

在 cramming產品中有38篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Finally! Finally! Finally! 經歷了銜接/暑期課的astrology♊️、unusual food🌮、What a floozy 💋、subcultures 🧸 、ghost month superstitions 👻、bullying on campus 🥊、gender...

 同時也有8部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過73萬的網紅Grace Maneerat,也在其Youtube影片中提到,การเรียนออนไลน์ไม่ได้ง่ายที่คิด ว่าด้วยการจัดเวลาที่ยอดแย่ ทำให้งานอันมากมายมากองอยู่เพียงไม่กี่วัน จะทำทันมั้ยเนี่ย?! [ENG SUBS available, thanks ?...

cramming 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-16 07:13:19

Finally! Finally! Finally! 經歷了銜接/暑期課的astrology♊️、unusual food🌮、What a floozy 💋、subcultures 🧸 、ghost month superstitions 👻、bullying on campus 🥊、gender...

  • cramming 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-07 17:22:25
    有 181 人按讚

    Finally! Finally! Finally!

    經歷了銜接/暑期課的astrology♊️、unusual food🌮、What a floozy 💋、subcultures 🧸 、ghost month superstitions 👻、bullying on campus 🥊、gender communication ⚧,


    Unit 1的主題,
    就是The Origin of Blue Jeans👖 !


    = Exclusive 獨家的 English 英文 Club 俱樂部

    ✏️ ex-: out/ clud: close
    我要報導一則新聞了,關門之前,其他媒體都出去!所以我採訪的新聞,才是「exclusive 獨家的」。
    只要是獨家新聞,常常畫面的角落會出現大大的EXCLUSIVE (NEWS)

    🔠 在EEC課程中,俐媽常用英文解釋英文,幫助你們直接think in English,同時培養出英文耳朵。而且,俐媽的發音pronunciation、抑揚頓挫intonation、rhetorics辭藻、expression表達、body language 肢體語言都超棒!

    💃🕺🏻 誰說C指的是class? Class代表填鴨cramming、考試、作業、壓力。
    過程中有singing🎤、dancing 👯、acting 🎭 、joking 🤡、laughing 🤪、interaction 💞,這樣的氣氛,才歡樂、才令人想一來再來!



  • cramming 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-12-30 00:01:56
    有 356 人按讚

    Who was ready and happy to be discharged from hospital just now? 🙋🏻‍♀️

    Praise Jesus for His healing and goodness. Our $8k hospital bill will be covered by insurance. Mae’s insect bite wounds are still healing and the redness is still subsiding, so please continue to pray. Thank you!! 🙌

    So happy to be back in the comfortable bed at home instead of cramming in a little cot! Goodnight~ ❤️

    Follow us on Instagram to see more parenting and family moments: http://instagram.com/miltongohblog

  • cramming 在 A Happy Mum Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-11-18 11:50:36
    有 55 人按讚

    October was a busy and happy month for us. Despite it being the exam period for the girls, we made sure we still injected plenty of fun and joy into our lives. Yup, I never did believe in cramming for exams at the last minute and keep telling the kids that it's the consistent work that matters most. Well, let's see if we can still keep to this mindset and continue to stay tuition-free when the big girl goes to Primary 6 next year.

    We've also been eagerly looking forward to Phase 3 though no one knows yet when it will actually commence. That is because it's been so long since I brought my parents or grandma out for a meal since our family alone already hits the maximum quota of 5 people. Yup, it would be nice to hang out as a bigger family and not have to sit at separate tables or avoid mingling whenever we are out. That said, we are very thankful to see that the pandemic situation here has come under control and to even be in Phase 2 and know that our loved ones are safe and sound and well-protected, that is already a huge blessing.

    One of the biggest highlights of October was revealing to friends and family that our family is growing! Yup, baby #4 is currently on the way and we held gender reveal parties for the kids and for our parents too. That was so fun and memorable! While I am definitely excited and a tad nervous about the arrival of the baby next year, I am also reminding myself to treasure the weeks left as a mum of 3 and make sure I let the kids know how much I love them even if another comes along. The good thing is they have been feeling so positive about it and are super excited to meet their baby brother. Yay! Now that the school holidays are nearing, I still hope to be able to bring them out for some outdoor fun, nature walks and explore parts of Singapore that we've never been before. Walking and exercising is great for preggies, right?

    In October's "Happiness is...", it's about cherishing all that we have now while anticipating and looking forward to what the future holds for our family.

