

在 braver產品中有231篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過9萬的網紅夫夫之道Fufuknows,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 23.⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡ 面對不理解與惡意,⁡ 你仍然張開雙手擁抱,⁡ 比任何人都盡力的活著,⁡ 在我眼裡,你其實比你想像都還要勇敢。⁡   Despite rude comments and refusal to understand⁡. You still welcomed everyone...

 同時也有29部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1,890的網紅阿布拉棒棒雞,也在其Youtube影片中提到,00:00 - 開場 00:57 - 名稱介紹 01:29 - 少女前線 04:01 - 少前:蹫境 05:06 - 逆向坍塌:麵包房行動 06:35 - 少前:雲圖計畫 09:13 - 少前2:追放 11:00 - 總結 FB粉專: https://www.facebook.com/KoNoB...

braver 在 Ariel C. ? Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-24 09:50:27

- Pain makes you stronger, fear makes you braver, heartbreak makes you wiser. 痛苦使你更強大! 恐懼讓你更勇敢! 心碎讓你更明智! - 👰‍♀️小夫妻每月蜜月之旅無私分享🤵‍♂️ - ✨Day 1 8:00出門 (3hr...

  • braver 在 夫夫之道Fufuknows Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-07 18:36:16
    有 327 人按讚

    Despite rude comments and refusal to understand⁡.
    You still welcomed everyone with open arms⁡.
    Living your life to the fullest⁡.
    I hope you know, you are braver than you imagined yourself to be.⁡ 
    ⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡#生活百閃 #百親計劃 #100kiss⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡

  • braver 在 A Happy Mum Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-13 01:39:45
    有 491 人按讚

    Today was the first day of PSLE.

    I thought I did quite a good job by waking the big girl up, making her French Toast, braiding her hair and writing her a letter of encouragement - with her favourite Sumikko Gurashi design - to wish her all the best.

    But this girl, she touches me in ways I never expect and brings joy through the little things she does. Not only does she make life happier for me, she is also my motivation to be a better, braver and stronger mum.

    This afternoon, after enduring an over 4-hour wait in school due to a technical glitch during her oral exam and only having a bun and biscuit between 7am to 230pm, she came back home on her own, hungry but not whiny. I served her a big bowl of herbal chicken soup with mee sua which she ate heartily before taking a rest.

    In the evening, she helped me to take care of the baby and after dinner, we watched a couple of hours of TV to relax, including AGT and Just for Laughs Gags, because I do think it's more important for her to feel happy than stressed at this point.

    Before she went to bed, she wrote this sweet thank you letter for me which I totally didn't see coming and it totally melted my heart. Ironically, it's day 1 of her major exam yet she cheered and lifted me up more than what I did for her. Awwww. And I think I needed this.

    Love you so much, my dear Angel. No matter what happens, you know I will always, always be proud of you. Thank you for being you.

    All the best to those who are taking their PSLE too! ❤

    P.S. She also dropped her molar, which is her 18th tooth, tonight too. Yup, only two more milk teeth to go and her last few visits from Tooth Fairy. This girl is growing up so fast and it's a bittersweet feeling but I am embracing every moment of seeing her mature into a fine young lady.

    #ahappymum #psle #firstborn #thankfulforyou #growingup #motherhood #heartfelt

  • braver 在 IMDB看電影學英文 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-09 14:15:48
    有 20 人按讚

    Home, is it just a word? Or is it something that you carry within you? - Nomadland

    榮獲2021 The Academy #最佳導演 #最佳影片 #最佳女主角 《#游牧人生》講述了一個女人離開自己的小鎮在美國中西部地區遊歷的故事......



    🚙 I’m not homeless. I’m just houseless.

    🚙 You maybe seemed weird, but it was just because you were braver and more honest than everybody else

    🚙 It’s strange that you encourage people to invest their whole life savings, go into debt, just to buy a house they can’t afford.

    🚙 I don’t ever say a final goodbye. Let’s just say,”I’ll see you down the road”. And I do. I see them again. And I can be certain in my heart, I’ll see you again.

  • braver 在 阿布拉棒棒雞 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-07-24 18:00:14

    00:00 - 開場
    00:57 - 名稱介紹
    01:29 - 少女前線
    04:01 - 少前:蹫境
    05:06 - 逆向坍塌:麵包房行動
    06:35 - 少前:雲圖計畫
    09:13 - 少前2:追放
    11:00 - 總結

    逆向坍塌:麵包房行動 Steam商店頁面:

    Ucchii0 - The Braver

  • braver 在 Porknuckle Gaming Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-06-29 19:58:35

    今天晚上台灣時間7:30有新的NGS的放送節目《NGS Headline》

    00:00 節目開始
    07:28 放送開始
    10:37 7月份更新PV
    16:43 7月份更新情報詳情
    23:22 8月新職業Braver影片
    25:56 NGS周邊情報
    29:51 放送結束


    (C) SEGA
    “Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis” Official Website



    ※【VTuber NAYA】


    Thanks for checkin'!
    If you like my videos, please subscribe and leave a like!

