

在 chorale產品中有25篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅Nowhere Boys,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 感謝 The Underground HK 舉辦野豬音樂節, 好耐無出show, 上到台嘅感覺真係返晒嚟, 仲要係對住中環摩天輪嘅舞台! 多謝Angus Leung幫我地記錄低🤘 希望盡快可以再同大家見面🥺 另外附上Underground網頁裏面Cyril Ma寫嘅show review, 多謝...

 同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅Dd tai,也在其Youtube影片中提到,1. CANON 卡農 帕海貝爾 2. SYMPHONY NO.40 / Minute 第40號交響曲/小步舞曲-莫札特 3. MOONLIGHT SONATA / Adagio 月光奏鳴曲-貝多芬 4. SYMPHONY NO.9 / Chorale 第九號交響曲-貝多芬 5. LIEBES...

chorale 在 Kenji Jino Hino Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-07-06 06:01:48

My June gig English Version! 6/5(sat) JINO YUI DUO crawfish Akasaka Yui Arakawa(per) 6/7 (mon) MJB @Absoluteblue Ikebukuro Masa Kohama(gt) Satoshi Ba...

chorale 在 歐陽偉豪 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-02-08 21:08:05

Cindy 是我的歌唱老師,她也是家長,至於是否怪獸則要看我們的直播,以及之後我們拍的短片。 #bensir #cindyleung #bankyyeung #戲b 這是她的簡介: Cindy Leung received her Master of Arts (Music) at The Chi...

  • chorale 在 Nowhere Boys Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-03-29 12:58:00
    有 125 人按讚

    感謝 The Underground HK 舉辦野豬音樂節, 好耐無出show, 上到台嘅感覺真係返晒嚟, 仲要係對住中環摩天輪嘅舞台! 多謝Angus Leung幫我地記錄低🤘


    另外附上Underground網頁裏面Cyril Ma寫嘅show review, 多謝你, 我哋睇到好感動!

    An Underground show is special because you get new bands, veteran bands, English bands, French bands, marching bands (we did have one) and of course good old fashioned Cantopop bands. But that’s not what Nowhere Boys is. They’re Cantopop, they use ‘old’ music (we’ll get to that), but they’re not old fashioned.
    What first struck me was the violin. Standing in the corner was keyboardist Fisher Kan who decided to whip out a violin for their first song 天外飛仙 (Little Fairy). In their musical video, the band members dress up in classical Chinese outfits and do Kung-fu outside Yau Ma Tei Tin Hau temple, and rock-out next to the Star Ferry pier. They didn’t show up in costume but the whimsical, yet hardcore vibe was just as present. The violin was a little quiet, it could have been the mics, or it could have been their placement, but it would have been great to hear it more.

    The second song 狂想曲 (Rhapsody) gave more surprises yet. Released in 2015 near the beginning of their career, the song is an eclectic mix of hard rock, Baroque piano, choir music, rap and more. Nowhere Boys is a band which excels in both recorded and live forms; they understand the difference between the two media and artistically transform themselves depending on what their stage is. In the Rhapsody music video, the band members don different outfits showing the many sides of the band, someone’s the Joker, someone’s a cop, they’re in an old timey Hong Kong style barbershop – then everyone changes roles. The chorale section has very strong Queen vibes and seems to reference Bohemian Rhapsody. For such a chaotic video, the performance is actually incredibly tight but not overwhelming. On stage, however, they change completely. The whole performance is a musical whirlwind. The hard rock starts, pinning you to your seat. Then the baroque piano solo comes in – in the video, it’s underscored by black and white visuals – here the whole band stops and points synchronized at the pianist to great applause. The performance is intense; they’re jumping around the stage yelling into mics but then comes the chorale. Everyone stops and sings in perfect acapella harmony despite having just run a marathon.

    There’s something to be said for a Cantopop band incorporating so much classic rock, pop and classical music into their performances. Hong Kong is a city where almost everyone has a Grade 8 in musical performance, but becoming a musician is not a career most people will consider. It’s unrealistic, useless, for a hobby only. Our professional choirs and opera groups are performed in by amazing award-winning singers who are actually bankers and doctors. This means that just in terms of classical music knowledge, Hong Kong really is world class – much of local slang actually comes from musical terminology – but it’s ignored. Nowhere Boys whether they know it or not, is bridging that gap. As a rock Cantopop group, they excel perfectly with creative lyrics, great stage presence and top-notch performance, but more than that, they encompass the musical soul of Hong Kong, telling those that play classical music that the pop world does have a space for them and simultaneously letting popular music fans know that the classical side also has a place. Their creativity and performance style weren’t just for a good show, it was inspirational. At least it was to me – a classically trained musician writing rock show reviews.

