[爆卦]Conglomeration 中文是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Conglomeration 中文鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Conglomeration 中文這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 conglomeration產品中有7篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6萬的網紅stu sis,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [133361] 2161. 獵人:火紅眼 × 決鬥 × 生命的代價"Hunter x Hunter" Scarlet Eyes x Duel x Cost of Life (2000)★★★ [133362] 2162. 獵人:小傑 × 寶物 × 危險男子"Hunter x Hunter" G...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅CarDebuts,也在其Youtube影片中提到,The Yamaha Motor Innovation Center was completed in December 2016 as the company’s new base for design. In a practice unlike anything before at Yamaha...

conglomeration 在 ??‍♀️Tiffany Wang • BabyT? Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-03-31 12:05:46

- 終於有人能陪寶寶暢談與惡補英文啦 還是來自瑞士的台中萬楓酒店總經理 🇨🇭Mr. Daniel Roland Meier🇨🇭 他第一句話就說我爸很年輕 怎麼可能有個這麼大的女兒😂 很沒有距離的一位高幹 我們聊生活家庭旅行等 期待下次再一起玩聊聊 也歡迎新加入台中萬楓酒店的您👏🏻 祝,朝向更...

conglomeration 在 ?????? Hoang Anh Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-06-03 22:57:21

. ------------------------------- Yick Cheong Building 🇭🇰 ------------------------------- Yick Cheong Building also known as the ‘Monster Building’ fo...

  • conglomeration 在 stu sis Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-01-16 01:06:37
    有 16 人按讚

    [133361] 2161. 獵人:火紅眼 × 決鬥 × 生命的代價"Hunter x Hunter" Scarlet Eyes x Duel x Cost of Life (2000)★★★
    [133362] 2162. 獵人:小傑 × 寶物 × 危險男子"Hunter x Hunter" Gon x Treasure x Dangerous Man (2000)★★
    [133363] 2163. 獵人:小傑 × 奇犽 × 致命的跟蹤"Hunter x Hunter" Gon x Killua x The Fatal Shadow (2000)★★★
    [133364] 2164. 獵人:蜘蛛巢穴 × 籠中鳥 × 殺人招"Hunter x Hunter" Spider's Web x Captured x Assassin Technique (2000)★★★ⓡ
    [133365] 2165. 獵人:酷拉皮卡 × 暗殺團 × 揍敵客"Hunter x Hunter" Kurapica x Genei Roydan x Zoldicks (2000)★★★ⓡ
    [133366] 2166. 獵人:蜘蛛聚集 × 揍敵客家族 × 最後的戰爭"Hunter x Hunter" Conglomeration of Spiders x Zoldick Family x Final War (2000)★★★ⓡ
    [133367] 2167. 獵人:酷拉皮卡 × 夥伴 × 幻影旅團的末日"Hunter x Hunter" Kurapica x The End x Spiders' Death (2000)★★★ⓡ
    [133368] 2168. Afrika Bambaataa & Soulsonic Force: Planet Rock——The Album (1986)★★★ⓡ✚
    [133369] 2169. The 7A3: Coolin' In Cali (1988)★★★
    [133370] 2170. Tuff Crew: Danger Zone (1988)★★★

  • conglomeration 在 stu sis Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-01-16 01:06:37
    有 16 人按讚

    [133361] 2161. 獵人:火紅眼 × 決鬥 × 生命的代價"Hunter x Hunter" Scarlet Eyes x Duel x Cost of Life (2000)★★★
    [133362] 2162. 獵人:小傑 × 寶物 × 危險男子"Hunter x Hunter" Gon x Treasure x Dangerous Man (2000)★★
    [133363] 2163. 獵人:小傑 × 奇犽 × 致命的跟蹤"Hunter x Hunter" Gon x Killua x The Fatal Shadow (2000)★★★
    [133364] 2164. 獵人:蜘蛛巢穴 × 籠中鳥 × 殺人招"Hunter x Hunter" Spider's Web x Captured x Assassin Technique (2000)★★★ⓡ
    [133365] 2165. 獵人:酷拉皮卡 × 暗殺團 × 揍敵客"Hunter x Hunter" Kurapica x Genei Roydan x Zoldicks (2000)★★★ⓡ
    [133366] 2166. 獵人:蜘蛛聚集 × 揍敵客家族 × 最後的戰爭"Hunter x Hunter" Conglomeration of Spiders x Zoldick Family x Final War (2000)★★★ⓡ
    [133367] 2167. 獵人:酷拉皮卡 × 夥伴 × 幻影旅團的末日"Hunter x Hunter" Kurapica x The End x Spiders' Death (2000)★★★ⓡ
    [133368] 2168. Afrika Bambaataa & Soulsonic Force: Planet Rock——The Album (1986)★★★ⓡ✚
    [133369] 2169. The 7A3: Coolin' In Cali (1988)★★★
    [133370] 2170. Tuff Crew: Danger Zone (1988)★★★

