[爆卦]Chawy ig是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

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ATTENTION !! Long wall of text ahead

As most of you might noticed, I haven't been on the scene for quite awhile now
. Truth is, I had actually stepped down as a professional gamer and had been c
oaching these few months. I didn't release this news back then because it was
a really tough decision for me as I had been playing competitive for more than
13 years. More than half of my life was spent in E-sports as a player and it
was never an easy decision to bring it to and end. After much thoughts, I deci
ded to try out the coaching role as many people I worked with said I might be

Hi everyone, I'm Chawy and I started competitive when I was 13. I played DotA
and DotA 2 competitively and got decent results both locally and international
I was introduced to League of Legends(LoL) in 2010 by Riot Games where they in
vited the best DotA players from each country in South East Asia(SEA) to parti
cipate in a tournament (Ring of Champions). The champion gets to represent SEA
to play against representative of NA, EU and China for WCG 2010.
After few days of tough matches, we managed to win the tournament and had the
chance to represent SEA to play in WCG 2010 held in Los Angeles. This was my f
irst time flying to somewhere so far, somewhere I would never dreamt of going.
As we didn't have much time training, we didn't expect to win anything. It wa
s simply a dreamy experience, seeing so many great players face to face. I rem
embered being really excited when I met hotshotGG and bigfatlp. HotshotGG bein
g hotshotGG and bigfatlp being my idol back then. I learned lots of things wat
ching him, copied his runes and everything I could, wanting to be as good as h
As WCG began, we somehow managed to win China and got placed third. I remember
ed playing blitzcrank and buying B.F. sword because I had only played LoL for
two few weeks and had no clue what items are suppose to be bought. I simply pl
ayed what looks badass. We got wrecked freaking badly by CLG though

Moving ahead, I was juggling between DotA 2 and LoL as I was winning both tour
naments locally. I ended up choosing LoL.
Time flew by and it was Season 2. The first paid professional team was formed
in Singapore, the Singapore Sentinels(SGS). Two players were chosen from our s
erver and had been given power to choose up to 10 players for trial. I was rea
lly thrilled because it was a dream come true to have an income doing what I l
oved most. Sadly for me, they picked many players but me. I was clearly the be
st back home but they mainly picked their own friends so they could enjoy earn
ing together. It was never about picking the best team to represent Singapore.
I also come to accept the fact that maybe they were afraid I might deprove af
ter I enlist a few weeks later. Enlistment is a must for every male in Singapo
re. It last for two years but you get to book out every weekends, or for only
the first few months of training, and you get to book out every evening depend
ing on where you're posted. I was mad, I was desperate. I couldn't accept the
fact that the only professional team in my country didn't even trial me or tal
ked to me. After I was enlisted, i trained so hard every weekend I'm out. I ha
d only one goal, and that's to destroy SGS.
So I formed a random team with friends I played normal games with. Friends whi
ch are around gold standard and we managed to take games off the only professi
onal team which was supposed to smash every team they came across. Not long af
ter, their manager contacted me and offered a higher salary than the current p
layers, I agreed.
I started playing for SGS, my first professional game was against the godly TP
A where I had over 10 kills playing Corki. We almost won but I threw because I
was too excited. No one ever came close to taking games off TPA in our region
and I almost did it in my first game. It was definitely a roller coaster ride
that day.
Few weeks later, the manager talked to me and told me that they didn't have en
ough money, and that I wouldn't be paid being in SGS. I was shocked, I was bro
ken, but I stayed and continued doing my best. I knew my aim was not just to b
e the best in Singapore or SEA but so much more. I chose to stay despite not b
eing paid because I was given a Taiwan server super account and that let me pl
ayed against way better players. It was never easy for me seeing some of my te
ammates not work hard, but bringing the salary home every month. It was not ma
de any easier when the prize money had to be split equally too..
Luckily for me, we participated in quite a few international tournaments and h
ad been to places like San Francisco, and even Las Vegas during my 21st birthd
ay! I love meeting other players from other regions because there's so much to
learn from them.I will skip the part about missing two worlds appearance in S
GS because most already know the story.
