雖然這篇Cautionary synonym鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Cautionary synonym這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章
在 cautionary產品中有39篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Eyes may be the most important bodily instrument for me as an actor to convey emotions on screen. Before Lasik surgery, I went through rounds and roun...
同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過15萬的網紅豐富,也在其Youtube影片中提到,主持人:陳鳳馨 來賓:丁學文 主題:一週國際經濟趨勢 ①《經濟學人》封面故事 (美亞版本) Message in a bottleneck 蘇伊士運河大堵塞蘊含的信息 ②《倫敦金融時報》社論:Archegos’s cautionary tale for banking Archegos 事件對銀行產...
- 關於cautionary 在 Princess Sayang Instagram 的最佳解答
- 關於cautionary 在 Fabian Loo Instagram 的精選貼文
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- 關於cautionary 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於cautionary 在 本土研究社 Liber Research Community Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於cautionary 在 豐富 Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於cautionary 在 Wes Davies 衛斯理 Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於cautionary 在 FON KIRURU Youtube 的最佳解答
cautionary 在 Princess Sayang Instagram 的最佳解答
2021-09-16 06:15:01
🎶 Cause I’m leaving on a jet plane 🎶 In the last month or so European countries have started to open up their borders as pandemic incidence rates fe...
cautionary 在 Fabian Loo Instagram 的精選貼文
2021-07-09 20:12:22
Eyes may be the most important bodily instrument for me as an actor to convey emotions on screen. Before Lasik surgery, I went through rounds and roun...
cautionary 在 明周文化 Instagram 的最佳貼文
2021-05-26 19:26:39
【威尼斯建築雙年展2021】第十七屆威尼斯建築雙年展,今日正式開幕。原於去年舉辦的活動,因疫情延至今年,大會主題"How will we live together"(如何共同生活)在全球共同經歷疫情過後,顯得更為貼切。 官方資料指,今年的國際展覽總共有112個分別來自46個國家的單位參與,同...
cautionary 在 豐富 Youtube 的最佳貼文
2021-04-07 12:30:33主持人:陳鳳馨
①《經濟學人》封面故事 (美亞版本) Message in a bottleneck 蘇伊士運河大堵塞蘊含的信息
②《倫敦金融時報》社論:Archegos’s cautionary tale for banking Archegos 事件對銀行產業的警示
③《經濟學人》封面故事 (歐洲版本) The pandemic in Europe 歐洲在應對疫情方面出了什麼問題?
④《經濟學人》財經板塊:Neither predator nor pal 談中國和新興市場之間的債務設計
節目時間:週一至週五 07:00-09:00am
#陳鳳馨 #TheEconomist #一週國際經濟趨勢
🔔 圖片取自:The Economist
📣 更多 #財經起床號 專題影音:https://bit.ly/2QvBR55
🔍 馨天地
Apple Podcast:https://reurl.cc/kVOXMx
Google Podcast:https://reurl.cc/7y0k45
▍九八新聞台@大台北地區 FM98.1
• APP Store:https://news98.page.link/apps
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• Himalaya:https://www.himalaya.com/news98channel
• Apple Podcast:https://goo.gl/Y8dd5F
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cautionary 在 Wes Davies 衛斯理 Youtube 的最佳貼文
2020-05-27 17:00:07#衛斯理探索台南 #WesDaviesExploreTainan
Naick and Kim's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC59wFhNHJh29VrvdmeA2nEg
Wes Davies IG @wesofthesun
Thanks to @Naick & Kim!
In this video, I took a few minutes to ask Naick and Kim about their incredible travel adventures around the world, which they have been on for almost two years. They talk about their favorite countries, the many positives of travel, and even a cautionary tale which occurred on a diving trip in Thailand last year. Get to know them a little better, and find some inspiration for your own travel plans in the future.
Check out their channel if you haven't already! You're going to want to follow them as they continue their journey!
cautionary 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
Eyes may be the most important bodily instrument for me as an actor to convey emotions on screen. Before Lasik surgery, I went through rounds and rounds of meticulous pre-test with VISTA Eye Specialist Bangsar South. It is these cautionary procedures that rest assure some worries I had before. I used to be a blind deer when it comes to Lasik - No “Eye-Deer” 🤪 Meanwhile, stay safe everyone! #vistaeye
cautionary 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答
最近疫情再次高升,駐台灣的Bloomberg 記者寫了一篇文章:
Complacency Let Covid Erode Taiwan’s Only Line of Defense
自滿讓 COVID 侵蝕了台灣唯一的防線
📌 結構:當調查故事寫
1. Opening line: 戲劇性開場,不要無聊
2. Background: 然後再給簡短背景
3. Key moment: 影響後續發展最關鍵的事件
4. Outcome: 這個決定的後果
5. What to do: 國際專家建議應該怎麼做
6. But.....: 可惜,可能做不到
7. Details: 後面的部分,再進入細節
📌 最好的開頭 = 簡短有力、抓住注意力、又可以做結論
All the virus had to do was get through the border.