  • conglomeration 在 堅離地城:沈旭暉國際生活台 Simon's Glos World Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-02-27 21:49:59
    有 134 人按讚

    [#GLOs] 同事一直覺得我應該多介紹GLOs的業務和情況,其實這是一個conglomeration group,本來的規劃是由不同的品牌各自宣傳,我只承擔幕後角色。不過近月開始了太多新projects,再不集中介紹,工作夥伴也會互不認識,所以同事還是簡單看了個新page,這裏也會逐步分享「國際關係產業化」的發展和思考,希望也會逐步成為大家生活一部份。就是未有直接關係的朋友,只要明白一個我們不斷傳播的訊息:走出comfort zone,做自己喜歡做的事,已經很好了。


    【GLOs 開年飯】

    來到了年初十一,終於到了開年飯(及收開工利是)的大日子了,大家提早下班,來到了火炭準備開年飯。這年的開年飯和往年不一樣,雖然同事連同獲邀的合作伙伴一共有四十多名,但卻不是在大型的餐廳,而是在火炭一家叫作伙食工業 fooody的cafe舉行。為何在一家cafe舉辦一個總共有四十多人參加的開年飯?原來,這家cafe將會成為國際關係主題活動場地—GLOs Cafe。在一家即將成立的自家場地舉辦活動,那在cafe搞開年飯也合理不過了;而且可同時為GLOs Cafe舉行開幕儀式。

    在沈旭暉博士及fooody的創辦人,來自iWorking的Kevin分享了這項目的理念過後,GLOs Cafe在簡單而隆重的開幕儀式中正式面世,大家在新開張的GLOs Cafe享用眼前豐富的特大盆菜。開年飯的意義在於讓大家有機會聚首一堂之餘,還能讓不同部門的同事能彼此交流,了解不同部門的構思,激發新的創意,而盆菜這種傳統的香港菜式,更是象徵了團結及分享的重要。

    一眾同事及合作伙伴邊吃著盆菜,邊和剛剛結認的新朋友聊天暢飲桌上美酒。這些美酒由與我們合作進行意大利旅遊項目 Futuro IN. 的Sharpe 從自己酒莊帶過來,當中不少是年產量極少的高級紅酒與白酒,讓眾人有著頂級的味覺享受。


  • conglomeration 在 CarDebuts Youtube 的精選貼文

    2017-10-25 16:18:21

    The Yamaha Motor Innovation Center was completed in December 2016 as the company’s new base for design. In a practice unlike anything before at Yamaha, our designers and engineers gather together in the same studios to work collectively on developing the next generation of Yamaha products. This collaborative effort to think outside the box and cross the boundaries of their individual specialties helps breed new and exciting advances in innovation, with designers sometimes proposing ideas for vehicle frames and mechanisms, or the engineers giving even deeper thought to the beauty of the final product’s finish.

    It was at this new facility at the cutting edge of Yamaha product development that “MOTOROiD” was born. Were we to describe this creation in a word, it is an “autonomous motorcycle.” Employing artificial intelligence, it is able to recognize the owner’s face and actions, stand up from its kickstand and come to its rider. Our aim was to create a new-generation motorcycle in the unique style of Yamaha, so that when the rider settles into the racer-like riding position and grabs the handlebars, it provides a sporty and exciting riding experience regardless of the person’s individual skills or athleticism.

    Despite the awesome conglomeration of mechanical and electronic technology this model represents, it doesn’t have a flashy look. The frame retains traces of the cuts made to create it, the body is marked with un-bandaged scars here and there, and the tires are worn to the point that even the tread grooves are nearly gone. The machine emits a tremendous presence, like a prototype was just brought in straight after numerous hard-run track tests. What you can get from a glimpse of MOTOROiD is the present and the future of Yamaha Design. The designers and engineers wanted to show the public what their repeated creative clashes—and the resulting trust—gave birth to in unaltered form: a machine proudly showing its true colors and all the scars of trial and error.

