS Rebel T6i DSLR

    ˖ LENS
    EF-S 18-55mm IS STM Kit Lens

    Natural daylight + Westcott Softbox 16 x 40” https://bhpho.to/2DRNMoV

    ˖ MIC
    RODE Videomic Pro

    Final Cut Pro X 10.4.1

    M U S I C

    ˖ HYE SUNG - Sad https://soundcloud.com/hyesoongi/sad


    ? BUSINESS EMAIL: jessica@rare.global

    FTC: Not sponsored („• ֊ •„) Some links listed are affiliate links and some products used I received in PR