Until this week, Taiwan’s Covid-19 containment appeared to be so effective that virtually no other defenses were put in place: few tests, no local surveillance to pick up undetected infection and close to zero vaccination.
Lauded as one of most successful places in the world at containment, a high level of complacency about the risks had set in among both the public and authorities. Covid-19 seemed to be something happening only in the outside world.
All the virus had to do was get through the border.
📌 給一點背景後,馬上提到關鍵一個決定
記者們解釋背景的篇幅,就只有三段。他們很快就鎖定關鍵的一個 (錯誤) 決定:
The virus’s opening was an ill-fated decision on April 15 to shorten quarantine for airline crew to just three days, as carriers struggled to operate their cargo lines with staff undergoing 14-day isolation periods. Infected pilots introduced a more transmissible U.K. variant, whose spread was then accelerated through a network of “hostess bars” -- places both staff and patrons were reluctant to be associated with, making contact tracing more difficult.
如果他們再花 1-2 段解釋背景,文章就會變得有點無聊,會流失讀者。
📌 Note:寫作語氣相對正式
這幾位記者,也許是受 Bloomberg 整體風格影響,還算正式。
The virus's opening was an ill-fated decision...
輕鬆口語化的文章,絕對不會用 "ill-fated" (ill 就是生病/不好嘛,fate 就是命運,所以就是「之後的命運不好」的一個決定。這是一個很不錯的字就是了。
Infected pilots introduced a more transmissible U.K. variant, whose spread was then accelerated through a network of “hostess bars” -- places both staff and patrons were reluctant to be associated with, making contact tracing more difficult.
哇噻,尤其 "reluctant to be associated with",好。。。委婉啊
Infected pilots carried a more transmissible U.K. variant, which then spread quickly through a network of "hostess bars". This also made contact tracing harder — because staff and customers didn't want to admit that they worked at or visited these bars.
📌 強調嚴重性
Taiwan reported 267 new infections Wednesday, bringing the total over the past few days to 1,291 -- a small number in global terms but an astonishing one in a place that, before May 1, had posted just 1,132 cases during the entire pandemic.
The surge from zero to quadruple digits signals that undetected spread has been occurring for months, and concern is now growing that Taiwan will go the way of other cautionary tales, from the outbreak last year in Australia’s Victoria state that took a brutal three-month lockdown to quell, to Thailand’s ongoing surge driven by prison clusters.
"The surge from zero to quadruple"
這邊,寫的非常好,因為雖然不是真正的 rhyme,還是聽起來很近,所以有節奏感。
"Go the way of other cautionary tales" 又是一個文筆很好的寫法,就是「變得跟那些拿來警惕大家的故事一樣」的意思。
這邊他們把最壞的可能性帶進來:就是台灣可能變得跟那些 cautionary tales 一樣。
但因為他們寫 "concern is now growing...",又沒有說「誰的 concern」,所以應該要馬上帶具有可信度的 source 進來:
“If they have 300 diagnosed cases, they have 3,000 cases in the community -- they just don’t know it.” said Gregory Poland, a virologist and director of the Mayo Clinic’s Vaccine Research Group. “It’s going to require a hard lockdown, what’s called a circuit-breaker approach, and then getting the vaccine out as quickly as they can.”