Fast forward to 2014. I was tired and didn't felt like playing anymore. I felt
I wasn't good enough. I sacrificed everything but had no results and I wanted
to go back to studying, back from scratch. I applied for private school. Few
weeks later, TPA contacted my manager from SGS and asked if I'm interested in
joining them. It was more of a no from me because I wanted to study something
new, start a new chapter of my life but my family strongly supported me. They
knew this was the only thing I wanted and now I finally get a chance to do it,
why not try for it. And that's how I came to Taiwan.

It's been more than 4 years since I came to Taiwan and I never regretted any s
econd of it. There's so many people I want to thank and I hope they forgive me
if I miss out any. Firstly Quaker, the manager of TPA. Thank you for always t
aking good care of the players, and making sure we feel at home. Things would
be so much harder being in a foreign country alone if not for you. Polo, leade
r of TPA. Thank you for being a big brother to us and making sure things goes
smoothly for the team. Retty, head of garena and TPA biggest supporter. Thanks
for always giving us positive vibes, sharing with us how to be successful and
always having faith in us. Hulk, leader of AHQ. Thanks for settling so many i
ssues for the team, always taking good care of the players especially me, maki
ng sure I feel at home while in AHQ. Boss Xie, thanks for sacrificing so much
for the team, trusting the team and giving so much to us. Thanks for bring my
parents over to Taiwan multiple times just to surprise me because I miss home.
Boss Henry, thanks for teaching me on how to become a better leader, a better
person. How working hard never goes wrong. Eric, manager of HKA. Thanks for g
iving me advice during tough times and helping me improve as a person. Derek,
thanks for having so much faith in me not just being a player or as a coach, b
ut as a person. Thank you for your selfless contribution to esports. Last but
not least, thank you Riot Games for making sure the players get the best in ev
ery event held. Thank you every members of Riot Games for being so friendly an
d taking good care of us especially when we're overseas. I am truly thankful f
rom the bottom of my heart for the opportunity to play in such great teams. I
