[爆卦]Complacent synonym是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Complacent synonym鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Complacent synonym這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 complacent產品中有96篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅孟買春秋,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 這個學者五月的確說台灣疫情爆發原因之一是 complacent,可以說自滿鬆懈安於現況,但看不出什麼故意謾罵的意思,如今她對台灣扭轉劣勢也讚譽有加。這是算什麼大改口?難道台灣禁不起外人一點批評,甚至只是旁觀的評論? 我不知道這個學者是誰,無從判斷她是不是以往對台灣有偏見惡意,若是那就另當別論。但點...

 同時也有18部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過229的網紅alvinwanwingkit温詠傑,也在其Youtube影片中提到,《愛情怎麼了嗎》:遇見你是幸福的,只是幸福的代價太高了。 「那一年,你突然宣告離開,留下我一個人,還有空盪盪的房間。那些想不透的問題,如今早已不重要;那些解不開的心結,如今早已釋懷。雖然做不成情人,就連朋友也沒必要再當。我們回到兩條平行世界,重回原來的生活,好似什麼事情都發生過,而那個人從不打算搬...

  • complacent 在 孟買春秋 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-11 20:50:39
    有 2,261 人按讚

    這個學者五月的確說台灣疫情爆發原因之一是 complacent,可以說自滿鬆懈安於現況,但看不出什麼故意謾罵的意思,如今她對台灣扭轉劣勢也讚譽有加。這是算什麼大改口?難道台灣禁不起外人一點批評,甚至只是旁觀的評論?



  • complacent 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-03 15:39:28
    有 1 人按讚

    EVERYONE wants to retire comfortably. However, it would be difficult to enjoy your golden years without any worries if you do not have sufficient funds to support yourself during retirement.

    While many are complacent with their retirement savings that have been set aside through their mandatory retirement contribution, it may not be enough to sustain you throughout your retirement years. Moreover, you may even find it difficult to earn an income to replenish your savings and cover any shortfalls once you have retired. Therefore, you need to save and invest to generate multiple sources of income during retirement.

    The following are some other reasons why you should take steps to bolster your retirement fund today.

    1. Long-term sustainability

    Malaysians have a rising life expectancy, thanks to medical advancements, and this means that you will need to support yourself for a longer retirement period. At the same time, healthcare costs are escalating, which can lead to increased costs in retirement. As such, you need to take these factors into consideration when planning for your retirement.

    2. Be self-reliant

    As family sizes may have become smaller nowadays, it will take a lot more for children to support their parents during their retirement. You do not have to be a financial burden on your loved ones, especially as your children may have their own family to support, when you are able to generate your own income through your savings and investments.

    3. Manage the impact of inflation

    Inflation will erode your retirement fund as the value of your money today will not be the same in the future. By having a diversified savings and investment portfolio, you may hedge against the effects of inflation to protect your retirement fund.

    To supplement your retirement savings for your future self, you may consider contributing into private retirement scheme (PRS) funds. Apart from building an additional income stream, you can also enjoy up to RM3,000 tax relief per year until 2025 and have peace of mind as your money in PRS will be protected from creditors.


  • complacent 在 Dr 文科生 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-21 11:37:50
    有 897 人按讚



    1. 買BNT疫苗速度買得算快,不過可惜的是接種率並不高、大抵是因為非Pfizer廠而是復星OEM,市民欠缺信心。雖然理論上過到衛生署就應該質素上無大問題,但今時今日市民對政府部門仲有幾多信心,大家心知肚明。



    2. 另外科興愈來愈多研究發現無足夠保護力,要補打BNT,當初狂推老人打科興,打完無保護力中招死亡率最高的又是老人。(但老人們似乎又好buy科興)。花了一筆錢同資源幫一大班人打完疫苗,之後卻要打BNT booster仲要不知混針打booster的效果和風險,執屎需時良久。更加重要的是日後的疫苗護照和Restriction exemption等等,到時認不認科興,定要打埋BNT booster先認?這將會是一大難題

    3. AZ疫苗因為罕見的Vaccine induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia(VITTS)令不少人卻步,基本上都不用期望香港人會打,有大量BNT貨的情況下,亦無急切引入AZ的需要。(但somehow又好多人去打無乜保護力的科興)

    4. 病毒檢測效能當初相當慢,但隨著時間慢慢提升至可以catch up contact tracing。快速地得到檢測結果極為重要,如果你驗完一個人要等成48小時先有結果,其實你就delay了contact tracing亦delay埋isolation同其他close contact的化驗同isolation (呢點台灣做得不太好)

    5. 口罩令當初原意是好,但大家都知當執法部門已經再無信用的時候,權力使人腐敗,放任權力後便很難收回。

    6. 個別官員和學者企圖透過shaming tactics去令市民打疫苗,在媒體上call out因不同原因延遲接種疫苗的市民,說他們應感到羞恥。They need to go back to introduction to public health, shaming and labeling never works, at least not in the long run

    Overall 香港做得幾好,實在有賴香港人自發防疫和警惕病毒的awareness。If anything, we should be proud of ourselves, not ashamed.