這樣就比較有可信度了,也指出一個解決的可能性:lock down,然後疫苗。
需要完整分析的同學請留言「看 Bloomberg學資深記者如何寫文章」。
我們每天都在看跟英文溝通/寫作有關的東西,如果想要透過這些「閱讀筆記」跟我們一起看,可在 FB 追蹤我們:https://www.facebook.com/presentality/
📌 看貝佐斯致亞馬遜股東的最後一封信,學一些英文寫作小撇步
📌 英文演講實用的結構與技巧
📌 在演講中的四種敘述角度
📌 詩人Amanda Gorman的英文演講技巧
📌 從 Most Dangerous Place 文章,看經濟學人寫作邏輯
📌 寫作的終極目標是「提供價值」
cautionary 在 本土研究社 Liber Research Community Facebook 的最讚貼文
前排本研研究員發現荔枝窩村口嘅告示牌,變成一部發光LED mon,連同另外三部於其他郊野公園嘅相同設施,盛惠92萬。花近百萬【註1】,以為有咩超卓功能,例如會閃出金光,但原來只係播天氣同宣傳短片 ,淪為「廢mon」,連原有指示牌實用、遊人必須嘅嘅荔枝窩村地圖都拆埋。
漁護署辯護話,LED mon 可以提供即時資訊例如突變天氣,令行山人士可以更改路線,仲好醒咁話過咗6點後會熄螢幕【註2】,唔會有光害咁話喎 (行夜山就無突變天氣?其實天文台app 亦有特別天氣告示,荔枝窩亦收到電話訊號,同樣資訊電話都睇到)。
▍郊野告示牌哲學(The philosophy of the display of signs in the Countryside)
一份有關郊野公園策劃嘅港英解密文件表明【註3】,所有告示板都屬城市入侵物(urban intrusion),所以豎立告示牌時必須謹慎,可免則免(kept to a minimum),所以郊野公園設施大多都會運用天然簡樸嘅風格,提供少而精嘅資訊之餘又會同環境融為一體。故此郊野公園告示牌需要有效、不突兀同點到即止(effective, discreet and adequate for their purpose)。
天條一:唔好廢 (no real function)
要避免一啲無聊或無意義(no real function)嘅告示。文件特別指出,好多警告類告示,其實都無實際功用(many cautionary signs come into this category)。突變天氣資料屬警告類資訊,但呢項資訊手機都睇到,甚至你事先已經feel 到天氣將變,為提供天氣資料而整個發光螢幕係一個固定位置,絕對係無聊。
天條二:唔好無效 (ineffective)
郊遊前要做足準備,包括check 天氣,呢樣嘢政府宣傳片都有講。而家放個LED mon 出來,如此「貼心」,即係鼓勵人出門前唔使做準備。天有不測之風雲,而且隔咗座山,局部地區天氣都可以好唔同,係萬變嘅情況下,一部價值$2,300、可以便攜嘅手提電話有用啲,定抑或固定係村口、價值$23萬嘅LED mon 更有效?
天條三:唔好核突、低俗 (ugly and vulgar)
文件提及,隨著郊野公園設施日漸豐富,告示牌亦會越來越多,但必須理性規劃,否則結果必然係混亂,會出現無效、核突、低俗嘅告示(unless this is done in a rational way the result maybe chaotic and the environment may be affronted by signs which are ineffective, vulgar and ugly)。
根據守則,告示連形狀、顏色都要小心考慮(signs should be discreet with care and used with discretion),但現今政府竟然將一座發光發聲嘅LED mon 放喺寧靜郊野,呢種一啲心思都無嘅粗放式發展,同周遭環境不匹配,但又無考慮過郊遊人士嘅切實需要,以為有光有聲又”high-tech” 就係好,既核突又低俗。
文件又提及,一件好嘅郊外設施應只需要最少嘅維修(should require a minimum of maintenance)。LED mon 本身就屬室內設施,放喺郊外日曬雨淋,除咗要諗防水、仲要諗日夜溫差大對零件嘅損耗,維修費必然高。漁護署交代每個螢幕$23萬成本時,亦指明當中只包括3年保養期,可能連製造商都知道呢個LED mon 命不久矣,3年之內會打柴。
▍郊野公園新揸fit 人-旅遊事務署
無論從功能到設計,都睇得出呢啲新嘅又廢又突兀嘅設施唔係為行山客,而係為咗迎接「鴨仔團」之類mass tourism而設,繼而不加思索,係郊外地方硬插呢啲又大又閃,破壞郊野嘅原汁原味嘅設施。
而且螢光幕已顯示埋商務及經濟發展局轄下嘅旅遊事務署嘅logo,顯示郊野公園揸fit 人已換人,亦證明政府已經套用旅遊概念,而非 #保育為先 嘅諗法去發展呢啲突兀設施(不斷設立呢啲大大舊閃光設施本身亦未必係一種好嘅旅遊概念),所以出現郊野巨mon、龍脊嘅「龍爪」、升級豪華營地、樹頂歷奇等入侵性設施,將為郊野公園帶來一場浩劫。
▍漁護署 查詢及投訴
【 #搞乜郊野 】郊公主題樂園狂想曲:
【註1】明報 2021年4月6日 漁護署郊野公園設4電子顯示屏 每個23萬元被批「小白象」 https://bit.ly/2PGEAMr
【註2】郊野公園教育活動計劃 Country Parks Education Programmes 【郊野公園有個Mon🤔】
【註3】Notice and Signs in the Countryside, in HKRS287-1-806-1 The Use and Conservation of the Countryside Advisory Committee for New Territories, Hong Kong Public Records Office
FPS ID:5390547
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