am also thankful for the teammates I had.

Right now, I just want to continue contributing to E-sports however I can. We
started from nothing, and look where we are right now. I hope one day I'll be
coaching my son, seeing him continue the dream I never completed.


大家好,我是Chawy,我從13歲開始打電競比賽。我之前打dota 和dota2在國內外都曾得
過不錯的成績。我第一次接觸英雄聯盟是2010年,當時Riot Games邀請東南亞各國頂級的
dota選手來參加一個比賽(Ring of Champions)。冠軍能代表東南亞和北美歐洲、中國
在WCG 2010競爭。打了幾天的硬戰,我們贏下了比賽,也得到代表東南亞去辦在洛杉磯的
WCG 2010的比賽資格。我從不曾想過這生能有機會去到這麼遠的地方,因為我們練習時間
記得見到hotshotGG還有bigfatlp 。hatshotGG是當時的大咖,bigfatlp是我當時的偶像


謝謝你為電競不顧一切的付出。最後我要謝謝Riot Games確保選手每一次到任何比賽場合
都是擁有最好的一切。謝謝Riot Games每個成員都很友善,當我們在國外都特別照顧好我


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1538378366.A.95E.html
hongou : 因為打不好 又交了18歲正妹女友 過爽爽吧10/01 15:20
QoGIVoQ : 太長10/01 15:20
InnGee : 字全部擠在一起怎麼看 10/01 15:20
※ 編輯: qazwsx879345 (, 10/01/2018 15:21:06
WenKaiSu : @蕭 10/01 15:21
wai0806 : 挖靠 沒薪水照打 怎麼不告SGS== 10/01 15:22
sean44555 : SGS也太爛 10/01 15:22
PeterHenson : 翻譯:我退休了 10/01 15:22
tim9527 : SGS時候的汎神 10/01 15:22
yoshro : 下一個旅程加油。 10/01 15:22
HaiTurtle : 醬油 10/01 15:22
q347 : 翻譯拉 幹 10/01 15:23
mm4669075 : 看完了 大將加油 10/01 15:23
wssxxx : 回國了嗎 10/01 15:23
DiviNeLuke : 自己做不到的事 別叫你小孩做好嗎 10/01 15:23
kenek0612 : 變HKA後勤嗎? 10/01 15:24
LENling : 推 10/01 15:24
a3221715 : A粉別再追殺了 去年沒他你西也不能出國 10/01 15:24
simon2358 : 給我懶人包 10/01 15:24
tim8177414 : 終於肯滾回新加坡了 呼 10/01 15:24
hermionex : 西門比他強300倍 10/01 15:24
tim8177414 : 浪費台灣糧食 10/01 15:24
sowgotoHELL : 不要把自己的夢想加諸於別人身上 10/01 15:25
sowgotoHELL : 替你的兒子感到悲哀 10/01 15:25
ThanAlil : SGS不是新加坡G社的隊伍嗎 還沒薪水喔.. 10/01 15:25
tim8177414 : 來自新加坡的電競毒醬油 10/01 15:26
Meigankoro : @蕭 @陳 10/01 15:26
WenKaiSu : 笑死 還敢學阿 老婆 10/01 15:26
john950146 : 懶人包:我退休了 現在轉當後勤 然後說說我的電競路 10/01 15:27
sdf88523 : 意思是懷孕了嗎 10/01 15:28
y00167077 : 叫兒子來打 不好ㄅ 10/01 15:28
zxcv820421 : 所以他現在在哪裡 10/01 15:28
atsyuan4700 : 太長 10/01 15:28
ap9xxx : 兒子? 有家室了? 10/01 15:28
sdf88523 : 很多人說你適合後勤知道為啥嗎 給你面子不直接說你 10/01 15:29
sdf88523 : 不適合當選手 10/01 15:29
turtleaoc : 新加坡幾乎全部隊伍都是俱樂部形式 沒支薪的 10/01 15:29
kirbycopy : 好兇喔 之前大家不都叫西Z 航Z 丁Z一起打嗎? 10/01 15:29
kirbycopy : 阿 抱歉 沒有丁Z 10/01 15:29
f051372 : 要拿下一個世界冠軍的是小航Z 10/01 15:29
zjk4451 : 為啥那麼多酸民?chawy退休不祝福嗎 10/01 15:30
barry910543 : 要當後勤可以去北美 Chawy的英文很好 10/01 15:30
aries1985 : 人家忙著談戀愛啦 10/01 15:30