    1. 原本的防疫模範國家,從二百幾天無本地個案突然爆出雙北爆發,延至全國。當初大家都說台灣只會為世界示範一次兩周內清零,大抵反映大家對這病毒的不認識。當初防疫做得好,馬照跑舞照跳,似乎不能避免地令大家變得complacent

    2. 疫苗買到2046都未買到足夠數量。這有多種原因,政治原因比較大



    AZ當初便允許Pandemic期間的首30億劑於成本價發售,任何想自己搵廠OEM的都可以申請(如澳洲就自己OEM AZ,不過太focus一間廠就會出事,待會再講澳洲)。當初聽聞AZ有搵台灣廠做OEM,但somehow台灣無簽到,可能當初覺得?難以提供足夠產能?頭大半年無個案令疫苗未有急切性?想等自己國產疫苗臨床試驗結果


    3. 驗病毒的產能搞到2046都未提升

    台灣上個月便出現了驗病毒速度跟不上民眾化驗的數量。如香港的Point 4,驗不切便延後了contact tracing和isolation,令更多可能已感染的close contact在不知情下在社區遊走從而感染更多人。這令更多人需要檢測,vicious cycle


    疫情爆發一年多,卻遲遲未能提升驗病毒的產能,這反映政府其實從來無預過台灣會爆發,跟Point 2一樣。

    4. 台灣不少民眾民智未開 (講這點大概會被鞭屍)




    另外台灣健保是notoriously known,一些藥廠什至不想跟台灣做生意,到底有什麼誘因去令藥廠優先賣疫苗給你?論道德論理的話,台灣未算爆發嚴重,相比起其他每天上萬宗個案的國家,賣給那些國家還可能更有迫切性。



    這未免太不認清台灣的國際地位和現階段的bargaining power

    You don’t really have many options

  • complacent 在 alvinwanwingkit温詠傑 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-01-17 18:23:24



    -by a day magazine


    ●IG: alvinwanwingkit

    ●facebook: alvin wan
    作詞:盧廣仲, 討海人

    習慣這樣 就算得不到回答
    愛你 怎麼了嗎

    傍晚 迎面微風吹來
    這一秒 生日願望已圓滿

    如果 時光能夠倒退
    看著你 無憂慮的臉

    擁有一種自我感覺良好 的信仰 不能嗎
    習慣這樣 就算得不到回答

    為你遼闊的天空 可惜你忘了抬頭看我

    你就是讓我自我感覺良好 的信仰 不能嗎
    就算這樣 一切只剩我想像

    愛你 不用回答

  • complacent 在 SARAH & JASON Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-04-19 01:17:49

    It's been everyone's favourite lately.
    Your love for Chanel and Hermes and all things pretty hahaha
    We're a little hesitant to do an Hermes vlog 'cos there's usually some negative feedback. Of course the positive responses, those of you who want us to film Hermes totally outweigh the baddies hahaha
    Thank you all for jumping to our side to show your support, it's your encouragement that keep us vlogging and making more content.

    There has been a slowdown in the increase the COVID-19 cases in HK, but we shouldn't ease up too soon. I'm sure the situation is similar all over the world. We can't get complacent and we can't be careless. Only with discipline and a lot of teamwork☺️ can we look after ourselves and look after each other.

    1:15 Wandler
    2:54 Yuzefi
    4:27 Simon Miller
    6:10 Louis Vuitton
    8:12 Hermes
    10:19 Tod's

    #HappyWifeHappyLife #HappyGirlfriendHappyLife
    #Chanel #Handbags #包包 #手袋
    #Tods #Wandler #Hermes
    #Yuzefi #Victorinox #SimonMiller

    #StayHome #StayCalm
    #StaySafe #StayHealthy #StayPositive
    #LookAfterYourself #LookAfterEachOther

  • complacent 在 Nigel Sparks Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-02-28 14:57:13

    CHAINS is about the imprisonment of the mind, chains of habit. This can be anything from addictions to unfounded fears. They all start as a simple, small experience and then become normal patterns of behaviour. Once they are a part of your life, they are extremely difficult to get rid of. Remember, at the end of the day we choose our own attachments in life. It is the freedom to choose your own path to believe what you want to believe in and also to be your own person.

    CHAINS was written based on my personal experience, I hope it inspires everyone to let go of what holds them back. Whether if its your past or other person's judgment of you. Life is about moving on & break free! Till the next one, follow me on my socials below.

    You can listen to CHAINS here :
    Spotify - https://spoti.fi/35KLxhO
    Apple Music - ‭ https://apple.co/2XXK4Sp

    Music produced by : Ezzad (@exactesy)
    Illustrated by : Arian Akif (@arianakif)

    Nigel Sparks - Official Social Media (@nigelsparks)
    Instagram: http://instagram.com/NigelSparks
    Facebook: http://facebook.com/NigelSparks
    Twitter: http://twitter.com/NigelSparks

    LYRICS :
    Freedom is the power to choose our own chains
    Freedom is the power to choose our own chains
    I got 2 chains, 3 chains, lotta chains
    They look at me strange
    When I move on to greater things

    [Verse 1]
    I need more power, why u tripping I need more hours
    The time is ticking, shit can turn sour
    If you waste it, I done taste it, once complacent
    You throw it out the window
    Like your ego, start from zero
    If u snooze then u lose, so fuck a pillow
    I stay woke, working graveyard shifts
    25, found a gold mine, Christmas gift

    Freedom is the power to choose our own chains
    Freedom is the power to choose our own chains
    I got 2 chains, 3 chains, lotta chains
    They look at me strange
    When I move on to greater things

    [Verse 2]
    All my chains heavy
    But I'm born ready
    The cowards never started and the weak remains lazy
    The struggle don't make it bitter, all your excuses do
    Greatness is a process, listen to the voice within you
    What's your occupation, what's your designation
    Get a job, get a life, I call that the chain reaction
    What's your occupation, what's your designation
    Get a job, get a life, I call that the chain reaction

    I was once told the chains of habit are too light to be felt
    Until they're too heavy to be broken
    Change, change is scary but change is necessary
    It is for the better or best, never the worse
    I say embrace!