    – Cyril Ma

    #UndergroundHK #NowhereBoysHK #WildBoarFestival #野豬音樂節

  • chorale 在 Vincent Hsu 徐崇育 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-02-15 20:25:40
    有 27 人按讚

    02/16/2021【Jazz Supreme 爵士.無所不在】# 163
    『 The Story of Gospel Vol. 3』-- African American Gospel: The Pioneering Composer
    『福音音樂的故事-第三集』: 福音音樂先鋒作曲家
    “I wan to be a composer-arranger, because when you play, you can only express one idea at a time. When you write you can say it all.” ---Oilver Nelson

    在爵士音樂誕生前, 黑奴的工作歌和在教堂裡為神獻唱的歌曲成為記錄當時黑奴和非裔美國人生活的直接媒介. 在廢除黑奴制度後, 許多自由的非裔美國人從南方向北遷移, 這些移民的故事也記錄在這些福音歌曲裡.
    19世紀末期, 福音音樂作曲家開始出現, 為了述說黑奴的生命經驗與在種族歧視下的心理狀態, 福音音樂成為救贖與抒發的方式. Charles A. Tindley(1851-1933)便是早期重要的福音作曲家, 這些歌曲成為在傳教時被傳唱的歌曲. 其他作曲家如:第一位知名的非裔女性福音作曲家Lucie Eddie Campbell和曾擔任藍調教母Ma Rainey鋼琴手的Thomas Andrew Dosey(1899-1993)都將在節目中為大家介紹他們的音樂. 明晚8點, 歡迎大家收聽!

    本週播放曲目 :
    1.Stand By Me/Lou Bell Johnson-Wade In the Water, Vol. 3: African-American Gospel: The Pioneering Composers
    2. We'll Understand It Better/Toshi Reagon
    3.What Are They Doing In Heaven Today?/Bernice Reagon, Yasmeen, And Michele Lanchester
    4. Something Within/Eugene Smallwood
    5. Speak to Me Jesus/Sweet Honey In The Rock
    6. It's a Highway to Heaven/Donald Vails
    7. I Was Standing By the Bedside of a Neighbor/Michele Lanchester & Sweet Honey In The Rock
    8. Just a Closer Walk With Thee/Sweet Honey In The Rock
    9. God Specializes/Donald Vails And Gloria Griffin
    10. Precious Lord/Carolyn Bolger-Payne And The Philadelphia Ambassadors Chorale And Ensemble

    【Jazz Supreme 爵士.無所不在】
    每週二晚上 8:00pm 首播 (每週日晚上11:00pm重播)
    台北 Bravo FM91.3 首播時間:02月16日 (二) 20:00
    台北 Bravo FM91.3 重播時間:02月21日(日) 23:00
    台中 Classical 古典音樂台 FM97.7:02月19日 (五) 23:00
    ♫♫ 收聽方式♫♫
    1. 廣播電台-大台北地區 BRAVO FM91.3台中地區 Classical 古典音樂台 FM97.7
    2. PC收聽 https://goo.gl/Y5oOcK
    3. 手機收聽 https://goo.gl/NCxYKV
    4. 經典重聽 https://goo.gl/3PwCi5
    #JazzSupreme #爵士無所不在 #BravoFM91.3 #VincentHsu #徐崇育 Vincent Hsu Calice Chen BRAVO FM91.3 台北/都會/音樂 Classical FM97.7 古典音樂台

    照片取自By and By: Charles Albert Tindley, the Father of Gospel Music封面

  • chorale 在 Fan-Chiang Yi 范姜毅 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-06-25 21:19:28
    有 69 人按讚

    加拿大女鋼琴家與巴赫作品專赫薇特(Angela Hewitt)在英國倫敦的Wigmore音樂廳演奏巴赫作品與改編巴赫的作品

    In the month when Angela Hewitt
    would have performed the final concert of the multi-season Bach Odyssey, she presents a special live broadcast programme including her own arrangement of a 1714 chorale.