Tchachavsky : 丁Z早已經變成遊戲角色了 10/01 15:30
yoshro : 新加坡的問板凳仔應該很清楚 10/01 15:30
may512103 : 醫生叫兒子成為醫生正常 電競選手希望兒子成為電競 10/01 15:31
iphone55566 : 叫航Z打是喊爽的吧 又不是真的家長喊 10/01 15:31
may512103 : 選手又不好了 況且也不一定要兒子當選手 以後有爸 10/01 15:31
may512103 : 爸人脈可以爽當後勤 鄉民懂什麼? 10/01 15:31
Andy7577272 : 謝謝大將 10/01 15:31
aikun : 酸民又出現啦~ 10/01 15:31
Tchachavsky : 打13年電動 坐幾年板凳 10/01 15:31
r124195181 : 推 10/01 15:31
jinkela1 : 兒子!???? 10/01 15:32
jinkela1 : 反觀 10/01 15:32
stylecafe : 上面白癡酸民一堆 10/01 15:32
wi3414 : 給箭頭 世界賽沒carry過 10/01 15:33
berry383838 : 加油 10/01 15:34
may512103 : 以他在電競圈13年的人脈 他的兒子進這行自然有人罩 10/01 15:34
sbflight : 一堆酸民ㄏㄏ 10/01 15:34
may512103 : 他 絕對不會過的比22k鄉民差 鄉民還是只會刻板印象 10/01 15:34
xyzpdq951753: 大將加油 10/01 15:35
FatZiiiii : 所以去哪隊後勤??? 10/01 15:35
marginal5566: 唯一的錯就是跟西門搶位置 看看上面好可怕 10/01 15:35
h034826567 : 女友圖? 10/01 15:35
kirbycopy : 你們可以隨便講講人家已經生出來的小孩 他自己本人 10/01 15:35
DillMichel : A粉別再追殺了 去年沒他你西也不能出國 10/01 15:36
kirbycopy : 不能對尚未出生的小孩有點期許? 10/01 15:36
DillMichel : 要女友圖可以去他IG 他還蠻常放閃的 10/01 15:36
jennifer8284: 祝福他~ 10/01 15:37
Calaglin : 生不逢時 最強的時候被朋友搞 10/01 15:37
john950146 : 再推一個 一堆人酸他怎不退休 現在退了結果.. 呵呵 10/01 15:38
tomlee1130 : 大將再會了QQ感謝你凱瑞TPA 10/01 15:38
ja11s4o1n7 : 西粉好氣 10/01 15:38
jacky198843 : 推個 祝福你 大將加油 10/01 15:38
jinkela1 : 我一直在想他怎麼沒很carry 是不是因為換路 10/01 15:40
boss74123 : 大將QQ 10/01 15:40
hellostitch : 一堆西粉到處追殺 看了就噁心 10/01 15:40
fnb10803 : 反觀 10/01 15:40
kullan : 當時如果選擇留在Dota或許也有另一番成就 10/01 15:41
manshe : 大將加油~ 10/01 15:41
willieqoo : 沒實力的咖 只會真人pk 滾 10/01 15:41
may512103 : 真的很喜歡ad時期的大將 很狂 10/01 15:41
jinkela1 : 他成績就沒西門好 說出來就馬上變西粉? 10/01 15:41
hellostitch : 結束選手生涯給個祝福也很難 10/01 15:41
floyd2257 : S5在TPA 非常凱瑞 10/01 15:41
jinkela1 : ad時候他猛吧 雖然後來確實小安什麼比他猛 10/01 15:41
Owada : 加油! 10/01 15:42
zoozy : 認真的 後勤太多人了 當健身教練應該很有前途 10/01 15:42
odanaga : qq 10/01 15:42
LENling : 本版素質真的低落 10/01 15:43
mike0327 : 世界賽那個雷茲真心爛 10/01 15:43
DillMichel : 台灣的後勤蠻缺的吧? 10/01 15:43
Goke : 推啊 大將真的很可憐QQ 10/01 15:43
mk4188623 : 在寫英文作文膩 10/01 15:44
sue5566 : 推大將 10/01 15:44
mk4188623 : 還好都看得懂 10/01 15:44
December14 : 推 10/01 15:44
hanklee157 : 推 10/01 15:44
hermionex : 有西門強? 10/01 15:45
PGKingBear : 推 前幾樓素質堪憂 10/01 15:45
jkduke : 大將 就想到 他的星朵拉 真的厲害 10/01 15:45
mm4669075 : 前面幾樓戾氣太重了吧 10/01 15:45
Gnardada : 推 沒有成功的人 背後也有屬於他們的故事 10/01 15:46
billgreenoil: 明明就一堆西黑id在噓= = 10/01 15:46
jason2325 : 無腦噓的 真得可憐 10/01 15:47