    #PSO2 #夢幻之星 #NGS

  • braver 在 大象體操Elephant Gym Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-04-14 12:00:00



    大象體操2021年度單曲《穿過夜晚》,創作始於與日本樂團toe在疫情期間舉辦的線上合作演出。與toe的團員討論後,取樣其經典曲目 "Two Moons" 的木吉他音軌重新創作,除向喜愛的樂團致敬,也以大象體操的器樂特色詮釋夢境虛實交雜的獨特場景,為探討夢境作為主題的下一張專輯揭開序幕。

    “Go Through the Night”

    When the night fell, the familiar daily life gradually faded.
    I could feel the passing through distorted time and picture.
    There, I met you, more vivid than I remembered.
    There was another me, braver than ever.
    Together, we walked toward the unknown, where the rules were changed.

    The moment we opened our eyes, we have gone through the night.

    Stemming from their recent collaboration with the Japanese band toe, Elephant Gym’s new single “Go Through the Night” fluidly interpolates the classic toe song “Two Moons” into their unique scene where reality intertwines with dreamworld illusions.

    Peppered with chopped samples of the acoustic guitar from “Two Moons,” the Taiwanese trio’s expansion on their beloved song is stamped with KT Chang’s signature basslines that twist nimbly into her brother Tell’s gorgeous piano melodies. While glued together through drummer Tu Chia-Chin’s tactful, pinpoint-precise drumming, the song maintains a dreamlike air, with passages shifting inexplicably and abruptly in a way that still feels natural.

    This blurring of boundaries between Elephant Gym’s dreamscape and reality is the central theme of “Go Through the Night,” and doubles as the band’s opening statement for their upcoming album centered on dreams.

    ◎數位平台聆聽 Listen on Streaming 🎧

    ◎Purchase it on Bandcamp ⬇️

    🔥 新單曲全台巡迴場次&售票連結🔗

    5/07(五)台北 海邊的卡夫卡
    5/08(六)桃園 ThERE
    5/09(日)新竹 彌聲
    5/14(五)高雄 百樂門酒館
    5/15(六)彰化 福大祿昌
    5/21(五)台北 樂悠悠之口 光復南
    5/23(日)台中 Legacy Taichung chako
    5/29(六)台南 TCRC Livehouse
    5/30(日)高雄 百樂門酒館
    6/04(五)台北 Revolver
    6/05(六)台中 洞穴 The Cave
    6/12(六)台南 Seety新城視
    6/13(日)台東 鐵花村音樂聚落

    ◎iNDIEVOX購票系統、7-11 ibon購票
    #新單曲全台巡迴售票中 #完售倒數

    【音樂製作 Music Production】

    製作 Producer:大象體操 Elephant Gym
    作曲 Composer:大象體操 Elephant Gym
    編曲 Arrangement:大象體操 Elephant Gym
    鍵盤 Keyboard:張凱翔 Tell Chang
    電貝斯 Electric Bass:張凱婷 KT Chang
    鼓 Drums:涂嘉欽 Chia-Chin Tu
    取樣 Sample:”Two Moons” by toe, used by permission of Machupicchu INDUSTRIAS Inc.
    錄音工程師 Recording Engineer:陳瑩哲 Ying-Che Chen
    錄音室 Recording Studio:大象體操錄音室 Elephant Gym Studio
    混音工程師 Mixing Engineer : 陳文駿 AJ Chen
    母帶後期處理工程師 Mastering Engineer : 王秉皇 Ben Wang
    母帶後期處理錄音室 Mastering Studio : 洋活音樂 SeaSide Mastering
    樂團經紀 Band Manager:伊晉褕 Eric Yi

    【MV製作 Music Video Production】

    -On Set-
    Cheng-Wei Liu|Chun-Chieh Wang|Dou Tung
    Jamie Kao|Marcus Jheng|Sebox Hong|Sid Lin

    Abby Wan|Phoebe Lu

    Fang-Yu Su|Gafferland|GPS Studio|Merry Go Round Inc.

    Kaohsiung VR FILM LAB