ares960 : 推 10/01 15:47
sowgotoHELL : 純噓兒子那句 其他還是給推 祝順利 10/01 15:47
a1s2d342001 : 大將也蠻可憐的 一次一次的錯過不好機會 祝福他 10/01 15:48
jny84 : 最強的時候跟HaRleLuYaR 硬帶其他三個肉包進資格賽 10/01 15:48
jny84 : ,結果都輸小丑隊 10/01 15:48
MIDDLELIN : 不如轉行吧 一路看過來當健身教練最合適 10/01 15:50
Nuey : 可撥== 自己沒完成的夢想不要逼小孩實現好嗎 10/01 15:50
catclan : 噓的也太悲憤了吧 10/01 15:50
qwe00489 : 他願意轉後勤不錯吧 台灣一堆退役的寧願開台也不想 10/01 15:50
qwe00489 : 帶隊 10/01 15:50
fromia : 現在是哪隊? 10/01 15:50
jny84 : HKA 10/01 15:51
qwe00489 : 像我大特!哥台服最強打野就不肯帶隊 10/01 15:51
sgps : 西粉淚推大將 希望大將不要理某幾樓可悲酸民 他 10/01 15:52
pdf300ppi : 祝福推 兒子怎麼了~管到別人兒子身上 LUL 10/01 15:52
sgps : 們人生也就這樣 10/01 15:52
s505015 : 哪隊啊 10/01 15:52
LiNaK31119 : 時代的眼淚QQ 10/01 15:52
pdf300ppi : 閱讀能力有問題吧XD 逼兒子哈哈 10/01 15:53
luleen : 我們特可是連兒子都沒有 10/01 15:53
r124195181 : 帶隊要背鍋啊 10/01 15:53
w31012 : 可惜了 如果新加坡有個可樂林 真的認真組一隊 10/01 15:53
w31012 : 現在可能完全不是這樣 10/01 15:54
popo60312 : S27將由 小Cz 小白z 小丁z 小西z 來稱霸LOL 10/01 15:54
aaaqqq : 大將88QQ 10/01 15:55
PPTmilktea : 感謝文還可以有這麼多酸民 真悲哀 10/01 15:55
bkj123 : 遊手好閒的酸民果然擠在前面 10/01 15:56
qq5377352 : 欸 好可憐 a粉口下的犧牲者 10/01 15:56
lebronlp097 : 大將 辛苦你的付出了 10/01 15:57
s1239199 : 都退休了還噓是怎樣? 10/01 15:57
soalzelance : A粉好兇=ㄦ 10/01 15:58
stussy : 你不說我還真忘了你的存在 10/01 15:58
rogerno1 : 原來消失這麼久是退役了啊... 10/01 15:59
monangel : 西粉真的好可怕阿 快逃阿 10/01 16:00
mijiang0715 : 祝福 10/01 16:01
qee55559 : 樓上幾樓可能覺得這樣回很幽默吧 連孩子怎麼期許都 10/01 16:01
qee55559 : 有鄉民的是 呵呵 10/01 16:02
z83420123 : 原來在sgs一毛錢都沒拿到啊 這還是原廠東南亞唯一 10/01 16:03
z83420123 : 代理商 LUL 10/01 16:04
qwert65732 : a粉還再哭啊 10/01 16:04
Water0823 : 真心覺得chawy真的生不逢時 如果一開始就在台灣發 10/01 16:08
Water0823 : 展 會很不一樣 10/01 16:08
asd810733 : 靠統神紅的小丑 10/01 16:08
DaiwaNWoIF : QQ 10/01 16:09
tinhanho : 2p 可撥 10/01 16:09
N40805 : QQ 10/01 16:10
beef68 : 隨口說說兒子結果酸民就隨之起舞 真可憐 看看自己人 10/01 16:12
beef68 : 生的成就 阿難怪這麼酸 沒辦法 10/01 16:12
andy88566y : 希望你能培養出下個大將! 10/01 16:13
eazyremember: 打很久是事實 出國沒有CARRY過也是 10/01 16:13
coolplus : 懶人包: 我不當選手了 謝謝大家 88 10/01 16:14
SmoWeI : 再見了大將 希望能成為好的教練 10/01 16:15
SmoWeI : a粉真D兇 以前大將還沒來AHQ根本沒這麼多黑 10/01 16:15
SmoWeI : 把西門幾下先發西粉就爆氣了 真D恐怖 離開還要追殺 10/01 16:16
dinopeter : 西粉素質 連這都能酸 10/01 16:16
xunpla123 : 至少從內文看他也只是期許。。他有說要逼嗎 0.0 10/01 16:17
icefish : 時代的眼淚 QQ 10/01 16:19
jinnia38929 : 希望當後勤能比當選手順利 10/01 16:20
astala1545 : 好了啦西粉, 一直追殺有個屁鳥用 10/01 16:23
alonzohorse : 西粉超可怕,寧願輸了門票也要噴大將 10/01 16:24
fj17350730 : 推大將 10/01 16:25
alau : 代表作 大將 = = 10/01 16:25
MarginalOuO : QQ 10/01 16:26
jeffrey0112 : 加油 10/01 16:26
plzza0cats : A粉都記仇一世 太誇張了吧== 10/01 16:26
ezpznigahiga: 講講而已也可以崩潰噓 是他兒子膩 10/01 16:27
linyi520 : 大將加油,好了啦C粉不要再追殺惹! 10/01 16:27
mahua : 兇啥 鄉民整天叫別人小孩打職業 阿人家對小孩有點 10/01 16:30
mahua : 期許也不能喔 10/01 16:30
x23x : 某h明明西黑反串西粉 10/01 16:31
lin7226004 : 西粉推大將 一堆噁心反串西黑 10/01 16:32
childrenstop: 推 不懂噓的心態是什麼 10/01 16:36
Aaronko : 0勝秋早該退了 10/01 16:39
pendant95113: 相信大將一定是個很棒的後勤,祈禱你能帶領隊伍前 10/01 16:41
pendant95113: 往世界 10/01 16:41
ronan113021 : 鄉民酸起來! 10/01 16:42
choosin : 推 或許選手來說成就差強人意 但未來還能以後勤身分 10/01 16:43
choosin : 繼續奮鬥 加油!!! 10/01 16:43
Haruna1998 : 推 10/01 16:44
jevin : 大將辛苦了 好好一個新加坡 跑來台灣逐夢 10/01 16:47
jevin : 新加坡人 10/01 16:47
bonlagee : 期待小將z 10/01 16:48
egodoist : 願意推這位在後TPA時期陪伴大家的中路選手 10/01 16:48
clippershi : 好了啦A粉 沒大將你們就去打升降了內= = 10/01 16:50
eisenccw : 謝謝 大將 10/01 16:51
k254369 : 推 10/01 16:52
kor525 : 推大將 10/01 16:52
uglyfinger : 推個 10/01 16:52
SSAB : 所以大將在哪隊當後勤 10/01 16:54
sai511477 : 一開始說要支薪然後不支薪 還不吉死他 比TT還坑 10/01 16:55
samkang55 : 推大將 10/01 16:56
ck2oliver5 : 以前看大將法洛士超猛,可惜生不逢時辛苦了 10/01 16:57
philip81501 : 走AD可能還有前途 中路沒什麼亮眼的 10/01 17:00
falls777 : 大將加油 祝福你未來一切順利 10/01 17:01
cmcmcmcm9 : 推 10/01 17:02
jl000046 : 好了啦西粉A粉 10/01 17:04
crazwade : 噓 一樓hater zzzzz 10/01 17:07
j74127412 : 真的強 10/01 17:08
qscgg : 大將!! 10/01 17:10
bradpete : 大將加油 10/01 17:18
owlman : 早期的電競環境不成熟一堆幫打免錢的 10/01 17:19
qq135373 : 大將 10/01 17:26
a6964528 : 當時代打被嘴成什麼樣子 退役馬上洗白 10/01 17:29
Ten6666 : SGS 10/01 17:40
zoizupas : 不能噓歐 ㄏㄏ 10/01 17:41
Agent5566 : yo 10/01 17:45
aaron1213 : 加油 10/01 17:46
a3900656 : 有些人的腦子到底有什麼問題,這也要酸 10/01 17:55
chiuchang : ㄊ 10/01 17:58
GeoLuke0726 : a粉 西粉就是一堆腦衝的酸酸 ㄏㄏ 10/01 18:05
ButterflyBao: A粉不意外 亂源 10/01 18:10
dbear87 : 星朵拉打SKT明明就很凱瑞,A粉選擇性失憶? 10/01 18:11
ray221740718: QQ 10/01 18:18
KoiKaze : 推一下 感謝你對電競的貢獻 10/01 18:19
Dino60128 : 時代的眼淚 10/01 18:21
Amulet1 : 大將謝謝你 10/01 18:34
amsmsk : 還記得法囉讓外國主播高潮 10/01 18:47
bird0603136 : 給推 10/01 19:01
abkd2246 : 其實當時明星賽bebe不能打讓他補就覺得不行了 10/01 20:03
abkd2246 : 當時根本在雷我mistake...如果當年上bebe搞不好會贏 10/01 20:04
Jeff52782 : 他根本就不該打中 他打法適合ad 10/01 21:49
Predrag26671: 前面幾樓完美秀下限 真的很可憐 10/01 23:46
b1727171 : 真的沒有那個命... 10/02 00:14
asdfgh0845 : 加油 辛苦了 10/02 01:19
g1234512 : 吸粉不意外 10/02 09:23
qaz123505 : 西粉太秀下限了吧超可恥人家兒子干你屁事 10/02 17:50
milkteafood : 祝福啦 10/03 09:14

